35 research outputs found

    Relevance of Ijtihad Ibn Taimiyah to Contemporary Jurisprudence

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    The ijtihad Ibn Taimiyyah update was built in two models of ijtihad;  istidlal and istinbat. Relevance strengthening of the naqly istinbat evidence and the approach of rationality independence (istidlal) is urgently needed. Although in reality, Ibn Taimiyyah was more likely to wear the istinbat model than istidlal.  Ibn Taimiyyah said the foundation of the ijtihad method comprehensively, the naqly and ‘aqly evidence applied simultaneously in every determination of Islamic law. Upon consideration of every sharia law, there must be a good content of shari'a purposes, then ibn Taimiyyah's most popular view is that valid shariah evidence must correlate with the correct rational evidence. Ibn Taymiyah's legal method uses: (1) the Qur'an, (2) sunnah,  (3)  ijmâ', (4)  qiyas, (5)  istish}ab, and (6)  maslah}ah al-mursalah. There is a strong relevance between the renewal of ijtihad Ibn Taimiyyah and the development of Islamic law, especially in the field of contemporary jurisprudence with the approach of mas}lah}ah. Such as the ability to exchange and sell waqf property, the ability to appoint leaders from non-Muslims, the ability to buy and sell goods embedded in the ground, and the ability to buy and sell goods on credit.   Abstrak: Pembaruan ijtihad Ibn Taimiyyah dibangun dalam dua model ijtihad; istidlal dan istinbat. Penguatan relevansi pembuktian naqly istinbat dan pendekatan independensi rasionalitas (istidlal) sangat dibutuhkan. Meski pada kenyataannya, Ibnu Taimiyyah lebih cenderung memakai model istinbat daripada istidlal. Ibnu Taimiyyah mengatakan landasan metode ijtihad secara komprehensif, dalil naqly dan 'aqlī diterapkan secara simultan dalam setiap penetapan hukum Islam. Berdasarkan pertimbangan setiap hukum syariah, harus ada isi yang baik dari tujuan syariah, maka pandangan paling populer ibn Taimiyyah adalah bahwa bukti syariah yang valid harus berkorelasi dengan bukti rasional yang benar. Metode hukum Ibnu Taimiyah menggunakan: (1) Al-Qur'an, (2) sunnah, (3) ijma', (4) qiyas, (5) istishab, dan (6) maslahah al-mursalah. Terdapat relevansi yang kuat antara pembaruan ijtihad Ibnu Taimiyyah dengan perkembangan hukum Islam, khususnya dalam bidang fikih kontemporer dengan pendekatan maṣlaḥaḥ. Seperti kemampuan menukar dan menjual harta wakaf, kemampuan mengangkat pemimpin dari non muslim, kemampuan jual beli barang yang disematkan di tanah, dan kemampuan jual beli barang secara kredit

    DNA As The Determination of Descendant of Children Outside of Marriage Under The Perspective of Ibn Taimiyyah

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    The focus of this study was ibn Taimiyyah's ijtihad on the status of children outside marriage and its correlation with the determination of DNA as normative evidence of child status. The purpose of the research was to find out the results of Ibn Taimiyyah's ijtihad related to the position of children outside marriage and its correlation to the determination of DNA as a valid child status. This type of research is in the form of a literature study ijtihad Ibn Taimiyyah in Majmu' Fatawa's book using descriptive deductive analysis. The determination of child' in Islamic perspective has  significant meaning, with resolution can be known relationship between child and father. His Father's decision is the first right of a child when it is born into the world that must be fulfilled. According to Ibn Taimiyyah, adulterous children can still be recognized by unfaithful men and have mahram relationships with both parents. Adulterous children have mahram relationships with the man, provided that the man realizes the adulterous child as his son. Then according to Ibn Taimiyyah's view, civil relations, both inheritance, living, and guardianship of unfaithful children with adulterous men who admit the child is severed due to adultery, Ibn Taymiyyah's opinion has a solid correlation with the verdict of Mk No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010,  namely the affirmation of his father of an unmarried child having a blood relationship and civil relations with his biological father and father's family as evidenced by DNA tests. The legal relationship of an out-of-wedlock child with his biological father gives rise to the right and obligation in return

    Digital Currency under the Perspective of Islamic Law

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    Fatwa Number: 28/DSn-MUI/III/2002 regulates the sale and purchase of money in the fatwa which reads: Currency buying and selling transactions are basically allowed, provided that: Not for chancy (speculation), just in case (savings), the transaction needs if the currency transactions are of the same type, they must be of the same value and cash. If different types, it must be based on the exchange rate at the time of transaction and cash delivery. The concept of digital currency for buying and selling transactions has met the requirements and pillars. However, in the mechanism, there is an element of ambiguity. Its nature and form is unknown (jahalah), which is contained in the software. The use of digital money is also seen as having many disadvantages. The reason is that when the price goes up, this digital money will be sold, and even the price can go up to zero. Here there is a dark side that is to draw fate and make a profit. So to avoid harm, this digital money is not recommended to be used


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    Tujuan pelaksanaan penelitian ini yaitu mengungkap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan pembebasan biaya pendidikan di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa informan kunci yang terdiri dari Ketua TKS Kinantan, Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Kinantan Surabaya, dan Pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan Kinantan Surabaya. Teknik analisis data dengan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 4 faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan pembebasan biaya pendidikan di masa pandemi yang dilakukan TKS Kinantan Surabaya, yaitu kebermaknaan hidup, kondisi ekonomi masyarakat di masa pandemi, kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat, dan perkembangan jumlah siswa. Dari pertimbangan tersebut di atas diharapkan mampu memecahkan permasalahan yang dihadapi baik oleh masyarakat maupun lembaga pendidikan selainnya yang mengalami hal yang sama di masa pandemi ini

    Construction of Wife's Permit on Polygamy Practice of Tablig Pilgrim's Mayangan Jogoroto Jombang

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    The focus of this study is the construction of the wife's license to practice polygamy on Tablig Mayangan Jombang Pilgrims. The purpose of the study is to find out the practice of polygamy Of Tablig Mayangan Pilgrims and the model of the wife's license to practice polygamy Tablig Pilgrims Mayangan. This type of field research is qualitative, using the analysis of normative legal and sociological approaches, with inductive reasoning and Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The results showed that polygamous behavior carried out by Tablig pilgrims is based on rational and sharia-laden aspects because polygamous behavior arises due to consideration of the struggle of da'wah as Tablig pilgrims. Polygamy is also considered worship for the husband and wife of Tablig worshippers. Therefore, the practice of polygamy of the husbands and husbands of Tablig pilgrims strictly follows the provisions stipulated in Law No.1 of 1974, article 4 paragraph 2 about committing the cause of polygamous marriage by obtaining the wife's permission. The construction model of the wife's license to practice polygamy Tablig pilgrims is the model of Wira'i, which considers prudence over the property of the third wife as a rich man to avoid disputes over the seizure of Gono - Gini property and so on


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    the principle of children's rights, and the principles and evidence nasab nasab purification, has put the construction of a biological child rights and child relationship with the biological father of the biological structure that can not be a permanent relationship can shift under any circumstances. It is based on the purification of biological relationship status as a relationship that is both natural (nature), and by repositioning the child into the concept of nature that puts the child's position as the mandate of God who have the same rights and status as a legitimate child.Keywords : principle of children's rights and inheritance rights Illegitimacy

    The Merger of State-Owned Enterprises of Bank Syariah Indonesia in Positive Legal Review and Maqashid Syariah

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    As a form of the government's participation in paying attention to and developing the market share of the Islamic economy in Indonesia, the three state-owned Islamic banks (BNI Syariah, BRI Syariah, and Mandiri Syariah) were merged into one. With the hope of being able to expand the Islamic banking market both nationally and internationally. This study aims to examine the merger of the three state-owned Islamic banks in terms of positive Law in it and to review it from the perspective of Maqashid sharia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by using secondary data obtained through a literature review with references from books, journals, and other literature related to this research. The results of this study indicate that the merger of state-owned banks, Bank Syariah Indonesia, is on the right track, legally positive, and in terms of Maqashid sharia. This is a step and effort by the government in maintaining and developing sharia market share in line with the maqashid sharia principle; keep and or attract good and keep away bad. In addition, some of them are launching a literacy program in understanding the concept of Islamic economics for the community so that the noble values ​​of Islam are maintained and run in banking economic activities. However, it still requires other developments in the aspect of justice that must be initiated by BSI, of course, by continuing to carry the message of sharia in it


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    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji konsep manajemen pemasaran perspektif Islam menurut para pakar ekonomi Islam. Penulisan ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berupa referensi terkait dengan topik kajian. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep pemasaran Islam masih bergantung pada konsep pemasaran konvensional, dimana kajian konsep pemasaran Islam hanya digunakan sebagai alat pemasaran. Dengan demikian, peluang untuk mengkaji konsep pemasaran Islam lebih mendalam masih terbuka untuk dilakukan

    SEX TANPA NIKAH: Dilema Hukum Positif dan Moralitas Bangsa

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    Efforts to bring together the synergity of positive legal products and the value of morality of the nation as the wisdom of local cultures to-Indonesiaan needs the seriousness of various parties. Specifically, the provisions of the law governing adultery that truly reflect the aspirations and values that live in the community and are moral mirroring, are indispensable to the attention of many other aspects that Need to also note. While awaiting its realization, the author considers it to be no longer the time when all parties excuse that the freedom and privacy of a person in the sex field is ' closed ' to the law, so that the criminal law stops at the front door of the room. Therefore, maintaining the notion of adultery according to the PENAL code (which is now in force), is the same by validating the sofsion of the values of goodness that live in society. Do we have to be flashed and want to keep that detrimental ' privacy '? Do we still have to ' endure ' by skipping.The formulation of TP fornication in the RUU KUHP has a wider scope than arranged in the KUHP. This is reflected in article 417 and article 419 RUU KUHP, which arranges about the deed of intercourse with a person who is not a husband or his or his/her "collect Kebo" act. Controversy appear as the Delik fornication arranged in both of the article is a complaints delics (still equal to the Delik fornication in article 284 KUHP). The fornication act is not changed to a common delics that can be reported by anyone who knows the deeds. From the subject side, the right to complain has been expanded in a RUU KUHP, which can be complained by a husband, wife, parent, or child

    Hybrid Contract Perbankan Syariah perspektif Maqasid al Sharia Jasser Auda

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    This study aims to determine the relevance of the Multi-Contract concept to the theory of Maqasid Jasser Auda, as well as explain how the laws that apply the Maqasid concept to the financial system with the latest patterns in the Islamic economic world. The method used in this research is qualitative with a library research approach. Based on the results of research on the Multi Contract concept in Jasser Auda's maqasid perspective, carrying out the DSN-MUI fatwa on hybrid contracts as an effort to contextualize between Multi Akad which is in line with Islamic banking, and the sharia Maqashid concept offered by Jasser Auda which is considered more comprehensive, contextualist, elastic and moderateInnovations in Islamic financial transactions are currently required to answer the challenges of an increasingly complex era. Thus, this study aims to determine the relevance of the multi-contract concept to Jasser Auda's maqas}idsharia theory, and to explain how the law that applies in the maqas}id concept to the financial system with the latest pattern in the Islamic economic world. The method used in this research is qualitative with a library research approach. Based on the results of the research, the concept of multiple contracts in the perspective of maqas}id al shariaof Jasser Auda, by carrying out the DSN-MUI fatwa on hybrid contracts is an effort to contextualize between multiple contracts running in Islamic banking. The existence of a hybrid contract is very important to meet the needs of transactions in this modern era. Because Islamic financial products are experiencing very dynamic development