519 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Ruas Jalan Timor Raya Akibat Aktivitas Pasar Oesao Kabupaten Kupang (Di Masa Pandemi)

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    Abstrak Kapasitas dan kinerja jalan akan berkurang karena adanya aktivitas pasar pada samping jalan. Saat masa Pandemi Covid-19 jumlah volume kendaraan yang melintas mengalami penurunan sementara yang disebabkan oleh adanya peraturan pemerintah tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar. Namun berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangan, peneliti mengemukakan bahwa kondisi ruas jalan Timor Raya sudah kembali ramai karena pemerintah sudah berlakukan era new normal, dan aktivitas lain seperti pertokoan dan kantor pada area pasar sudah kembali beroperasi sehingga lebar jalan yang tersita oleh aktivitas pasar tentu mengurangi kemampuan jalan tersebut atau terjadi penurunan kapasitas ruas jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pedoman Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengaruh aktivitas pasar pada ruas jalan Timor raya Oesao Pada masa Pandemi Covid 19 menimbulkan adanya hambatan samping sehingga kapasitas ruas jalan menjadi berkurang yaitu kapasitas jalan mempunyai nilai sebesar 2090,02 smp/jam dan Setelah melakukan analisa data akhir dimana diasumsikan penghilangan hambatan samping terbesar berupa kendaraan parkir diperoleh nilai kapasitas sebesar 2859,0288 smp/jam. Kata kunci: Jalan Timor Raya, Kinerja Jalan, Covid 19, MKJI 1997

    Plant RuBisCo assembly in E. coli with five chloroplast chaperones including BSD2

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    Plant RuBisCo, a complex of eight large and eight small subunits, catalyzes the fixation of CO2 in photosynthesis. The low catalytic efficiency of RuBisCo provides strong motivation to reengineer the enzyme with the goal of increasing crop yields. However, genetic manipulation has been hampered by the failure to express plant RuBisCo in a bacterial host. We achieved the functional expression of Arabidopsis thaliana RuBisCo in Escherichia coli by coexpressing multiple chloroplast chaperones. These include the chaperonins Cpn60/Cpn20, RuBisCo accumulation factors 1 and 2, RbcX, and bundle-sheath defective-2 (BSD2). Our structural and functional analysis revealed the role of BSD2 in stabilizing an end-state assembly intermediate of eight RuBisCo large subunits until the small subunits become available. The ability to produce plant RuBisCo recombinantly will facilitate efforts to improve the enzyme through mutagenesis

    Pressures to Publish: Catalysts for the Loss of Scientific Writing Integrity?

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    Publishing research is the final step in the scientific process and is used as the primary means for disseminating research findings to the scientific community. Publishing can embody many personal motivations (e.g., gratification, seeing a finished product in print, desire to further science) for authors as well as professional benefits (e.g., promotion, tenure, future funding opportunities). As the scientific workforce and competition for jobs and funding increase, publishing productivity has become a driving factor for many authors, which may lead to writing practices that violate integrity. In this essay, we discuss writing actions that may be considered a violation of integrity in the context of traditional manuscript sections (introduction and discussion, methods, and results). We define “integrity” as consistency of actions that reflect honesty and truthfulness. Writing the introduction and discussion can be compared to an artistic creation because the rendition of the data may vary depending on the intentions and experience of the author. Some authors may be tempted to relate their research to a hot topic (e.g., climate change, model selection) in an attempt to increase publication success or maximize visibility in search engines, despite not having sufficient data to support their conclusions. Caution must be taken to not overextend the “story” beyond the bounds of the data. Modification of the methods and results sections contains the most extreme cases of scientific integrity violations (e.g., changing an alpha level, only presenting positive results, running numerous tests until desired outcome). Manipulation of methods or results is more difficult to detect by peer review. We believe that however destructive integrity violations may be, despite benefits to the author (e.g., accolades, publication, potential citations, promotion, etc.), the individual scientist should hold him- or herself accountable and to a high standard to avoid sacrificing integrity. Presión para publicar: catalizadores de la pérdida de integridad en la publicación científica Resume: La publicación es la etapa final del proceso científico y se utiliza como el medio principal para diseminar los hallazgos de una investigación. Para los autores, publicar puede implicar distintas motivaciones tanto personales (p.e. satisfacción, ver un producto final impreso, deseo de hacer más ciencia) como profesionales (p.e. promoción interna, basificación, oportunidades de financiamiento). A medida que se incrementa la fuerza laboral científica y la competencia por trabajo y financiamiento, la productividad en cuanto a las publicaciones se ha convertido en un factor determinante para muchos autores, lo cual puede dar pie a prácticas de publicación que comprometen la integridad. En este ensayo se discuten aquellas prácticas de publicación que se considera que comprometen la integridad en el contexto de las secciones habituales que conforman un artículo (introducción y discusión, métodos y resultados). Se define la integridad como la consistencia en acciones que reflejan honestidad y veracidad. Escribir la introducción y discusión se compara con una creación artística en cuanto a que la interpretación de los datos puede variar dependiendo de las intenciones y experiencia del autor. Algunos autores pueden estar tentados a relacionar su investigación a un tópico de actualidad (p.e. cambio climático, selección de modelos) en un intento por incrementar el éxito de la publicación y maximizar la posibilidad de ser encontrados mediante motores de búsqueda, a pesar de que no cuentan con suficientes datos como para apoyar sus conclusiones. Se debe tener cuidado para no extender la historia más allá de los límites que establecen los datos. La modificación de las secciones de métodos y resultados implica los casos más extremos de violaciones a la integridad (p.e. cambiar el nivel de alfa, presentar sólo resultados positivos, realizar numerosas pruebas hasta que salga el resultado esperado). La manipulación de los métodos o los resultados resulta particularmente difícil de detectar durante el proceso de revisión por pares. Creemos que no obstante lo destructivas que puedan ser las violaciones a la integridad y a pesar de los beneficios que obtengan los autores (p.e. premios, potencial de citación, promociones, etc.), el individuo científico debe mantener su sentido de responsabilidad y sus estándares en alto con el fin de evitar sacrificar su integridad

    Global distribution of fluoroquinolone and colistin resistance and associated resistance markers in escherichia coli of swine origin – a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Fluoroquinolones and polymyxins (colistin) are considered as critical drugs for human medicine. Antimicrobials of these classes are also used in swine production worldwide and this usage can contribute to selection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is a threat to both human and animal health. Given the dynamic epidemiology of AMR, updating our knowledge regarding distribution and trends in the proportion of resistant bacteria is of critical importance. Objectives: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to describe the global prevalence of phenotypic and genotypic resistance to fluoroquinolones and colistin in Escherichia coli collected from swine. Results: Four databases (PubMed, PubAg, Web of Science, and CAB abstracts) and reports of national surveillance programs were scanned and 360 articles were included in the analysis. We identified higher prevalence levels of fluoroquinolone and colistin resistance in isolates from pig populations in Asia compared to Europe. The heterogeneity of pooled estimates was also higher in Asian countries suggesting that prevalence of AMR is still not fully characterized. There was a major knowledge gap about the situation of AMR in South American and African countries. We also identified key deficiencies in how AMR data was reported in the studies. A meta-analysis using 6, 167 publicly available genomes of swine E. coli established the prevalence and global distribution of genetic determinants that can lead to fluoroquinolone and colistin resistance. Conclusion: This study provides the most comprehensive information on prevalence of phenotypic and genotypic resistance to key antimicrobials in pig populations globally. There is a need to establish national surveillance programs and effective policies, particularly in certain world regions, to curtail the threat of evolution of resistant isolates in swine production that can potentially contribute to public health detrimentally. Copyright © 2022 Hayer, Casanova-Higes, Paladino, Elnekave, Nault, Johnson, Bender, Perez and Alvarez

    Modelling and simulation of a single slit micro packed bed reactor for methanol synthesis

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    A mathematical model for a single slit packed microstructured reactor-heat exchanger in the synthesis of methanol from syngas was developed. The model constitutes a simplified 3D-pseudo homogeneous approach for a reaction slit with integrated pillar geometry. Literature kinetic rate expressions for methanol synthesis over commercial Cu/ZnO/support type catalysts were applied at 80 bar total pressure, temperature range of 473-558 K, and syngas composition of H2_{2}/CO/CO2_{2}/N2_{2}:65/25/ 5/5 mol%. The model is found capable of predicting experimental CO conversion data with acceptable accuracy. Superior thermal stability of the microchannel upon variation of different parameters such as contact time, feed gas temperature and reaction temperature were shown. The simulation results also reveal that the microchannel reactor can operate free of performance loss due to concentrations field that may arise from overlaid temperature fields. Simulations have also been used to calculate the rapid temperature transients at the inlet. The agreement between simulation results and experimental data signifies the applicability of the developed model for further design and performance optimization of microstructured reactors for methanol synthesis and other exothermic processes

    Active Cage Mechanism of Chaperonin-Assisted Protein Folding Demonstrated at Single-Molecule Level

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    The cylindrical chaperonin GroEL and its lid-shaped cofactor GroES of Escherichia coil have an essential role in assisting protein folding by transiently encapsulating non-native substrate in an ATP-regulated mechanism. It remains controversial whether the chaperonin system functions solely as an infinite dilution chamber, preventing off-pathway aggregation, or actively enhances folding kinetics by modulating the folding energy landscape. Here we developed single-molecule approaches to distinguish between passive and active chaperonin mechanisms. Using low protein concentrations (100 pM) to exclude aggregation, we measured the spontaneous and GroEL/ES-assisted folding of double-mutant maltose binding protein (DM-MBP) by single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. We find that GroEL/ES accelerates folding of DM-MBP up to 8-fold over the spontaneous folding rate. Accelerated folding is achieved by encapsulation of folding intermediate in the GroEL/ES cage, independent of repetitive cycles of protein binding and release from GroEL. Moreover, photoinduced electron transfer experiments provided direct physical evidence that the confining environment of the chaperonin restricts polypeptide chain dynamics. This effect is mediated by the net-negatively charged wall of the GroEL/ES cavity, as shown using the GroEL mutant EL(KKK2) in which the net-negative charge is removed. EL(KKK2)/ES functions as a passive cage in which folding occurs at the slow spontaneous rate. Taken together our findings suggest that protein encapsulation can accelerate folding by entropically destabilizing folding intermediates, in strong support of an active chaperonin mechanism in the folding of some proteins. Accelerated folding is biologically significant as it adjusts folding rates relative to the speed of protein synthesis. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Translational switch for long-term maintenance of synaptic plasticity

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    Memory can last a lifetime, yet synaptic contacts that contribute to the storage of memory are composed of proteins that have much shorter lifetimes. A physiological model of memory formation, long-term potentiation (LTP), has a late protein-synthesis-dependent phase (L-LTP) that can last for many hours in slices or even for days in vivo. Could the activity-dependent synthesis of new proteins account for the persistence of L-LTP and memory? Here, we examine the proposal that a self-sustaining regulation of translation can form a bistable switch that can persistently regulate the on-site synthesis of plasticity-related proteins. We show that an αCaMKII–CPEB1 molecular pair can operate as a bistable switch. Our results imply that L-LTP should produce an increase in the total amount of αCaMKII at potentiated synapses. This study also proposes an explanation for why the application of protein synthesis and αCaMKII inhibitors at the induction and maintenance phases of L-LTP result in very different outcomes