366 research outputs found

    Isu Gender Di Indonesia Dalam Respon Nahdhatul Ulama

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    This paper will examine the Nahdhatul Ulama\u27s response to gender issues in Indonesia. In general, Nahdhatul Ulama\u27s response to gender in this case is represented by the discourse of women\u27s acceptance in the NU body is relatively good. This is seen from some important decisions issued by PBNU. Empowerment and gender mainstreaming within the structural framework of the Nahdhatul Ulama organization are seen in significant decisions for gender equality, including decision making after the 1997 Munas decision, how NU accepts women as presiden

    Rezim Seksualitas Dan Agama Sketsa Politik Tubuh Perempuan Dalam Islam

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    This paper examines the various issues of sexuality in Islamic discourse. The discussion in this study attempts to examine the discourse of female sexuality at the beginning of Prophet's prophethood and then evolves over the development of the age to give birth to various inequalities and injustices against women in the sexual realm. There are at least three issues concerning sexual injustice in women; first, the Islamic tradition in the post-Prophetical Jurisprudence which places women as 'male sexual needs ministers' and 'sexual generations'. Second, the tendency of female body consumerism in modern industrial civilization. Third, local traditions in certain cultures still attach stereotypes to women as 'passengers' of male social glory

    An analogue of Hardy's theorem for very rapidly decreasing functions on semi-simple Lie groups

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    We generalise a result of Hardy, which asserts the impossibility of a function and its Fourier transform to be simultaneously “very rapidly decreasing” to: (i) all noncompact, semi-simple Lie groups with one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups; (ii) SL(2, R); and (iii) all symmetric spaces of the noncompact type

    Respons Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Lingkungan Tumbuh

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    Tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L.) dapat memberikan respon positif dan negatif terhadap Perubahan lingkungan tumbuh di atas tanah maupun di dalam tanah. Respon tersebut dapat diketahui dari Perubahan Perubahan fenotipik dan fisiologis tanaman. Lingkungan di atas tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai terutama adalah lama dan intensitas penyinaran, suhu udara dan kandungan CO2 di atmosfer. Lama penyinaran yang optimal adalah 10-12 jam. Berkurangnya intensitas cahaya matahari menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh lebih tinggi, ruas antar buku lebih panjang, jumlah daun dan jumlah polong lebih sedikit, dan ukuran biji semakin kecil. Respon kedelai terhadap Perubahan suhu tergantung pada fase pertumbuhan. Suhu yang sesuai pada fase perkecambahan adalah 15-22oC, fase pembungaan 20-25oC, dan pada fase pemasakan 15-22oC. Peningkatan CO2 atmosfer dari 349 µL menjadi 700 µL meningkatkan laju pertukaran karbon (C), menurunkan laju transpirasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air. Kondisi lingkungan di dalam tanah yang berperan terhadap pertumbuhan kedelai terutama adalah tekstur tanah, kadar air tanah dan unsur hara, unsur-unsur toksik, kemasaman tanah, suhu tanah, dan salinitas. Kedelai tumbuh baik pada tanah bertekstur ringan hingga berat, namun tanah yang padat (BI >1,38 kg/m3) tidak sesuai untuk kedelai. Kebutuhan air tanaman kedelai pada fase generatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada fase vegetatif, sehingga pada fase generatif lebih peka terhadap kekeringan terutama pada fase pembungaan hingga pengisian polong. Kandungan air optimal adalah 70-85% dari kapasitas lapangan. Kandungan unsur hara tanah harus di atas batas kekahatan agar tanaman tumbuh optimal. Nilai kritis suatu unsur hara dalam tanah beragam tergantung jenis tanah dan metode analisis yang digunakan. Pengaruh suhu tanah terutama pada fase perkecambahan, dan suhu tanah optimal adalah 24,2-32,8°C. Kedelai agak sensitif terhadap kemasaman tanah, unsur-unsur toksik, dan salinitas. Nilai kritis pH, Al, Mn, dan salinitas berturut-turut adalah pH 5,5, Al-dd 1,33 me/100 g, Mn 3,3 ppm, dan 1,3 dS/m. Rhizobium berperan dalam memasok kebutuhan N tanaman kedelai, namun inokulasi tidak efektif pada tanah yang sering ditanami kedelai


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    Nowadays, Mocaf (modified cassava flour) is a kind of popular snack. It can be found in some souvenir or gift shop with various flavor.  Mocaf snacks al so consumed i n casual  condi t i on or wor ki ng t i me.  Di an Ni t a i s l eadi ng mocaf snacks product i on as an i nnovat i on of Modi fi ed Cassava Fl our  product s i n a si mpl e met hod.  Some issues were found before the partnership program such as mocaf dough was produced by manual method that only created small capacity with slow rate production; unattractive packaging design; shorttime product durability; don’t have P-IRT authorization; difficult to count the cost of goods manufactured and determine the sales cost that caused inaccurate to counting net profit from this mocaf business. With this program the issues can be solved by (1) Implementing more efficient technology with multipurpose mixer to improve capacity and productivity; ( 2 )  Using modern oven that equipped with temperature control to make products maturity more distributed; (3) Re d e s i g n p a c k a g i n g  a n d  p u t  i n f o r ma t i o n  a b o u t  e x p i r e d  d a t e ,  P - I RT n u mb e r  a n d h a l a l  l a b e l ; (4) Completing Business Registration Number, industrial business permit, and perform nutrition test; (5) Improving business management by applying small medium enterprises accountancy, upgrading the operational production method, market segment and marketing,both online and offline stores

    Hardy's uncertainty principle on semisimple groups

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    A theorem of Hardy states that, if f is a function on R such that |f(x)|≤ C e−α|x|2 for all x in R and |f(ξ)|≤ C e−β|ξ|2 for all ξ in R, where α > 0, β > 0, and αβ > 1∕4, then f = 0. Sitaram and Sundari generalised this theorem to semisimple groups with one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups and to the K-invariant case for general semisimple groups. We extend the theorem to all semisimple groups

    Optimisation of foliar application of zinc and boron in small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton)

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    A field experiment was conducted at Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Spices Board, Myladumpara, Idukki district, Kerala during 2006-09 to study the response of foliar application of zinc and boron on growth, yield and its content in index leaves in small cardamom. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with twelve treatments replicated thrice. The treatments were various levels of zinc (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.9 %) as zinc sulphate and boron (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 %) as borax with a control. The zinc content in the leaves of zinc treated plants ranged from 53.79 mg kg-1 to 116.67 mg kg-1. The boron content in leaves of the boron treated plants ranged from 20.62 mg kg-1 to 34.37 mg kg-1. The DTPA extractable zinc in soil was 0.756 to 0.917 mg kg-1 in zinc treatments and 0.93 mg kg-1 in control plot. Hot water extractable boron in soil ranged between 0.90 mg kg-1 to 2.2 mg kg-1 in boron treatments and 0.850 mg kg-1 in control plot. Application of boron at 0.6 and 0.8 % significantly improved the yield of cardamom compared to control. A significant quadratic relationship was established between yield and various levels of zinc and the quadratic curve gives the zinc optimum dose as 0.38 %. The yield attributing characters like number of panicles per clump and number of racemes per panicle were positively influenced by the foliar application of zinc and boron