381 research outputs found

    Abdominal wall hernias in upper Egypt: A different spectrum

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    Background: Hernia is a very common surgical condition affecting all ages and both sexes. To describe and find the possible differences in the spectrum of abdominal hernias and document trends in their management, we carried out a descriptive study of all patients with abdominal hernias admitted to a single tertiary institution during a five years period.Methods: A descriptive study of all abdominal wall hernia repairs from Jan. 2002 to Jan. 2007. Data collection was done using patients’ medical records that were included in the hospital archives. Variables included age, sex, final diagnosis and type of repair.Results: 2516 hernia repairs were done. Inguinal hernias were the most common (56%), followed by adult umbilical hernia (22.7%), incisional hernia (10.3%), and epigastric hernia (7.4%). There is an increasing trend towards the use of synthetic mesh repair in different hernia varieties. Mesh repair in adult umbilical and incisional hernias has increased from 32 and 34.6% in 2002 to 63.8% and 90.7% in 2006 respectively.Conclusion: We have a higher relative frequency of adult umbilical and epigastric hernia in Upper Egypt. There is a change in the pattern of hernia repairs with increasing trend towards mesh repair in different varieties

    Estimating the Generalized Exponential Distribution Parameters and the Acceleration Factor under Constant-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing with Type-II Censoring

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    Accelerated life testing (ALT) and partially accelerated life testing (PALT) are frequently used in modern reliability engineering. ALT and PALT are run to obtain information on the life of the products and materials in a shorter time and at lower cost. The experimental units are subject to stress conditions that are more severe than those encountered in normal use condition to induce early failures. ALT or PALT can be carried out using constant, step, progressive, cyclic and random stress loadings. This paper considers the problem of estimating the generalized exponential (GE) distribution parameters and the acceleration factor under constant-stress PALT model. The main objective is to derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the parameters of the GE distribution and the acceleration factor when the data are type-II censored from constant-stress PALT. Also, the performance of the MLEs is investigated numerically for different sample sizes and different parameter values using the mean square error. In addition, the approximate confidence intervals of the model parameters are constructed. Moreover, the likelihood ratio bounds (LRB) method is used to obtain confidence bounds of the model parameters when the sample size is small. For illustration, a simulation study is conducted. It is observed that the simulation results support the theoretical findings.Ускоренные и частично ускоренные ресурсные испытания часто проводятся для обеспечения надежности современной техники. Цель таких испытаний – за короткий срок и с меньшими затратами получить информацию о ресурсе изделий и материалов. Испытания можно проводить при постоянных, ступенчатых, прогрессирующих и циклических нагрузках, а также при нагрузке случайным напряжением. Рассматривается задача оценки параметров обобщенного экспоненциального распределения и коэффициента ускорения в условиях частично ускоренного ресурсного испытания с постоянным напряжением. С использованием среднеквадратической погрешности проведено численное исследование эффективности оценки методом максимального правдоподобия для разных размеров образцов и значений параметра. Для параметров модели построены приблизительные доверительные границы. Чтобы получить доверительные границы для параметров модели в случае образца маленького размера, использовали метод отношения правдоподобия. В качестве примера проведено исследование с помощью моделирования. Показано, что результаты моделирования согласуются с данными расчетов.Прискорені та частково прискорені ресурсні випробування часто проводяться для забезпечення надійності сучасної техніки. Метою таких випробувань є за короткий проміжок часу та з найменшими затратами отримати інформацію про ресурс виробів і матеріалів. Випробування можна проводити за постійних, східчастих, прогресуючих і циклічних навантажень, а також при навантаженні випадковим напруженням. Розглядається задача оцінки параметрів загального експоненціального розподілу та коефіцієнта прискорення в умовах частково прискореного ресурсного випробування з постійною напругою. Із використанням середньоквадратичної похибки проведено чисельне дослідження ефективності оцінки методом максимальної правдоподібності для різних розмірів зразка та значень параметра. Для параметрів моделі побудовано приблизні довірчі границі. Щоб отримати довірчі границі для параметра моделі у випадку зразка маленького розміру, використовували метод відношення правдоподібності. Як приклад проведено дослідження за допомогою моделювання. Показано, що результати моделювання збігаються з даними розрахунків

    On Designing Constant-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Tests under Time-Censoring

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    It is not easy to obtain more failure data from products with high quality and long life at normal (use) condition. Thus, accelerated tests are needed in this respect. This paper considers the constant-stress partially accelerated life tests with type-I censoring under Weibull distribution. The maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are derived. Partially accelerated life tests plans are developed such that the generalized asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters is minimized. The plan is to specify the proportion of test units that should be allocated to run under use condition. Simulation studies are made for illustrative purposes.Отримання даних щодо руйнування високоякісних деталей з великою довговічністю в нормальних умовах експлуатації є досить трудомістким процесом, тому виникає необхідність використання прискорених випробувань. Розглядаються частково прискорені ресурсні випробування за постійних навантажень і цензурування в часі типу І для розподілу Вейбулла. Планування таких випробувань проводиться таким чином, щоб мінімізувати загальну асимптотичну дисперсію оціночних функцій максимальної ймовірності параметрів моделі. План експерименту дозволяє визначити, яку частину ресурсних випробувань об’єктів необхідно проводити за нормальних експлуатаційних умов. Ефективність даного підходу проілюстровано на деяких прикладах числових розрахунків.Получение данных по разрушению высококачественных деталей с большой долговечностью в нормальных условиях эксплуатации является весьма трудоемким процессом, поэтому возникает необходимость использования ускоренных испытаний. Рассматриваются частично ускоренные ресурсные испытания при постоянных нагрузках и цензурировании по времени типа I для распределения Вейбулла. Планирование таких испытаний проводится таким образом, чтобы минимизировать обобщенную асимптотическую дисперсию оценочных функций максимальной вероятности параметров модели. План эксперимента позволяет определить, какую именно часть ресурсных испытаний объектов следует проводить при нормальных эксплуатационных условиях. Эффективность данного подхода проиллюстрирована на некоторых примерах численных расчетов


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    Hyperhydricity, an abnormal morphological appearance and physiologicalfunction, is an important problem in carnation tissue culture. The problem causes premature flowering, high occurrence of abnormal shoots, difficulty in transferring hyperhydric plantlets to soil, and low survival rate of plantlets. High relative humidity and the water potential are considered as the key factors involved in the abnormality. Furthermore, permeable culture vessel and gelling agent were assured to be high potential treatment to eliminate it. Objective of this research was to reduce  hyperhydricity in regenerants of carnation using different permeable vessel closures and gelling agents and to assess the multiplication and  acclimatization abilities of recovered shoots. Experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with four replications. First factor was different types of closure, i.e. cotton wool, plastic wrap, parafilm and aluminium foil, while second one was gelling agents, i.e. bacto agar, phytagel, swallow agar, and Type 900 agar. The recovered shoots were then multiplied, rooted, and acclimatized. The results showed that hyperhydricity was successfully reduced by applying permeable closure (cotton wool and plastic wrap) in combination with Type 900 agar. The combination of plastic wrap and Type 900 agar was the most appropriate treatment in reducing hyperhydricity and producing good quality shoots. The treatment reduced the problem down to 23% of total condition of hyperhydricity (100%) and increased leaf chlorophyll content from 0.0883 to 0.1288 mg mg-1. The plastic wrap was easily applied and cheaper material compared to cotton wool. The recovered shoots were able to produce 1-3 healthy axillary shoots and easily rooted on half-strength MS. The recovered plantlets were simply acclimatized with survival rate up to 100% on kossas peat + soil (1:1, v/v) and flowered 4-5 months after acclimatization with decreasing in number and size of flower

    Heat transfer analysis for falkner-skan boundary layer flow past a stationary wedge with slips boundary conditions considering temperature-dependent thermal conductivity

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    We studied the problem of heat transfer for Falkner-Skan boundary layer flow past a stationary wedge with momentum and thermal slip boundary conditions and the temperature dependent thermal conductivity. The governing partial differential equations for the physical situation are converted into a set of ordinary differential equations using scaling group of transformations. These are then numerically solved using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg fourth-fifth order numerical method. The momentum slip parameter δ leads to increase in the dimensionless velocity and the rate of heat transfer whilst it decreases the dimensionless temperature and the friction factor. The thermal slip parameter leads to the decrease rate of heat transfer as well as the dimensionless temperature. The dimensionless velocity, rate of heat transfer and the friction factor increase with the Falkner-Skan power law parameter m but the dimensionless fluid temperature decreases with m. The dimensionless fluid temperature and the heat transfer rate decrease as the thermal conductivity parameter A increases. Good agreements are found between the numerical results of the present paper with published results

    Exploitation of chloride ion selective electrode for determination of some chloro-oxygenated agents with iodide in the acidic medium.

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    It was confirmed in this research that Cl¯ ISE was successfully used in the determination of chloro-oxygenated agents involving hypochlorite, chlorite, chlorate and perchlorate in their individual and mixture aqueous solutions. The results obtained are comparable to those obtained by Pt electrode since the reactions are oxidation-reduction reactions at which Pt electrode responds directly to potential change of these reactions. The response of Cl¯ ISE was slower than the response of Pt electrode, because with Cl¯ ISE the liberated Cl¯ was distributed in the solution toward the electrode membrane where the potential response takes place as a result of ion exchange with chloride electrode membrane. As a result the error percentages are positive with Cl¯ ISE. In case of Pt electrode it is directly responded to potential difference through potentiometric titration therefore, the response at equivalence point is clear. The potentiometric titration with both electrodes gave clear jump at equivalence point and the titration curves are in S forms. Good and encouraging results were obtained with concentrated solutions as well as with diluted solutions of these agents. While the first and second derivatives offered more accurate equivalence points. The results obtained with individuals and mixtures of the chloro-oxygenated agents were almost the same or close to each other and the variance was attributed to practical errors. Both electrodes were applied for determination of hypochlorite in commercial bleaching solution. The electrodes offered result lower than that on bottle label. These may be due to wasting of the compound by high temp., transferring and agitation of the solution

    Effect of Modifying Mechanical Ventilator Trigger Sensitivity on Arterial Blood Gases in ICU Patients

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    Background: Despite the fact that mechanical ventilation is an essential part in management of critically ill patients, mechanically ventilated patients have a higher risk of complications, which can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study aimed to study the effect of training inspiratory muscle through modifying mechanical ventilator (MV) trigger sensitivity on arterial blood gases in mechanically ventilated patients. Patients and Methods: Sixty adult patients diagnosed with acute respiratory failure, needed to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilated. They were from both gender and their ages ranged from 50 to 70 years. The patient were chosen from Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Department of Chest Diseases, Cairo University Hospitals. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups. Group (A): included thirty patients who received training for inspiratory muscle through modifying MV trigger sensitivity plus usual physical therapy. Group (B): included thirty patients who received usual physical therapy only. Results: The results showed a significant increase in partial arterial pressure (PaO2) in both groups, this increasing was significantly higher in  patients who received training for the inspiratory muscle plus the usual chest physical therapy than patients who only received usual chest physical therapy (P-value < 0.001). The results showed no significant change in neither power of hydrogen (pH) nor partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). Conclusion: Training to inspiratory muscles in mechanically ventilated patient through modifying mechanical ventilator trigger sensitivity can produce a significant increase in partial arterial pressure (PaO2). Although it has no effect in pH nor PaCO2


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Analisis Pemanfaatan Teknologi pada Penerimaan Zakat, Infak, dan Sedekah pada Lembaga Amil Zakat Yayasan Insan Madani Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui Wawancara, Observasi, serta Dokumentasi sebagai pelengkap data. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penelitian langsung dilapangan serta wawancara langsung dengan Pihak Lembaga Amil Zakat serta Masyarakat yang berdomisili di Jambi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk pembayaran Zakat, infak, dan sedekah yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat Yayasan Insan Madani Jambi untuk sekarang masih belum efektif. Bisa dilihat dari pertumbuhan penerimaan zakat, infak, dan sedekah yang hanya meningkat di tahun 2019 dan ditahun 2020 hingga 2022 terjadi penurun yang lumayan drastis. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya minat masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat pada menggunakan teknologi serta kurangnya kesadaran pada masyarakat untuk berkewajiban membayar zakat

    Dumbbells and ankle-wrist weight training leads to changes in body composition and anthropometric parameters with potential cardiovascular disease risk reduction

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    AbstractObjectivesPromoting physical activity is a global strategy to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to determine and compare the effect of light resistance training using either dumbbells or ankle-wrist weights on the anthropometric parameters and body composition of adults in Kelantan, Malaysia.MethodsThis randomized community trial was conducted in Kelantan, Malaysia, from March through August 2012. Adults with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 23 kg/m2 were randomized into dumbbell (N = 69) and ankle-wrist (N = 69) weight groups. Participants in the dumbbell group performed structured group exercises three times per week using a pair of one-kilogram dumbbells. Participants in the ankle-wrist weight group were given one pair of 500 gm ankle weights and one pair of 500 gm wrist weights to be worn during the activities of daily living three days per week for at least 20 min. BMI, waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), body fat percentage (BF%) and skeletal muscle percentage (SM%) were measured at baseline, week 6, month 3 and month 6.ResultsEighty-nine participants completed this study. There were significant reductions in BMI only at week six for the dumbbell group. No significant BMI changes were observed for the ankle-wrist weight group. Significant improvements of WC, WHR, BF%, and SM% were observed in both intervention groups from baseline at week 6, month 3, and month 6.ConclusionResistance exercise using either dumbbells or ankle-wrist weights produced significant improvements in certain components of body composition and anthropometric parameters