9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Adisi Nano-TiO2 pada Bahan Bakar Diesel Pertamina Dex pada Emisi Gas Buang

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    The increase in the number of diesel vehicles in Indonesia leads to increased demand for diesel fuel energy, so the use of fuel must be managed as effectively and efficiently as possible. In this research, the addition of TiO2 nanoparticle additives to Pertamina Dex was carried out, using ultrasonic bath method. Each batch of synthesis was carried out in a capacity of 200 mL for 20 minutes, with a loading variation of Nano-TiO2 in Pertamina Dex from 0 mg/L to 200 mg/L. Then they were tested for physical properties such as density, viscosity, flash point and calorific value. They also tested for emission test. It was found that physical properties such as density, viscosity, flash point and calorific value of Pertamina Dex-Nano TiO2 did not change significantly. As of emission test, hydrocarbon emission test result showed 80% decrease, NOx emission test result showed 51% decrease, CO emission test result showed 47% decrease, CO2 emission test result showed 29% increase. Decrease of NOx achieved by lowering peak flame temperature after Nano-TiO2 was added. Decrease of hydrocarbon, decrease of CO and increase of CO2 emission achieved by higher rate of perfect combustion, from O2 supplied by Nano-TiO2

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi pada Media Sosial dalam Perencanaan Strategi Bisnis Global

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, terutama dalam konteks media sosial, telah membentuk landasan integral dalam perencanaan strategi bisnis global di era digital. Transformasi ini tidak hanya mencakup peningkatan citra merek dan keterlibatan konsumen, tetapi juga merestrukturisasi dasar-dasar bisnis global, termasuk komunikasi, interaksi pelanggan, dan kolaborasi antarperusahaan. Pemanfaatan media sosial memungkinkan interaksi dua arah yang intens, memperluas wawasan tentang preferensi konsumen, sikap terhadap produk, dan tren pasar global. Namun, tantangan seperti manajemen reputasi dan respons cepat menjadi perhatian penting. Integrasi yang efektif dari media sosial dalam strategi global menjadi kunci kesuksesan, dengan pemahaman mendalam tentang pasar dan pemantauan terus-menerus terhadap perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian ini menjelajahi dampak konkret perkembangan teknologi informasi, khususnya di media sosial, terhadap aspek-aspek strategis bisnis global. Kesimpulannya, adaptasi terhadap perubahan dinamika pasar dan terus-menerus menyempurnakan strategi menjadi esensial dalam menjaga daya saing di era digital yang terhubung secara global

    Penerapan Odoo sebagai Platform E-Commerce untuk Pengembangan Bisnis Online: Pendekatan Praktis dan Studi Kasus

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    This research aims to explore the use of Odoo as an e-commerce platform in online business development, as well as how companies can increase sales and brand awareness through this platform. Odoo is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, but many companies still use traditional methods in their business operations. This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on case studies. Data was collected through a literature study covering e-commerce, Odoo, and online business development, as well as observation of Odoo implementation in the subject business. Thematic analysis was used to identify patterns and key themes, while data triangulation was conducted to ensure the validity of the findings. The results show that Odoo implementation requires several important steps such as installation, configuration of e-commerce modules, site design and development, and feature testing. The key features of Odoo that support online businesses, such as inventory management, order processing, shipment tracking, and payment integration, are proven to improve operational efficiency and customer experience. The impact of Odoo implementation on business performance includes increased productivity, reduced operational costs, and improved customer satisfaction. This research provides practical guidance for companies considering Odoo adoption, as well as a significant contribution to the e-commerce and information technology literature by identifying effective implementation strategies


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    Penelitian  ini  berfokus pada kumpulan sajak Hyang karya Abdul Wachid B.S.  Pendekatan  yang digunakan dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  pendekatan hermeneutika sebagai metodenya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa kumpulan sajak Hyang karya Abdul Wachid B.S. benar-benar memiliki nilai-nilai spiritualitas, sebagaimana judul bukunya yang mengandung filosofi Ilahiah atau transendental. Hal ini dapat diketahui melalui pengalaman batin Abdul Wachid B.S. yang menempatkan nilai-nilai spiritual dalam puisi-puisinya melalui realitas yang hingga saat ini masih berlangsung. Adapun unsur spiritualitas dalam kumpulan sajak Hyang yaitu, 1) struktur ajaran tasawuf sebagaimana dalam puisinya dapat menjadi manifestasi   Tuhan,   manusia   dan   hubungan   di antara   keduanya;   2) puisinya mengandung pengalaman berpikir para sufi dalam usaha meraih makrifat; 3) puisinya memiliki ajaran   Islam   dan   tradisi   kesufian   yang   membantu manusia untuk mengatur kepribadiannya agar berakhlak mulia

    Pemanfaatan Bubuk Kopi Sebagai Antimikroba pada Pembuatan Sabun

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    Coffee (Coffea spp. L.) is one of the annual plants cultivated in Indonesia and is included in the strategic category. One of the areas for developing coffee plantations in East Java Province is located in Jember Regency with the greatest potential in Pace Village. Robusta coffee cultivation in Pace Village is developed to the post-harvest stage. One of the post-harvest activities for robusta coffee developed by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) is product innovation. The purpose of this research is to create an innovative dish soap product made from robusta coffee powder as an output in the service of Real Work Lectures (KKN) in 2022. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Based on the results of the study, the presence of dish soap is the result of an agro-industrial product with a brown color and a slightly thick texture. The coffee product agroindustry is expected to improve the economy of the Pace Village community and increase the Pace community's ability to process coffee products so that they do not depend on coffee middlemen. &nbsp

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Game Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi “Tooth and Fairy” berbasis Android Menggunakan Unity Engine

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    Pendidikan mengenai kesehatan gigi perlu diajarkan sejak usia dini dikarenakan kebiasaan hidup sehat sejak kecil akan berpengaruh pada saat dewasa. Gigi yang tidak sehat dapat mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi, hubungan sosial, dan kesehatan tubuh lainnya. Pengetahuan mengenai gigi yang sehat dapat diawali dengan memberikan informasi mengenai makanan perusak dan penunjang kesehatan gigi. Informasi mengenai makanan sehat dan tidak sehat untuk gigi sejauh ini diberikan secara konvensional seperti ceramah dan leaflet. Metode konvensional dirasakan kurang menarik, minim visualisasi dan kurang menantang sehingga anak mudah jenuh dalam memahami informasi yang diberikan. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti yaitu merancang dan membuat sebuah game single player berjudul “Tooth and Fairy” dimana menceritakan petualangan sebuah gigi untuk mengumpulkan skor dengan menghindari serta melawan makanan perusak gigi menggunakan alat pembersih gigi. Game “Tooth and Fairy” dimainkan diperangkat Android  terdiri dari tiga level dimana setiap level memiliki musuh dan tantangan yang semakin meningkat. Metode perancangan dalam pembuatan game menggunakan  System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Waterfall dan Game engine yang digunakan yaitu Unity Engine. Pengujian tingkat kelayakan game“Tooth and Fairy” yang dilakukan dalam penelitian terdiri dari pengujian aspek fungsionalitas, realibititas, kompatibilitas, playability dimana diperoleh nilai 98,8%. Hasil pengujian diubah keskala likert dalam arti sangat baik dimana game berjalan tanpa eror, data skor dapat disimpan dalam database, aturan permainan berjalan dengan sangat baik, fitur game serta tombol exit berfungsi dengan sangat baik. AbstractEducation about dental health needs to be taught from an early age because healthy living habits from childhood will affect adulthood. Parents can start knowledge about healthy teeth by providing information about spoilage foods and supporting dental health. Information about healthy and unhealthy food for teeth has been given conventionally, such as lectures and leaflets. Conventional methods are less attractive, have minimal visualization, and less challenging, so that children get bored easily in understanding the information provided. The research conducted by the researcher is to design a single-player game entitled "Tooth and Fairy" and implement it to an Android-based smartphone, at least an Android Jelly Bean device. The game "Tooth and Fairy" tells the adventure of a tooth to collect scores by avoiding and fighting tooth decaying food using a tooth cleaning tool. The game consists of three levels where each level has increasing enemies and challenges. The design method in making games uses the Waterfall System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and the game engine used is Unity Engine. Testing the feasibility level of the game "Tooth and Fairy" carried out in the study consisted of testing aspects of functionality, reliability, compatibility, playability obtained a value of 98.8%. The test results are converted to a Likert scale which means very well where the game runs without errors. The database can store score data, game rules run very well, game features and exit buttons function very well

    Pengaruh Adisi Nano-TiO2 pada Bahan Bakar Diesel Pertamina Dex pada Emisi Gas Buang

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    The increase in the number of diesel vehicles in Indonesia leads to increased demand for diesel fuel energy, so the use of fuel must be managed as effectively and efficiently as possible. In this research, the addition of TiO2 nanoparticle additives to Pertamina Dex was carried out, using ultrasonic bath method. Each batch of synthesis was carried out in a capacity of 200 mL for 20 minutes, with a loading variation of Nano-TiO2 in Pertamina Dex from 0 mg/L to 200 mg/L. Then they were tested for physical properties such as density, viscosity, flash point and calorific value. They also tested for emission test. It was found that physical properties such as density, viscosity, flash point and calorific value of Pertamina Dex-Nano TiO2 did not change significantly. As of emission test, hydrocarbon emission test result showed 80% decrease, NOx emission test result showed 51% decrease, CO emission test result showed 47% decrease, CO2 emission test result showed 29% increase. Decrease of NOx achieved by lowering peak flame temperature after Nano-TiO2 was added. Decrease of hydrocarbon, decrease of CO and increase of CO2 emission achieved by higher rate of perfect combustion, from O2 supplied by Nano-TiO2

    Upaya Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 dengan Penyemprotan Disinfektan dan Pembagian Masker

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    Banyaknya penambahan kasus Covid-19 disebabkan beberapa faktor salah satunya yaitu muncul beragam varian atau mutasi dari Covid-19 termasuk varian Alpha, Beta, Gamma serta yang terbaru varian Delta yang sempat menjadi faktor lonjakan kasus di Indonesia pada Juli lalu. Permasalahan tersebut masih terus berjalan di Indonesia sampai detik ini. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi di era pandemi yaitu kurangnya kepedulian masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan serta kesehatan diri sendiri, selain itu kurang patuhnya masyarakat dalam menaati protokol kesehatan yang sudah dianjurkan oleh pemerintah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, KSM-Tematik Kelompok 105 membuat program yang memiliki tujuan sejalan dengan pemerintah yaitu menanggulangi dan memutus rantai penyebaran Virus Covid-19. Program kerja yang dibuat yaitu pembagian masker dan penyemprotan disinfektan. Pembagian masker bertujuan untuk mengingatkan warga di desa tersebut agar selalu ingat dan patuh terhadap protokol kesehatan. Sedangkan, penyemprotan disinfektan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memusnahkan penyebaran Virus Covid-19 di desa tersebut. Kegiatan tersebut memberikan efek positif, baik dari sisi pemerintah maupun dari sisi masyrakat. Salah satu efek positif yang terjadi yaitu kegiatan tersebut memberikan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mentaati protokol kesehatan secara sukarela dan konsisten