1,994 research outputs found

    How Robust is Comparative Advantage?

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    This paper reviews the theoretical development of the concept of comparative advantage, starting with the two-good model of Ricardo and the two-good extension and reinterpretation by Haberler. In both, the presence of comparative advantage provides the scope for countries to gain from trade by specializing, and the pattern of that trade is explained by the pattern of comparative advantage. These strong results of the two-good model can be extended under certain circumstances to multiple goods and countries, but under more general assumptions such strong results no longer are assured. Instead one can derive much weaker results, usually in the form of correlations between comparative advantage and trade, and these weaker results hold in a much wider variety of circumstances. The paper examines those assumptions that permit such generalizations, but then also examines when those assumptions are most likely to fail, and what happens as a result.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73670/1/j.1467-9396.2005.00552.x.pd

    The Okun Misery Index in the European Union Countries from 2000 to 2009

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    The study is composed of four main parts and a summary. The first part, introduction, discusses various measures of the economic system's efficiency that are used in practice. Part two emphasises that the GDP per capita according to purchasing power parity still remains the most popular among those measures. Further, it presents the ranking of the European Union countries taking that measure into account, the research period being 1999-2009. Part three points out that it is also the level of poverty (misery) that determines the economic system's efficiency. That level can be measured by means of various indicators, among others, the so called HPI-2 index calculated by the UN. It will be the Okun misery index, however, computed as the sum of inflation and unemployment rates that will be presented as an alternative being of interest from the macroeconomic point of view. The ranking of the European Union member states according to that measure in the 2000-2004 and 2005-2009 periods will be provided in part four. The article will end in a summary containing synthetic conclusions drawn from earlier observations.Opracowanie składa się z czterech części zasadniczych i podsumowania. W punkcie pierwszym omówiono różnorodne mierniki sprawności systemu gospodarczego wykorzystywane w praktyce. W części drugiej podkreślono, iż nadal najpopularniejszym z nich jest PKB per capita według parytetu siły nabywczej. Zgodnie z tym miernikiem przedstawiono ranking państw Unii Europejskiej w latach 1999-2009. W punkcie trzecim podkreślono, że o sprawności systemu gospodarczego decyduje także poziom ubóstwa. Może być on mierzony różnymi wskaźnikami, m.in. tzw. indeksem HPI-2 obliczanym przez ONZ. Jako ciekawą z makroekonomicznego punktu widzenia alternatywę ukazano jednak miarę wskaźnika ubóstwa Okuna obliczanego poprzez zsumowanie stopy inflacji i stopy bezrobocia. Ranking państw Unii Europejskiej według tej miary w okresach 2000-2004 oraz 2005-2009 zaprezentowano w części czwartej. Całość zamknięto podsumowaniem, w którym zawarto syntetyczne wnioski z przeprowadzonych obserwacji

    Double Exponential Instability of Triangular Arbitrage Systems

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    If financial markets displayed the informational efficiency postulated in the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH), arbitrage operations would be self-extinguishing. The present paper considers arbitrage sequences in foreign exchange (FX) markets, in which trading platforms and information are fragmented. In Kozyakin et al. (2010) and Cross et al. (2012) it was shown that sequences of triangular arbitrage operations in FX markets containing 4 currencies and trader-arbitrageurs tend to display periodicity or grow exponentially rather than being self-extinguishing. This paper extends the analysis to 5 or higher-order currency worlds. The key findings are that in a 5-currency world arbitrage sequences may also follow an exponential law as well as display periodicity, but that in higher-order currency worlds a double exponential law may additionally apply. There is an "inheritance of instability" in the higher-order currency worlds. Profitable arbitrage operations are thus endemic rather that displaying the self-extinguishing properties implied by the EMH.Comment: 22 pages, 22 bibliography references, expanded Introduction and Conclusion, added bibliohraphy reference

    The obscured gamma-ray and UHECR universe

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    Auger results on clustering of > 60 EeV ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) ions and the interpretation of the gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars are connected by effects from the extragalactic background light (EBL). The EBL acts as an obscuring medium for gamma rays and a reprocessing medium for UHECR ions and protons, causing the GZK cutoff. The study of the physics underlying the coincidence between the GZK energy and the clustering energy of UHECR ions favors a composition of > 60 EeV UHECRs in CNO group nucleons. This has interesting implications for the sources of UHECRs. We also comment on the Auger analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, in the International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2007, Sendai, Japan, September 11-15, 200

    Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs

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    Given a consumer data-set, the axioms of revealed preference proffer a binary test for rational behaviour. A natural (non-binary) measure of the degree of rationality exhibited by the consumer is the minimum number of data points whose removal induces a rationalisable data-set.We study the computational complexity of the resultant consumer rationality problem in this paper. This problem is, in the worst case, equivalent (in terms of approximation) to the directed feedback vertex set problem. Our main result is to obtain an exact threshold on the number of commodities that separates easy cases and hard cases. Specifically, for two-commodity markets the consumer rationality problem is polynomial time solvable; we prove this via a reduction to the vertex cover problem on perfect graphs. For three-commodity markets, however, the problem is NP-complete; we prove thisusing a reduction from planar 3-SAT that is based upon oriented-disc drawings

    CO_2 on Titan

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    A sharp stratospheric emission feature at 667 cm^(−1) in the Voyager infrared spectra of Titan is associated with the ν_2 Q branch of CO_2. A coupling of photochemical and radiative transfer theory yields an average mole fraction above the 110 mbar level of ƒCO_2 = 1.5 ± ^(1.5)_(0.8) x 10^(-9), with most of the uncertainty being due to imprecise knowledge of the vertical distribution. CO_2 is found to be in a steady state, with its abundance being regulated principally by the ∼72 K cold trap near the tropopause and secondarily by the rate at which water-bearing meteoritic material enters the top of the atmosphere. An influx of water about 0.4 times that at the top of the terrestrial atmosphere is consistent with a combination of the observed CO_2 abundance and a steady state CO mole fraction of 1.1×10^(−4); the theoretical value for CO is close to the value observed by Lutz et al. (1983), although there are large margins for error in both numbers. If steady state conditions for CO prevail, little information is available regarding the evolution of Titan's atmosphere

    Carbon-dioxide emissions trading and hierarchical structure in worldwide finance and commodities markets

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    In a highly interdependent economic world, the nature of relationships between financial entities is becoming an increasingly important area of study. Recently, many studies have shown the usefulness of minimal spanning trees (MST) in extracting interactions between financial entities. Here, we propose a modified MST network whose metric distance is defined in terms of cross-correlation coefficient absolute values, enabling the connections between anticorrelated entities to manifest properly. We investigate 69 daily time series, comprising three types of financial assets: 28 stock market indicators, 21 currency futures, and 20 commodity futures. We show that though the resulting MST network evolves over time, the financial assets of similar type tend to have connections which are stable over time. In addition, we find a characteristic time lag between the volatility time series of the stock market indicators and those of the EU CO2 emission allowance (EUA) and crude oil futures (WTI). This time lag is given by the peak of the cross-correlation function of the volatility time series EUA (or WTI) with that of the stock market indicators, and is markedly different (>20 days) from 0, showing that the volatility of stock market indicators today can predict the volatility of EU emissions allowances and of crude oil in the near future.Comment: 4 figure

    Search for TeV Gamma-Rays from Shell-Type Supernova Remnants

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    If cosmic rays with energies <100 TeV originate in the galaxy and are accelerated in shock waves in shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs), gamma-rays will be produced as the result of proton and electron interactions with the local interstellar medium, and by inverse Compton emission from electrons scattering soft photon fields. We report on observations of two supernova remnants with the Whipple Observatory's 10 m gamma-ray telescope. No significant detections have been made and upper limits on the >500 GeV flux are reported. Non-thermal X-ray emission detected from one of these remnants (Cassiopeia A) has been interpreted as synchrotron emission from electrons in the ambient magnetic fields. Gamma-ray emission detected from the Monoceros/Rosette Nebula region has been interpreted as evidence of cosmic-ray acceleration. We interpret our results in the context of these observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Salt Lake City, 1999

    Bethe-Ansatz density-functional theory of ultracold repulsive fermions in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We present an extensive numerical study of ground-state properties of confined repulsively interacting fermions on one-dimensional optical lattices. Detailed predictions for the atom-density profiles are obtained from parallel Kohn-Sham density-functional calculations and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The density-functional calculations employ a Bethe-Ansatz-based local-density approximation for the correlation energy, which accounts for Luttinger-liquid and Mott-insulator physics. Semi-analytical and fully numerical formulations of this approximation are compared with each other and with a cruder Thomas-Fermi-like local-density approximation for the total energy. Precise quantum Monte Carlo simulations are used to assess the reliability of the various local-density approximations, and in conjunction with these allow to obtain a detailed microscopic picture of the consequences of the interplay between particle-particle interactions and confinement in one-dimensional systems of strongly correlated fermions.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, submitte