1,983 research outputs found

    Sociocultural & leadership transmission in the Somali diaspora: Community values, cohesion, family unity & patriarchal leadership

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    This research explores the Somali Diaspora community in Ottawa, Canada’s intercultural understanding between their homeland and their host country. The task of this limited study is to assess the changes occurring in the contemporary Somali diaspora culture and changes in leadership perceptions, particularly those of male leadership, and changes in family integration, community cohesion and solidarity, and the transmission of cultural values across generations. This research confirms that changes did occur in the Somali Diaspora community in various ways, including family dynamics, community cohesion and the concept of transmitting cultural values to their younger generation. Themes are identified by the participants, including sociocultural impediments, which were further identified as: Language barriers, Lack of financial resources, Lack of quality time, and Lack of community programs. The study concludes that elders and male Somali Diaspora parents are aware of their cultural role and are connected to the culture in general; however, they do not adequately transmit their cultural values to their children. The study also identified a few insights concerning clan relations, intergenerational interaction, and community structure. In order to develop a description of the community members’ own experiences, this study utilized a qualitative research methodology to collect data and further develop the main focus on cultural values, integration, and leadership as communities’ transition from one culture to another. The participants were contacted through the "snowballing" technique that led to communicating with more participants through the assistance of the pre-selected participants. The results of the study should be treated as preliminary, and areas in need of further research are identified

    Relational leadership and governing: Somali clan cultural leadership

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    This research is focused on exploring the distinction between theories of leadership and more contemporary visions of relational leading. In order to do so, the specific case of traditional clan structure seen in the Somali state will be examined, and parallels between the two will be drawn. This paper argues that the old Somali tradition shares much in common with current writing on relational leadership (Uhl-Bien, 2006) and, therefore, can expand our understanding and support for a form of leadership that transcends traditional, individualist, hierarchical leadership. This argument will be supported by a detailed investigation into clan politics, leadership, and state formation within clan culture in Somalia as a case study. Therefore, this research will evaluate how approaches to leadership of clan culture institutions and political figures co-exist, overlap, and have intervened in the context of political competition in post-conflict Somalia. By exploring the case of Somalia and its clan structure and clan-based political leadership in pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods, this research offers an expanded understanding of relational leading and its benefits for social and cultural transformation. The literature reviewed reveals that Somali traditional clan leadership has similar relationality in its style to that of relational leadership. In writing this literature review, I have utilized a qualitative approach from data collection to the development of ideas

    The art of spacecraft design: A multidisciplinary challenge

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    Actual design turn-around time has become shorter due to the use of optimization techniques which have been introduced into the design process. It seems that what, how and when to use these optimization techniques may be the key factor for future aircraft engineering operations. Another important aspect of this technique is that complex physical phenomena can be modeled by a simple mathematical equation. The new powerful multilevel methodology reduces time-consuming analysis significantly while maintaining the coupling effects. This simultaneous analysis method stems from the implicit function theorem and system sensitivity derivatives of input variables. Use of the Taylor's series expansion and finite differencing technique for sensitivity derivatives in each discipline makes this approach unique for screening dominant variables from nondominant variables. In this study, the current Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) aerodynamic and sensitivity derivative/optimization techniques are applied for a simple cone-type forebody of a high-speed vehicle configuration to understand basic aerodynamic/structure interaction in a hypersonic flight condition

    Peran Commission of Truth and Friendship Dalam Normalisasi Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia – Republik Demokratik Timor Leste

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    This thesis is an International relations research in diplomacy studies study to describes the role of Commission of Truth and Friendship in normalizing bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Republic Demoratic Timor Leste. Commission was used as a facilitator to establish conclusive truths relating to events before and after the 1999 ballot and to promote reconciliation and friendship and ensure similar things did not happen in the future.This thesis used a pluralist perspective that views International relation not limited to relations between countries, but also relationships between individuals where the state is not always the main actor. This thesis hypothesis using the International organizational analysis level. In case the author used clive archer theory that the purpose of International organizations as arena can create prosperity through cooperation and collective action.The commssion of truth and friendship was formed from the agreement of Indonesia and the democratic republic of timor leste to find out the facts of human rights abuses throughout the history of east timor disintegration As well as reconciliation efforts that prioritize national interests through collective action to achieve common goals

    Nonlinear corrections for the nuclear gluon distribution in eAeA processes

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    An analytical study with respect to the nonlinear corrections for the nuclear gluon distribution function in the next-to-leading order approximation at small xx is presented. We consider the nonlinear corrections to the nuclear gluon distribution functions at low values of xx and Q2Q^{2} using the parametrization F2(x,Q2)F_{2}(x,Q^{2}) and using the nuclear modification factors where they have been obtained with the Khanpour-Soleymaninia-Atashbar-Spiesberger-Guzey model. The CT18 gluon distribution is used as baseline proton gluon density at Q02=1.69 GeV2Q_{0}^{2}=1.69~\mathrm{GeV}^2. We discuss the behavior of the gluon densities in the next-to-leading order and the next-to-next-to-leading order approximations at the initial scale Q02Q_{0}^{2}, as well as the modifications due to the nonlinear corrections. We find the QCD nonlinear corrections are significant for the next-to-leading order accuracy than the next-to-next-to-leading order for light and heavy nuclei. The results of the nonlinear GLR-MQ evolution equation are similar to those obtained with the Rausch-Guzey-Klasen gluon upward and downward evolutions within the uncertainties. The magnitude of the gluon distribution with the nonlinear corrections increases with a decrease of xx and an increase of the atomic number A

    سنجش سطح سواد اطلاعاتی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده علوم توانبخشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران بر اساس مدل آیزنبرگ

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    مقدمه: با توجه به حجم روزافزون اطلاعات، هر فرد نیازمند فراگیری مهارت¬ها و توانمندی¬هایی فراتر از سواد سنتی است. زیرا به‌روز بودن اطلاعات، و درک نیاز به آموزش بیشتر برای تصمیمات مبتنی بر حل مشکل از یک سو و پیشرفت تجربیات مبتنی بر شواهد در بین رشته های پزشکی، بویژه رشته‌های توانبخشی بسیار ضروری است. هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی سطح سواد اطلاعاتی در بین دانشجویان رشته‌های توانبخشی می‌باشد روش پژوهش: روش پژوهش توصیفی پیمایشی و از نوع کاربردی بر روی 150 نفر از دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی انجام شد که کل این افراد مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. ، ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها پرسش نامه‌‌ی استانداردی بود که بر اساس مدل آیزنبرگ و برکویتز به شناسایی مهارت‌ها پرداخته است. شامل 24 سؤال بسته پاسخ در مقیاس پنج درجه‌¬ای لیکرت، شامل شش سؤال (6-1) مربوط به تعریف مسئله، چهار سؤال (10-7) مربوط به راهبردهای جستجوی اطلاعات، یک سؤال (11) مربوط به مکان¬یابی و دسترسی به اطلاعات، سه سؤال (14-12) مربوط به استفاده از اطلاعات، چهار سؤال (18-15) مربوط به ترکیب اطلاعات، شش سؤال (24-19) مربوط به ارزیابی اطلاعات مطرح شد. روایی توسط متخصصان مورد تایید قرار گرفت و پایایی نیز توسط آلفای کرونباخ 96 درصد به دست آمد.جهت تحلیلل داده ‌ها از نسخه 18 نرم افزار SPSS و از آمار توصیفی و آزمون‌هایT-TEST ، تحلیل واریانس ، من ویتنی، کروسکال- والیس و اسپیرمن استفاده شد. یافته¬ها: مهارت جامعه پژوهش در درک نیاز اطلاعاتی (شناخت مساله) با میانگین نمره 6/0 ± 94/2 ، در راهبرد‌های جستجو با میانگین 67/0±96/2، در مکان‌یابی اظلاعات با میانگین نمره88/0± 80/2، در استفاده از اطلاعات با میانگین95/0 ± 76/2، در ترکیب اطلاعات با میانگین80/0 ± 46/2 و از لحاظ ارزیابی اطلاعات با میانگین84/0 ± 93/2 در حد متوسط قرار داشته است.. نتایج کلی پژوهش، میانگین سواد اطلاعاتی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده علوم توانبخشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران را با میانگین636/0± 85/2 نشان داده است. در این مطالعه ارتباط آماری معنی‌داری بین مقاطع دکترا و کارشناسی ارشد با سطح سواد اطلاعاتی وجود داشت. نتیجه گیری: وضعیت سطح سواد اطلاعاتی جامعه پژوهش، در سطح متوسط قرار دااشت، لذا توجه بیشتری نسبت به آموزش سواد اطلاعاتی از طریق برگزاری کلاس‌های منسجم و مستمر، با محتوای غنی‌تر، مطابق با فناوری‌های جدید در بین دانشجویان هر رشته توانبخشی باید صورت پذیرد. کارکردها و سیاست‌های آموزشی بازبینی شده و در جهت پیشبرد فرایند پژوهش دانشجویان از متخصصان اطلاع‌رسانی استفاده نمایند. واژه‌های کلیدی: سواد اطلاعاتی، توانبخشی، دانشجویان، مد