109 research outputs found

    Koordinasi Guru PAI dan Pengawas dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran pada SMP di Papua Barat

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    This study aims to find out: the needs of SMPN for PAI teachers and supervisors; level of quality of coaching and supervision towards the duties of PAI Teachers; and the level of synergy between PAI teachers and supervisors in improving the quality of learning. The study took samples from all PAI and Supervisor teachers in Sorong City and Sorong Regency. It was found that there were still 46% of education units in West Papua that had PAI teachers. Especially in junior high schools, there are 23% of education units do not have PAI teachers (23% in SMPN and 25% in SMPS). As for supervision needs, the Ministry of Religion West Papua provides 20% of supervisors of the amount needed. The level of quality of guidance on improving the quality of duty of categorized PAI teachers is very high, the level of quality ability of supervisors to carry supervisory duties categorized is high, and the level of synergy PAI teachers and supervisors in improving the quality of learning categorized is very hig

    Kajian Tematik Ayat-Ayat Mengenai Degradasi, Konservasi, dan Etika Lingkungan

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    The environmental crisis, which is increasingly complex and has become a global problem, must immediately find a way out, including by starting to think about the relationship between humans and the environment from the perspective of Islam. The study of interpretation is an effort to explore the insight of the al-quran related to the environment, which contains warnings about environmental damage and the importance of preserving the environment. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative descriptive approach. as for the literature review with data sources used such as books, journals, articles and various relevant sources on ecology. As in Islam, humans are God's representatives on earth, so in utilizing natural resources there are instructions to always maintain their balance and prosper them. For this reason, Muslims in understanding the message of the Koran are woven with an environmental ethic or ecological awareness that is inherent as a religious practice.Krisis lingkungan yang kian kompleks dan menjadi masalah global harus segera dicarikan jalan keluar, di antaranya dengan mulai memikirkan relasi manusia dengan lingkungan dari perspektif agama Islam. Kajian tafsir merupakan upaya untuk mengeksplorasi wawasan al-qur’an terkait lingkungan, yang memuat tentang peringatan tentang kerusakan lingkungan dan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini sebagai pendekatan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. adapun tinjauan literature dengan sumber data yang digunakan seperti buku, jurnal, artikel dan berbagai sumber yang relevan mengenai ekologi. Sebagaimana pula dalam Islam, manusia merupakan wakil Tuhan di muka bumi, maka dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam terdapat petunjuk untuk senantiasa menjaga keseimbangannya dan memakmurkannya. Untuk itu, umat Islam dalam memahami pesan al-quran tersebut terajut sebuah etika lingkungan atau kesadaran ekologis yang melekat sebagai praktik religius


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    Ulu al-alba>b in the Qur'an it is stated that it has its own special features. This research aims to determine the characteristicsulu al-alba>b in the Qur'an in QS al-Ra'd/13: 19-24. This research uses descriptive analysis with a content analysis approach. The technique used in data collection is library research (library review). The method used in this research is tahlili. The results of this research show that ulu al-alba>b in QS al-Ra'd/13: 19-24 has special characteristics, namely stead fastness in fulfilling promises, connecting human ties and patience in worship.ulu al-alba>b in verse 24 it is stated that he will receive heaven's reward with special honor from the angels


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang solusi al-Qur’an terhadap ideologi rasisme. Dari permasalahan pokok yang dijabarkan dalam bentuk sub masalah yaitu: 1) Bagaimana hakikat rasisme, dan  2) Bagaimana solusi rasisme perspektif al-Qur’an. Untuk menjawab masalah di atas, maka digunakan metode pendekatan multidisipliner, akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaan penelitian digunakan metode maudhu’ī. Dalam pengolahan data digunakan metode kualitatif, dan untuk menafsirkan ayat-ayat menggunakan metode pendekatan tafsir (exegetical approach) karena tehnik kerjanya lebih banyak bersentuhan dengan kitab-kitab tafsir serta penafsiran dari para ahli yang bergelut pada bidang sosio-historis khususnya tentang rasisme. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Al-Qur’an memberikan pemahaman bagaimana cara menghindarkan ideologi rasisme tersebut di antaranya bahwa keragaman sebagai sunnatullah, pada asalnya semua manusia mulia, tentang kebangsaan, toleransi, keadilan, membangun komunikasi beradab, membangun persatuan melalui persaudaraan dan menjunjung tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM)

    Aktualisasi Etika Pemasaran di Era Industri 4.0 Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an

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    This research sets out from the fact that advances in information technology in the current era or what is known as the industrial era 4.0. has brought major changes to occur in human life in the field of marketing, especially product promotion. The changes referred to include the convenience of business actors in promoting and disseminating product information so that it reaches consumers. However, sometimes marketing activities by business actors are not in accordance with proper ethics, both in terms of legal norms and the Koran values. This study aims to formulate the actualization of marketing ethics in the context and condition of today's society from the perspective of the Koran. This study applies a qualitative approach and belongs to library research. Based on this research, it is obtained that marketing ethics in the industrial era 4.0. currently has a very important position so that businessmen do not arbitrarily use advances in information technology by carrying out various ways that are not in accordance with regulations and the values ​​of the Koran. In addition, the actualization of marketing ethics from the Koran perspective as a response to the industrial era 4.0 can be done by spreading content of promotion based on piety and honesty, displaying sharia-compliant and gharar-less content, incubating local products into marketing management, and orienting the business to the merit goals


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi metode penulisan latar belakang dan rumusan masalah dalam buku Wawasan al-Qur’an tentang al-Bala’ karya Mardan. Rumusan masalahnya ada dua yaitu bagaimana epistimologi latar belakang dan rumusan masalah? Bagaimana implementasi “Latar Belakang dan Rumusan Masalah” dalam buku Wawasan al-Qur’an Terhadap al-Bala’ karya Mardan? Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan sumber data primernya adalah buku Wawasan al-Qur’an tentang al-Bala’ karya Mardan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan latar belakang dalam buku Wawasan al-Qur’an tentang al-Bala’ karya Mardan  telah memenuhi tiga unsur yaitu adanya gambaran kondisi ril , kondisi ideal dan pentingnya penelitian. Namun pentingnya penelitian tidak disebutkan secara langsung dalam latar belakang akan tetapi tersirat pada pemaparan kondisi problematika. Adapun perumusan rumusan masalahnya, telah terpenuhi 3 unsur filosofisnya  yaitu ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiolog

    Kalimat Larangan dalam Al-Qur’an (Analisis Terhadap Larangan Durhaka Kepada Kedua Orang Tua dalam Qs. Al-Isra Ayat 23)

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    This research aims to analyze the definition of prohibited sentences in the Koran. A prohibition is a demand to abandon an action from a higher party.  This article explains the various structures of prohibitive sentences in the Al-Qur'an, which give rise to various variations in meaning depending on the perspective from which a commentator analyzes them. Apart from that, this article also explores the prohibition on disobedience to parents in Qs. al-Isra/17:23 based on the interpretation of the ulama. This research provides results with the first main interpretation, the prohibition sentence is a demand to abandon an action from a higher party, namely a demand to abandon something ordered by Allah SWT. Second, the prohibition sentence has several forms including; Prohibited sentences are in the form of sharih (clear), non-sharih, rhetorical form of kalam khabar (statement), and rhetorical form of kalam istifham (question). Third, in Qs. al-Isra/17:23, there are also obligations of a child to his parents, namely not to speak harshly or not to shout at them for bad actions, to speak good words to them, to humble themselves before their parents, and to ask for love from Allah for them. both, namely praying for both of them to be given grace


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    The main problem of this research is the understanding of the Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah Congregation about the verses of the Qur'an which are used as the basis for remembrance of Allah swt., the implementation and effects of its practice. The type of research is a field research which is qualitative-descriptive. The approaches used are interpretation, socio-historical, and Sufistic. The source of the data for this research is the sheikh or murshid of the Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah Order, the caliph and his followers. The data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data processing and analysis techniques were carried out through three stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the interpretation of the Qur'anic verses about remembrance by the Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah Order which is used as the basis for remembrance (for example, QS al-Ahzab/33:41-42) has differences with the commentators of the pronunciation of z\ ikran kas\i>ra> (remembrance as much as possible). Meanwhile, QS al-Syu>ra/42:11 and QS al-Baqarah followers of the Yusufiyah Khalwatiyah Order are the same as those expressed by the commentators. The practice of followers of the Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah Order is to do remembrance every time, every time, and every day. After the fardu prayer, dhikr, praying jahar or sir, especially on Friday nights based on the direction of the Murshid, the effect makes them pray diligently, their faith increases, their behavior is good, solidarity with fellow humans is good, their social spirit is high. The implication is, hopefully it can provide insight into remembrance for everyone, especially the congregation of the Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah congregation. And to the Murshid and or the caliph to give (add) lessons regarding the understanding of the verses of the Qur'an about remembrancePokok masalah penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman Jamaah Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah tentang ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang dijadikan landasan berzikir kepada Allah swt., pokok masalah tersebut selanjutnya dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian yaitu: 1) bagaimana Sejarah tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyyah 2) Bagaimana Makna ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang dijadikan landasan dalam berzikir menurut Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah? 3) Bagaimana Implementasi  Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah terhadap ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang dijadikan landasan dalam berzikir? Jenis penelitian adalah kajian lapangan (field research) yang sifatnya kualitatif-deskriptif. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan adalah tafsir, sosio-historis, dan Sufistik. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah syekh atau mursyid Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah, khalifah dan pengikutnya. Metode pengumpulan datanya ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Lalu teknik pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman penafsiran terkait ayat-ayat al-Qur’an tentang zikir oleh Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah yang dijadikan landasan untuk berzikir (misal, QS al-Ahzab/33:41-42) memiliki perbedaan dengan para mufasir dari lafal z\ikran kas\i>ra> (zikir sebanyak-banyaknya). Sedangkan QS al-Syu>ra/42:11 dan QS al-Baqarah pengikut Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah sama dengan yang diutarakan oleh para mufasir. Pengamalan pengikut Tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah melakukan zikir setiap saat, setiap waktu, dan setiap hari. Setelah shalat fardu, berzikir, berdoa secara jahar maupun sir, khususnya pada malam jum’at berdasarkan arahan dari Mursyid Pengaruhnya membuat mereka  rajin salat, keimanannya bertambah, akhlak perilakunya baik, solidaritas ke sesama manusia baik, jiwa sosialnya tinggi. Implikasinya, semoga dapat memberikan wawasan tentang zikir kepada setiap orang, khususnya jamaah tarekat Khalwatiyah Yusufiyah. Dan kepada Mursyid dan atau khalifah agar memberikan (menambah) pengajaran mengenai pemahaman tentang ayat-ayat al-Qur’an tentang zikir


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    The basis for implementation Al-Qur'an education includes Government policies, financing, namely funding sources, education management functions in the implementation of Al-Qur'an education, utilization of human resources, and members as well as students. Implementation challenges of Al-Qur'an education, among others: the era of globalization, human moral decadence, and prioritizing world affairs that can provide something material and less inclined to pursue amaliyah for preparation and provision in the hereafter. Expectations in the implementation of Al-Qur'an education, among others: building believers and increasing intelligence in the field of religion, increasing friendship and Ukhuwah Islamiyah relations, and centers of knowledge in society, namely the implementation of Al-Qur'an education provides great hope for Muslims, namely the information center for the development of Islamic knowledge, the center for fostering Islamic knowledge, and the Islamic religious consultation center
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