61 research outputs found

    Basic of Fault Tree (FT) method

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    A fault tree described the logical relationship between events and causes. This method shows significant success in analyzing the root cause of an accident. This paper will review the basics of the Fault Tree (FT) method including the structure, factors that contribute and FT application

    Used Car Price Estimation: Moving From Linear Regression Towards A New S-Curve Model

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    A simple linear regression is commonly used as a practical predictive model on a used car price. It is a useful model which carry smaller prediction errors around its central mean. Practically, real data will hardly produce a linear relationship. A non-linear model has been observed to better forecast any price appreciation and manage prediction errors in real-life phenomena. In this paper, an S-curve model shall be proposed as an alternative non-linear model in estimating the price of used cars. A dynamic S-shaped Membership Function (SMF) is used as a basis to build an S-curve pricing model in this research study. Real used car price data has been collected from a popular website. Comparisons against linear regression and cubic regression are made. An S-curve model has produced smaller error than linear regression while its residual is closer to a cubic regression. Overall, an S-curve model is anticipated to provide a better and more practical estimate on used car prices in Malaysia

    Effect of ionizing radiation towards human health: a review

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    This paper reviews the properties, process and effect of ionizing radiation towards human health. Ionizing radiation is a radiation that carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds such as alpha, beta, gamma, neutron particles and X-rays. The spontaneous disintegration of atoms is known as radioactivity and the excess energy emitted is a form of ionizing radiation. Unstable elements which disintegrate and emit ionizing radiation are called radionuclides. It has many beneficial applications, including uses in medicine, industry, agriculture and research. As the use of ionizing radiation increases, so does the potential for health hazards. Radiation exposure may be internal or external, and can be acquired through various exposure pathways. Different organs have different sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Understanding the effects of radiation on human bodies provide useful information for the development of radiation protection measures

    A Novel Multiple Session Payment System

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    A wireless smartphone can be designed to process a financial payment efficiently.A user can just swipe his/her credit/debit card over the counter and all the processing needed shall be done seamlessly.A smartphone is a popular device to carry around.It is a hassle to carry and keep track on so many physical debit/credit cards in a wallet.An electronic debit/credit card on a smartphone is a more convenient alternative.This research project will embark on an electronic debit/credit card on a smartphone and migrate to an IoT money.A novel session payment system using IoT money has been introduced to minimise debit/credit card risk.The scope of this paper is confined to the security model for an easy payment system based on Internet of Things (IoT). Previously,each IoT money is unique and used once only on one-time payment.The session payment system will ease the burden on protecting the database of the payment system. This paper will extend the use of one-time payment to a multiple session payment system using an IoT money note

    A Novel Session Payment System Via Internet Of Things (IOT)

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    A wireless method has been designed to process a financial payment efficiently. A user can just swipe his/her credit/debit card over the counter and all the processing needed shall be done seamlessly. A smartphone is a popular device to carry around. It is a hassle to carry and keep track on so many debit/credit cards in a wallet. It is more convenient to carry a debit/credit card electronically on a smartphone. This paper will embark on an electronic debit/credit card on a smartphone and migrate to IoT money. A novel session payment system using IoT money shall be introduced to minimise debit/credit card risk. The scope of this paper is confined into the security model for an easy payment system based on Internet of Things (IoT). Since each IoT money is unique to each payment, this session payment system will ease the burden on protecting the database of the payment system

    Hybrid LTE-Vanets Based Optimal Radio Access Selection

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    The access technology selection,that a user can associate with any radio access technology (RAT) with the availability of multiple RATs available,has been intensively investigated by vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET).In particular it carries and distributes information,inter-communicates and is capable of communicating with other stationary units deployed along roadways.The current study proposed hybrid optimal radio access selection algorithm (ORAS) for LTE/VANETs network. The periodically broadcasted network information supports mobile users to make their selection decisions;mobiles consider their own individual preferences,cost and partial QoS information signaled by the network while making their decision.The switches algorithm between VANET and LTE based on the load value of network and quality of service requirements were proposed.The simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm has better performance compared with LTE and VANETs separately in terms of packet delivery ratio,latency and application-level throughput

    Dakwah melalui media sosial: Penerimaan dalam kalangan warga IPD Setiu, Terengganu / Azman Che Mat … [et al.]

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    Dakwah bukan suatu perkara yang baru dalam peradaban Islam. Gelombang modenisasi pada masa kini memperlihatkan bahawa media social merupakan salah satu sumber ilmu yang sangat rapat dengan manusia. Media sosial merupakan satu saluran yang membawa kepada perjalanan maklumat daripada satu sumber kepada satu sumber yang lain. Kajian ini membincangkan mengenai konsep berdakwah menerusi media, syarat-syarat dakwah menerusi media social dan juga peranan yang harus dimainkan oleh media dalam Islam. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk melihat fungsi media sosial dan penyebaran mesej dakwah. Kajian ini melibatkan populasi sebanyak 143 orang warga IPD (Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah) Setiu dan persampelan adalah 98 orang. Instrumen kajian ialah soal selidik yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan statistik seperti peratusan, kekerapan dan mean. Hasil kajian menunjukkan betapa perlunya penggunaan media sosial dan penyebaran dakwah Islamiah, impak yang positif diterima melalui penggunaan media sosial serta pengaruh dan manfaat yang positif terhadap penyebaran dakwah

    Safety culture in handling radioactive materials for radiation practitioners : a review

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    Safety culture refers to how safety is addressed and communicated in the workplace. It encompasses the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values of all employees in an organization about safety. A good safety culture can be promoted by management through a commitment to safety, realistic practices for handling hazards, continuous organizational learning and concern for hazards shared across the workforce. The objective of this paper is to reviews the safety culture in handling radioactive sources. The radioactive substances used should comply with the following characteristics where radiotoxicity must be as low as possible, short-living isotopes are preferred to long-living ones and the amounts used must be kept to a minimum. Therefore, the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle was applied that based on the minimization of radiation doses and limiting the release of radioactive materials into the environment by employing all reasonable methods. Besides that, the ALARA principle is an integral part of all activities that involve the use of radiation or radioactive materials and can help prevent unnecessary exposure as well as overexposure. The three major ALARA principles to assist with maintaining doses are time, distance and shielding. It takes a whole team effort to successfully implement the ALARA in safety culture while doing routine elements of working in handling radioactive materials

    The Preferences of Student’s Learning Method Based on Course, Gender and Age: Visual, Audio, Reading & Kinesthetic (VARK)

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    Different students have different preferences for learning methods. Some of the students might prefer visual or audio reading or kinesthetic learning. It is believed that the student’s preferences of learning methods might help the students understand more about the subject and hence contribute to their academic performance. Therefore, this study investigates whether the students’ preferences for learning methods are influenced by the courses they registered for and the gender, and age of the students. A sample of 341 students from different backgrounds was selected in this study comprised of students from the Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Accountancy, Faculty of Graphic Design, and Faculty of Nursing in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Puncak Alam. The findings show that course and gender play an important role in student’s preferences for learning methods while age is not the significant variable. There is a very high positive correlation between courses and preferences of learning methods, while age and gender have a high positive correlation toward preferences of learning methods. This study might help educators in tailoring their lectures to the students’ preferences of learning methods, thus contributing to the academic performance of the students


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    Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Program pementoran merupakan satu kaedah latihan di tempat kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh mentor untuk membimbing kerjaya dan psikososial menti bagi mencapai matlamat dan strategi organisasi dalam era persaingan global. Kajian ini merupakan satu tinjauan untuk menilai hubungan langsung antara peranan mentor dalam membantu menti meningkatkan kejayaan kerjaya mereka.   Metodologi: Populasi kajian melibatkan 336 penjawat awam yang telah mengikuti program pementoran formal di Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, Malaysia.  Kaedah persampelan yang digunakan ialah persampelan bertujuan yang mana kajian terdiri daripada penjawat awam yang telah di lantik sebagai menti bagi Program Pementoran Perkhidmatan Awam tahun 2014 hingga 2016 seramai 136 menti. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah kaedah kaji selidik bagi menggumpul data. Data yang diperolehi dikumpul dan dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan perisian Smart Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS) untuk menentukan tahap kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen, serta menguji hipotesis kajian.   Dapatan Kajian: Dapatan kajian ini menghasilkan empat penemuan penting: pertama, fungsi kerjaya mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan kepuasan kerjaya. Kedua, fungsi kerjaya mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan motivasi kerjaya. Ketiga, fungsi psikososial mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan kepuasan kerjaya. Akhir sekali, fungsi psikososial mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan motivasi kerjaya.   Sumbangan: Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa keupayaan mentor melaksanakan fungsi kerjaya dan psikososial secara teratur dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerjaya dan motivasi kerjaya menti dalam organisasi kajian.   Kata Kunci: Fungsi kerjaya, fungsi psikososial, kepuasan kerjaya, motivasi kerjaya, pementoran.   Abstract   Background and Purpose: Mentoring program helps in increasing the morale of the employees and motivates them to achieve organisational goals in an era of global competition. This study was conducted to evaluate a direct relationship between mentors’ roles and mentee achievements.   Methodology: The population of the study is 336 civil servants who involved in a formal mentoring program at Public Service Department in Malaysia. A total of 136 respondents were purposively sampled and they were in the Mentoring Program for Public Service Department for year 2014 to 2016. Data collected using questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using Smart Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS) to evaluate the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling for testing the hypothesized ralations.   Findings: Result revealed four important outcomes: first, career function was significantly related to mentees’ career satisfaction. Secondly, career function was significantly related to mentees’ career motivation. Thirdly, psychosocial function was significantly related to mentees’ career satisfaction. Finally, psychosocial function was significantly related to mentees’ career motivation.   Contributions: This result demonstrates that the ability of mentors to appropriately implement career and psychosocial functions can enhance mentees’ career achievements in the examined organizations.   Keywords: Career function, career motivation, job satisfaction, mentoring, psychosocial function.   Cite as: Abdullah, N. A., Ismail, A., Mohamad Nor, A., Abu Hasand, N., & Samate, O. (2020). Peranan mentor dalam meningkatkan kejayaan kerjaya menti: Satu kajian di jabatan perkhidmatan awam Malaysia [Mentors’ roles in enhancing mentee’s career outcomes: A case of Malaysian public sector]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 5(1), 315-335. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol5iss1pp315-33
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