37 research outputs found


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    This study aims to find out the creative solutions of Islamic economics in overcoming the economic obstacles faced by SMEs both short and long term. This research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach from secondary data including and literature. The results of this study indicate that the right Islamic economic solution to addressing the economic barriers of SMEs is to provide Islamic finance, strengthen management, and use financial technology (Fintech) features and establish relationships with customers. This research has implications for improving and strengthening sharia-based SMEs


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    Islamic entrepreneurship is an aspect of life that grouped into the problem of mu'amalah. This study aims to elaborated entrepreneurship in an Islamic perspective with the concept of honesty which has implications for strengthening Islamic values in entrepreneurial activities  that  can  bring  people  closer  to  Allah swt.  This  study  used  library  research  with descriptive analysis method. All data collected by reviewing various books, literature, notes, including research that has not been or has been published to look for some references relating to Islamic entrepreneurship and the concept of honesty. It is known that the concept of entrepreneurship of the Prophet Muhammad was carried out by means of shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah according shariah principle as human representation to prospering the earth. The concept of entrepreneurship as solely because of Allah swt


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    This study aims to determine the efforts of Islamic Financial Institutions in empowering SMEs, strategies and important roles carried out by LKS in order to empower SMEs through the provision of capital to be managed in business. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, a method that only describes various forms of paradigms about empowerment strategies for SMEs, the most important data sources in this study are related to the search for library data, relevant books, and scientific papers. others relevant to the object of study. The results of this study indicate that there has been much power and effort carried out by the Islamic Finance Agency in order to empower SMEs, this can be proven by the existence of several programs, products, and financing aimed directly at SMEs. The strategy used is; provide complete information as well as promotion to SMEs, provide financing for their business development, provide financing in accordance with the type of business that SMEs are involved in with the concept of sharia principles. The implication of this research is to continue to provide services professionally and provide the best so that they are truly able to provide community welfare, more selective in providing financing so as to minimize the losses that will occur, increase technological resources so that SMEs can easily access information


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    The purpose of this paper is to find out the concept of Islamic business ethics and its implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are individual businesses or business entities that are currently experiencing rapid development. Its development certainly must be accompanied by ethical awareness as exemplified by Rasulullah saw. which is actualized through his characteristics. Thus, the business carried out is not just to get profit only but also blessing. Therefore, Islamic business ethics in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is very important to implement


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    Poverty is an unresolved social problem. One solution to improve the welfare of the poor is the distribution of zakat and empowerment of zakat. The problem of zakat faced today is very complex, start from the fact that there are still some people who won't pay zakat until the distribution of zakat that has not been arranged neatly. The approach used in this research was desciptive qualitative.Descriptive qualitative research seeks to analyze and interpret data has been collected  from the relevant literature. In distributing zakat there are two types of forms, namely consumptive and productive. Especially for zakat productive , giving this type of zakat to empower mustahik to be more productive, independent, and to improve their lives through their potential. Consumptive is understood that zakat is simple distributed such as zakat  distributed in the form of zakat items which are used up or used up. Zakat is no longer scarred because it has been used in daily mustahik. However, productive zakat is distributed not to be spent but to be developed .The model of giving zakat productive includes business capital or loans to mustahik whose daily activities are economic activists, whether traders or others. One of the most suitable schemes to be applied in distributing productive zakat is qardhul hasan. This scheme was known as a loan that was given to someone for free without any imposition of fees unless only returning the principal. Distribution of zakat productive  use the qardul hasan scheme make it easy and not burdensome for mustahik, and the qardhul hasan scheme will avoid usury, and mustahik can maximize it business income. The running distribution of zakat productive with the qardhul hasan scheme can be improve the people's economic welfare

    Implementasi Pemikiran Afzalur Rahman tentang Produksi Berbasis Konsep Al-‘Adl dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Konsumen.

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    This research aims to determine implementation of Afzalur Rahman’s idea based the al-‘adl concept to improving consumer satisfaction. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenology  approach at CV Sinar Permai in Konawe Southeast Sulawesi. The results showed that production mechanisms in the company’s involve the process of material handling, skidding, and transferring. Implementation of production based ‘adl concept has been applied with the values of fairness in all production activities, start from the provision of raw materials, production processes, including use of manpower in production activities. The implementation of production to improving customer satisfaction is to provide assurance of security, comfort, quality of service, and ensure the production of products received by consumers.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pemikiran Afzalur Rahman berbasis konsep al-‘adl dalam meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitiatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi pada CV Sinar Permai di Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme produksi pada perusahaan tersebut telah meliputi proses material handling, skidding, dan transferring. Implementasi produksi berbasis konsep’adl telah diterapkan dengan nilai-nilai keadilan dalam semua kegiatan produksi, mulai dari penyediaan bahan baku, proses produksi, termasuk penggunaan tenaga kerja dalam kegiatan produksi. Implementasi produksi dalam meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen adalah memberikan jaminan keamanan, kenyamanan, kualitas pelayanan, dan menjamin barang hasil produksi yang diterima konsumen


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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to the national economy. It follows to increase in market potential. Innovation has an important role in various business competitions. However, innovative performance has not been completely implemented by SME companies. This research offers the concept of fathanah in innovative performance in SMEs. The research method is a review of the literature on SME innovative performance. This study explains the innovative performance of SMEs with six concepts; process innovation, product innovation, management innovation, organizational innovation, marketing innovation, and technological innovation. The concept of fathanah in innovative performance in SMEs with dimensions of intelligence; intellectual quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ), and spiritual quotient (SQ). This paper applies a conceptual approach. The limitations of this paper are that the dimensions mentioned have not been empirically tested. In addition, there may also be other dimensions of Islamic values related to innovative performance apart from the concept of fathanah. However, the fathanah concept is expected to be applied in innovative performance to develop SMEs

    Internalisasi Nilai Siri’ Na Pacce dalam Transaksi Jual Beli pada Pedagang sebagai Formulasi Nilai Tambah Syariah untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan pada Pedagang di Pasar Tradisional Gowa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai siri’ na pacce dalam transaksi jual beli yang secara sadar atau tidak sadar telah tertanam dalam aktivitas bisnis masyarakat Bugis Makassar. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dianggap penting untuk mengembangkan konsep nilai tambah syariah dengan kearifan lokal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yaitu metode yang akan menghasilkan data deskriptif yang berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan paradigma interpretif untuk mengungkap dan memaknai internalisasi nilai siri’ na pacce dalam transaksi jual beli sebagai formulasi nilai tambah syariah untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan (studi pada pedagang di Pasar Tradisional Gowa). Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara filosofis kearifan lokal Bugis Makassar tercermin dalam wujud transaksi jual beli. Adanya nilai tambah ekonomi yang memiliki formulasi nilai material dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah uang. Nilai tambah mental yang memiliki formulasi nilai kejujuran, nilai keridhaan (suka sama suka), nilai keadilan, nilai kepercayaan dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah rasa altuiristik, senang dan persaudaraan. Kemudian nilai tambah spiritual yang memiliki formulasi nilai untuk tidak mendurhakai Allah dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah rasa ikhlas dan rasa kehadiran Tuhan. Formulasi nilai tambah syariah ini menjadi dasar dalam perwujudan nilai falāh. Implikasi pada peneltian ini adalah adanya perwujudan kesadaran bagi para pedagang Bugis Makassar untuk selalu memelihara nilai kearifan lokal siri’ na pacce dalam menjalankan segala tindakannya sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan kesejahteraan hidup didunia maupun diakhirat (falāh).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai siri’ na pacce dalam transaksi jual beli yang secara sadar atau tidak sadar telah tertanam dalam aktivitas bisnis masyarakat Bugis Makassar. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dianggap penting untuk mengembangkan konsep nilai tambah syariah dengan kearifan lokal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yaitu metode yang akan menghasilkan data deskriptif yang berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan paradigma interpretif untuk mengungkap dan memaknai internalisasi nilai siri’ na pacce dalam transaksi jual beli sebagai formulasi nilai tambah syariah untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan (studi pada pedagang di Pasar Tradisional Gowa). Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara filosofis kearifan lokal Bugis Makassar tercermin dalam wujud transaksi jual beli. Adanya nilai tambah ekonomi yang memiliki formulasi nilai material dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah uang. Nilai tambah mental yang memiliki formulasi nilai kejujuran, nilai keridhaan (suka sama suka), nilai keadilan, nilai kepercayaan dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah rasa altuiristik, senang dan persaudaraan. Kemudian nilai tambah spiritual yang memiliki formulasi nilai untuk tidak mendurhakai Allah dan bentuk nilai tambahnya adalah rasa ikhlas dan rasa kehadiran Tuhan. Formulasi nilai tambah syariah ini menjadi dasar dalam perwujudan nilai falāh. Implikasi pada peneltian ini adalah adanya perwujudan kesadaran bagi para pedagang Bugis Makassar untuk selalu memelihara nilai kearifan lokal siri’ na pacce dalam menjalankan segala tindakannya sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan kesejahteraan hidup didunia maupun diakhirat (falāh)

    Analisis Komoditas Emas dengan Konsep Riba dalam Perspektif Usul Fikih

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    This research aimed to reveal gold whose function as a commodity has fallen out of the category aṣnaf al-riba or not. This research was prepared using the normative method or reference study by examining classical Ulama books. The results of this study concluded that gold which functions as a commodity is not excluded from the aṣnāf al-riba category so that the transaction must pay attention to the rules of usury, including that it cannot be bought and sold without cash