72 research outputs found


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    The study aims to determine whether the students who presented group counseling for lower trigonometry differed from those in the comparison group. The experimental research plan was used. The number of participants who participated in the study selected several students. Study results indicated that individuals in the treatment group could reduce their worldly behavior; The number of students in the actual practice of basic self-management goals increases compared to students with self-capability goals triples among students during the counselling sessions. However, the recommendations made with this study included a greater need for additional counseling on how to change school behavior rather than using physical punishment


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine the impact of a psychoeducational module known as the ‘SELF-IE’ module in helping low-performing civil servants. It is measured through the self-change variables of emotional stability, psycho-spirituality, and behavioral adjustment among respondents, who attended 2017 Self-Change and Well-Being Programme that used the ‘SELF-IE’ module as the intervention. Methodology: This is a quasi-experimental study, in which the impact of the ‘SELF-IE’ module was determined by measuring the mean differences of the variables for both experimental and control groups. Data were collected from a total of 68 respondents using the Personal Well-Being Questionnaire (PWQ) consisting of 60 items divided into five different sections. Main Findings: There is a significant mean difference in all three measured variables (emotional stability, psycho-spirituality, and behavioral adjustment) between both experimental and control groups, which means that the intervention using the ‘SELF-IE’ module has a positive impact in self-change of the respondents in those variables. Applications of this study: The result of this study can provide useful information to help improve any self-development program for employees’ particularly in public organizational settings. The information should be beneficial for organizational counselors or industrial psychologists, and human resources or training managers. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study specifically enhances the human assessment performance in the Public Service Department (PSD), whereby the development of the ‘SELF-IE’ module has improved the current module used in public organizations’ employee assistance program (EAP)

    Student's Willingness and Perception Towards Online Teaching and Learning Through the Psychoeducational Group Counseling Approach

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    This study aims to assess the willingness and perception of students toward online teaching and the learning process among students through a psychoeducational group counseling approach. This study was carried out due to the occurrence of several psychological issues among respondents, including the difficulty of giving focus to the activities of teaching and learning online. The design of this study is in methodical way, namely by running four group counseling sessions through a psychoeducational approach. The method used to get information from these group counseling sessions is by using related modules such as Introduction Session, Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Analysis, a Day in Life (as a Time Management), and Fantasy of Success. The study found that, despite some identified constraints, online teaching and learning are still preferred by the respondents in terms of their willingness and perception to embrace this new norm of the teaching and learning process

    Pengurusan latihan Kor Siswa Siswi Pertahanan Awam Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia di bawah tadbir urus KESATRIA-UKM

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    Aktiviti ko-kurikulum badan beruniform di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi untuk para mahasiswa menjadi salah satu keperluan dan tumpuan utama dalam merealisasikan matlamat untuk melahirkan graduan yang kompeten, berdaya saing, serta mampu mengejar kecemerlangan akademik secara seimbang, sejajar dengan objektif Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK). Aktiviti ko-kurikulum badan beruniform merupakan platform terbaik untuk membangunkan jati diri unggul, membentuk daya kepemimpinan, memupuk semnagat kerja berpasukan, serta menggarap nilai kesukarelawanan dalam pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi.Justeru, pengurusan yang sistematik dan bersepadu perlu diwujudkan bagi mengkoordinasi latihan menyeluruh badan-badan beruniform ini bagi memastikan objektif yang disasar dalam konteks pembangunan sahsiah dan keterampilan mahasiswa yang menyertai aktiviti ko-kurikulum ini mampu dicapai dengan baik dan berkesan. Di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), model bersepadu pelaksanaan pengurusan latihan badan-badan beruniform pelajar ini digerakkan oleh sebuah Pusat Tanggungjawab (PTj) yang dinamakan Pusat Kesatria Universiti (KESATRIA-UKM). Sejak penubuhannya, Pusat ini bertanggungjawab menyelia dan memantau urus tadbir latihan secara menyeluruh terhadap badanbadan beruniform yang terdiri daripada Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) Tentera Darat, Kor Sukarelawan Siswa Siswi Polis (SUKSIS), Kor Siswa Siswi Pertahanan Awam (SISPA), Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia (BSMM) Cabang UKM, dan Kumpulan Latihan Kelanasiswa Malaysia (KLKM) Daerah UKM. Tadbir urus aktiviti ko-kurikulum badan-badan beruniform di bawah Pusat ini menunjukkan pelbagai impak positif dalam membina suasana pembelajaran dan latihan yang baik kepada para mahasiswa UKM. Kertas konsep ini mengupas aspek pengurusan latihan Kor SISPA UKM di bawah tadbir urus Pusat Kesatria Universiti (KESATRIA-UKM) pentadbiran, kewangan, logistik, serta gerak kerja kursus akademik. Kertas ini turut menyerlahkan keberkesanan pengurusan latihan secara menyeluruh hasil kolaborasi antara Kor SISPA UKM dengan Pusat Kesatria Universiti (KESATRIA-UKM)

    Dimensions of Social Skills and their Relationship with Empathy among Gifted and Talented Students in Malaysia

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    AbstractGifted and talented students have always be considered as individuals who are absorb with their own world. Nonetheless, as part of the living community, they are required to interact with their environments. Concomitantly, they need the necessary social skills and empathic understanding to live comfortably within the society. This study examines six dimensions of social skills (the ability to influence others, to manage conflict, leadership, and ability to be a catalyst for change, to bond with others, to work collaboratively, to work as a team and to communicate effectively) and their relationship with empathy among gifted and talented students in Malaysia. Two hundred and forty (male = 81, female = 159) 15-year old gifted and talented students participated in the study. These students were identified as gifted and talented by the Malaysian National Gifted Centre and at present are studying at the centre as full time high school students. Data was collected using Malaysian Emotional Quotient Inventory (MEQI) developed by the researchers. A survey method was used and data was collected during a school holiday program that they have participated. Findings from the study show that all dimensions of social skills correlate positively with empathy (p < 0.00, n = 240) and the r values are more than 0.60. This article also discusses the findings in relation to counseling provision for the gifted and talented


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    Research has shown that using graphic novels in the classroom is one of useful approaches to promote the understanding of learners especially for lengthy and difficult literature texts. This study reports the extent of graphic novel in facilitating students’ understanding of literature and the students’ perceptions towards using graphic novel in learning literature (L2) as compared to other genre of texts. This is a mixed method study which employs quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain data. The findings indicate that most students found that graphic novel helped them to enrich their vocabularies and understand the text better. The findings also reveal that students were attracted to the illustrations in the literature text in which this helps to boost their motivation to learn literature in the classroom. The findings provide useful insights for English as Second Language (ESL) teachers in incorporating and expanding the literature learning through graphic novels in the future. The findings also imply the need of ESL teachers to use graphic novels effectively in facilitating their teaching and learning of literature in L2 classrooms particularly to suit the 21st century teaching and learning

    El factor confirmatorio y los análisis del modelo de medición de la escala de restauración percibida (ERP) en el contexto de Malasia

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    There is a significant association between students’ lower psychological well-being and their academic performance. Therefore, in order to discover the ways of relieving students’ emotional disturbance and negative health condition, more research is needed for the improvement of their psychological well-being especially through exposure to nature as a restoration method upon facing negative emotions. This paper aims to validate and gain access to the reliability of Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) among students.&nbsp; A cross-sectional study was conducted in this research on a sample taken from undergraduate students (N = 390). For explanatory factor analysis (EFA) with SPSS, respondents participated in an online survey. As for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), AMOS programme was used for the measurement of model. A total of 26 items had been separated into four sub-constructs of PRS were used. Subsequently, an excellent structure was displayed by the revised PRS, with good factor loadings and sufficient convergent validity. Ultimately, the cut off requirements were fulfilled. Overall, it was revealed that the internal consistency of the alpha values was α = 0.967, with the values of individual sub-constructs reliability are as follows: compatibility (0.927), coherence (0.883), fascination (0.950), and being away (0.895). It was found that PRS possessed an acceptable level of internal consistency.&nbsp; Besides, validity and reliability were discovered in the items for measurement of the intention instrument according to the selected pooled sample.Existe una asociación significativa entre el bajo bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes y su rendimiento académico. Por lo tanto, para descubrir las formas de aliviar el trastorno emocional y el estado de salud negativo de los estudiantes, se necesita más investigación para mejorar su bienestar psicológico, especialmente a través de la exposición a la naturaleza como método de restauración al enfrentar emociones negativas. Este documento tiene como objetivo validar y obtener acceso a la confiabilidad de la Escala de Restauración Percibida (PRS) entre los estudiantes. Se realizó un estudio transversal en esta investigación en una muestra tomada de estudiantes de pregrado (N = 390). Para el análisis factorial explicativo (EPT) con SPSS, los encuestados participaron en una encuesta en línea. En cuanto al análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA), se utilizó el programa AMOS para la medición del modelo. Se utilizó un total de 26 ítems separados en cuatro subconstrucciones de PRS. Posteriormente, el PRS revisado mostró una estructura excelente, con buenas cargas de factores y suficiente validez convergente. Finalmente, se cumplieron los requisitos de corte. En general, se reveló que la consistencia interna de los valores alfa era α = 0.967, con los valores de confiabilidad de subconstrucciones individuales que son los siguientes: compatibilidad (0.927), coherencia (0.883), fascinación (0.950) y estar lejos ( 0.895). Se encontró que PRS poseía un nivel aceptable de consistencia interna. Además, se descubrió la validez y la confiabilidad en los ítems para la medición del instrumento de intención de acuerdo con la muestra agrupada seleccionada

    E-Commerce Via Mobile Banking: Contemporary Shariah Issues and Ways to Address Them

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    Purpose: This study aims to address some of the contemporary issues and challenges concerning mobile banking via Islamic banks, specifically in e-commerce and m-commerce. &nbsp; Theoretical Framework: Mobile banking has made it possible for consumers to buy things online right from their pockets. With the availability of this sophisticated technology, online retailers have been swift in exploiting mobile banking for m-commerce to entice consumers into buying their products without serious considerations of ethical and halal aspects. Addressing these issues is important to address Muslim consumers’ reluctance to fully utilise the functions of mobile banking. &nbsp; Methodology: This study utilises a qualitative research method using virtual library and internet research. The information retrieved mainly came from academic journals, books, reports, magazines, newspapers, and websites. &nbsp; Findings: This study finds that most of the transactions in e-commerce are permissible in Islamic commercial law. &nbsp; Research Implications: This paper outlines issues such as gharar (uncertainty) and deception in e-commerce transactions and ways to address them. Among the ways to address these issues are content moderation, whether by a third party body or consumers themselves, and artificial intelligence. Another way is by applying the principle of khiyar in terms of khiyar al aib (option of defect) and khiyar al ru’yah (option of inspection). &nbsp; Originality/Value: By addressing these issues, it is believed that consumers will be more aware of their rights in the eyes of Islamic law, which some argue accords more justice to consumers

    Efikasi Kendiri Kaunseling dan Kecekapan Kaunseling Pelbagai Budaya dalam kalangan Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling Sekolah Menengah di Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the level of counseling self-efficacy and level of competency for multicultural counseling among counselors in secondary school in Malaysia. It aims to review the level of counseling self-efficacy and level of competency in multicultural counseling based on gender and experience among secondary school counselors. A total number of 140 respondents (secondary school counselors) have been involved in this research. Result shows that the respondents possess high level of counseling self-efficacy and multicultural counseling competency; and both differ based on gender and length of working experience as secondary school counselors. Moreover, the study exhibits a significant correlation between counseling self-efficacy and multicultural counseling competency. Suggestions and implications from this study were also discussed in this article

    Exploring Psychological Well-Being Among Tahfiz Al-Quran Students: Emprical Study Using Psychoeducation Counseling and Therapy

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    This study aims to explore mental stress, self-efficacy and coping strategies that contribute to the stability of tahfiz students' mental health. This study is a qualitative study that uses phenomenological methods in psychoeducational group counseling. The respondents of this study consisted of 5 students of Tahfiz School and Malaysian Armed Forces Orphans (STAY ATM) who were 17 years old. Data analysis using content analysis techniques. The results of the study found that the mental stress faced by tahfiz students is caused by parental coercion, military- lifestyle and environmental factors. As a result of the mental stress experienced, emotional changes also occur. In the aspect of self-efficacy, tahfiz students have personal advantages such as being talented in various fields, extroverted, and independent, but their introvert attitude, low self-esteem and not knowing how to manage time are also their weaknesses. From the aspect of coping strategies, tahfiz students have a mature and rational coping strategy in managing the mental stress they face and have a clear future plan. Al Quran approach clearly shows that it can have a positive effect on the mental stability of tahfiz students. The results of this study have positive implications for students, parents, STAY ATM’s and community
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