352 research outputs found

    Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold atoms in a magneto-optic trap

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    We have studied the absorption of a weak probe beam through cold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optic trap. The absorption spectrum shows two peaks with the smaller peak having linewidth as small as 28% of the natural linewidth. The modification happens because the laser beams used for trapping also drive the atoms coherently between the ground and excited states. This creates ``dressed'' states whose energies are shifted depending on the strength of the drive. Linewidth narrowing occurs due to quantum coherence between the dressed states. The separation of the states increases with laser intensity and detuning, as expected from this model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Short Distance Scale to the LMC

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    We present {\it UBVI} photometry of the eclipsing binary HV2274 - the system which has been recently used for distance determination to the LMC by Guinan et al. (1998). We determine the interstellar reddening to the star, E(B-V)=0.149+/-0.015 mag, based on observed colors of the star. This value is in excellent agreement with the mean reddening towards HV2274 obtained from photometry of the red clump stars in the surrounding field. The reddening is almost twice as large as determined by Guinan et al. (1998). We discuss the consequences of reddening underestimate. Most likely HV2274 is located much closer with the distance modulus to the star and the LMC: m-M = 18.22+/-0.13 mag supporting the short distance scale to the LMC. Such a distance modulus is in excellent agreement with the recent distance determinations with RR Lyr and red clump stars.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 2 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. New version - trimmed to fit ApJL. Additional determination of the reddening towards HV2274 with OB star

    Photometric Solutions for Detached Eclipsing Binaries: selection of ideal distance indicators in the SMC

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    Detached eclipsing binary stars provide a robust one-step distance determination to nearby galaxies. As a by-product of Galactic microlensing searches, catalogs of thousands of variable stars including eclipsing binaries have been produced by the OGLE, MACHO and EROS collaborations. We present photometric solutions for detached eclipsing binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) discovered by the OGLE collaboration. The solutions were obtained with an automated version of the Wilson-Devinney program. By fitting mock catalogs of eclipsing binaries we find that the normalized stellar radii (particularly their sum) and the surface brightness ratio are accurately described by the fitted parameters and estimated standard errors, despite various systematic uncertainties. In many cases these parameters are well constrained. In addition we find that systems exhibiting complete eclipses can be reliably identified where the fractional standard errors in the radii are small. We present two quantitatively selected sub-samples of eclipsing binaries that will be excellent distance indicators. These can be used both for computation of the distance to the SMC and to probe its structure. One particularly interesting binary has a very well determined solution, exhibits complete eclipses, and is comprised of well detached G-type, class IIII giants.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. To be published in Ap

    Optical nonlinear dynamics with cold atoms in a cavity

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    This paper presents the nonlinear dynamics of laser cooled and trapped cesium atoms placed inside an optical cavity and interacting with a probe light beam slightly detuned from the 6S1/2(F=4) to 6P3/2(F=5) transition. The system exhibits very strong bistability and instabilities. The origin of the latter is found to be a competition between optical pumping and non-linearities due to saturation of the optical transition.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Wave particle interactions in the high-altitude polar cusp: a Cluster case study

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    On 23 March 2002, the four Cluster spacecraft crossed in close configuration (~100 km separation) the high-altitude (10 <i>R<sub>E</sub></i>) cusp region. During a large part of the crossing, the STAFF and EFW instruments have detected strong electromagnetic wave activity at low frequencies, especially when intense field-aligned proton fluxes were detected by the CIS/HIA instrument. In all likelihood, such fluxes correspond to newly-reconnected field lines. A focus on one of these ion injection periods highlights the interaction between waves and protons. The wave activity has been investigated using the k-filtering technique. Experimental dispersion relations have been built in the plasma frame for the two most energetic wave modes. Results show that kinetic Alfvén waves dominate the electromagnetic wave spectrum up to 1 Hz (in the spacecraft frame). Above 0.8 Hz, intense Bernstein waves are also observed. The close simultaneity observed between the wave and particle events is discussed as an evidence for local wave generation. A mechanism based on current instabilities is consistent with the observations of the kinetic Alfvén waves. A weak ion heating along the recently-opened field lines is also suggested from the examination of the ion distribution functions. During an injection event, a large plasma convection motion, indicative of a reconnection site location, is shown to be consistent with the velocity perturbation induced by the large-scale Alfvén wave simultaneously detected

    Matter-wave diffraction in time with a linear potential

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    Diffraction in time of matter waves incident on a shutter which is removed at time t=0t=0 is studied in the presence of a linear potential. The solution is also discussed in phase space in terms of the Wigner function. An alternative configuration relevant to current experiments where particles are released from a hard wall trap is also analyzed for single-particle states and for a Tonks-Girardeau gas.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Polarization dependence of four-wave mixing in a degenerate two-level system

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    Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing (NDFWM) within a closed degenerate two-level atomic transition is theoretically and experimentally examined. Using the model presented by A. Lezama et al [Phys. Rev. A 61, 013801 (2000)] the NDFWM spectra corresponding to different pump and probe polarization cases are calculated and discussed. The calculated spectra are compared to the observation of NDFWM within the 6S1/2(F=4)6P3/2(F=5)6S_{1/2}(F=4)\to 6P_{3/2}(F=5) transition of cesium in a phase conjugation experiment using magneto optically cooled atomsComment: 10 pages, 13 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Synthèse d'époxyphosphonates alpha-chlorés, intermédiaires potentiels dans la préparation de l'analogue phosphoré du KDO, cible privilégiée dans la recherche de nouveaux antibiotiques

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    Les époxyphosphonatesex-chlorés ont été préparés par action de l'acide métachloroperbenzoïque (mCPBA) sur les vinylphosphonates ex- chlorés. L'isomérisation des époxyphosphonates est en cours d'étude. Les résultats de ces travaux seront appliqués au mannose pour la préparation du KDO phosphoré

    Matter wave pulses characteristics

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    We study the properties of quantum single-particle wave pulses created by sharp-edged or apodized shutters with single or periodic openings. In particular, we examine the visibility of diffraction fringes depending on evolution time and temperature; the purity of the state depending on the opening-time window; the accuracy of a simplified description which uses ``source'' boundary conditions instead of solving an initial value problem; and the effects of apodization on the energy width.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure