1,546 research outputs found

    Experimental study of a gas-loquid cylindrical cyclone separator performance

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    New data of the experimental performance of a Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) separator are presented. The data were collected using a 2 3/4” (0.07m) ID GLCC model working with an air-glycerin mixture. The inlet liquid flow rate, the inlet gas flow rate, the tangential liquid velocity inside the separator body and the gas carry under were measured for an operation regime without liquid carry over. The influence of the first three parameters over the gas carry under was established. Results show the separator efficiency is mainly affected by the inlet gas flow rate for the explored conditions with slug flow at the GLCC entrance

    Experimental study of a gas-loquid cylindrical cyclone separator performance

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    New data of the experimental performance of a Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) separator are presented. The data were collected using a 2 3/4” (0.07m) ID GLCC model working with an air-glycerin mixture. The inlet liquid flow rate, the inlet gas flow rate, the tangential liquid velocity inside the separator body and the gas carry under were measured for an operation regime without liquid carry over. The influence of the first three parameters over the gas carry under was established. Results show the separator efficiency is mainly affected by the inlet gas flow rate for the explored conditions with slug flow at the GLCC entrance

    Hybrid Architecture to Support Context‐Aware Systems

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    Any system that is said to be context‐aware is capable of monitoring continuously the surrounding environment, that is, capable of prompt reaction to events and changing conditions of the environment. The main objective of a context‐aware system is to be continuously recognizing the state of the environment and the users present, in order to adjust the environment to an ideal state and to provide personalized information and services to users considering the user profile. In this chapter, we describe an architecture that relies on the incorporation of intelligent multi‐agent systems (MAS), sensor networks, mobile sensors, actuators, Web services and ontologies. We describe the interaction of these technologies into the architecture aiming at facilitating the construction of context‐aware systems

    La autoestima, estrés, autoconcepto y apoyo social como factores de eficiencia terminal de la maestría en educación

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    El estudio en su primer apartado presenta el método trabajado siendo este un enfoque cuantitativo, donde a través de revisiones estadísticas se midieron magnitudes del fenómeno presentado en los educandos de maestría en educación sobre los factores de autoestima, estrés, autoconcepto y apoyo social en su desarrollo como estudiantes, en esta investigación participaron 51 personas que se les suministró cuatro instrumentos de escala Likert donde se analizaron diversas variables que permitieron valorar los resultados donde la edad, el estado civil y si habían reprobado alguna materia era preponderante para el logro de su grado académico

    Determination of Egg Storage Time at Room Temperature Using a Low-Cost NIR Spectrometer and Machine Learning Techniques

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    [Abstract] Currently, consumers are more concerned about freshness and quality of food. Poultry egg storage time is a freshness and quality indicator in industrial and consumer applications, even though egg marking is not always required outside the European Union. Other authors have already published works using expensive laboratory equipment in order to determine the storage time and freshness of eggs. This paper presents a novel alternative method based on low-cost devices for the rapid and non-destructive prediction of egg storage time at room temperature (23 ± 1 °C). H&N brown flock with 49-week-old hens were used as a source for the sampled eggs. Samples were scanned for a period of 22 days beginning from the time the egg was laid. The spectral acquisition was performed using a low-cost near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectrometer which has a wavelength range between 740 nm and 1070 nm. The resulting dataset of 660 samples was randomly split according to a 10-fold cross-validation in order to be used in a contrast and optimization process of two machine learning algorithms. During the optimization, several models were tested to develop a robust calibration model. The best model used a Savitzky Golay pre-processing technique with a third derivative order and an artificial neural network with ten neurons in one hidden layer. Regressing the storage time of the eggs, tests achieved a coefficient of determination (R-squared) of 0.8319 ± 0.0377 and a root mean squared error in cross-validation test set (RMSECV) of 1.97 days. Although further work is needed, this technique shows industrial potential and consumer utility to determine an egg's freshness using a low-cost spectrometer connected to a smartphone

    Redox proteins of hydroxylating bacterial dioxygenases establish a regulatory cascade that prevents gratuitous induction of tetralin biodegradation genes

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    Bacterial dioxygenase systems are multicomponent enzymes that catalyze the initial degradation of many environmentally hazardous compounds. In Sphingopyxis granuli strain TFA tetralin dioxygenase hydroxylates tetralin, an organic contaminant. It consists of a ferredoxin reductase (ThnA4), a ferredoxin (ThnA3) and a oxygenase (ThnA1/ThnA2), forming a NAD(P)H-ThnA4-ThnA3-ThnA1/ThnA2 electron transport chain. ThnA3 has also a regulatory function since it prevents expression of tetralin degradation genes (thn) in the presence of non-metabolizable substrates of the catabolic pathway. This role is of physiological relevance since avoids gratuitous and wasteful production of catabolic enzymes. Our hypothesis for thn regulation implies that ThnA3 exerts its action by diverting electrons towards the regulator ThnY, an iron-sulfur flavoprotein that together with the transcriptional activator ThnR is necessary for thn gene expression. Here we analyze electron transfer among ThnA4, ThnA3 and ThnY by using stopped-flow spectrophotometry and determination of midpoint reduction potentials. Our results indicate that when accumulated in its reduced form ThnA3 is able to fully reduce ThnY. In addition, we have reproduced in vitro the regulatory circuit in the proposed physiological direction, NAD(P)H-ThnA4-ThnA3-ThnY. ThnA3 represents an unprecedented way of communication between a catabolic pathway and its regulatory system to prevent gratuitous induction

    Primera ocurrencia de los tres polimorfos de Al2SiO5 en las rocas metapelíticas de la Formación Silgará, región suroccidental del Macizo de Santander

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    En las rocas metapelíticas de la Formación Silgará que afloran en la región suroccidental del Macizo de Santander se reporta por primera vez la ocurrencia de cianita y andalusita, junto con silimanita fibrolítica, aunque esto no es suficiente evidencia para indicar que se encuentran en equilibrio cerca al punto triple de Al2SiO5. En este estudio se describe la ocurrencia de los tres polimorfos de Al2SiO5 y sus implicaciones petrogenéticas. Estos aluminosilicatos han sido observados en un esquisto pelítico (muestra CAR-23), el cual fue recolectado en la quebrada La Caña, afluente del Río Chicamocha, y forma parte de una zona de transición entre las zonas de la estaurolita-cianita y silimanita del esquema zonal Barroviense que ha sido definido para esta región del macizo. La composición mineral de esta roca está representada por granate, estaurolita, cianita, andalusita, silimanita(fibrolita), biotita, muscovita y cuarzo. Keywords: polymorphs; metapelitic rocks; Silgará Formation; Santander Massif; Colombian AndesIn the Silgará Formation metapelitic rocks that crops out in the southwestern region of the Santander Massif is reported for the first time the occurrence of kyanite and andalusite, along with fibrolitic sillimanite, although this is not enough evidence to indicate that they are found in apparent equilibrium near the triple point of Al2SiO5. In this study is described the occurrence of the three polymorphs of Al2SiO5 and their petrogenetic implications. These aluminosilicates have been observed in a pelitic schist (sample CAR-23), which was collected in the La Caña stream, tributary of the Chicamocha River, and takes part of a transition zone between the staurolite-kyanite and sillimanite zones of the Barrovian zonal scheme that has been defined for this region of the massif. The mineral composition of this rock is represented by garnet, staurolite, kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite (fibrolite), biotite, muscovite and quartz

    Primera ocurrencia de los tres polimorfos de Al2SiO5 en las rocas metapelíticas de la Formación Silgará, región suroccidental del Macizo de Santander

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    En las rocas metapelíticas de la Formación Silgará que afloran en la región suroccidental del Macizo de Santander se reporta por primera vez la ocurrencia de cianita y andalusita, junto con silimanita fibrolítica, aunque esto no es suficiente evidencia para indicar que se encuentran en equilibrio cerca al punto triple de Al2SiO5. En este estudio se describe la ocurrencia de los tres polimorfos de Al2SiO5 y sus implicaciones petrogenéticas. Estos aluminosilicatos han sido observados en un esquisto pelítico (muestra CAR-23), el cual fue recolectado en la quebrada La Caña, afluente del Río Chicamocha, y forma parte de una zona de transición entre las zonas de la estaurolita-cianita y silimanita del esquema zonal Barroviense que ha sido definido para esta región del macizo. La composición mineral de esta roca está representada por granate, estaurolita, cianita, andalusita, silimanita(fibrolita), biotita, muscovita y cuarzo. Keywords: polymorphs; metapelitic rocks; Silgará Formation; Santander Massif; Colombian AndesIn the Silgará Formation metapelitic rocks that crops out in the southwestern region of the Santander Massif is reported for the first time the occurrence of kyanite and andalusite, along with fibrolitic sillimanite, although this is not enough evidence to indicate that they are found in apparent equilibrium near the triple point of Al2SiO5. In this study is described the occurrence of the three polymorphs of Al2SiO5 and their petrogenetic implications. These aluminosilicates have been observed in a pelitic schist (sample CAR-23), which was collected in the La Caña stream, tributary of the Chicamocha River, and takes part of a transition zone between the staurolite-kyanite and sillimanite zones of the Barrovian zonal scheme that has been defined for this region of the massif. The mineral composition of this rock is represented by garnet, staurolite, kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite (fibrolite), biotite, muscovite and quartz