9,090 research outputs found

    The time-varying dependency patterns of NetFlow statistics

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    We investigate where and how key dependency structure between measures of network activity change throughout the course of daily activity. Our approach to data-mining is probabilistic in nature, we formulate the identification of dependency patterns as a regularised statistical estimation problem. The resulting model can be interpreted as a set of time-varying graphs and provides a useful visual interpretation of network activity. We believe this is the first application of dynamic graphical modelling to network traffic of this kind. Investigations are performed on 9 days of real-world network traffic across a subset of IP's. We demonstrate that dependency between features may change across time and discuss how these change at an intra and inter-day level. Such variation in feature dependency may have important consequences for the design and implementation of probabilistic intrusion detection systems

    Steps towards the development of an experimentally verified simulation of pool nucleate boiling on a silicon wafer with artificial sites

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    Nucleate boiling is a very effective heat transfer cooling process, used in numerous industrial applications. Despite intensive research over decades, a reliable model of nucleate pool boiling is still not available. This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation of nucleate boiling from artificial nucleation sites. The numerical investigation described in the first section of the paper is carried out by a hybrid mechanistic numerical code first developed at the University of Ljubljana to simulate the temperature field in a heated stainless steel plate with a large number of nucleation sites during pool boiling of water at atmospheric pressure. It is now being redeveloped to interpret experiments on pool boiling at artificial sites on a silicon plate and as a design tool to investigate different arrangements of sites to achieve high heat fluxes. The code combines full simulation of the temperature field in the solid wall with simplified models or correlations for processes in the liquid-vapour region. The current capabilities and limitations of the code are reviewed and improvements are discussed. Examples are given of the removal of computational constraints on the activation of sites in close proximity and improvements to the bubble growth model. Preliminary simulations are presented to compare the wall conditions to be used in the experiments on silicon at Edinburgh University with the conditions in current experiments on thin metal foils at Ljubljana. An experimental rig for boiling experiments with artificial cavities on a 0.38 mm thick silicon wafer immersed in FC-72, developed at Edinburgh University, is described in the second part of the paper

    Physical processes contributing to harmful algal blooms in Saldanha Bay, South Africa

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    The study synthesises current understanding of the predominant physical processes responsible for the seasonality of harmful algal blooms, notably Alexandrium catenella and Dinophysis spp., in the nearshore environmentof Saldanha Bay on the west coast of South Africa. Saldanha Bay is one of the few naturally sheltered areas on the South African coastline suitable for in situ shellfish farming and is the major site for the productionof black mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in South Africa. Mussel farming started there in 1985 and the present level of production is some 2 700 tons per annum. Since 1994, disruption of harvesting as a result of the presence of harmful algal species has been a regular late-summer phenomenon. Toxic blooms that are ultimately advected into the bay develop on the continental shelf to the north between 32°S and St Helena Bay, a region characterized by favourable conditions for dinoflagellate growth and circulation patterns that facilitate build-up of intenseblooms during late summer. Offshore dinoflagellate populations are advected shorewards and polewards in response to relaxation of upwelling at the Namaqua cell to the north. Dinoflagellate blooms are advected south from the southern Namaqua shelf during upwelling relaxation. Under such conditions, the gyre south of Elands Bay moves offshore and a barotropic flow past Cape Columbine is established. Evidence suggests that the nearsurface component of the flow occurs as a sudden “flood” event. These dinoflagellate-containing shelf waters are in turn advected into Saldanha Bay when upwelling relaxes, when the density gradient between the bay and the shelf drives surface inflow and bottom water outflow. These flows are reversed with the resumption of upwellingover the shelf, resulting in intrusion and entrainment of bottom water and surface outflow. Entrainment dictates that the bay acts as a net importer of bottom water and net exporter of surface waters over a synoptic cycle. Thissystem of exchange between Saldanha Bay and the shelf curtails the duration and severity of toxic episodes in the bay relative to the shelf

    Activity-directed expansion of a series of antibacterial agents

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    The feasibility of using activity-directed synthesis to drive antibacterial discovery was investigated. An array of 220 Pd-catalysed microscale reactions was executed, and the crude product mixtures were evaluated for activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Scale-up of the hit reactions, purification and evaluation, enabled expansion of a class of antibacterial quinazolinones. The novel antibacterials had MICs from 0.016 μg mL−1 (i.e. 38 nM) to 2–4 μg mL−1 against S. aureus ATCC29213

    Stapled Peptides as HIF‐1α/p300 Inhibitors: Helicity Enhancement in the Bound State Increases Inhibitory Potency

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    Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) control virtually all cellular processes and have thus emerged as potential targets for development of molecular therapeutics. Peptide‐based inhibitors of PPIs are attractive given that they offer recognition potency and selectivity features that are ideal for function, yet, they do not predominantly populate the bioactive conformation, frequently suffer from poor cellular uptake and are easily degraded, for example, by proteases. The constraint of peptides in a bioactive conformation has emerged as a promising strategy to mitigate against these liabilities. In this work, using peptides derived from hypoxia‐inducible factor 1 (HIF‐1α) together with dibromomaleimide stapling, we identify constrained peptide inhibitors of the HIF‐1α/p300 interaction that are more potent than their unconstrained sequences. Contrary to expectation, the increased potency does not correlate with an increased population of an α‐helical conformation in the unbound state as demonstrated by experimental circular dichroism analysis. Rather, the ability of the peptide to adopt a bioactive α‐helical conformation in the p300 bound state is better supported in the constrained variant as demonstrated by molecular dynamics simulations and circular dichroism difference spectra

    Effects of footwear variations on three-dimensional kinematics and tibial accelerations of specific movements in American football

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    American football is associated with a high rate of non-contact chronic injuries. Players are able to select from both high and low cut footwear. The aim of the current investigation was to examine the influence of high and low cut American football specific footwear on tibial accelerations and three-dimensional (3D) kinematics during three sport specific movements. Twelve male American football players performed three movements, run, cut and vertical jump whilst wearing both low and high cut footwear. 3D kinematics of the lower extremities were measured using an eight-camera motion analysis system alongside tibial acceleration parameters which were obtained using a shank mounted accelerometer. Tibial acceleration and 3D kinematic differences between the different footwear were examined using either repeated measures or Friedman’s ANOVA. Tibial accelerations were significantly greater in the low cut footwear in comparison to the high cut footwear for the run and cut movements. In addition, peak ankle eversion and tibial internal rotation parameters were shown to be significantly greater in the low cut footwear in the running and cutting movement conditions. The current study indicates that the utilization of low cut American football footwear for training/performance may place American footballers at increased risk from chronic injuries