28 research outputs found

    Frequency method for determining the parameters of the electromagnetic brakes and slip-type couplings with solid magnetic circuits

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    The equivalent representation of brakes and coupling by lumped circuits is investigated. Analytical equations are derived for relating the indices of the transients to the parameters of the equivalent circuits for arbitrary rotor speed. A computer algorithm is given for the calculations

    Influence of combined methods of rehabilitation on the level of biochemical markers of overtraining in combat sports athlete

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    Objective: to investigate markers of anaerobic energy supply in overworked athletes after the combination rehabilitation. Materials and methods: all athletes were divided into two subgroups: 2nd A-subgroup (23 persons) - overworked athletes with combined rehabilitation and 2nd B-subgroup (24th) - athletes with traditional rehabilitation. Results: concentration of lactic acid in the blood of athletes of the 2nd A subgroup at rest is minimal in comparison with the 2nd B subgroup and 1-group athletes, P < 0,05-0,01. After the stress test there is an increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the 2nd A subgroup, P < 0.01. After the stress test athletes 2nd A subgroups, the level of lactate dehydrogenase is higher than that of athletes 2nd B subgroups. Conclusions: low concentration of lactic acid at rest in athletes of the 2nd A subgroup indicates the adaptation and energy saving of these young men, which is due to the prevalence of aerobic mechanisms in energy supply

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Yersinia infection in the north of the Volga-Vyatka region

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    The objective: to describe clinical and epidemiological picture of Yersinia infection in the Kirov region.Materials and methods: the study included 40 patients, ranging in age from 17 to 69 years: 36 patients with a diagnosis of yersiniosis, 4 – pseudotuberculosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the method of indirect hemagglutination Yersinia and pseudotuberculosis diagnosis.Results of research: Yersinia infection in the Kirov region in all cases was accompanied by intoxication. Catarrhal syndrome and rash was detected in 2/3 of patients. Generalized form of the disease was characterized by liver disease in most patients. Almost half of the patients had lesions of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of gastroenteritis were recorded in 35% of cases. Factor for the development of chronic Yersinia infection is burdened premorbid background.Conclusion: For the prevention of adverse outcomes Yersinia infection requires a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with severe premorbid background. Such patients should be allocated to risk group. Subsequent clinical supervision must be exercised within a period of 1 year with doctors of other specialties

    Preparation, Surface active properties, and Anticorrosion Application of some novel surfactants based on cottonseed oil and diethanolamine on carbon steel in CO2 environments

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    Novel surfactants were synthesized based on cottonseed oil and diethanolamine and the structures of these compounds were confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The surface and thermodynamic properties of these compounds have been investigated. The corrosion behavior of the synthesized surfactant corrosion inhibitors was evaluated by using potentiodynamic (Tafel) polarization curves, linear polarization resistance corrosion rate techniques. The experimental results showed that these inhibitors revealed a very good corrosion inhibition even at low concentrations. The protection efficiency increased with increasing inhibitor concentration, getting maximum values ranged between 87.37 and 97.91 % at 100 ppm after 20 hour of exposure. The adsorption process was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm


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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to define the approaches to the formation of future engineers’ communicative culture. The main research method used while working on the article is analysis of the domestic and foreign publication space for critical consideration of different ideas on the pedagogical problem of the future engineers’ foreign language communicative culture formation process. Methodology: In this study Content abstraction, generalization and the comparative method was applied. Result: The approaches (cultural, connectivism, technological, axiological, communicative, environmental approach) will help to the formation of the communicative culture of future engineers in the process of foreign language training. Applications: This research can be used for engineers and companies. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of approaches to future engineers' foreign communicative culture formation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Performance of a plastic scintillator developed using styrene monomer polymerization

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    This paper presents a newly developed plastic scintillator produced in collaboration with Turkiye Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK). The scintillator is manufactured using thermal polymerization of commercially available styrene monomer. The absorption spectrum of the scintillator exhibited two absorption bands at 225 nm and 340 nm, with an absorption edge observed at 410 nm. The wavelength of the emitted light was measured in the range of 400-800 nm, with a maximum intensity at 427 nm. Monoenergetic electrons from the 137Cs source were used to evaluate the characteristics of the new scintillator, particularly its light yield. As the light readout the MAPD-3NM type silicon photomultiplier array (4 x 4) with an active area of 15 x 15 mm2, assembled using single MAPDs with an active area of 3.7 x 3.7 mm2, was used. The light yield of the scintillator was determined to be 6134 photons/MeV. In addition, the efficiency of the scintillator for gamma rays with an energy of 662 keV was found to be approximately 1.8 %. A CmBe neutron source was employed to evaluate its fast neutron detection performance. However, neutron/gamma discrimination using pulse shape discrimination (charge integration) method was not observed. The results demonstrate the potential of a newly produced plastic scintillator for various applications, particularly in radiation monitoring and detection systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика иерсиниозной инфекции на севере Волго-Вятского региона

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    The objective: to describe clinical and epidemiological picture of Yersinia infection in the Kirov region.Materials and methods: the study included 40 patients, ranging in age from 17 to 69 years: 36 patients with a diagnosis of yersiniosis, 4 – pseudotuberculosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the method of indirect hemagglutination Yersinia and pseudotuberculosis diagnosis.Results of research: Yersinia infection in the Kirov region in all cases was accompanied by intoxication. Catarrhal syndrome and rash was detected in 2/3 of patients. Generalized form of the disease was characterized by liver disease in most patients. Almost half of the patients had lesions of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of gastroenteritis were recorded in 35% of cases. Factor for the development of chronic Yersinia infection is burdened premorbid background.Conclusion: For the prevention of adverse outcomes Yersinia infection requires a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with severe premorbid background. Such patients should be allocated to risk group. Subsequent clinical supervision must be exercised within a period of 1 year with doctors of other specialties.Цель: характеристика клинико-эпидемиологической картины иерсиниозной инфекции в Кировской области.Материалы и методы: обследовано 40 человек в возрасте от 17 до 69 лет, из них 36 пациентов с диагнозом иерсиниоз, 4 – псевдотуберкулез. Диагноз подтвержден методом РНГА с кишечноиерсиниозным и псевдотуберкулезными диагностикумами.Результаты: иерсиниозная инфекция в Кировской области во всех случаях сопровождалась интоксикацией. Катаральный синдром и экзантема выявлены у 2/3 обследованных. Генерализованная форма заболевания протекала с поражением печени у большинства больных. Почти половина пациентов страдала поражением опорно-двигательного аппарата, явления гастроэнтерита регистрировались в 35% случаях. Предраспологающим фактором для развития хронического течения иерсиниозной инфекции является отягощенный преморбидный фон.Заключение: для предупреждения неблагоприятных исходов иерсиниозной инфекции необходим комплексный подход к лечению больных с отягощенным преморбидным фоном. Таких пациентов следует выделять в группу риска. Последующее диспансерное наблюдение должно осуществляться в течение 1 года с привлечением врачей других специальностей

    Нейроэндокринные опухоли мочевыделительной системы: обзор литературы

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    Most often, neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) is found in the gastrointestinal tract, broncho-pulmonary system, but they can also occur in other organs, such as the kidney, bladder, which is of most interest because of the rarity of this pathology. Until recently, there was not even a proper morphological classification for kidney NEC, and among some histological types, such as large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the kidney, only about 7 cases were recorded, and independent bladder carcinoids, about 15 cases. Currently, there are no clinical and morphological features of the NEC of the kidney and bladder, fundamentally distinguishing them from other neuroendocrine tumors and “classic” cancer of the same localization. This article also provides the data of the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Centre of Oncology on the incidence of all malignant neoplasms of the urinary system.Наиболее часто нейроэндокринные неоплазии (neuroendocrine carcinoma, NEC) встречаются в желудочно-кишечном тракте и бронхолегочной системе, однако могут возникать и в других органах, таких как почки, мочевой пузырь, что представляет большой интерес ввиду редкости этих новообразований. До недавнего времени отсутствовала морфологическая классификация NEC почки. Среди некоторых гистологических типов, например таких как крупноклеточная нейроэндокринная карцинома почки, зафиксировано всего 7 случаев, а самостоятельных высокодифференцированных нейроэндокринных карцином мочевого пузыря – 15. В настоящее время не существует клинических и морфологических особенностей NEC почки и мочевого пузыря, принципиально отличающих их от других нейроэндокринных опухолей и «классического» рака той же локализации. В настоящей статье представлены сравнительные данные НМИЦ онкологии им Н. Н. Блохина по заболеваемости NEC и другими злокачественными новообразованиями мочевыделительной системы

    Интернализация рекомбинантной имиглюцеразы в перитонеальные макрофаги мыши и фибробласты мыши линии L929

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is one of the most efficient treatments for lysosomal storage diseases. Type 1 Gaucher disease is caused by β-glucocerebrosidase enzyme deficiency, which may be compensated for by intravenous infusions of imiglucerase—a recombinant enzyme. Imiglucerase targets macrophages and enters these cells via interaction with mannose receptors on the cell membrane. Characterisation of internalization of enzymes by target cells is important in the context of the development of new medicines and production of existing ERT medicines. The peritoneal and alveolar macrophages, as well as macrophages of the spleen of small laboratory animals (rats and mice) are widely used in such studies. However, isolation of cells from animal sources raises ethical issues, and therefore continuous mammalian cell lines may offer an attractive alternative. The aim of the study: to conduct comparative studies on the internalization of recombinant imiglucerase into mouse peritoneal macrophages and L929 mouse fibroblasts. Materials and methods: CerezymeR batches 7HV0913, C6214H05, 7HV0888 (Genzyme Ltd., UK); Glurazim batches 020416, 011117, 021117 (LLC “IBC “Generium”, Russia). We used peritoneal macrophages obtained from BALB/c mice and L929 mouse fibroblasts. The cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 complete growth medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. The activity of imiglucerase internalized into the cells was evaluated spectrophotometrically by hydrolysis of the artificial substrate—4-methylumbelliferyl-β-Dglucopyranoside. Results: the study compared internalization of recombinant imiglucerase (the active ingredient of CerezymeR and Glurazim) by mouse peritoneal macrophages and L929 mouse fibroblasts. It was demonstrated that the medicines activity in the lysates of peritoneal macrophages is comparable with that in the lysates of L929 mouse fibroblasts. Regardless of the model system, the activity of Glurazim stayed within the acceptable range (80–125%) established for biosimilar products. Conclusions: the experiments proved that L929 mouse fibroblasts could be recommended for assessment of internalization of recombinant imiglucerase.Фермент-заместительная терапия (ФЗТ) является одной из самых действенных при лечении болезней лизосомального накопления. Болезнь Гоше первого типа характеризуется недостатком нативного фермента β-глюкоцереброзидазы, который возмещают внутривенными инфузиями рекомбинантного фермента (имиглюцераза). Клетками-мишенями имиглюцеразы являются макрофаги, в которые фермент проникает посредством взаимодействия с рецепторами маннозы на клеточной мембране. Оценка интернализации ферментов клетками-мишенями представляет интерес при разработке новых и воспроизведении существующих препаратов для ФЗТ. Для этих исследований широко применяются перитонеальные и альвеолярные макрофаги, макрофаги селезенки мелких лабораторных животных (крыс и мышей). Однако получение таких клеток затрагивает этические вопросы использования лабораторных животных. Альтернативой являются перевиваемые клеточные линии млекопитающих. Цель работы: провести сравнительные исследования интернализации рекомбинантной имиглюцеразы в перитонеальные макрофаги мыши и фибробласты мыши линии L929. Материалы и методы: Церезим®, серии 7HV0913, C6214H05, 7HV0888 (Джензайм Лтд., Великобритания); Глуразим, серии 020416, 011117, 021117 (ООО «МБЦ «Генериум», Россия). В работе использовали перитонеальные макрофаги, полученные от мышей линии BALB/c, и фибробласты мыши линии L929. Клетки культивировали в полной ростовой среде ДМЕМ/Ф12 c добавлением 10% сыворотки плода крупного рогатого скота. Активность имиглюцеразы, проникшей в клетки, оценивали спектрофотометрически по гидролизу искусственного субстрата 4-метилумбеллиферил-β-D-глюкопиранозида. Результаты: представлены данные сравнительной оценки интернализации рекомбинантной имиглюцеразы, действующего вещества препаратов Церезим® и Глуразим, перитонеальными макрофагами мыши и клетками фибробластов мыши линии L929. Показано, что активность препаратов в лизатах перитонеальных макрофагов сопоставима с их активностью в лизатах клеток фибробластов мыши линии L929, при этом активность разработанного препарата Глуразим независимо от типа клеток, была в границах допустимого диапазона (80–125%), установленного для биоподобных препаратов. Выводы: экспериментально доказано, что фибробласты мыши линии L929 могут быть рекомендованы для оценки интернализации рекомбинантной имиглюцеразы


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    In modern Russian, causality is the most important characteristic of verbs. Causativity, effectiveness, logical connection between cause and action, dependence of the result on the nature of the effect are integral to typological description of the corresponding language structures, to definition of causal semantics of causative constructions. Causation is broadly defined as an effect of the subject on the object for the purpose of transforming the reality. Cause-effect relationship follows from this action. In constructions with causative verbs, these verbs have a generalized meaning of influence, change, transformation. In syntagmatics, they realize their valency, among which the presence of the object of action is in evidence