22 research outputs found

    Testing the surface fixation method in gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction: To test the surface fixation method contrasting urine samples of women with GDM vs healthy pregnant women. Methods: This was a pilot descriptive study. Three groups were conformed: A) Pregnant women with GDM, B) Women with healthy pregnancies and C) Non-pregnant healthy women. The positiveness of the surface fixation method was contrasted with Odds Ratio. Results: 12 women with GDM, 14 with healthy pregnancies and 9 non-pregnant women were included in the study. The OR for a positive surface fixation test when contrasting GDM vs Healthy pregnancies was of 2.7 while the value when contrasting GDM vs Healthy pregnancies + Non pregnant women was of 3.2 without reaching significant statistical difference in any case. Conclusion: the surface fixation method used with urine samples, suggests the existence of a transient antigen-antibody reaction that contributes to the inefficient insulin secretion

    Iron profile and hepcidin associated with oxidative stress and metabolic disturbances in pregnancy

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    Background: A common problem during pregnancy is anemia and to reduce its prevalence the WHO and national guidelines recommend a prescription of 30 to 60 mg of iron/day. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of iron profile, hepcidin and oxidative stress in pregnant women prescribed with iron as a probable cause of metabolic disorders. Method: In this cohort study two groups were followed: A) women with low-risk pregnancy (WLRP), B) women with high-risk pregnancy (WHRP): women with metabolic disorders (dyslipidemias, GDM and high blood pressure). Oxidative stress enzymes, iron profile and hepcidin were measured in the second and third trimesters. Results: There were significant differences in hepcidin levels between WLRP and WHRP in 2nd (3.6 ± 4.2 vs 4.69 ± 3.23 P=0.005) and 3rd trimester (3.65 ± 3.44 vs 6.84 ± 5.14 P=0.02). The serum iron concentration had a negative relationship with catalase (-0.599; P=0.04) and a positive relationship with glutathione peroxidase (0.729; P=0.007). Conclusion: The iron serum levels increase could induce oxidative damage in pregnancy. Increased hepcidin is a useful biomarker for determining iron availability in pregnancy and its association with antioxidant systems

    Body Mass Index in Pregnancy Does Not Affect Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Promoter Region (-359 to -260) Methylation in the Neonate

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    Background: Obesity in pregnancy can contribute to epigenetic changes. Aim: To assess whether body mass index (BMI) in pregnancy is associated with changes in the methylation of the peroxisome proliferator‑activated receptor γ (PPAR) promoter region (−359 to − 260) in maternal and neonatal leukocytes. Subjects and Methods: In this matched, cohort study 41 pregnant women were allocated into two groups: (a) Normal weight (n = 21) and (b) overweight (n = 20). DNA was extracted from maternal and neonatal leukocytes (4000–10,000 cells) in MagNA Pure (Roche) using MagNA Pure LC DNA Isolation Kit 1 (Roche, Germany). Treatment of DNA (2 μg) was performed with sodium bisulfite (EZ DNA Methylation‑Direct™ Kit; Zymo Research). Real‑time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was performed in a LightCycler 2.0 (Roche) using the SYBR® Advantage® qPCR Premix Kit (Clontech). The primers used for PPARg coactivator (PPARG) M3 were 5’‑aagacggtttggtcgatc‑3’ (forward), and5’‑cgaaaaaaaatccgaaatttaa‑3’ (reverse) and those for PPARG unmethylated were: 5’‑gggaagatggtttggttgatt‑3’ (forward) and 5’‑ttccaaaaaaaaatccaaaatttaa‑3’ (reverse). Intergroup differences were calculated using the Mann–Whitney U‑test, and intragroup differences, with the Wilcoxon test (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 19.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). Results: Significant differences were found in BMI, pregestational weight, and postdelivery weight between groups but not in the methylation status of the PPARγ promoter region (−359 to − 260). Conclusion: The PPARγ promoter region (−359 to − 260) in peripheral leukocytes is unlikely to get an obesity‑induced methylation in pregnancy.Acknowledgments Authors thank the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), México, for the MSc. Scholarship awarded to Ruth Elizabeth Casamadrid Vázquez and Maggie Brunner M.A., for her excellent help with the English style correction. Financial support and sponsorship National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico and Asociación Científica Latina A.C (ASCILA)

    El papel del estrés oxidativo en la disfunción endotelial de la aterosclerosis

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    La enfermedad cardiovascular es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Resulta de la oclusión trombótica de las arterias como consecuencia de la rotura de una placa de ateroma, misma que se genera por disfunción endotelial e inflamación crónica, que a su vez son producidas por un estado de estrés oxidativo del organismo, a causa de un desbalance en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno y la eficiencia de los sistemas antioxidantes. Se sabe que la progresión de la placa de ateroma genera también por sí misma inflamación y estrés oxidativo. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar los mecanismos por los cuales el estrés oxidativo es causa y consecuencia de la ateroesclerosis, llevando a un daño continuo del endotelio.La enfermedad cardiovascular es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Resulta de la oclusión trombótica de las arterias como consecuencia de la rotura de una placa de ateroma, misma que se genera por disfunción endotelial e inflamación crónica, que a su vez son producidas por un estado de estrés oxidativo del organismo, a causa de un desbalance en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno y la eficiencia de los sistemas antioxidantes. Se sabe que la progresión de la placa de ateroma genera también por sí misma inflamación y estrés oxidativo. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar los mecanismos por los cuales el estrés oxidativo es causa y consecuencia de la ateroesclerosis, llevando a un daño continuo del endotelio

    Pollution: The Pathogenic and Xenobiotic Exposome of Humans and the need for Technological Change

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    The available dominant water, energy, and food (WEF) technologies are responsible for the expansion of pathogenic exposure via climate change and land change at the global scale: there are 1415 known pathogens and 175 are emerging ones, described in the last 40 years. Expansion of xenobiotic exposure is occurring due to the production of 250,000 compounds and an average of 4400 new ones each year. Avariety of pathogenic and WEF xenobiotic agents affecting the human species is charted here. The basal pathogenic human exposome (or lifelong exposure) and the anthropogenic exposome expansion are related to the human bodily systems, to highlight concurrent damages. Foremost among interactions are cancers, which most often result from several mutations after exposure to pathogens or xenobiotics. Of particular interest are emerging pathogens with different bodily effects, and pathogen–xenobiotic interactions, which affect the reproductive/ endocrine/developmental systems: these systems are under anthropogenic evolutionary pressure. WEF technologies form an intertwined nexus such that phaseout of a few dominant but obsolete technologies can effect crucial changes in current human health trends. Prevention is of essence, which means that already available, sustainable, technologies have to be implemented

    Removal of Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn Present in Aqueous Solution Using Coupled Electrocoagulation-Phytoremediation Treatment

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    Este estudio se evaluó un tratamiento acoplado de Electrocoagulación – Fitorremediación, con la finalidad de remover los metales pesados (Pb, Cu, Cd y Zn) presentes en agua residual minera y que esta agua pueda ser se reusóThis study presents the results of a coupled electrocoagulation-phytoremediation treatment for the reduction of copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc, present in aqueous solution. The electrocoagulation was carried out in a batch reactor using aluminum electrodes in parallel arrangement; the optimal conditions were current density of 8 mA/cm2 and operating time of 180 minutes. For phytoremediation the macrophytes, Typha latifolia L., were used during seven days of treatment. The results indicated that the coupled treatment reduced metal concentrations by 99.2% Cu, 81.3% Cd, and 99.4% Pb, while Zn increased due to the natural concentrations of the plant used. 1.Facultad de Química, UAEMe

    Métodos cromatográficos para la determinación de endosulfán en alimentos

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    Artículo de revisión sobre las técnicas de extracción, limpieza y cualificación de endosulfán y sus isómeros de muestras alimentarias.Se revisaron las técnicas de extracción, limpieza y cuantificación de endosulfán por métodos cromatográficos en matrices alimentarias como productos lácteos, frutas y vegetales, así como pescados y mariscos, publicados en los últimos veinte años. Independientemente del tipo de matriz, su extracción se realiza principalmente con disolventes orgánicos como hexano, metanol, acetonitrilo y acetona. Para la limpieza, lo más comúnmente empleado fueron cartuchos de sílice, columnas de florisil, o C18. En cuanto a la cuantificación, el método más sensible resultó ser la cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrofotometría de masas (CG-MS). Los alimentos en los que se reportó la presencia de α, β y/o sulfato de endosulfán fueron: productos lácteos y sus derivados con un intervalo de concentraciones de 23.99 a 52.2 ng/g; pescados y mariscos de 1.07 a 49.7 ng/g; y vegetales de 0.5 a 5460.0 ng/g. En leche materna se reportaron concentraciones de 0.4 a 10.7 ng/mL y en grasa hasta 277.39 ng/g

    Dificultades en la clasificación del síndrome metabólico: El ejemplo de los adolescentes en México

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    OBJETIVO. Determinar la diferencia entre las definiciones del National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATPIII) y de la International Diabetes Federation (IDF) para síndrome metabólico (SM) en adolescentes mexicanos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Estudio transversal en 575 adolescentes de 14 a 16 años. Se utilizaron pruebas t de Student, ji cuadrada y correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de SM fue mayor por ATPIII (18.6%) versus IDF (8.2%) (p<0.001), con 41.1% de concordancia. CONCLUSIONES. Existe una diferencia estadística de la prevalencia del SM en adolescentes mexicanos entre las dos definiciones

    Phthalates in the diet of Mexican children of school age. Risk analysis

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    Artículo científicoPhthalates are widely used as plasticizers, additives, or solvents. Its extensive use has generated environmental and food contamination, which implies continuous population exposure. The aim of this work was to determine the probability of health risk of Mexican children exposed to phthalates through the consumption of contaminated food. A survey was applied to 384 Mexican school-age children (between 6 and 12 years old), to find out the type of food they eat most frequently, based on this, a research was made to know the concentration of phthalates contained in these foods. The daily intake had been calculated with the concentration of phthalates reported in food, obtaining: DEHP (19.50 μg/kg body weight/day), DnBP (5.52 μg/kg body weight/day) y for DEP (1.12 μg/kg body weight/day). The hazard index (HI) for DEP y DEHP was 0.49 to 42.5 for internal organs damage reported. HI for reproductive health damage due to exposure to DnBT and DEHP was of 0.04 to 5.58, so that there is a high probability that children’s health is at risk. Therefore, it is necessary to a quantitative analysis of phthalates in food consumed in Latin American countries and establish the TDI of phthalates especially, to DEHP, which was obtained the higher HI.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic