10 research outputs found

    Intervensi Modul Bimbingan Islam Terhadap Masalah Kecelaruan Kebimbangan Umum Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti: Satu Kajian Kes

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    This study seeks to identify the root causes and the effects on individuals with generalized anxiety disorder and also to measure the effectiveness of the Islamic guidance in treating this disease via an Islamic Guidance Module. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti punca dan kesan yang dialami oleh penghidap penyakit kecelaruan kebimbangan umum serta mengukur keberkesanan intervensi bimbingan Islam di dalam merawat penyakit ini

    The correlation between salah (prayers) and students’ academic performance / Che Haslina Abdullah… [et al.]

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    Salah (prayers) is the second pillar of Islam and the most important spiritual practice for Muslims. Salah can bring success to a Muslim's life and by abandoning it, can lead to various problems in one‘s life. In this study, a total of 28 degree students of UiTM Pulau Pinang who have achieved Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) below 2.5 were selected in this research. This study was conducted to determine the students‘ understanding of the importance of salah, their daily routines that have affected their salah, as well as the correlation between their performance of salah and academic performances. The study has shown that there were more male students who have experienced a decline in academic achievement due to their negligence in performing their salah. The reasons being are salah is considered less important and they occupied most of their time by playing games and surfing the Internet. The data also indicated that they have shown penitence and feeling embarrassed to Allah and confessed that the problem in their academic performances most probably occur due to wrath of Allah for their failure in performing prayers

    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) approach for mapping the aboriginal children malnutrition growth : a case in Kemar, Perak / Haslina Hashim ... [et al.]

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    Geographical Information System (GIS) has been widely used nowadays in health monitoring process throughout the whole nation. GIS also has been used to map population infectious diseases such as Dengue, Malaria and AIDS. This system has the ability to organize, manipulate, analyze and visually display spatial data and provide an efficient result thus can help the decision maker in solving the health problem. The use of GIS to map the aboriginal children malnutrition growth is thus appropriate. Children malnutrition is a multi current dimensional problem which involves with food security, education, and access to clean water, sanitation and health services. An aboriginal child is identify to be under the high risk of unhealthy growth nowadays. The factors that contribute to this issues is the living environment and sufficient of healthy food and clean water. GIS technologies have the potential to be used in mapping the children malnutrition growth and study the significance of the environment which relate to the cases. GIS has the ability to update information and visualize the result for further analysis to be taken by the bodies of interest. The objectives of this study is to identify the group of aboriginal children and their locations using global positioning systems (GPS) that need of assistance and help in health interventions, this study also provide up to date information for decision making and raise precaution awareness towards the Aboriginal Children malnutrition’s problems. These malnutrition children growth results will be displayed by GIS to visualize the percentage growth. Once the result is obtained therefore further analysis can be done to monitor the aboriginal children growth with the support of healthy malnutrition program in future

    Performance Evaluation of Joint Path and Spectrum Diversity Based Routing Protocol in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks under Critical Conditions

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    Cognitive Radio (CR) technology has been introduced to solve the problems of spectrum underutilization and spectrum scarcity caused by improper spectrum management policies. The main concept of Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN) is that, in a wireless ad hoc network, the unlicensed users (or Secondary Users (SUs)) are allowed to access the temporally unused licensed spectrum bands for data communications without harmful interference to the licensed users (or Primary Users (PUs)). In CRAHNs, the mobile SUs communicate with each other without the use of any centralized network infrastructure. Routing in CRAHNs is an important task and faces various challenges including PU interference, frequent network topology changes, energy constraint, volatile bandwidth and fragile connectivity. In this study, an attempt is made to evaluate the performance of the Dual Diversity Cognitive Ad-hoc Routing Protocol (D2CARP) in CRAHNs under critical conditions, i.e., high node mobility rate and number of PUs. The D2CARP protocol is a joint path and spectrum diversity based routing protocol for CRAHNs. The performance evaluation is conducted through simulation using NS-2 simulator. The performance metrics to be considered include average throughput, percentage of packet loss, average end-to-end delay and average jitter. The simulation results prove that the protocol performance is significantly affected in the networks with high number of PUs and mobility rate, leading to high path failure rate and severe service outages

    Pembinaan tamadun Islam seimbang melalui psikologi Islam

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    Tamadun Islam terikat dengan kemurnian akidah, kehalusan akhlak dan kemuncak pencapaian manusia beragama Islam dalam pelbagai dimensi kehidupan. Pada asasnya tamadun Islam lebih mementingkan keperibadian akhlak mulia setiap insan tanpa membezakan setiap bangsa. Kehebatan dan keunikan tamadun Islam berbanding tamadun Barat diukur dari sudut kerohaniannya. Berlaku secara realiti bahawa proses pembentukan tamadun Islam lebih tertumpu kepada aspek Materialisme sehingga melupakan sudut pemurnian spiritual umat Islam. Era kejatuhan tamadun Islam dari dulu hingga kini mula menampakkan bayangannya akibat keruntuhan akhlak dalam kalangan umat Islam. Keburukan akhlak berpunca daripada kelemahan jiwa yang mengalami ketirisan akidah dan kerapuhan agama. Kerohanian yang berpusat di jiwa perlu dibajai dan dipupuk sehingga ia berupaya memanifestasikan keunggulan personaliti bangsa dalam tamadun Islam. Pembaikan akhlak boleh diurus melalui kaedah pemurnian jiwa atau psikologi yang berteraskan al-Quran dan sunnah. Psikologi berkait rapat dengan tamadun Islam kerana ia berlatar belakangkan masyarakat sosial manusia. Kejayaan sebenar bagi manusia pastinya dapat dicapai melalui kesihatan mental dan jiwa. Psikologi Islam menyediakan pelbagai cara dan antaranya ialah kaedah psikoterapi Islam. Metode ini amat diperlukan oleh setiap manusia bagi pembentukan personalitinya sebagai insan yang berkualiti di dalam segenap aspek agar mendapat kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat. Kegemilangan sesuatu tamadun bergantung sepenuhnya kepada keperkasaan fizikal, mental, spiritual dan emosi. Sekiranya sesuatu bangsa itu tidak memiliki keempat-empat dimensi ini, maka hancurlah bangsa tersebut dan runtuhlah tamadunnya. Justeru, Muslim yang berperwatakan mulia berupaya memartabatkan tamadun Islam. Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kaedah psikoterapi Islam sebagai salah satu metode di dalam bidang psikologi Islam dalam membina manusia Muslim sebagai agen utama bagi pemerkasaan tamadun Islam ke arah menghadapi pelbagai isu pada era yang mendatang

    Exploring the potential use of video in increasing learners’ understanding and motivation / Wan Noorli Razali, Che Haslina Abdullah and Tengku Muhaini Tuan Mat

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    Lecture has always been the only preference of many Islamic Studies Courses’ teachers and lecturers when the generation of students nowadays are exposed to the multimodality of learning process. Many experts strongly believe with solid technology infrastructures, effective and meaningful ICT integration in the lecture rooms is achievable (Vrasidas and Glass, 2005; Grabe, 2004; Tomei, 2002). The findings will be able to help lecturers in making the decision to incorporate video in the religious subjects. This study therefore seeks to explore if video has the potential in assisting the lecturers to maintain students’ focus and increase their understanding and motivation. It is a case study where it adopts the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Triangulation of these different data collection methods allows deeper analyses of the findings: test, observation checklist and questionnaire. The findings will then be reported quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Thus, this study will be valuable in helping the lecturers to evaluate the incorporation of technology like video in enhancing students’ understanding and increase their motivation

    Knowledge and Learning Teachers Toward The Implementation of Guided Inquiry Approach in Aqidah Curriculum

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    Pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing adalah kegiatan inkuiri di mana masalah dan berbagai pertanyaan diajukan oleh guru sementara siswa perlu memprakarsai temuan item. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengelola guru Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap penerapan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing berdasarkan Aqidah di Sekolah Menengah. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi hubungan antara dua aspek. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dalam survei terhadap 108 guru Pendidikan Agama Islam. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan bahwa kedua elemen pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengelola guru berada pada tingkat tinggi. Analisis inferensi korelasi spearman juga menemukan bahwa kekuatan hubungan antara kedua aspek tersebut berada pada tingkat positif sedang. Implikasi dari penelitian guru perlu menekankan secara khusus pada masalah pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam implementasi pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing sehingga mereka dapat memiliki dampak positif dan efektif pada siswa seperti membantu siswa untuk memahami isi pelajaran agar lebih baik, mendorong proses kognitif dan budaya berpikir kritis serta memperkuat aqidah para siswa yang semakin mengkhawatirkan.The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raised by the teacher while the student needs to initiate the findings of the item. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge and skill of managing the Islamic Education teacher towards the implementation of guided inquiry approach based on Aqidah in high school. Also, this study also identifies the relationship between the two aspects. The methodology of this study is quantitative in the survey of 108 Islamic Education teachers. The descriptive analysis was carried out that both elements of knowledge and skills in managing teachers were at high levels. Spearman's correlation inference analysis also found that the strength of the relation between the two aspects was at a moderate positive level. Furthermore, the implication of the study found that teachers need to emphasize specifically on issues of knowledge and skills in managing the implementation of guided inquiry approaches so that they can have a positive and effective impact on students such as helping students to understand the content of the lesson in better, encourage critical cultural cognitive processes of critical thinking as well as reinforcing aqidah in the students who are increasingly worrying about the day

    RACARP: a robustness aware routing protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks

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    t:Cognitive Radio (CR) is a new paradigm which offers a viable solution to deal with the spectrum shortage problem and enhances the spectrum utilization in wireless communication systems. In Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs), data routing is one of the most challenging tasks due to varying link-quality, frequent topology changes and intermittent connectivity caused by the activities of Primary Users (PUs). This paper proposes a robustness aware routing protocol for CRAHNs, referred to the Robustness Aware Cognitive Ad-hoc Routing Protocol (RACARP), with an aim to provide robust transmission path and offer fast route recovery in presence of PU activities during data delivery. The Expected Path Delay (EPD) routing metric used in the protocol for path decision is also introduced. The protocol avoids creating a transmission path that uses PU’s channel in PU regions in order to counteract the impact of PU activity. Moreover, for the purpose of fast route recovery, the multi-path multi-channel routes are given by utilizing the joint path and spectrum diversity in routing. The performance evaluations are conducted through simulations using NS-2 simulator. The simulation results obviously demonstrate that the RACARP protocol can significantly achieve better performance in terms of average throughput, packet loss, average end-to-end delay, and average jitter as compared to the recently proposed D2CARP protocol in identical scenario

    RACARP: a robustness aware routing protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks

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    Cognitive Radio (CR) is a new paradigm which offers a viable solution to deal with the spectrum shortage problem and enhances the spectrum utilization in wireless communication systems. In Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs), data routing is one of the most challenging tasks due to varying link-quality, frequent topology changes and intermittent connectivity caused by the activities of Primary Users (PUs). This paper proposes a robustness aware routing protocol for CRAHNs, referred to the Robustness Aware Cognitive Ad-hoc Routing Protocol (RACARP), with an aim to provide robust transmission path and offer fast route recovery in presence of PU activities during data delivery. The Expected Path Delay (EPD) routing metric used in the protocol for path decision is also introduced. The protocol avoids creating a transmission path that uses PU’s channel in PU regions in order to counteract the impact of PU activity. Moreover, for the purpose of fast route recovery, the multi-path multi-channel routes are given by utilizing the joint path and spectrum diversity in routing. The performance evaluations are conducted through simulations using NS-2 simulator. The simulation results obviously demonstrate that the RACARP protocol can significantly achieve better performance in terms of average throughput, packet loss, average end-toend delay, and average jitter as compared to the recently proposed D2CARP protocol in identical scenarios