112 research outputs found

    A glutamine 'tug-of-war': targets to manipulate glutamine metabolism for cancer immunotherapy

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    Within the tumour microenvironment (TME), there is a cellular ‘tug-of-war’ for glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the body. This competition is most evident when considering the balance between a successful anti-tumour immune response and the uncontrolled growth of tumour cells that are addicted to glutamine. The differential effects of manipulating glutamine abundance in individual cell types is an area of intense research and debate. Here, we discuss some of the current strategies in development altering local glutamine availability focusing on inhibition of enzymes involved in the utilisation of glutamine and its uptake by cells in the TME. Further studies are urgently needed to complete our understanding of glutamine metabolism, to provide critical insights into the pathways that represent promising targets and for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of advanced or drug resistant cancers

    Blockade of Immunosuppressive Cytokines Restores NK Cell Antiviral Function in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    NK cells are enriched in the liver, constituting around a third of intrahepatic lymphocytes. We have previously demonstrated that they upregulate the death ligand TRAIL in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection (CHB), allowing them to kill hepatocytes bearing TRAIL receptors. In this study we investigated whether, in addition to their pathogenic role, NK cells have antiviral potential in CHB. We characterised NK cell subsets and effector function in 64 patients with CHB compared to 31 healthy controls. We found that, in contrast to their upregulated TRAIL expression and maintenance of cytolytic function, NK cells had a markedly impaired capacity to produce IFN-gamma in CHB. This functional dichotomy of NK cells could be recapitulated in vitro by exposure to the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10, which was induced in patients with active CHB. IL-10 selectively suppressed NK cell IFN-gamma production without altering cytotoxicity or death ligand expression. Potent antiviral therapy reduced TRAIL-expressing CD56 bright NK cells, consistent with the reduction in liver inflammation it induced; however, it was not able to normalise IL-10 levels or the capacity of NK cells to produce the antiviral cytokine IFN-gamma. Blockade of IL-10 +/- TGF-beta restored the capacity of NK cells from both the periphery and liver of patients with CHB to produce IFN-gamma, thereby enhancing their non-cytolytic antiviral capacity. In conclusion, NK cells may be driven to a state of partial functional tolerance by the immunosuppressive cytokine environment in CHB. Their defective capacity to produce the antiviral cytokine IFN-gamma persists in patients on antiviral therapy but can be corrected in vitro by IL-10+/- TGF-beta blockade

    IL-2(high) tissue-resident T cells in the human liver: Sentinels for hepatotropic infection

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    The liver provides a tolerogenic immune niche exploited by several highly prevalent pathogens as well as by primary and metastatic tumors. We have sampled healthy and hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected human livers to probe for a subset of T cells specialized to overcome local constraints and mediate immunity. We characterize a population of T-bet(lo)Eomes(lo)Blimp-1(hi)Hobit(lo) T cells found within the intrahepatic but not the circulating memory CD8 T cell pool expressing liver-homing/retention markers (CD69(+)CD103(+) CXCR6(+)CXCR3(+)). These tissue-resident memory T cells (TRM) are preferentially expanded in patients with partial immune control of HBV infection and can remain in the liver after the resolution of infection, including compartmentalized responses against epitopes within all major HBV proteins. Sequential IL-15 or antigen exposure followed by TGFβ induces liver-adapted TRM, including their signature high expression of exhaustion markers PD-1 and CD39. We suggest that these inhibitory molecules, together with paradoxically robust, rapid, cell-autonomous IL-2 and IFNγ production, equip liver CD8 TRM to survive while exerting local noncytolytic hepatic immunosurveillance

    Molecular Recalibration of PD-1+ Antigen-Specific T Cells from Blood and Liver.

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    Checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell therapy provide promising options for treating solid cancers such as HBV-related HCC, but they have limitations. We tested the potential to combine advantages of each approach, genetically reprogramming T cells specific for viral tumor antigens to overcome exhaustion by down-modulating the co-inhibitory receptor PD-1. We developed a novel lentiviral transduction protocol to achieve preferential targeting of endogenous or TCR-redirected, antigen-specific CD8 T cells for shRNA knockdown of PD-1 and tested functional consequences for antitumor immunity. Antigen-specific and intrahepatic CD8 T cells transduced with lentiviral (LV)-shPD-1 consistently had a marked reduction in PD-1 compared to those transduced with a control lentiviral vector. PD-1 knockdown of human T cells rescued antitumor effector function and promoted killing of hepatoma cells in a 3D microdevice recapitulating the pro-inflammatory PD-L1hi liver microenvironment. However, upon repetitive stimulation, PD-1 knockdown drove T cell senescence and induction of other co-inhibitory pathways. We provide the proof of principle that T cells with endogenous or genetically engineered specificity for HBV-associated HCC viral antigens can be targeted for functional genetic editing. We show that PD-1 knockdown enhances immediate tumor killing but is limited by compensatory engagement of alternative co-inhibitory and senescence program upon repetitive stimulation

    Human liver memory CD8(+) T cells use autophagy for tissue residence

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    Tissue-resident memory T cells have critical roles in long-term pathogen and tumor immune surveillance in the liver. We investigate the role of autophagy in equipping human memory T cells to acquire tissue residence and maintain functionality in the immunosuppressive liver environment. By performing ex vivo staining of freshly isolated cells from human liver tissue, we find that an increased rate of basal autophagy is a hallmark of intrahepatic lymphocytes, particularly liver-resident CD8(+) T cells. CD8(+) T cells with increased autophagy are those best able to proliferate and mediate cytotoxicity and cytokine production. Conversely, blocking autophagy induction results in the accumulation of depolarized mitochondria, a feature of exhausted T cells. Primary hepatic stellate cells or the prototypic hepatic cytokine interleukin (IL)-15 induce autophagy in parallel with tissue-homing/retention markers. Inhibition of T cell autophagy abrogates tissue-residence programming. Thus, upregulation of autophagy adapts CD8(+) T cells to combat mitochondrial depolarization, optimize functionality, and acquire tissue residence

    Toll-Like Receptor 8 Agonist and Bacteria Trigger Potent Activation of Innate Immune Cells in Human Liver

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The study was supported by a Grant core funding from the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR, Singapore) and a Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (NRMC/StaR/013/2012) to AB as well as NIHR Biomedical Centre, Oxford, WT 091663MA, NIAID1U19AI082630-01, Oxford Martin School funding and an NIHR Senior Investigator award to PK

    The third signal cytokine IL-12 rescues the anti-viral function of exhausted HBV-specific CD8 T cells.

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    Optimal immune activation of naïve CD8 T cells requires signal 1 mediated by the T cell receptor, signal 2 mediated by co-stimulation and signal 3 provided by pro-inflammatory cytokines. However, the potential for signal 3 cytokines to rescue anti-viral responses in functionally exhausted T cells has not been defined. We investigated the effect of using third signal cytokines IL-12 or IFN-α to rescue the exhausted CD8 T cell response characteristic of patients persistently infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). We found that IL-12, but not IFN-α, potently augmented the capacity of HBV-specific CD8 T cells to produce effector cytokines upon stimulation by cognate antigen. Functional recovery mediated by IL-12 was accompanied by down-modulation of the hallmark inhibitory receptor PD-1 and an increase in the transcription factor T-bet. PD-1 down-regulation was observed in HBV but not CMV-specific T cells, in line with our finding that the highly functional CMV response was not further enhanced by IL-12. IL-12 enhanced a number of characteristics of HBV-specific T cells important for viral control: cytotoxicity, polyfunctionality and multispecificity. Furthermore, IL-12 significantly decreased the pro-apoptotic molecule Bim, which is capable of mediating premature attrition of HBV-specific CD8 T cells. Combining IL-12 with blockade of the PD-1 pathway further increased CD8 functionality in the majority of patients. These data provide new insights into the distinct signalling requirements of exhausted T cells and the potential to recover responses optimised to control persistent viral infections