319 research outputs found

    Sustainability in Management Education: A Critical View

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    This chapter addresses some of the philosophical questions concerning education for sustainable development in the field of management studies. This chapter argues that mixing sustainability with mainstream topics on business and management such as Corporate Social Responsibility does not allow a critical approach. Also, it contests the traditional ways of “training managers” without a critical approach to the practice of management. As an alternative, this chapter proposes to link sustainability with the field of ethics and aesthetics. In addition, it proposes to re-think education for sustainability in management studies adopting some ideas from action learning and art-based methodologies. Some examples from the author’s experience are presented in this regard

    Memories of Violencia in the work of the Colombian artist Doris Salcedo: A subjective view

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    The work of Colombian artist Doris Salcedo has become an important reference when talking about art and its representation of violence and exclusion. Following a tradition stemming from the artistic movements of the twentieth century, Salcedo has been acknowledged as one of the most intriguing and original artists in her exploration of public tragedy, the delicate issue of human rights and the trace of violence in those who are left behind. Salcedo’s undertaking does not address those tangible manifestations of evil; instead, her work goes beyond the surface, inviting the spectator to a journey inside… into memories and feelings, into fears and intimate spaces. In this article, I offer a discussion regarding places, intersections and motivations in Salcedo’s oeuvre and suggest some echoes between certain philosophical foundations of her work in relation to human rights in the case of Colombia. This article addresses the invitation for this Special Issue on Arts and Human Rights, focusing on the case of Colombia, where a systematic and ongoing crisis has damaged fundamental human rights for those affected by the civil conflict. In addition, as part of my work in management and organizational studies, I consider how Doris Salcedo’s reflection is relevant to our understanding of labour and contemporary organizations

    Texture and surface chemistry of activated carbons obtained from tyre wastes

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    Tyre wastes and their blends with coal and a bituminous waste material obtained from the benzol distillation column of the by-product section of a coking plant were employed as a precursor for the production of activated carbons (ACs). Pyrolysis up to 850 C followed by physical activation with CO2 yielded mesoporous carbons with different pore size distributions and surface areas depending on the degree of burn-off. ACs with surface areas of 475 and 390 m2/g were obtained for the two tyre wastes. The inclusion of coal in the blend gave rise to surface areas of up to 1120 m2/g due to an increase in the microporosity. The time needed to obtain the desired degree of burn-off depended on the reactivity of the char. The coal-containing materials required the longest amount of time. The surface chemistry of the samples was studied by Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The principal oxygenated groups found were quinones, lactones and carboxylic acids

    The devil in high heels : drugs, symbolism and Kate Moss

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    This paper contributes to critical voices on the issue of organisational responses to drugs and employee drug use. It does so by exploring some of the symbolism residing at the heart of organisations&rsquo; relations with drugs and drug taking. Our focus is recent media coverage of, and organisational responses to, the UK tabloid media&rsquo;s expos&eacute; of fashion supermodel Kate Moss&rsquo;s cocaine use. We use this case to explore symbolic relationships between drugs, sex and femininity, and organisation. Through highlighting these symbolic connections we question further the rationality of organisational responses to the &lsquo;spectre&rsquo; of drugs and the issue of employee drug use. We conclude by suggesting that workforce drug testing regimes might be fruitfully seen as mechanisms for scapegoating and sacrifice in order to protect the organizational moral order.<br /

    Methodology for determine the moment of disconnection of patients of the mechanical ventilation using neural network

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    The process of weaning from mechanical ventilation is one of the challenges in intensive care units. In this paper 66 patients under extubation process (T-tube test) were studied: 33 patients with successful trials and 33 patients who failed to maintain spontaneous breathing and were reconnected. Each patient was characterized using 7 time series from respiratory signals, and for each serie was extracted 4 statistics data. Two types of Neural Networks were applied for discriminate between patients from the two groups: radial basis function and multilayer perceptron, getting better results with the second type of network.Postprint (published version

    El pensamiento mitológico o el arte de sobrevivir a lo inesperado

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    Mitología del encuentro y del desencuentro. Sol Montoya Bonilla. Editorial Universidad Nacional, Santafé de Bogotá, 1994

    25 años de la Escuela de Lenguas

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    La profesora Beatriz Acevedo comparte su experiencia y recuerdos en la Escuela de Lenguas.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    25 años de la Escuela de Lenguas

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    La profesora Beatriz Acevedo comparte su experiencia y recuerdos en la Escuela de Lenguas.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Suspendidos entre el cielo y la tierra a salvo de todo mal

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    El mundo de los nukak. Gustavo G. Politis. Fondo de Promoción de la Cultura, Santafé de Bogotá, 1992, 143 págs

    25 años de la Escuela de Lenguas

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    La profesora Beatriz Acevedo comparte su experiencia y recuerdos en la Escuela de Lenguas.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació