139,329 research outputs found

    A method for calculating the effects of design errors and measurement errors on pump performance

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    Technique has been developed for calculating effects of design errors and measurement errors on pump performance. Error equations and charts are utilized to relate amount of error in given performance parameter to amount of error in given design or measured variable. Error equations were derived primarily for axial flow pumps, but are not limited to axial flow

    Periodic report, design of a strut supported turbine vane with a wire-form porous shell

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    Thermal and structural design analysis of strut supported, porous wall turbine van

    Experimental evaluation of low cycle thermal fatigue in a turbine vane fabricated from laminated porous material

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    Analysis of low cycle thermal fatigue in laminated porous wall turbine vane

    Simplified landscapes for optimization of shaken lattice interferometry

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    Motivated by recent results using shaken optical lattices to perform atom interferometry, we explore splitting of an atom cloud trapped in a phase-modulated ("shaken") optical lattice. Using a simple analytic model we are able to show that we can obtain the simplest case of ±2kL\pm2\hbar k_\mathrm{L} splitting via single-frequency shaking. This is confirmed both via simulation and experiment. Furthermore, we are able to split with a relative phase θ\theta between the two split arms of 00 or π\pi depending on our shaking frequency. Addressing higher-order splitting, we determine that ±6kL\pm6\hbar k_\mathrm{L} splitting is sufficient to be able to accelerate the atoms in counter-propagating lattices. Finally, we show that we can use a genetic algorithm to optimize ±4kL\pm4\hbar k_\mathrm{L} and ±6kL\pm6\hbar k_\mathrm{L} splitting to within 0.1%\approx0.1\% by restricting our optimization to the resonance frequencies corresponding to single- and two-photon transitions between Bloch bands

    Micellar Crystals in Solution from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Polymers with both soluble and insoluble blocks typically self-assemble into micelles, aggregates of a finite number of polymers where the soluble blocks shield the insoluble ones from contact with the solvent. Upon increasing concentration, these micelles often form gels that exhibit crystalline order in many systems. In this paper, we present a study of both the dynamics and the equilibrium properties of micellar crystals of triblock polymers using molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that equilibration of single micelle degrees of freedom and crystal formation occurs by polymer transfer between micelles, a process that is described by transition state theory. Near the disorder (or melting) transition, bcc lattices are favored for all triblocks studied. Lattices with fcc ordering are also found, but only at lower kinetic temperatures and for triblocks with short hydrophilic blocks. Our results lead to a number of theoretical considerations and suggest a range of implications to experimental systems with a particular emphasis on Pluronic polymers.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Note that some figures are extremely low quality to meet arXiv's file size limit

    Borel singularities at small x

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    D.I.S. at small Bjorken xx is considered within the dipole cascade formalism. The running coupling in impact parameter space is introduced in order to parametrize effects that arise from emission of large size dipoles. This results in a new evolution equation for the dipole cascade. Strong coupling effects are analyzed after transforming the evolution equation in Borel (bb) space. The Borel singularities of the solution are discussed first for the universal part of the dipole cascade and then for the specific process of D.I.S. at small xx. In the latter case the leading infrared renormalon is at b=1/β0b=1/\beta_0 indicating the presence of 1/Q21/Q^2 power corrections for the small-xx structure functions.Comment: 5 pages, Latex (Talk presented at DIS'97, Chicago, IL

    Constraint-based Autonomic Reconfiguration

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    Properties of the Scalar Universal Equations

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    The variational properties of the scalar so--called ``Universal'' equations are reviewed and generalised. In particular, we note that contrary to earlier claims, each member of the Euler hierarchy may have an explicit field dependence. The Euler hierarchy itself is given a new interpretation in terms of the formal complex of variational calculus, and is shown to be related to the algebra of distinguished symmetries of the first source form.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX articl

    Reduction and analysis of data from the plasma wave instruments on the IMP-6 and IMP-8 spacecraft

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    The primary data reduction effort during the reporting period was to process summary plots of the IMP 8 plasma wave data and to submit these data to the National Space Science Data Center. Features of the electrostatic noise are compared with simultaneous observations of the magnetic field, plasma and energetic electrons. Spectral characteristics of the noise and the results of this comparison both suggest that in its high frequency part at least the noise does not belong to normal modes of plasma waves but represents either quasi-thermal noise in the non-Maxwellian plasma or artificial noise generated by spacecraft interaction with the medium