219 research outputs found

    On the accuracy of slow-roll inflation given current observational constraints

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    We investigate the accuracy of slow-roll inflation in light of current observational constraints, which do not allow for a large deviation from scale invariance. We investigate the applicability of the first and second order slow-roll approximations for inflationary models, including those with large running of the scalar spectral index. We compare the full numerical solutions with those given by the first and second order slow-roll formulae. We find that even first order slow-roll is generally accurate; the largest deviations arise in models with large running where the error in the power spectrum can be at the level of 1-2%. Most of this error comes from inaccuracy in the calculation of the slope and not of the running or higher order terms. Second order slow-roll does not improve the accuracy over first order. We also argue that in the basis ϵ0=1/H\epsilon_0=1/H, ϵn+1=dlnϵn/dN\epsilon_{n+1}={d\ln|\epsilon_n|}/{dN}, introduced by Schwarz et al. (2001), slow-roll does not require all of the parameters to be small. For example, even a divergent ϵ3\epsilon_3 leads to finite solutions which are accurately described by a slow-roll approximation. Finally, we argue that power spectrum parametrization recently introduced by Abazaijan, Kadota and Stewart does not work for models where spectral index changes from red to blue, while the usual Taylor expansion remains a good approximation.Comment: Matches the published PRD version; added comments on Abazaijan, Kadota and Stewart (2005) parameterizatio

    Hawking-Moss Tunneling with a Dirac-Born-Infeld Action

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    The Hawking-Moss tunneling rate for a field described by the Dirac-Born-Infeld action is calculated using a stochastic approach. We find that the effect of the non-trivial kinetic term is to enhance the tunneling rate, which can be exponentially significant. This result should be compared to the DBI enhancement found in the Coleman-de Luccia case.Comment: 4 pages, version accepted in Phys. Rev. D., additional references and example applicatio

    The cosmological gravitational wave background from primordial density perturbations

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    We discuss the gravitational wave background generated by primordial density perturbations evolving during the radiation era. At second-order in a perturbative expansion, density fluctuations produce gravitational waves. We calculate the power spectra of gravitational waves from this mechanism, and show that, in principle, future gravitational wave detectors could be used to constrain the primordial power spectrum on scales vastly different from those currently being probed by large-scale structure. As examples we compute the gravitational wave background generated by both a power-law spectrum on all scales, and a delta-function power spectrum on a single scale.Comment: 8 Page

    Greybody factors in a rotating black-hole background-II : fermions and gauge bosons

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    We study the emission of fermion and gauge boson degrees of freedom on the brane by a rotating higher-dimensional black hole. Using matching techniques, for the near-horizon and far-field regime solutions, we solve analytically the corresponding field equations of motion. From this, we derive analytical results for the absorption probabilities and Hawking radiation emission rates, in the low-energy and low-rotation case, for both species of fields. We produce plots of these, comparing them to existing exact numerical results with very good agreement. We also study the total absorption cross-section and demonstrate that, as in the non-rotating case, it has a different behaviour for fermions and gauge bosons in the low-energy limit, while it follows a universal behaviour -- reaching a constant, spin-independent, asymptotic value -- in the high-energy regime.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, added reference

    Challenging the weak cosmic censorship conjecture with charged quantum particles

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    Motivated by the recent attempts to violate the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for near-extreme black-holes, we consider the possibility of overcharging a near-extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole by the quantum tunneling of charged particles. We consider the scattering of spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles by the black hole in a unified framework and obtain analytically, for the first time, the pertinent reflection and transmission coefficients without any small charge approximation. Based on these results, we propose some gedanken experiments that could lead to the violation of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture due to the (classically forbidden) absorption of small energy charged particles by the black hole. As for the case of scattering in Kerr spacetimes, our results demonstrate explicitly that scalar fields are subject to (electrical) superradiance phenomenon, while spin-1/2 fields are not. Superradiance impose some limitations on the gedanken experiments involving spin-0 fields, favoring, in this way, the mechanisms for creation of a naked singularity by the quantum tunneling of spin-1/2 charged fermions. We also discuss the implications that vacuum polarization effects and quantum statistics might have on these gedanken experiments. In particular, we show that they are not enough to prevent the absorption of incident small energy particles and, consequently, the formation of a naked singularity.Comment: 9 pages; Final version to appear in PR

    Gravitational wave generation in hybrid quintessential inflationary models

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    We investigate the generation of gravitational waves in the hybrid quintessential inflationary model. The full gravitational-wave energy spectrum is calculated using the method of continuous Bogoliubov coefficients. The post-inflationary kination period, characteristic of quintessential inflationary models, leaves a clear signature on the spectrum, namely, a peak at high frequencies. The maximum of the peak is firmly located at the MHz-GHz region of the spectrum and corresponds to ΩGW1012\Omega_{GW} \simeq 10^{-12}. This peak is substantially smaller than the one appearing in the gravitational-wave energy spectrum of the original quintessential inflationary model, therefore avoiding any conflict with the nucleosynthesis constraint on \Omega_\Omega_{GW}.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, one reference adde

    The effect of a scanning flat fold mirror on a CMB B-mode experiment

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    We investigate the possibility of using a flat-fold beam steering mirror for a CMB B-mode experiment. An aluminium flat-fold mirror is found to add \sim0.075% polarization, which varies in a scan synchronous way. Time-domain simulations of a realistic scanning pattern are performed, and the effect on the power-spectrum illustrated and a possible method of correction applied.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Rev Sci Ins

    Emission of Massive Scalar Fields by a Higher-Dimensional Rotating Black-Hole

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    We perform a comprehensive study of the emission of massive scalar fields by a higher-dimensional, simply rotating black hole both in the bulk and on the brane. We derive approximate, analytic results as well as exact numerical ones for the absorption probability, and demonstrate that the two sets agree very well in the low and intermediate-energy regime for scalar fields with mass m_\Phi < 1 TeV in the bulk and m_\Phi < 0.5 TeV on the brane. The numerical values of the absorption probability are then used to derive the Hawking radiation power emission spectra in terms of the number of extra dimensions, angular-momentum of the black hole and mass of the emitted field. We compute the total emissivities in the bulk and on the brane, and demonstrate that, although the brane channel remains the dominant one, the bulk-over-brane energy ratio is considerably increased (up to 33%) when the mass of the emitted field is taken into account.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    WMAP-normalized Inflationary Model Predictions and the Search for Primordial Gravitational Waves with Direct Detection Experiments

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    In addition to density perturbations, inflationary models of the early universe generally predict a stochastic background of gravitational waves or tensor fluctuations. By making use of the inflationary flow approach for single field models and fitting the models with Monte-Carlo techniques to cosmic microwave background (CMB) data from the {\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} (WMAP), we discuss the expected properties of the gravitational wave background from inflation at scales corresponding to direct detection experiments with laser interferometers in space. We complement the Monte-Carlo numerical calculations by including predictions expected under several classes of analytical inflationary models. We find that an improved version of {\it Big Bang Observer} (BBO-grand) can be used to detect a gravitational wave background at 0.1 Hz with a corresponding CMB tensor-to-scalar ratio above 104^{-4}. Even if the CMB tensor-to-scalar ratio were to be above 102^{-2}, we suggest that BBO-grand will be useful to study inflationary models as the standard version of BBO, with a sensitivity to a stochastic gravitational wave background ΩGWh2>1017\Omega_{\rm GW}h^2 > 10^{-17}, will only allow a marginal detection of the amplitude while leaving the tensor spectral index at 0.1 Hz unconstrained. We also discuss the extent to which CMB measurements can be used to predict the gravitational wave background amplitude in a direct detection experiment and how any measurement of the amplitude and the spectral tilt of the gravitational wave background at direct detection frequencies together with the CMB tensor-to-scalar ratio can be used to establish slow-roll inflation.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to PRD. Low resolution figures submitted here. A copy with high resolution figures and software to generate numerical models can be obtained at http://www.cooray.org/inflation.htm

    Non-Gaussianity and large-scale structure in a two-field inflationary model

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    Single field inflationary models predict nearly Gaussian initial conditions and hence a detection of non-Gaussianity would be a signature of the more complex inflationary scenarios. In this paper we study the effect on the cosmic microwave background and on large scale structure from primordial non-Gaussianity in a two-field inflationary model in which both the inflaton and curvaton contribute to the density perturbations. We show that in addition to the previously described enhancement of the galaxy bias on large scales, this setup results in large-scale stochasticity. We provide joint constraints on the local non-Gaussianity parameter f~NL\tilde f_{\rm NL} and the ratio ξ\xi of the amplitude of primordial perturbations due to the inflaton and curvaton using WMAP and SDSS data