25 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Modul Kemahiran Asas Bacaan Al-Quran (Meta-SIQRA’): Development of Al-Quran Basic Reading Skills Module (Meta-SIQRA’)

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    Malay: Kajian ini bertujuan memperkenalkan proses pembinaan modul  kemahiran asas bacaan al-Quran (Meta-SIQRA') dengan menggunakan model instruksional EDDIE, ditambahbaik dengan model SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual & Intellect) serta strategi metakognitif. Modul Meta-SIQRA' ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kemahiran asas bacaan al-Quran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Manakala model instruksional ADDIE adalah merupakan satu model panduan reka bentuk dan pembangunan modul Meta-SIQRA'. ADDIE merupakan satu model yang sistematik dapat memandu pembangunan dan penyelenggaraan sesebuah modul untuk mencapai objektif yang diharapkan. Model ADDIE dapat dirungkaikan seperti berikut, Analysis (analisis) Design (rekabentuk) Development (pembangunan) Implementation (pelaksanaan) dan Evaluation (penilaian). Model ini melibatkan proses berulang dan mempunyai perkaitan di setiap fasa yang berikutnya. Dapatan setiap fasa merupakan permulaan kepada fasa yang berikutnya. Kajian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif  bagi merekabentuk, membangun dan menilai modul Meta-SIQRA’ yang dihasilkan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik Delphi 2 pusingan melalui soal selidik berstruktur yang diubah suai daripada kajian lepas melibatkan 6 orang pakar bidang.   Data dianalisa secara deskriptif dan kekerapan dengan menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versi 12.0. Dapatan menunjukan modul Meta-SIQRA’ mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi dan bersedia untuk diuji keberkesanannya terhadap pencapaian kemahiran asas bacaan al-Quran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.   English:This study is set to introduce the development of basic al-Qur'an reading skills module (Meta-SIQRA') with ADDIE instructional model, improved with the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual & Intellect) modeul along with meta-cognitive strategies. The purpose of the Meta-SIQRA' is to improve the performance of al-Qur'an basic reading skills among children. Meanwhile, the instructional design, ADDIE, is the guiding model for design and development of the Meta-SIQRA' modules. ADDIE is a systematic module that is able to guide modules' development and maintenance for achieving the desired objectives. The ADDIE model consists of the following; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This is a repetitive model that connects one phase to another, whereby the output of a phase will serve as the input of another phase. This leads to a quantitative approacj to design, develop, and evaluate the Meta-SIQRA' modules. Data collection is carried out using Delphi 2 with structured survey modified based on previous works involving 6 field experts. Data is analyzed descriptively with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0. Findings showed that the Meta-SIQRA' modules have high validation and are ready to evaluate al-Qur'an basic reading skills among children

    The concept of leadership and constitution of a country from the Islamic and Malay archipelago perspectives according to Taj Al Salatin manuscript

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    The concept of leadership has been present eversince the dawn of time, with scholars steering broad studies from various directions and viewpoints, which were then formed into literary works. In the Malay Archipelago, Taj al-Salatin manuscript (1603M) is extensively recognised as a masterwork that emphasised leadership qualities from the Islamic viewpoint. This study was conducted to recognise the author’s notions on Islamic leadership in the context of Malay Archipelago, using descriptive method by analysing the manuscript. The results revealed that leaders and leadership are deliberated, as a decree from Allah SWT. Good rulers must be competent, with higher knowledge and morals than their followers. Taj al-Salatin presents the indication that rulers should exercise Tasawwuf, which among its practises take account of unceasing self reminder of death, rejecting desires and lust, and prioritising remembrance of Allah. In his manuscript, Bukhari al-Jauhari presents the idea, optimism and the notion of “rulers are perfect beings”, which personifies the concept of Tauhid and espouses noble character for universal civilisation. A ruler of a country should at all times stand on the grounds of good moral standards and the people are led towards generating a peaceful, thriving and blissful nation


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    Sudah menjadi pandangan umum bahawa warisan merupakan peninggalan generasi lampau yang menjadi tatapan generasi sekarang, ianya datang sebagai pusaka atau panduan dan renungan bagi generasi berikutnya yang prihatin dengan perjalanan sebuah tamadun. Pemahaman umat islam tentang Warisan sering dipahami hanya terhad kepada pembahagian harta pusaka sahaja manakala intipatinya lebih daripada itu, oleh yang demikian tulisan ini cuba mengemukakan suatu pandangan mengenai konsep warisan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur`an dengan berpandukan kepada sistem pentafsiran tematik al-Qur`an, di mana fakta-faktanya banyak dijumpai pada ayat-ayat yang mengandungi kisah (sejarah) nabi-nabi dan rasul, dan ini mempunyai nilai warisan yang menjadi renungan dan tatapan umat-umat yang datang selepasnya. Makalah ini terfokus pada persitilahan warisan, konsep warisan, bentuk-bentuknya serta bagaimana membina formula pelestarian warisan

    Fasting ontology in pillars of Islam

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    The development of Fasting Ontology in the Pillars of Islam is presented in this paper and has been built based on reliable sources of Islamic Knowledge. The methodology is used for the ontology development, which include identifying motivation scenarios, creating the competency questions, implementation and evaluation. From the beginning of the development of life cycle, the ontology was appraised from the competency questions and the outcome were clear. Therefore, this ontology can link each concept specifically to the individual verse together with the Tafsir that is related to the topics. The ontology proposed will be part of a larger ontology on Five Pillars of Islam. This development of the ontology is intended to refer to the field of learning for other purpose. For instance, search engine, chatbot, expert system or knowledge-based system


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    Umm al-Barahin is a theology masterpiece that delivers a big impact on Malay Jawi Books writing. The book has been fundamental in learning and discussing the attributes of Allah in Malay world. This article found that there are many works of adaption and translation based on Umm al-Barahin produced by Malay traditional scholars. The sustainability of teaching based on this books until now are really amazing. Malay Jawi Books are also a sign of the Islamic scientific tradition that developed in Malay world. The process are rooted on translation and adaptation activities from the Arabic masterpiece to Malay language in Jawi writing


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    Islam has come to bring together the Malay Jawi script which has served as a means of dissemination of knowledge, especially knowledge of religion among the Malay community. Islam became a legacy to the Malays so that they are included in the definition of the Malays as contained in Article 160 (2) of the Constitution, namely the Muslim, practicing traditional Malay culture and speak the language. However Jawi script which brought together the arrival of Islam had a different fate for his role has been taken over by Rumi. Even the position of Jawi today's increasingly marginalized and no longer seen as a symbol of Malay civilization as it was impassable in the golden age of Malay civilization ago. Hence this paper discusses some of the challenges faced by Jawi nowadays that need to be addressed to ensure the Jawi script may continue to be upheld its use in accordance with its position as a civilization heritage of the Malays

    Huruf baharu mewakili bunyi "eks" dalam sistem tulisan jawi

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    Tulisan Jawi telah lama digunakan oleh orang Melayu sebelum penggunaan secara meluas tulisan Rumi dalam penulisan pada ketika ini. Setelah meningkatnya perkataan pinjaman daripada bahasa Inggeris ke dalarn bahasa Melayu, tuIisan Jawi dilihat sebagai tulisan yang banyak kekurangan lmtaran ketiadaan huruf vokd bagi mewakiii huruf-huruf Rumi dan sebahagian daripada bunyinya. Kajian ini bemsaha mengatasi kekurangan tersebut dengan mengenalpasti masalah yang timbul akibat kekurangan huruf Jawi. Pada peringkat awal kajian bertujuan memperkenalkan huruf baharu bagi mewakili bunyi "eks" dalam sistem tulisan Jawi. Namun begitu masalah sebenar yang dikenalpasti adalah kewujudan huruf 'e' taling dan "e" pepet dalam tulisan Rumi. Oleh itu kajian ini akhimya berusaha memperkenalkan huruf konsonan Jawi baharu rnewakili vokal "en bagi memudahkan ejaan dan ketepatan sebutan perkataanperkataan bahasa Melayu yang mengandungi huruf vokal "e", Kajian ini menggunapakai tiga kaedah utama iaitu kajian tinjauan deskriptif, kajian quasi eksperimen dm kajian rekabentuk atau inovasi. Kajian tinjauan deskriptif dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui keperluan kepada inovasi berdasarkan kepada penguasaan dan rninat semasa terhadap tulisan Jawi. Daripada analisis data kajian tinjauan deskriptif didapati keupayaan dan kemahiran responden dalam menjawab soalan-soaim ujian Jawi adalah berada pada tahap yang agak lemah. Kajian quasi eksperimen diljalankan untuk mengetahui penguasaan responden terhadap perkataanperkatam yang mempunyai hmf "e" taling dm "em pepet. Dapatan kajian quasi eksperimen mula menunjukkan kebanyakan pelajar mempunyai kemahiran yang mat rendah dalam menulis Jawi dan rendah ddam mengeja, membaca dan menulis kembali ke &lam tulisan Rumi bagi perkataan yang mempunyai huruf "e" taling dm "e" pepet. Kajian rekabentuk atau inovasi dijalankan untuk menghasilkan h m f baharu bagi menyelesaikan masalah sebutan bunyi "e" taling dan "e" pepet yang telah dikenalpasti. Dapatan kajian rekabentuk inovasi huruf Jawi baharu telah dapat menghasilkan empat huruf baharu. Namun begitu hanya dua huruf sahaja yang didapati sesuai untuk dicadangkan sebagai h m f Jawi baharu mewakili huruf "e" taling dm "e" pepet iaitu huruf "ya" bertitik dua secara bertindih (g ) bagi mewakili huruf "e" taling seperti - dalam perkatam "Enak = &!" dan huruf "harnzah" berumahkan huruf "yaw (i)ba gi mewakili h w f " e" pepet seperti &lam perkataan "Emak = @". Kedua-dua huruf bahm ini bagaimanapun memerlukan proses ujilari dan penyesmian dengan semua perkataan Bahasa Melayu yang mempunyai huruf "e" taling dan "e" pepet sebelum boleh diperkenalkan untuk kegunaan masyarakat

    The approach of revelation of the Quran and al Sunnah to dealing with soul and mental disorders after the COVID-19 outbreak

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    A healthy and fit soul is one of each individual's essential needs in order to interact with the environment and construct a better future. Since the beginning of 2019, the COVID-19 outbreak has spread rapidly worldwide. It has raised concerns and had negative consequences for soul and mental health. This is a serious problem for both individuals and society as a whole. This research tries to describe how mental and mental diseases were treated and dealt with during and after the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of the Qur'an and Sunnah as divine Revelations. Islam, being a religion concerned with the well�being of the ummah, has provided a teaching principle on how to manage and deal with various soul and mental diseases. This approach is one of the best alternatives that is expected to have a significant impact on achieving a healthy soul in the face of long-term pandemic challenges and conjectures. There are several methods promoted by Islam in treating soul and mental disorders, including; always maintain personal hygiene through taharah, reading or listening of the Quran, practicing halal and healthy eating, taubat (repentance) and istighfar, patience and fasting

    Multi-label classification approach for Quranic verses labeling

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    Machine learning involves the task of training systems to be able to make decisions without being explicitly programmed. Important among machine learning tasks is classification involving the process of training machines to make predictions from predefined labels. Classification is broadly categorized into three distinct groups: single-label (SL), multi-class, and multi-label (ML) classification. This research work presents an application of a multi-label classification (MLC) technique in automating Quranic verses labeling. MLC has been gaining attention in recent years. This is due to the increasing amount of works based on real-world classification problems of multi-label data. In traditional classification problems, patterns are associated with a single-label from a set of disjoint labels. However, in MLC, an instance of data is associated with a set of labels. In this paper, three standard MLC methods: binary relevance (BR), classifier chain (CC), and label powerset (LP) algorithms are implemented with four baseline classifiers: support vector machine (SVM), naĂŻve Bayes (NB), k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), and J48. The research methodology adopts the multi-label problem transformation (PT) approach. The results are validated using six conventional performance metrics. These include: hamming loss, accuracy, one error, micro-F1, macro-F1, and avg. precision. From the results, the classifiers effectively achieved above 70% accuracy mark. Overall, SVM achieved the best results with CC and LP algorithms. Keywords Holy Quran; Machine learning; Multi-label classification; Multi-label evaluation metrics; Text classification