179 research outputs found


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    Identifying and Handling Black Spot in Transportation Engineering(Batu Gajah-Taman Maju Route)

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    Malaysia now experienced a rapid growth of economy and population. As the population grows. the numbers of vehicles used on the road will also increasing. 'fcxo much vehicles on the road causing lots of accidents and black spot area will exist. Batu Gajah to Taman Maju route is always busy especially during peak hour. The traffic is varying from motorcycle to large trucks.The existence of these large vehicles and road constructions along the road pane to cause accident. The objectives of this study are to identify the characteristics of black spot area and at the same time identify black spot area along Batu Gajah to Taman Maju route. It will be focused factors causing black spot, existed black spot area along the mute and how to handle the area identified. The methods that will he use in this study are survey based methods such as questionnaires and interviews as well as data collection from police department and spat speed study. The result of this study will be presented in forms of tables, charts and graph

    Ethnic and religious tolerance: barrier factors and improvement measures based on Malay youth perspectives in Malaysia

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    Ethnic and religious unity is a thing that every country wishes for not exempting Malaysia. Tolerance among the population is very much expected to achieve this. Nevertheless, ethnic and religious diversity in Malaysia is often seen as a challenge for realizing tolerance and thus creating unity. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the barrier factors for ethnic and religious tolerance while at the same time identifying proposals for improvement measures to tolerance among the community. Hence, the Focus Group Discussion or FGD study design was used by involving 20 Malay youth informants as information providers. As a result of the analysis it can be concluded that there are six themes that exist as a barrier factor to ethnic and religious tolerance, namely (i) social gap; 38.06 percent, (ii) political debate; 16.42 percent, (iii) religious differences; 16.42 percent, (iv) economic inequality; 11.94 percent, (v) rights and constitution; 11.94 percent, and (vi) primordial sentiment; 5.22 percent. Meanwhile, in addressing the problem of ethnic and religious tolerance, the informants also proposed four perspectives on improvement measures i.e. (i) social empowerment; 71.19 percent, (ii) political role; 15.25 percent, (iii) the rule of law; 10.17 percent, and (iv) maintaining the image of Islam; 3.39 percent. The issues are important to be scrutinized because the practice of good ethnic and religious tolerance can unite the community, thereby driving the stability and progress of the country

    Theoretical Analysis and CFD Simulation of the Solid Ball Kill Process in Offshore Blowout Wells

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    Well blowout results in massive disaster especially for offshore well. The risk for blowout is increasing as drilling for oil and gas moves into more complex and challenging environment. The damages from blowout incident include life, environment and economy. Conventional well kill methods are either not effective or too slow. Thus, fast and reliable well kill method is needed. This research project is based on the well killing method invented by Xianhua Liu which uses heavy kill balls to be released into the well. These balls will block and suppress the flow of blowout fluids. This method is fast and reliable. The purpose of this project is to study theoretically on the interaction of kill balls with blowout fluids inside the well and also to simulate the behavior of kill balls by using Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. This research process starts with literature review on blowout incidents and available well killing methods. Then, fluid mechanics theory and calculation are used for theoretical study. After that ANSYS 14 software is used for simulation purpose. Finally, the results from the study and simulation are analyzed. Kill balls are expected to suppress and significantly reduce the flow velocity of blowout fluids so that the well can be completely killed. The outcome of this project will benefits in solving well blowout problems fast and effectively so that to minimize the property loss of the petroleum company and environmental damage

    Greenhouse disease of oil palm seedlings and their causal pathogen in UiTM Melaka Campus Jasin / Akmal Hakim Abdullah Hadi

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    Malaysia is among the top countries in the world in producing oil palm. Nowadays, the number of oil palm production plays a significant role in Malaysia economic growth. The diseases that attack the oil palm leaves were became a major problem in the early growth stage of oil palm such as Culvularia leaf spot that caused by Culvularia sp., Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp elaeidis (Foe), Corticium leaf spot caused by Corticium solani. It was became a problem when hard to be eradicated and taken several methods to eliminate it. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to recognize and define what type of leaf diseases and its causal agents on oil palm seedlings. Next, to determine disease incidence and distribution of leaf diseases on oil palm seedlings reared in the greenhouse structure. Last but not least, the purpose control on the disease that attacked oil palm seedlings. In this study, disease that I found in the greenhouse three UITM Jasin were found and isolated it to identify what type of disease that attack the oil palm seedlings leaves. In vitro studies, the sample of leaf diseases were collected and its causal agent induced to grow on PDA. Four type of diseases were identified which were Culvularia leaf spot, Fusarium wilt, Common spear rot and Rhizoctonia solani. The most leaf disease attacked on oil palm seedlings was Culvularia leaf spot at 41% incidences. The causal agent for each of leaf diseases have been identified after isolation and observation under microscope based on their microscopic characteristics (Conidia and hyphae). The most recommend control methods have been identified to control common spear rot, Rhizoctonia solani and Culvularia leaf spot was using the biological control method such as Bacillus subtillis, Tricoderma harzianum and wild basidiomycetes. But the most effective approach in controlling fusarium wilt was using the resistances cultivars

    Pelatihan E- Marketing bagi UKM produk koral dan ikan hias di Kota Makassar

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    Selama ini UKM Produk Koral dan Ikan Hias mengalami beberapa permasalahan dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Diantaranya bahwa UKM Produk Koral dan Ikan Hias belum mempunyai media pemasaran digital, belum menampilkan konten produk yang menarik. Kegiatan Pengabdan ini diikuti oleh pelaku UKM yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan produk koral dan ikan hias yang berada di Kota Makassar. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan serta evaluasi pada awal dan akhir kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini terlihat pengetahuan dan ketrampilan para pelaku UKM yang bertambah setelah mengikuti pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang E-Marketing, penerapan strategi pemasaran, pemilihan media yang tepat digunakan oleh pelaku UKM dalam mempromosikan, memasarkan produknya, serta cara mengembangkan bisnis melalui E-marketing

    UUM ajak artis sambung pengajian: Empat kursus sarjana muda terbuka untuk artis

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    Golongan artis atau anak seni yang terbabit dalam bidang perfileman, muzik mahupun penyiaran dialu­-alukan menyambung pengajian di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok, Kedah yang menyediakan empat jenis kursus pada peringkat sarjana muda dengan keistimewaan syarat kelayakan bersandarkan pengalaman dimiliki dalam industri hiburan

    Bibliometric Examination of "Bona Vacantia": Charting Patterns and Research Trends

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    This paper employs a bibliometric analysis to examine the primary sources of publication, authorship, citations, and research trends concerning Bona vacantia. Bona vacantia, often known as ownerless property, carries significant legal and economic significance on a global scale. Comprehending the academic discussion surrounding a topic benefits legal professionals, policymakers, and researchers. Retrieving 645 relevant articles from the Scopus database spanning 2003 to 2023, the study employs data refining and various bibliometric methods, including cluster and network analysis and word cloud generation. The analysis reveals 158 contributors from 69 countries, predominantly publishing articles. It identifies key articles, authors, and journals shaping the discourse on Bona vacantia. Although the insights provided are valuable, it is crucial to understand the limits in terms of database coverage, chronology, and paper scope. Future research should incorporate diverse databases and extend temporal perspectives to understand Bona vacantia comprehensively. This study recommends a broader research expansion to enhance understanding of this multifaceted subject


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis inovasi pelayanan publik melalui UP3SK di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pinrang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dalam penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif yaitu untuk menggambarkan kenyataan dari kejadian yang diteliti. Metode penelitian ini dianggap mampu menjelaskan penelitian ini secara mendalam. Fokus penelitian ini pada teori atribut inovasi oleh Rogers yaitu: Relative Advantage (Keuntungan Relatif), Compatibility (kesesuaian), Complexity (Kerumitan), Triability (Kemungkinan Dicoba), Observability (Kemudahan Diamati). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inovasi pelayanan publik melalui UP3SK di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pinrang dapat dilihat berdasarkan atribut inovasi menurut Rogers. Pada atribut relative advantage diketahui bahwa keuntungan dari adanya inovasi pelayanan UP3SK adalah meminimalisir praktek percaloan dan lebih memudahkan masyarakat. Pada atribut compatibility menjelaskan bahwa inovasi pelayanan UP3SK sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat dalam proses pengurusan dokumen yang lebih mudah. Atribut complexity menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada kerumitan dalam pengurusan dan juga dalam proses pelayanan UP3SK. Namun ada beberapa kendala yaitu belum lengkapnya sarana dan prasarana dalam proses pelayanan UP3SK, serta tidak jelasnya aturan petunjuk pelaksanaan dan petunjuk teknis dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan UP3SK. Atribut triability juga menjelaskan bahwa tidak adanya fase uji coba kepada masyarakat dalam pelayanan UP3SK. Hanya ada percobaan teknis di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pinrang. Pada atribut observability menunjukkan bahwa selama pelayanan UP3SK berjalan, telah sesuai dengan keinginan Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pinrang yakni untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam pengurusan dokumen penting dan meminimalisir percaloan atau pungutan liar

    A new Vanilla species from Peninsular Malaysia

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    A new species, Vanilla sanguineovenosa R. Go & A. Raffi, from Peninsular Malaysia is described, illustrated, and other aspects of interest discussed. It is so far known from a small population in lower montane forests at Tapah, Perak. A field key to the Peninsular Malaysian taxa, including V. sumatrana is also provided