227 research outputs found

    Silicon Betavoltaic Batteries Structures

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    For low-power miniature energy creation sources the particular interest is nickel Ni63. This paper discusses the main types of betavoltaic battery structures with the prospects for industrial application using - isotope of nickel Ni63. It is shown that the prospects for improving the effective efficiency are planar multijunction betavoltaic batteries

    Retinal Schiff base position relative to the surfaces of photoreceptor disk

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    AbstractSurface-enhanced Raman spectra of native and photobleached bovine rod outer segment disks as well as inside-out (inverted) photoreceptor disks adsorbed on silver hydrosol have been analyzed. Surface-enhanced spectra of inverted disks and disk-monoclonal antibody complexes reveal the short-range mechanism of enhancement. The distance between retinal Schiff base and the cytoplasmic side of native disk has been shown to be 5–10 Å

    Endoluminal prolonged endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure therapy in the treatment of patients with perforation of the thoracic segment of the esophagus

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    Departament Chirurgie №1, Departament Endoscopie, Spitalul Aleksandrovsky, St. Petersburg, Federația Rusă, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Perforația esofagului este un eveniment care pune în pericol viața. Tratamentul chirurgical presupune operații de urgență și acestea adesea sunt asociate cu un risc ridicat de complicații postoperatorii. In cazul asocierii mediastinitei mortalitatea este inalta - 40-80%. Principalele cauze ale letalitatii sunt mediastinita, empiemul pleural, complicatile septice. Căutarea unor metode eficiente de corectare a complicațiilor postoperatorii este o problemă stringentă. Material şi metodă: Sub supravegherea noastră în perioada aprilie-mai 2019, au fost trei pacienți cu perforații al segmentului toracic al esofagului.Tuturor pacientilor a fost aplicat tratamentul endoscopic vacuum-asistat (E-VAC). Pentru crearea presiunii negative intraluminale în zona insuficientii suturilor si la nivelul perforării esofagului, a fost utilizată o constructie constând din sonda nasogastrica cu un burete poliuretanic fixat în portiunea distală. Poziționarea acestei construcții în esofag a fost efectuată sub control endoscopic; pacientul a fost supus unei anestezii intravenoase. Nivelul țintă al presiunii negative a fost de 100-150 mmHg. Buretele este înlocuit la fiecare trei-cinci zile. Rezultate: În urma tratamentul endoscopic vacuum-asistat a avut loc inchidera completa a defectului esofagian, manifestările mediastinitei si empiemului pleural au fost cupate. Durata tratamentului spitalicesc a fost în medie 25 de zile. Concluzii: În cazul insuficientei suturilor esofagului operat sau a perforatilor esofagiene, pentruprevenirea patrunderii in mediastin și cavitatea pleurală a sucurilor digestive și a alimentelor; crearea condiților favorabile pentru stimularea proceselor de reparație în zona afectata tratamentul endoscopic vacuum-asistat poate fi recomandată pentru utilizarea pe scară largă.Introduction: Perforation of the esophagus is a life-threatening situation. Surgical treatment demand immediate surgery and is often accompanied by the high risk of the postoperative complications. Mortality, according to different authors, exceeds 80%. The main causes of death are progressive mediastinitis, empyema and sepsis. The searching of effective ways of correcting postoperative complication are a current problem. Material and methods: Under our supervision from April to May 2019, there were three patients with perforations of the thoracic segment of the esophagus. All patients received endoscopic vacuum-assisted treatment (e-vac). For the creation of negative intraluminal pressure at the level of perforation of the esophagus, a construction consisting of nasogastric probe with a polyurethane sponge was used. The positioning of this construction in the esophagus was carried out under endoscopic control; the patient underwent intravenous anesthesia. The target level of negative pressure was 100-150 mmHg. Spongу is replaced every three to five days. Results: Following the endoscopic vacuum-assisted treatment, the complete closure of the esophageal defect took place; the manifestations of mediastinitis and pleural empyema were cupped. The duration of hospital treatment was on average 25 days. Conclusions: in case of insufficiency of the suture of the operated oesophagus or esophageal perforations, for prevention of penetration into the mediastinum and pleural cavity of digestive juices and food, creating favorable conditions for stimulating the repair processes in the affected area, endoscopic vacuum-assisted treatment can be recommended for widespread use

    Econometric Estimation of Economic Growth by Purchasing management: Neovlassical Models to the Analysis of Qualitative Changes

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    Based on the review of theories of economic growth, attention is focused on the sources of regional economic growth by purchasing management. Using linear regression models, a sample of data from 83 Russian regions from 2010 to 2016 reflects the short-term dynamics of regressors influence on the gross regional product growth. On the basis of partial elasticity coefficients, it is empirically revealed that the greatest influence on the gross regional product is exerted by investments in fixed capital, in contrast to the costs of technological innovations. The conclusion about the statistically significant difference in the impact of the volume of investment in fixed capital and the cost of technological innovation on the gross regional product is formulated on the basis of a comparison of the modular values of the boundaries of confidence intervals: if the intervals intersect, there is no statistical difference between the coefficients.  It is possible to recommend to apply the results to regional authorities in the development of regional economic policy in the field of investment and innovation.  The assumption that the growth of investment in fixed capital and rising costs of technological innovation increase the gross regional product is empirically confirmed. Investment in fixed capital has a greater impact on gross regional product than the cost of technological innovation. In 2015, 2016 compared to 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, the impact of investments in fixed assets in the direction of increase, relative to the impact of costs on technological innovation is statistically different. In further studies, to eliminate the bias in the estimates of regression coefficients, it is advisable to expand the range of regressors of the gross regional product, to use econometric models for the analysis of panel data

    Проблема определения международно-правового статусаКаспийского моря: современный этап

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    This paper is devoted to the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. After the USSR breakup Iran and Russia were committed to the provisions of the Soviet-Iranian treaties and opposed the division of the Caspian Sea into national sectors. The new Caspian states had a different outlook: they supported the idea of the Caspian division into national sectors. They believed that the Russian-Persian and later on Russian-Iranian documents addressed the issues of fishery and navigationanddidnotregulatetheissues related to exploration, development and transit of hydrocarbons. This paper underlines that the active policy of the Caspian countries on the international legal status of the Caspian based on availability of hydrocarbon resources in the Caspian shelf.В статье рассматривается проблема международно- правового статуса Каспийского моря. После распада СССР Иран и Россия придерживались положений советско-иранских договоров и выступали против разделения Каспия на национальные сектора. Новые прикаспийские государства придерживались иных позиций: они выступали за ра- дел Каспия на национальные сектора. Новые прикаспийские государства считали, что российско-персидские, а впоследствии и росийско-иранские документы касались вопросов рыболовства и судоходства и ни как н

    Photosynthetic reaction centre of Chloroflexus aurantiacus I. Primary structure of L-subunit

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    AbstractThe L-subunit primary structure of the reaction centre from Chloroflexus aurantiacus composed of 310 amino acid residues has been determined by parallel analysis of the protein and corresponding DNA. Significant homology between this protein and L-subunits from reaction centres of purple bacteria is observed. This implies close similarity in the tertiary structure of these proteins

    Conformation of surface exposed N-terminus part of bacteriorhodopsin studied by transferred NOE technique

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    AbstractInteraction of the monoclonal antibody A5 raised against native bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with the synthetic peptide pGlu1-Ala-Gln-Ile-Thr-Gly-Arg7-NH2, corresponding to the amino acid sequence 1–7 was studied by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (TRNOE) spectroscopy. The denaturing reagents and the specially designed pulse sequences which eliminate broad signals from the TRNOE spectra were used to favour evaluation of the TRNOE peaks. On the basis of the data obtained, the conformation of peptide bound with A5 was calculated. A model of the mutual arrangement of bacteriorhodopsin N-terminus and the first transmembrane α-helical segment 8–32 was proposed

    «Асар» — памятник письменного наследия Мухаммада ал-Йараги: общая характеристика и источниковедческий анализ

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    This paper is devoted to the source research analysis of the collection works and letters of a famous Dagestani Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaragi, which are written in Arabic and known as ‘Al-Athar’. Despite a keen interest in the personality of the sheikh, practically nothing was known about the content of this book, the only one extant from his written heritage. Meanwhile, the research of these collected works allows us to provide unique insight into the views and beliefs of this famous sheikh. In this regard, the authors examined in detail the structure of ‘Al-Athar’, having determined the genre variety of the manuscript materials included in it. The collection consists of two qasids, texts of several duas and instructions, a biography of the sheikh written by his son, as well as his extensive correspondence with various Dagestani theologians and communities. The collection ends with a small work in poetic form by Jamaluddin al-Gazigumuki, in which he quotes his silsila, i. e. a consistent chain of succession of the sheikhs of the Naqshbandi tariqa. The materials under research provide interesting information about the political and spiritual life of Dagestan society in the first half of the 19th century. At the same time, they provide an insight into the resumption of the interrupted Sufi tradition in the region.Статья посвящена источниковедческому анализу сборника сочинений и писем на арабском языке, принадлежащих перу знаменитого дагестанского шейха Мухаммада ал-Йараги и известного под названием «Асар». Несмотря на пристальный интерес к личности шейха, о содержании этой книги, единственной дошедшей до нас из его письменного наследия, практически ничего не было известно. Между тем исследование данного сборника позволяет значительно расширить наши представления о взглядах и убеждениях ал-Йараги. В связи с этим авторы подробно рассмотрели структуру «Асар», установив жанровую принадлежность включенных в него рукописных материалов, а также раскрыли содержание ряда вопросов, на которых акцентировал свое внимание ал-Йараги. Сборник состоит из двух касыд, текстов нескольких дуа и наставлений, биографии шейха, написанной его сыном, а также из его обширной переписки с различными дагестанскими богословами и общинами. Завершает сборник небольшое сочинение в стихотворной форме Джамалуддина ал-Газигумуки, в котором он приводит свою силсила, т. е. последовательную цепь преемственности шейхов накшбандийского тариката.В нескольких вступлениях к своим касыдам, которые занимают большую часть сборника, ал-Йараги подробно говорит о причинах, побудивших его к написанию этих сочинений. Их язык изобилует метафорами и аллегориями, особым стилистическим своеобразием отличается вымышленный диалог автора с собственным нафсом. Исследуемые материалы содержат интересные сведения о политической и духовной жизни дагестанского общества в первой половине XIX в. В то же время они позволяют получить представление о возобновлении прерванной суфийской традиции в регионе, а также раскрыть новые черты многогранной личности шейха ал-Йараги