1,776 research outputs found

    Microgravity and its effects on residual motions in fluids

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    The primary reason for conducting many materials science experiments in space is to minimize or eliminate undesirable effects that might result owing to convective motions in fluids that are driven by buoyancy effects. Of particular concern are the low frequency accelerations caused by the Earth's gravity gradient field, spacecraft attitude motions, and atmospheric drag. In order to gain a limited understanding of the effects of these accelerations, researchers calculated the Stokes' motion of a spherical particle in a fluid for various types of spacecraft attitudes. Researchers assessed the effect of slowly rotating the experimental system relative to the spacecraft in order to reduce the rate at which the particles accumulate against the container wall

    Kemampuan Pseudomonas putida Pf-20 dan 24.7B untuk Memperbaiki Sifat Kimia Media Tumbuh dan Ketahanan Terinduksi Tembakau h877 terhadap Cucumber mosaic virus: The capability Pseudomonas putida Pf-20 and 24.7B to improve

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    ABSTRACT P. putida Pf-20 from medium Ml (paddy soil, leaves compost and manure compost, 1:3:2) has a higher affinity and more rapid to solubilize phosphate on Pikovskaya medium, rather than P. putida 27.4B. Those affinities of both strains from the media Ml with CMV-48. were much greater than that of Medium without CMV. After 64 days planted, the content of N total, C-organic, CEC, .K20, and P205 were better on medium Ml, but the pH was little bit decreased. The reduction of PO4 and Fe in medium Ml could due to the bacterial growth, and for producing siderophore, particularly on the media with viral treatment. These bacteria strains did not affect on the plant height and number of leaves on media Ml, M2 or M3, however, these bacteria affected on the total root length and root densities in the medium Ml with virus. The more available nutrient in the medium, the more rapid bacteria colonized rhizosphere and roots. Both of .these bacteria were effective to reduce the disease severity of CMV on tobacco H877. The medium MI was the best medium for bacterial and tobacco growth. Key words: Bacteria strains, disease severity of CMV INTISARI P. putida Pf-20 asal media M1(tanah sawah, kompos daun, dan pupuk kandang, 1:3:2) mempunyai afinitas yang lebih tinggi dan lebih cepat melarutkan fosfat dalam media Pikovskaya daripada P. putida 27.413. Afinitas keduanya lebih tinggi pada media dengan CMV-48. Setelah 64 kandungan N-total, C organik, KTK, K20, P205 pada media MI lebih tinggi tetapi pH-nya sedikit menurun. Pada media M1 penurunan PO4 dan Fe digunakan untuk pertumbuhan tembakau, bakteri, dan untuk menghasilkan siderofor, terutama pada media dengan perlakuan virus. Kedua macam galur tidak mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun pada media M 1, M2 atau M3, tetapi keduanya mempengaruhi total panjang akar dan kerapatan akar pada media M1 dengan perlakuan virus. Makin baik ketersediaan nutrisi dalam media, makin cepat bakteri mengkolonisasi rizosfer dan peralcaran. Oleh karena itu, peranan kedua macam bakteri ini sebagai PGPR dan penginduksi ketahanan tembakau makin baik. Kedua galur bakteri mempunyai efektivitas yang sama untuk mengurangi keparahan penyakit CMV pada tembakau H877. Media MI adalah media terbaik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri dan tembakau. Kata kunci: Dua galur P. putida, kandungan Kara media, keparahan penyakit CM

    A large scale height galactic component of the diffuse 2-60 keV background

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    The diffuse 2-60 keV X-ray background has a galactic component clearly detectable by its strong variation with both galactic latitude and longitude. This galactic component is typically 10 percent of the extragalactic background toward the galactic center, half that strong toward the anticenter, and extrapolated to a few percent of the extragalactic background toward the galactic poles. It is acceptably modeled by a finite radius emission disk with a scale height of several kiloparsecs. The averaged galactic spectrum is best fitted by a thermal spectrum of kT about 9 keV, a spectrum much softer than the about 40 keV spectrum of the extragalactic component. The most likely source of this emission is low luminosity stars with large scale heights such as subdwarfs. Inverse Compton emission from GeV electrons on the microwave background contributes only a fraction of the galactic component unless the local cosmic ray electron spectrum and intensity are atypical


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    Bentuk penelitian yang diterapkan dalam kajian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket respon mahasiswa. Responden yang mengikuti pengisian angket adalah 65 mahasiswa. Terdapat tiga aspek yang dinilai oleh siswa, yakni: aspek tampilan, aspek penyajian materi, dan aspek manfaat dengan total pernyataan adalah 16 item pernyataan. Setelah data dikumpulkan dan diolah, diperoleh hasil bahwa respon mahasiswa terhadap E-modul Praktikum IPA adalah sangat positif, baik dari aspek tampilan, penyajian materi, dan manfaat. Beberapa faktor yang membuat siswa memberikan respon sangat positif memberikan hasil presentase 81,3 % dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan E-Modul Praktikum IPA di SD digolongkan menjadi tiga indikator meliputi: kesesuaian E-Modul dengan praktikum, penggunan software yang sesuai untuk E-modul, dan mendorong kemandirian mahasiswa. Implikasi respon mahasiswa ini memberikan potensi penggunaan E-modul Praktikum IPA dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di Universitas Terbuka

    Aplikasi Beberapa Hasil Fermentasi Limbah terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora Pierre)

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    This research aim to know which the waste has the big effect to increase the growth of coffee Robusta seedlings. The experiment has been conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture. The experimental unit was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments of waste fermentation ie without waste (L0), LCPKS (L1), tofu waste (L2), cow urine (L3), waste of reeds (L4), Banana skin waste (L5).Parameters observed were height increment (cm), number of leafesincrement, increase of stem diameter (cm), leaf area (cm2), dry weight of plant (g), and root canopy ratio. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and the mean of each treatment was compared with Test of Honest Real Difference at 5% level.The results showed that the treatment of fermentation of tofuwaste gave a best effect in increasing the growth of robusta coffee seeds aged 3-6 months.

    Strategi WOW (Wide Open Wonder) untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Prestasi Matematika Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas VII C SMPN 4 Geyer Grobogan pada 2014/2015)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih rendahnya partisipasi keaktifan dan prestasi siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 4 Geyer Grobogan Jawa Tengah dalam pembelajaran matematika. Hal tersebut berdasarkan studi awal yang menemukan bahwa siswa yang aktif baru 23,57% dari keseluruhan siswa dan rata-rata prestasi matematika hanya 66,07. Dengan menerapkan penelitian tindakan kelas dan dengan menggunakan strategi Wide Open Wonder (WOW) berhasil meningkatkan keaktifan dan prestasi matematika siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 terhadap 28 siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 4 Geyer Grobogan Jawa Tengah yang terlaksana sebanyak 2 siklus. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan tes. Keberhasilan penelitian ini yaitu dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa hingga mencapai 58,57% dan meningkatkan rata-rata nilai prestasi matematika mencapai 75,36 serta sebanyak 85,71% siswa telah berhasil melampaui kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM)


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     ABSTRACTThis thesis is a study Drilling Vocabulary by Using Jumbled Letter to the Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 02 Semparuk, Sambas Regency, in Academic Year 2013. The purpose of the research is to find out how effective the scrambled letters is minimize the difficultes in vocabulary accurately to Class VII C Students of SMP Negeri 02 Semparuk, Sambas Regency, in Academic Year 2013/2014.The method of this research is class room action research method. The sample of his research is Class VII C Students of SMP Negeri 02 Semparuk, Sambas Regency, in Academnic Year 2013/2014 wich consisted of 30 students. The data of this research were collected by measurement technique. The measurement technique was employed to measure the students’ achievement and it is done trough written tes.The findings of this research analyzed by the result of the students’ score  in the first cycle and second cycle. The result of the research was the total score of first cycle = 136 with mean score (4.86) it is qualified “average to good”. The mean score of posttest (7.25) is bigger than the mean score of pretest (4.86), with score 2.39. the conclusion of this research was the drilling vocabulary through jumbled letters was effective to be applied in improving the students’ achievement in spelling. Key Words: Teaching Speaking, Through Retelling, Narrative Tex

    Comment on `Series expansions from the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method: the hard-squares model'

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    Earlier this year Chan extended the low-density series for the hard-squares partition function κ(z)\kappa(z) to 92 terms. Here we analyse this extended series focusing on the behaviour at the dominant singularity zdz_d which lies on on the negative fugacity axis. We find that the series has a confluent singularity of order 2 at zdz_d with exponents θ=0.83333(2)\theta=0.83333(2) and θ′=1.6676(3)\theta'= 1.6676(3). We thus confirm that the exponent θ\theta has the exact value 56\frac56 as observed by Dhar.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, IoP macros. Expanded second and final versio
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