32 research outputs found

    Projektai mokymosi procese: iniciatyvumą įgalinantys aspektai

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas projektų metodas kaip reikšminga prieiga sukurti veiksmingąmokymosi terpę, kurioje vyrauja palaikymo, motyvuojantys ir besimokančiųjųiniciatyvumą (angl. proactiveness) įgalinantys veiksniai. Projektų metodo svarbai,įgalinant iniciatyvumą, konceptualizuoti pasirinktos trys metodologinės prielaidos:Apsisprendimo ir Pakilumo teorijos, Herzbergo bazinė vadybos mokslo teorija ir Apribojimųteorija. Pirma – besimokančiajam įgalinti reikalingas nuolatinis iššūkis, kaiatliekamas gana sudėtingas, bet paties pasirinktas, jo gabumus, žinias, mokėjimusir įgūdžius atitinkantis darbas (Apsisprendimo ir Pakilumo teorijos), antra – „užsidegimas“,ypatingos pastangos ir energija, kai sukuriama teigiama emocinė aplinka,kurioje vyrauja palaikantys ir motyvuojantys veiksniai (Herzbergo bazinė vadybosmokslo teorija), trečia – svarbios ambicijos ir tikėjimas, prieš kuriuos netenka galiosjokie apribojantys veiksniai, išlaisvina žmogaus kūrybines galias iniciatyviai ir prasmingaiveiklai (Apribojimų teorija). Andragogo tapsmas jungiamąja grandimi tarpaplinkos ir besimokančiųjų, prisiimtas mediatoriaus vaidmuo projektinėje veikloje,autorių nuomone, gali būti reikšminga sąlyga veiksmingai mokymosi aplinkai sukurtiir besimokančiųjų iniciatyvumui įgalinti.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: projektų metodas, iniciatyvumas*, įgalinimas, palaikymo,motyvuojantys, apribojantys veiksniai, mediatoriaus vaidmuo. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v6i0.121

    Suaugusiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtojimas projektų metodu

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamos bendrosios kompetencijos kaip esminė prielaida aktyviai suaugusiojo veiklai ir prasmingam buvimui nuolatinės kaitos sąlygomis. Akcentuojama, kad suaugusiųjų mokymosi procese bendrosios kompetencijos įgyja didžiausią svarbą suaugusiojo asmenybės plėtrai, siekiant jos pilnutinės vertingos raiškos gyvenime, veikloje. Projektų metodo taikymas suaugusiųjų mokymosi procese sudaro palankią terpę, užtikrinančią savaimingą besimokančiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtojimą. Besimokantieji, įsitraukdami į projektą, ugdosi savarankiškumą, lavinasi bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo gebėjimus ir įgūdžius, patiria asmenybės pokyčius (transformaciją), jos vystymąsi ir tobulėjimą, t. y. plėtoja bendrąsias kompetencijas. Besimokančiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtotė projekto metodu grindžiama išsamiai aptariant bendrosios kompetencijos sampratą, jos tipologiją, svarbą suaugusiųjų gyvenimui, profesinei veiklai. Pažymima, kad projektų metodo taikymas mokymosi procese padeda suaugusiesiems plėtoti bendrąsias kompetencijas, tiesiogiai susijusias su asmens gebėjimais, kas turi lemiamą reikšmę jų asmenybės augimui ir tobulėjimui.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: bendroji kompetencija, projektų metodas, asmenybės tobulėjimas.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v7i0.138


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    Problem definition: what is the attitude of andragogy practitioners’ and university teachers’ on the importance of reflection and professional development of andragogue  while conducting performance analysis.Research objective: to theoretically analyze and to empirically reason the possibilities of andragogue’s professional development while executing performance tests.Tasks:To analyze the concept of andragogue‘s professional development.To explore the nature of performance analysis, highlighting its characteristics and applicability to professional development.To investigate the approach of andragogues towards andragogue’s professional development possibilities using performance analysis.Methods: analysis of scientific literature, oral interview, comparative analysis.The theoretical analysis showed that the need for professional improvement is caused by the constantly evolving and creativity demanding andragogue teacher’s activity, that binds to continuously adapt and to improve their performance. The performance reflection is named as a key opportunity to ensure a systematic and well targeted performance improvement.The research results showed that for all surveyed informants who participated in interviews the performance analysis through reflection has a significant impact in andragogue’s professional development. Reflection is perceived as a tool for professional improvement that allows to achieve a higher performance quality, to progress, to observe professional situations from a different perspective, to discover new aspects with more meanings and connections to previous experiences. Reflection is related to learning from experience.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v8i0.172


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    In conclusion, it can be said that learning environment is divided into five structural elements: the physical, psychological, social, intellectual and administrative environments. The authors (Wilson, 1995, Bowden, Marton 1998) using a term of the learning environment, emphasizes the environment created by the andragog. There are four dimensions: content, teaching methods, learning task sequence / reconciliation and social context. According to L. Šiaučiukėnienė et al. (2006: 210) the elements of the learning environment can be distinguished as: information sources, physical or virtual space, learning skills and experience, social interaction. A learning environment can be treated as natural and as designed, but they must have an educational impact for the individual and educational value, i.e. the ability to education facilities to help someone to prepare for life and how to solve problems of the activities. The adaptation of the learning environment for the needs of disabled learners is important, because it is an opportunity to attract students to private or other schools. Another noticeable benefit received by the institution of higher education, is that people with disabilities are changing attitudes among students and teachers which helps to humanize the environment. Speaking about the informational learning environment, accommodated to the learners with disabilities in the „Methodology of the informational environment development for people with disabilities“ it is explained that the general requirements for increasing the availability of the informational environment are these: 1) to use the measures to enhance the availability of operating system functionality without compromising information environment; 2) to ensure consistency with helping measures that increases the availability; 3) all functions must be available by using only keyboard; 4) to submit documentation and instructions available for learners with disabilities, (including electronic form); 5) to use a simple, easy understandable language in the documentations, instructions and emergency measures, in addition with the illustrative descriptions if necessary; 6) to provide details of the measures which increases the availability of all descriptions and explanations; 7) to provide a logical sequence of transitions between management orders, input boxes, and other objects; 8) introduce technical staff with the creation of informational environment for people with disabilities and with reduced opportunities for education system; 9) to ensure the support and assistance of the created informational environment on account of accessibility problems. There are plenty of e-learning systems, for example, „Moodle“, „Lotus Learning Space“, „Oracle Learning“, „SABA Learning Enterprise“, „ATutor, IntraLearn“, „ReadyGo“, WCB, „Blackboard“, „WBTExpress“, „EWS Editor“, „Lotus Virtual Classroom“, „Edmodo“, „Schoology“, etc.After analyzing the approach of andragogs towards the enviroment that meets the special needs for learners with physical disability, the importance of creativity and other peculiarities, it is concluded, that the insufficiently secured or unsecured learning environment has a negative impact on the quality of communication, the social inclusion of people with disabilities, learning outcomes and causes a number of problems. According to adult educators‘, this requires detailed knowledge of psychology and practical communication skills with physically disabled learners, learning environment with additional visualization and adjustment program items. It is necessary to pay more material / financial resources of the environmental improvement. This requires a purposeful attentiveness of the whole KU community.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v8i0.172


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    The main goal of social services is to satisfy the vital needs of individuals when they are unable to achieve them by themselves, to restore peopleʼs abilities to function independently in society and to provide them for prevention purposes, in order to prevent problems. People working in social services sector must have sufficient knowledge, skills and appropriate competencies.The scientific problem: what kind of competencies are needed for social service providerʼs work and how they might be improved?Subject: competencies of social service provider and possibilities to improve them.Objective: to analyze theoretically and empirically reveal the important competencies for social services providersʼ work and ways for improvement.The scientific literature suggests that the social service providerʼs field of activity is to provide support/assistance. The study revealed that the social service provider activity raises challenges and promotes the need to constantly improve the professional competence. The most important reason for social workers professional development is the improvement of their work quality, acquiring new knowledge and the development of practical skills. In particular, there is a lack of adult education and training knowledge, decision-making, analytical knowledge, teamwork and collaboration, intelligence gathering and evaluation and planning skills. The most effective forms of training informants indicated cooperation with related institutions and participation in training events.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v8i0.171

    Integrity of theory and practice from the viewpoint of students' experience and assessment

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama teorijos ir praktikos integralumas andragogams rengiantis profesinei veiklai, kuris atsiskleidžia andragogikos studijų programos studentų atliekamoje profesinėje praktikoje. Šiuolaikinis požiūris į teorijos ir praktikos santykį studijose suponuoja, kad teorija ir praktika yra neatsiejamos, nors tam tikru požiūriu ir konfliktuojančios, studijų proceso dalys. Akcentuojama, kad teorinis ir praktinis mokymas yra vientiso proceso komponentai, susisiejantys į skirtingų, bet vienas kitą papildančių patyrimų visumą, kas akivaizdžiai išryškėja studentams atliekant praktiką. Būtent praktika sudaro sąlygas studentams pritaikyti turimas teorines žinias ir praktinius įgūdžius konkrečiose darbo situacijose ir įgyti gebėjimus ar patirtį, reikalingą būsimai profesinei veiklai. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas išryškino studentų požiūrį į teorijos ir praktikos vienovę profesinėje praktikoje. Įvertintas atliekamos profesinės praktikos naudingumas būsimai andragogų profesinei veiklai. Praktikos metu apklaustieji atskleidė teorinių ir praktinių žinių taikymo realiose praktinėse situacijose aspektus. Tyrimu išryškinti profesinės praktikos privalumai ir trūkumai andragogikos studijų procese, kas leidžia Andragogikos katedrai pasitikrinti vykdomų studijų kokybę, koreguoti studijų programą ir pritaikyti ją prie kintančios aplinkos poreikių.[...] After evaluation of insights of local and foreign researchers (Baranauskiene, 2003; Foley, 2007; Siebert, 2007; Kondrataviciene et al., 2007; Ibenskyte, 2008; Raudeliunaite, 2008; Nedinskas, 2009; Matikoviene, 2009; Matonyte et al., 2010; Stasiunaitienė et al., 2011 et al.) it is possible to presume that in the process of practice students are provided with conditions for employment of available theoretical knowledge and abilities in specific labour related situations, gaining of abilities and experience that will be necessary in further vocational activity. However, different and numerous research point to the fact that still relevant is a problem, related to a huge gap between graduates’ knowledge and abilities, acquired at the university and abilities that are necessary at a workplace. To train good specialists – practitioners it is necessary to enhance the significance of practical training, joining students’ individual experience and theoretical knowledge. It is to be noted that the problem in the process of training was analyzed by specialists of different fields, however, it is almost unexplored in the training of adult educators. This is why the article attempts to touch a scientific problem: how vocational practice contributes to security of andragogues’ theoretical and practical readiness for vocational activity? Aim of the research: to analyze and ground integrity of theory and practice from the viewpoint of experience of future adult educators and assessment. Accomplished theoretical and empiric analysis enabled to shape following findings: Vocational practice of adult educators must be a combination of theoretical and practical learning processes, which enables to construct and transform students’ experience, knowledge, skills, approach, values, credo, sensations and meanings. This experience stimulates andragogues for further improvement of their theoretical knowledge and striving for vocational perfection. When having practice in different institutions and companies, future andragogues help the department of Andragogy to check and test the quality of its implemented studies, to correct the study programme and apply it for demands of changing environment. Analysis of the research data shows that theory and practice within vocational practice of andragogy programme unite into one single entirety and assist in training of students for their vocational activity. A student’s practical experience is treated as the major factor in performance of his practice, whereas gained theoretical knowledge remain to be relevant in his future vocational activity. Received information and data enable to maintain that the majority of students are satisfied with their own theoretical and practical knowledge as well as its employment in practical activities. They are certain that performed practice appeared to be useful for development and improvement own andragogic competences. According to most of respondents, practice assists in more objective (impartial) self-assessment of own vocational competences

    Andragogic interaction : from habitualization to transformative learning

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama andragoginė sąveika, grindžiama sąveikaujančių joje asmenų (suaugusiojo, andragogo, kitų besimokančiųjų grupėje) santykių glaudumu. Akcentuojama, kad tokioje sąveikoje labai svarbus yra tarpusavio bendravimas, skatinantis konstruoti ir transformuoti žinias, kai besimokantieji bendradarbiaudami kuria naujas koncepcijas ir įgūdžius. Todėl dėmesys straipsnyje telkiamas į tai, kad andragoginėje sąveikoje kiekvienas suaugusysis mokymosi procese veikia, mąsto skirtingai: nuo habitualizacijos (stereotipinio pasikartojančio elgesio modelio įvairiose mokymosi situacijose) iki transformuojančiojo mokymosi, kuris padeda jiems tapti kritiškai sąmoningiems. Straipsnyje aptariant habitualizacijos sampratą, jos raišką andragoginėje sąveikoje, išryškinamas labiau neigiamas habitualizacijos poveikis suaugusiųjų mokymuisi nei teigiamas. Analizuojami suaugusiųjų, turinčių habitualizuotą mokymosi patirtį, patiriami mokymosi sunkumai, kurie kartais net veda prie abejingo arba priešiško mokymosi arba nesimokymo. Pasitelkus J. Mezirow sukurtą perspektyvos transformacijos teoriją, siekiama atskleisti, kaip besimokantieji gali įveikti ir sutraukyti habitualizuotą mokymosi patirtį bei transformuoti mokymąsi, t. y. tobulinti, gilinti ir taisyti savo žinių statinius. Teorinė transformuojančiojo mokymosi analizė pagrindžia ir konceptualizuoja andragoginės sąveikos esmę suaugusiųjų mokymosi procese ir kartu natūraliai eliminuoja habitualizuotą besimokančiųjų mokymosi patirtį Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragoginė sąveika; Habitualizacija; Kritinė refleksija; Patirtis; Transformuojantysis mokymas; Andragogic interaction; Critical reflection; Experience; Habitualization; Transformational learningThe paper analyses andragogic interaction, based on the closeness of relationships of interacting persons (adult, andragogue, other learners in the group). Mutual communication is very important in this interaction; it leads to the process of knowledge construction and transformation, when learners cooperate in the development of new conceptions and skills. The paper focuses on the fact that learners act and think differently in andragogic interaction: from habitualization (stereotyped recurring behaviour in different learning situations) to transformative learning that helps them to become critically aware. When discussing the concept of habitualization and its expression in andragogic interaction a more negative than positive habitualization impact on adult learning is highlighted. The paper analyses the learning difficulties faced by adults who have a habitual learning experience, which may sometimes lead to indifferent or hostile learning or non-learning. Based on J. Mezirow’s theory on transformation of perspective, the paper seeks to reveal how learners may overcome and eliminate their habitual learning experience as well as transform learning, i.e. to improve, deepen and correct their knowledge. The theoretical analysis of transforming learning substantiates and conceptualizes the essence of andragogic interaction in the process of adult learning and naturally eliminates habitual learning experience

    Integrity of theory and practice from the viewpoint of students’ experience and assessment

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama teorijos ir praktikos integralumas andragogams rengiantis profesineiveiklai, kuris atsiskleidžia andragogikos studijų programos studentų atliekamoje profesinėjepraktikoje. Šiuolaikinis požiūris į teorijos ir praktikos santykį studijose suponuoja,kad teorija ir praktika yra neatsiejamos, nors tam tikru požiūriu ir konfliktuojančios, studijųproceso dalys. Akcentuojama, kad teorinis ir praktinis mokymas yra vientiso proceso komponentai,susisiejantys į skirtingų, bet vienas kitą papildančių patyrimų visumą, kas akivaizdžiaiišryškėja studentams atliekant praktiką. Būtent praktika sudaro sąlygas studentamspritaikyti turimas teorines žinias ir praktinius įgūdžius konkrečiose darbo situacijose ir įgytigebėjimus ar patirtį, reikalingą būsimai profesinei veiklai.Atliktas empirinis tyrimas išryškino studentų požiūrį į teorijos ir praktikos vienovęprofesinėje praktikoje. Įvertintas atliekamos profesinės praktikos naudingumas būsimaiandragogų profesinei veiklai. Praktikos metu apklaustieji atskleidė teorinių irpraktinių žinių taikymo realiose praktinėse situacijose aspektus. Tyrimu išryškintiprofesinės praktikos privalumai ir trūkumai andragogikos studijų procese, kas leidžiaAndragogikos katedrai pasitikrinti vykdomų studijų kokybę, koreguoti studijų programąir pritaikyti ją prie kintančios aplinkos poreikių.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: andragogikos studijos, profesinė praktika, integralumas,praktinė patirtis

    Development of adultsʼ key competences by the project method

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    The character of alterations in the learning process of modern society shows itself in new orientations, strategies, technologies, methods, means and principles. Less topical for a continuously learning society becomes the content of academic training, whereas general education, securing development of mental and spiritual powers becomes more and more important. It is treated as a tool, preconditioning the overall acquisition of vocational qualification and stimulating a lifelong development of an individual personality. One of the alteration elements in the systemic approach to the process of learning is the Project method, assisting in efficient development and improvement of interaction among those participating in this process, securing synthesis of theory and practice, positive transformation of learner’s personality and alteration of its expression (activity, behaviour). Many authors (Adderley et al., 1975; Skreien, Tobiassen, 1996; Petty, 2007; Laužackas, 2005; Birgelytė, 2005; 2006; 2008; Clements et al., 2006; Игнатова, Сушкова, 2011; Несговорова, 2013; et al.) note that employment of the Project method in the process of learning becomes exceptionally important in development and improvement of adults’ key competences. This article analyses the scientific problem: what are possibilities and opportunities for employment of the Project method in development and improvement of adult learners’ key competences?Aim of the research: to make analysis of possibilities and opportunities for employment of the Project method in development and improvement of adult learners’ key competences. A performed analysis of scientific literature enabled to shape the following findings. Employment of the Project method in the process of adult education is not only a stimulus for proactive, motivated and inventive activity of learners, who create new knowledge, integrate it together with practical knowledge into overall entirety, discuss it together with already available experience. It is also one of the methods, assisting in transformation of learners’ personality and their activities. The Project method that is a flexible model in the organization of the learning process and this model is focused on an inventive, self-realizing personality of an adult learner, creating something new in real life situations and improving his/her key competences. Key competences are abilities of extensive purpose and large range of employment. Their development is mostly based on personal properties. These competences can be employed in different situations and they predetermine the quality of personal development, efficiency of labour activity and success of social life.Development of key competences in the process of learning allows learners to “step over” different frontiers – they create favorable conditions for communication and cooperation, assist in continuous learning and improvement, develop flexibility in vocational activities, assist in becoming a purposive and active member of a vocational community and society, in building of a meaningful life. These competences unite and join separate knowledge, abilities and positions into one entirety and direct it knowingly towards the desired direction. Development of adults’ key competences during a project takes place as a spontaneous process, where learners’ personal aspirations coincide with the offered opportunities, directly related to a person’s abilities for self-education: self-dependence, tolerance, activeness, responsibility, spontaneity, creativeness, independence (autonomy), communication, flexibility, self-regulative behaviour, self-confidence, positive self-evaluation, etc. Adults’ key competences, developed in the project activity predetermine the development and improvement of their personality