581 research outputs found

    Accelerated micropolar fluid--flow past an uniformly rotating circular cylinder

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    In this paper, we formulated the non-steady flow due to the uniformly accelerated and rotating circular cylinder from rest in a stationary, viscous, incompressible and micropolar fluid. This flow problem is examined numerically by adopting a special scheme comprising the Adams-Bashforth Temporal Fourier Series method and the Runge-Kutta Temporal Special Finite-Difference method. This numerical scheme transforms the governing equation for micropolar fluids for this problem into system of finite-difference equations. This system was further solved numerically by point SOR-method. These results were also further extrapolated by the Richardson extrapolation method. This scheme is valid for all values of the flow and fluid-parameters and for all time. Moreover the boundary conditions of the vorticity and the spin at points far from the cylinder are being imposed and encountered too. The results are compared with existing results (for non-rotating circular cylinder in Newtonian fluids). The comparison is good. The enhancement of lift and reduction in drag was observed if the micropolarity effects are intensified. Same is happened if the rotation of a cylinder increases. Furthermore, the vortex-pair in the wake is delayed to successively higher times as rotation parameter increases. In addition, the rotation helps not only in dissolving vortices adjacent to the cylinder and adverse pressure region but also in dissolving the boundary layer separation. Furthermore, the rotation reduces the micropolar spin boundary layer also

    Hubungan antara Tingkat Pemahaman dan Sikap Masyarakat Kota Jambi terhadap Kewajiban Zakat Dengain Kesadaran untuk Berzakat ke BAZDA

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    This article describes the people\u27s understanding and their attitude on the obligation to pay the zakat (alms) toward their willingness to pay the zakat (alms) into Bazda (Agency for collecting and distributing zakat and shadaqah). This research is qualitative-statistic in nature and employs correlation analytical and linear regression approaches. It is found that the awareness and the willingness of Moslem to pay the zakat (alms) is significantly high but their willingness to channel their zakat (alms) through bazda is still low. It is because of their distrust into the management of this Bazda as it is poor-managed leading to its failure to increase the prosperity of the needy in the society

    Islam and Society 5.0 Era: Privacy between Husband and Wife in Review of Family Law Interpretation

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    This paper examines the privacy between husband and wife in a marital relationship from the perspective of Islamic family law interpretation. This study aims to reveal the explanation of the Qur’an as the main source of Islamic law in privacy issues between husband and wife, especially in this social era 5.0. The method used in obtaining data is qualitative through literature studies, further analyzed by the content analysis method. The results of the study show that according to the perspective of the Qur’an, there is no longer any privacy between husband and wife. This is based on the interpretation of several verses, namely QS. al-Nisa’ [4]: 21 and 34, QS. al-Rum [30]: 21, and QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 187. Everything shows that the husband and wife are two people who have no privacy with each other. Thus, in this social era 5.0 where home life cannot be separated from technology, such as gadgets, smartphones, mobile phones, laptops, and so on, in which some things are private, such as communication, social media, mobile banking, and so on, then for husband and wife, this is not included in the category of privacy between each other (Accessing it does not fall under the nusyuz category). Thus, it is not worthy and inappropriate to be kept secret from the couple. In fact, keeping it secret seems like there is a problem and is an aberration. Keywords: husband and wife, privacy, Society 5.0 Er

    Medical Students Burning Out: Why and What We Can Do About It?

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    Tinjauan Transaksi Anjak Piutang Terhadap Praktik Arisan Ibu Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Perspektif Islam

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    Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian ada dua bentuk transaksi anjak piutang yang terjadi di desa Bone kec. Bajeng. pertama, Bentuk transaksi anjak piutang secara langsung. Kedua, Bentuk transaksi anjak piutang secara tidak langsung. Dari kedua bentuk transaksi anjak piutang tersebut sama-sama memiliki tambahan yang melebihi nilai pokok yang menurut beberapa informan baik dari tokoh agama, akademisi dan berkaitan dengan pendapat mazhab syafi’i bahwa yang demikian itu terindikasi riba dan gharar, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa transaksi anjak piutang dalam praktik arisan ibu rumah tangga yang terjadi di desa Bone kecamatan Bajeng kabupaten Gowa sangat tidak adil karena tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi islam

    Semi-automated workflow for natural disaster assessment : a case study of Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesThe past decade has witnessed many natural disasters hitting highly populated areas causing billions of dollars in damage as well as many human casualties. During natural disasters, when attaining ground measurements are limited, remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) are useful tools for in-depth analysis of the affected area. This report will introduce a new semi-automatic workflow in which the road network will be used to break up the area into “blocks” and then zonal statistics will be applied to detect change based on the created blocks rather than the conventional methods of change detection; pixel by pixel and object oriented. This hybrid approach will take advantage of the simplicity and ease of applying pixel change detection methods on fixed objects or “blocks” to assess for damage. The change detection analysis results can then be used to map and quantify damage caused by natural disasters using pre and post Landsat imagery of the affected area. Multi-Criteria Analysis is performed on the damage map, proximity to roads, proximity to waterbodies and building size to find the most suitable locations for temporary housing sites. The image differencing of NDWI mean produced the highest overall accuracy of 71.70% among eleven bands/indices and the multi-criteria analysis successfully selected fourteen temporary housing center sites from a possible 114. When time is of essence with limited resources and GIS expertise on the field, local authorities can greatly benefit from a rapid generalized analysis that will provide a “bird-eye view” of the affected area to efficiently and effectively allocate emergency efforts within a short time frame

    Poverty Assessment in the Philippines and Indonesia: A Methodological Comparison

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    Existing official poverty statistics cannot be directly utilized for cross-country comparison. This paper illustrates why. It presents an assessment of poverty measurement in the Philippines and Indonesia by examining methodologies used and the disparity in their respective poverty statistics. A more comparable poverty estimates in these countries are provided.poverty alleviation, poverty gap, poverty incidence, poverty, prawn production

    Operational Analysis of the Flipped Left Diamond Interchange Design

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    Interchanges are critical elements of modern transportation networks. A new design called the Flipped Left-Turn Diamond Interchange (FLDI) has been proposed to enhance efficiency and increase the capacity of traditional diamond interchanges. The FLDI design features left-turn lanes in opposing directions, eliminating conflicts between opposing left-turn movements. One of the key benefits of FLDI is its ability to be easily implemented within the existing right of way, without the need for major construction or the elimination of direct connectivity between frontage roads or access to corner properties, unlike other innovative designs such as the Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and Continuous Flow Intersections (CFI). The primary objective of this study is to investigate whether implementing the FLDI design can reduce vehicle delay, queue length, and the number of stops compared to a conventional diamond interchange. Additionally, the study aims to determine the applicable conditions for implementing the FLDI design and develop signal timing strategies to optimize its performance. To achieve this objective, various data types, including turning movement counts, travel time, and signal timing data, were collected at a diamond interchange in Fort Worth, Texas. Microscopic traffic models were then developed for the existing condition (conventional diamond interchange) and the FLDI design in PTV VISSIM. The base model was calibrated based on travel time and traffic count data to ensure that the developed model accurately represents the existing condition. In addition, a new signal timing plan was developed for FLDI to improve operational performance at the interchange. This phasing plan provides the traffic progression time between the two intersections at the diamond interchange and prevents the green starvation problem at the downstream intersection. The study found that FLDI is more robust than the conventional diamond interchange when subjected to heavy traffic conditions. The traffic simulation results showed that the implementation of FLDI may reduce vehicle delay, queue length, and the number of stops at the entire interchange by 30% to 40%, 30% to 50%, and 30%, respectively. The main reason for this improvement is that FLDI can allow more traffic flows to move simultaneously in one phase. Furthermore, it was found that the performance of FLDI was almost the same as the conventional diamond interchange when the interchange experiences low and medium traffic. To address traffic safety concerns, it is recommended that FLDI have a dedicated U-turn lane between the frontage roads. This study proposes that FLDI can be a viable design option for diamond interchanges with heavy traffic volume conditions due to its ability to reduce travel delays, stops, and queue lengths. Its feasibility should be evaluated carefully based on local traffic conditions and engineering judgment before implementation. This study can assist traffic engineers and transportation planners in the operational analysis of diamond interchanges
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