114 research outputs found

    Effects of Pentecostalism on Ecclesiastical Architecture in Nigeria

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    Many factors have been identified as elements of influence on ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria with a view to identifying the effect of Pentecostalism. Lagos was chosen as the study area because it is arguably the most Pentecostal city in the world and the cradle of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. Since the study was explorative in nature, qualitative research methods were adopted in gathering the data and descriptive analysis was used. Findings of the study showed that at the emergence of Pentecostalism the theology and liturgy which were major determinants of ecclesiastical architecture underwent some epochal changes. Earlier practices transformed to evangelism with prosperity messages incorporating African ceremonial functions dominated their theology and liturgy respectively. The leadership of the Churches became predominantly indigenous and the construction of their buildings enjoys primarily local input in terms of construction method, labour and materials. Different building types transformed to adapted Church meeting places. Church buildings became industrial buildings with clear long span interiors because the Churches witnessed high population explosion. The study concluded that Pentecostalism has affected ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria in the areas of these findings not only as part of development but also as an intervention

    Exploration of the Predominant Determinants of Ecclesiastical Architecture in Nigeria

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    As ecclesiastical architecture transformed from one style to another, a number of factors were identified to have influenced their development and many studies argued that one determinant or the other should predominate. Among these determinants five of them that influenced the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria were explored. These determining factors were classified as Existing Building Materials and Current Architectural Style, Basic Theology and liturgy, Free Expression of Styles and the Knowledge of the “Masters”, Moving with Time Like Evangelical Way, and finally Church Building is Heresy and Apostasy. As this study is theoretical and historical in nature, qualitative methods were employed to gather the data and the data were analyzed by description. This study found out that all these determinants were prevalent at different times during the three phases of the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. Two or more of these factors were identified determinants during the same phase. This study concluded that no particular factor predominated throughout the three phases of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeri

    Effects Of Industrial Revolution On Ecclesiastical Architecture In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Faith Tabernacle At Ota

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    The historical process that led to the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria relied on a number of factors and industrial revolution one of these factors. This study examined the effect of industrial revolution on ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria with a view to identifying the new technologies and materials that were employed. Faith Tabernacle at Ota became one of the best cases to study because it was acclaimed the largest church auditorium by the Guinness Book of World Records in January 2008 and arguably one of the ecclesiastical engineering wonders of the age in twentieth century. Since the study was historical in nature, qualitative methods in form of literature, non-participant method in case study and unstructured interview were employed in gathering the data and content analysis with descriptions were used in analysis. The findings showed that the need for unobstructed viewing spaces, quest for its own time, globalization and new theology with liturgy warranted the desire to embrace industrial revolution. New technologies like framed structures, use of machinery and new construction methods emerged. New materials like concrete, timber, steel sections for columns and beams, different forms of glass, vitrified tiles and aluminium were introduced. The study concluded that ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria has had its own fair share of the effect of industrial revolution

    Existing Materials, Current Style and Ecclesiastical Architecture in Nigeria

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    Existing building materials coupled with the current style factor has been identified as one of the predominant determinants of ecclesiastical architecture. This study examined various emerging materials and architectural styles with a view to identify how and why these factors have affected the emergence and development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. The study area was Lagos State because of many reasons. Lagos State was noted as the cradle of Christian evolution and growth in Nigeria. It was a place that pioneered ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. Lagos State was arguably one of the most Christian religious cities in the world having a long history of Independent African Churches dating back to the time of the great influenza epidemic of 1918. Since this study was a theoretical research and historical in nature, qualitative methods in form of literature, unstructured interview and non-participant observation were employed to gather the data and analysis was done by description and content analysis. The study found that building materials and the architectural styles carried theological, liturgical and spiritual meanings of the Church at different times and in different denominations. Each Church determined the choice of materials and style to augment the preached word. This study concluded that these factors carried meanings that were capable to fulfil the mission, vision and the aspirations of various Churches at various times

    Globalization and Ecclesiastical Architecture in Nigeria

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    Globalization cuts across all areas of human endeavor including ecclesiastical architecture. This study examined the influence of globalization on the evolution and development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria with a view to identifying the areas of impact throughout the three phases of church building development. The area of study was Lagos State because of many reasons. The data were collected through literature, interview and field case study approach. The study identified that the first phase of its development (1845-1929) was dominated by foreign input as the established Churches were by foreign Missions that had absolute financial and construction activity control. The second phase was a mixture of both indigenous and foreign inputs as construction industry in Nigeria was still undergoing a formative stage. African Independent Churches evolved and Pentecostalism emerged as collaboration between the indigenous precursors and foreign partners. The theology had an impact on the establishment of church buildings. The third phase borrowed from foreign industrial buildings to accommodate her congregation as the Church witnessed the unprecedented population explosion and economic empowerment. This paper concludes that globalization has had its own positive influence on the evolution and development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeri

    Heresy, Apostasy And Ecclesiastical Architecture In Nigeria

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    Many studies observed that the Church involvement in ecclesiastical architecture for a number of decades amounted to apostasy and heresy. Other studies have also noted that architecture has augmented and has become an impetus to the aspirations and purpose of Christianity. This study examined apostasy and heresy in the Church and how they have affected the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. The three phases of ecclesiastical architecture development were considered. Since this study is theoretical and historical in nature, qualitative methods in form of literature, unstructured interview and non-participant observation were adopted to gather the data. The analysis was done through description and content analysis. The findings of this study showed that, in Nigeria, architecture created identity for the Church, registered the Church’s presence at every location, exhibited the wealth of the Church, encouraged the poor of hope and announced the Church to the world. This study concluded that the issue of apostasy or heresy was not associated with the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. Rather architecture has contributed to the aspirations and purpose of the Church

    Characteristics Of Modern Ecclesiastical Architecture In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Some Selected Church Buildings

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    As each epochal period of ecclesiastical architecture manifested its own characteristics to exhibit its own time, this study investigated the characteristics of modern ecclesiastical architecture in Nigerian between 1980 and 2010 with a view to identifying how the previous epochal period transformed to the period under study. The study area was Lagos State in Nigeria because of a number of reasons. The area pioneered the emergence and development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigerian and arguably the cradle of Christian evolution and growth in Nigeria. It is one of the Christian religious cities in the world having a long history of Independent African Churches. Since this study is historical in nature qualitative research methods were adopted to gather data and also for the analysis. Three Church facilities were selected for this study through random sampling spread across the study area. The study discovered that the period was characterized by high increase in church building stock, functionality and simplicity inspired the designs, creative open floor plans were adopted, materials usage was honest as they were not hidden, roofs had bold lines, windows were primarily for ventilation and lighting and established materials were blended with new materials and new technologies. It noted that there was a departure from the characteristics of the early period in Nigeria. The study concluded that this outcome could form a basis for assessing the characteristics of the future epoc

    Christian Theology, Liturgy And Ecclesiastical Architecture In Nigeria

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    Many studies have identified theology and liturgy as part of the predominant determinants of ecclesiastical architecture. This study examined the trends in the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria with a view to identifying how and why theology and liturgy have affected these trends during the three phases of the development of this architecture. Since this study is theoretical and historical in nature, qualitative methods in form of literature, non-participant observation, unstructured interview and case study were employed to gather the data and analysis was done by description and content analysis. This study selected one church building of the same denomination across the three phases of development for progressive analysis and Lagos State was chosen as the study area because of many of her contributions to the development of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria. This study discovered that architecture of the Church gave denominational identity and at the same time expressed their mode of theology and liturgy. This study noted that space hierarchy and building materials were theologically and liturgically selected. This study concluded that theology and liturgy were primarily predominant in determining ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria across the three phases because they found their expression and augmentation in architectur

    Transformation after Early Ecclesiastical Architecture in Nigeria (1845-1980)

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    Transformation in ecclesiastical architecture had always been noticed from its evolution as each epoch tried to express its own time. This study examined the characteristic factors that led to the transformations from the early period of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria to the second phase of its development. The study area was Lagos because it was the cradle of ecclesiastical architecture in Nigeria and its nature being one of the metropolitan cities in the world encouraged the spread of Christianity which is adjudged to be an urban phenomenon. Since the study was explorative and historic in nature, qualitative research methods were adopted. The findings showed that early Churches in Nigeria were established by foreign missionaries and the administration and construction of their church buildings including financing and supply of labour with materials depended largely on foreign input. The second phase witnessed indigenization of the foreign established Churches and the establishment of African Independent and Pentecostal ones. The patronage of local input in terms of labour force and supply of materials was becoming obvious

    Sustainable Housing Supply in Nigeria Through the Use of Indigenous and Composite Building Materials

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    Housing is one of the basic necessities of life after food. The need and importance of housing to cater for the ever increasing urban population in Nigeria is causing serious challenges to urban dwellers and the government. The high cost of conventional building materials in Nigeria is making the government and the private sector to look for alternative sources of building materials locally, in order to, meet the housing needs of the ever-increasing population. The paper highlights the combination of the use of stabilized earth blocks as an indigenous material for construction and composite building materials in Nigeria, and further stressed that the sustainability of these materials will drastically ameliorate the shortage of housing in Nigeria. Recommendations were made as to how these indigenous and composite building materials can be used to meet the housing needs of majority of the both rural and urban dwellers in Nigeria
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