249 research outputs found

    Unique Aspects of Impulsive Traits in Substance Use and Overeating: Specific Contributions of Common Assessments of Impulsivity

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    Part of this work was supported by grants from NIDA for marijuana studies (K01 DA021632-01A1 to FMF) and The Mind Research Network for control, nicotine, and obesity studies (Institutional Grant to FMF). FMF and DB are currently supported by NIDA (R01 DA030344-01 and F31 DA035039-01A1, respectively). DB and HA createdRunning Head: UNIQUE IMPULSE IN SUBSTANCE USE AND OVEREATING 2 some of the open source software used for analysis in this manuscript (TExPosition and TInPosition). The authors have no other declarations of interest. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abus

    Clusterwise analysis for multiblock component methods

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    International audienceMultiblock component methods are applied to data sets for which several blocks of variables are measured on a same set of observations with the goal to analyze the relationships between these blocks of variables. In this article, we focus on multi-block component methods that integrate the information found in several blocks of explanatory variables in order to describe and explain one set of dependent variables. In the following, multiblock PLS and multiblock redundancy analysis are chosen, as particular cases of multiblock component methods when one set of variables is explained by a set of predictor variables that is organized into blocks. Because these multiblock techniques assume that the observations come from a homogeneous population they will provide suboptimal results when the observations actually come from different populations. A strategy to palliate this problem-presented in this article-is to use a technique such as clusterwise regression in order to identify homogeneous clusters of observations. This approach creates two new methods that provide clusters that have their own sets of regression coefficients. This combination of clustering and regres-B Stéphanie Bougeard 123 S. Bougeard et al. sion improves the overall quality of the prediction and facilitates the interpretation. In addition, the minimization of a well-defined criterion-by means of a sequential algorithm-ensures that the algorithm converges monotonously. Finally, the proposed method is distribution-free and can be used when the explanatory variables outnumber the observations within clusters. The proposed clusterwise multiblock methods are illustrated with of a simulation study and a (simulated) example from marketing

    Une typologie des âges chez le lérot Eliomys quercinus (L.), au moyen de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances

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    The correspondence analysis method has been used to ordinate a sample of 88 wild garden dormice Eliomys quercinus (L.)(36 males and 52 females) in four age groups. The first three groups (G 1 to G 3) include animals which have not yet passed through their first, second and third hibernation periods respectively. The last group (G 4) corresponds to in dividuals which have hibernated more than three times. The body weight of the garden dormice, together with the condylobasal length and bizygomatic width of their skulls, are good indicators of ag

    Visual speech alters the discrimination and identification of non-intact auditory speech in children with hearing loss

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    OBJECTIVES: Understanding spoken language is an audiovisual event that depends critically on the ability to discriminate and identify phonemes yet we have little evidence about the role of early auditory experience and visual speech on the development of these fundamental perceptual skills. Objectives of this research were to determine 1) how visual speech influences phoneme discrimination and identification; 2) whether visual speech influences these two processes in a like manner, such that discrimination predicts identification; and 3) how the degree of hearing loss affects this relationship. Such evidence is crucial for developing effective intervention strategies to mitigate the effects of hearing loss on language development. METHODS: Participants were 58 children with early-onset sensorineural hearing loss (CHL, 53% girls, M = 9;4 yrs) and 58 children with normal hearing (CNH, 53% girls, M = 9;4 yrs). Test items were consonant-vowel (CV) syllables and nonwords with intact visual speech coupled to non-intact auditory speech (excised onsets) as, for example, an intact consonant/rhyme in the visual track (Baa or Baz) coupled to non-intact onset/rhyme in the auditory track (/–B/aa or /–B/az). The items started with an easy-to-speechread /B/ or difficult-to-speechread /G/ onset and were presented in the auditory (static face) vs. audiovisual (dynamic face) modes. We assessed discrimination for intact vs. non-intact different pairs (e.g., Baa:/–B/aa). We predicted that visual speech would cause the non-intact onset to be perceived as intact and would therefore generate more same—as opposed to different—responses in the audiovisual than auditory mode. We assessed identification by repetition of nonwords with non-intact onsets (e.g., /–B/az). We predicted that visual speech would cause the non-intact onset to be perceived as intact and would therefore generate more Baz—as opposed to az— responses in the audiovisual than auditory mode. RESULTS: Performance in the audiovisual mode showed more same responses for the intact vs. non-intact different pairs (e.g., Baa:/–B/aa) and more intact onset responses for nonword repetition (Baz for/–B/az). Thus visual speech altered both discrimination and identification in the CHL—to a large extent for the /B/ onsets but only minimally for the /G/ onsets. The CHL identified the stimuli similarly to the CNH but did not discriminate the stimuli similarly. A bias-free measure of the children’s discrimination skills (i.e., d’ analysis) revealed that the CHL had greater difficulty discriminating intact from non-intact speech in both modes. As the degree of HL worsened, the ability to discriminate the intact vs. non-intact onsets in the auditory mode worsened. Discrimination ability in CHL significantly predicted their identification of the onsets—even after variation due to the other variables was controlled. CONCLUSIONS: These results clearly established that visual speech can fill in non-intact auditory speech, and this effect, in turn, made the non-intact onsets more difficult to discriminate from intact speech and more likely to be perceived as intact. Such results 1) demonstrate the value of visual speech at multiple levels of linguistic processing and 2) support intervention programs that view visual speech as a powerful asset for developing spoken language in CHL

    Differences in Human Cortical Gene Expression Match the Temporal Properties of Large-Scale Functional Networks

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    International audienceWe explore the relationships between the cortex functional organization and genetic expression (as provided by the Allen Human Brain Atlas). Previous work suggests that functional cortical networks (resting state and task based) are organized as two large networks (differentiated by their preferred information processing mode) shaped like two rings. The first ring–Visual-Sensorimotor-Auditory (VSA)–comprises visual, auditory, somatosensory, and motor cortices that process real time world interactions. The second ring–Parieto-Temporo-Frontal (PTF)–comprises parietal, temporal, and frontal regions with networks dedicated to cognitive functions, emotions, biological needs, and internally driven rhythms. We found–with correspondence analysis–that the patterns of expression of the 938 genes most differentially expressed across the cortex organized the cortex into two sets of regions that match the two rings. We confirmed this result using discriminant correspondence analysis by showing that the genetic profiles of cortical regions can reliably predict to what ring these regions belong. We found that several of the proteins–coded by genes that most differentiate the rings–were involved in neuronal information processing such as ionic channels and neurotransmitter release. The systematic study of families of genes revealed specific proteins within families preferentially expressed in each ring. The results showed strong congruence between the preferential expression of subsets of genes, temporal properties of the proteins they code, and the preferred processing modes of the rings. Ionic channels and release-related proteins more expressed in the VSA ring favor temporal precision of fast evoked neural transmission (Sodium channels SCNA1, SCNB1 potassium channel KCNA1, calcium channel CACNA2D2, Synaptotagmin SYT2, Complexin CPLX1, Synaptobrevin VAMP1). Conversely, genes expressed in the PTF ring favor slower, sustained, or rhythmic activation (Sodium channels SCNA3, SCNB3, SCN9A potassium channels KCNF1, KCNG1) and facilitate spontaneous transmitter release (calcium channel CACNA1H, Synaptotagmins SYT5, Complexin CPLX3, and synaptobrevin VAMP2)

    Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA): How to Assign Scans to Categories without Using Spatial Normalization

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    We present a new discriminant analysis (DA) method called Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA) suited for analyzing fMRI data because it handles datasets with multiple participants that each provides different number of variables (i.e., voxels) that are themselves grouped into regions of interest (ROIs). Like DA, MUSUBADA (1) assigns observations to predefined categories, (2) gives factorial maps displaying observations and categories, and (3) optimally assigns observations to categories. MUSUBADA handles cases with more variables than observations and can project portions of the data table (e.g., subtables, which can represent participants or ROIs) on the factorial maps. Therefore MUSUBADA can analyze datasets with different voxel numbers per participant and, so does not require spatial normalization. MUSUBADA statistical inferences are implemented with cross-validation techniques (e.g., jackknife and bootstrap), its performance is evaluated with confusion matrices (for fixed and random models) and represented with prediction, tolerance, and confidence intervals. We present an example where we predict the image categories (houses, shoes, chairs, and human, monkey, dog, faces,) of images watched by participants whose brains were scanned. This example corresponds to a DA question in which the data table is made of subtables (one per subject) and with more variables than observations

    Identification de visages sur une machine parallèle à DSPs : Implantation d'un réseau de neurones avec le logiciel SynDEx

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    Cette étude a été menée dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'un réseau de neurones multi-couches utilisé pour l'identification automatique de visages humains. Nous avons porté l'algorithme d'apprentissage par rétro-propagation sur une machine parallèle à DSPs. L'objectif principal était de réduire le temps de calcul pendant la phase d'apprentissage pour permettre de simuler rapidement différentes architectures

    Les mots du vin : experts et novices diffèrent-ils quand ils décrivent des vins ?

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    Un expert en vin perçoit-il et décrit-il l’odeur d’un vin de façon plus analytique qu’un novice ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons demandé à un groupe d’experts et un groupe de novices de décrire des vins à l’aide d’une liste de termes organisée en trois niveaux de catégorisation allant du plus général au plus spécifique. Nous avons ensuite demandé aux mêmes sujets d’apparier les descriptions réalisées par une autre personne avec les vins correspondants. Les résultats montrent que les descriptions effectuées par les experts sont plus précises et conduisent à de meilleures performances d’appariement que celles effectuées par les novices. De plus, la distance entre les descriptions d’experts et celles de novices augmente avec le niveau de précision des termes.The words of wineDo wine experts perceive and describe wines more analytically than novices ? To answer this question we asked a group of wine experts and a group of novices to describe wines with a list of terms organized hierarchically in three levels (from general to specific). Then we asked the same subjects to find the wine described by other subjects. We found that experts are more precise in their description and that it is easier for subjects to identify a wine described by an expert than to identify a wine described by a novice. We also found that experts and novices differ most when they use specific terms

    Parallélisation et implantation d'un algorithme de reconnaissance de mots chinois

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    Nous présentons une parallélisation et une implantation d'un algorithme de reconnaissance de mots chinois ; cet algorithme est basé sur une approche neuronale utilisant une mémoire auto-associative. On peut distinguer 2 niveaux de parallélisme dans cet algorithme : parallélisme de la phase d'apprentissage et parallélisme de la phase de reconnaissance. Une application de reconnaissance de mots chinois a été implantée sur une architecture utilisant 3 DSPs TMS320C40. Les accélérations de 2.1 et 2.52 sont respectivement obtenues pour les phases d'apprentissage et de reconnaissance
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