1,236 research outputs found

    Distributed resource discovery using a context sensitive infrastructure

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    Distributed Resource Discovery in a World Wide Web environment using full-text indices will never scale. The distinct properties of WWW information (volume, rate of change, topical diversity) limits the scaleability of traditional approaches to distributed Resource Discovery. An approach combining metadata clustering and query routing can, on the other hand, be proven to scale much better. This paper presents the Content-Sensitive Infrastructure, which is a design building on these results. We also present an analytical framework for comparing scaleability of different distribution strategies

    The effect of allostatic load on hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal (HPI) axis before and after secondary vaccination in Atlantic salmon postsmolts (Salmo salar L.)

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10695-013-9863-xThe experiment consisted of three experimental groups: (1) ‘‘vaccine and stress’’, (2) ‘‘stress and vaccine’’ and (3) control. All groups have previously been vaccinated 6 months prior to the start of the experiment. At the start of the experiment, the ‘‘vaccine and stress’’ group was vaccinated with Pentium Forte Plus for the second time (25.02.2008) and then given a daily stressor (confinement stressor 267 kg m-3 in 15 min) for a period of 4 weeks. The ‘‘stress and vaccine’’ group was given a similar daily stressor for 4 weeks and then vaccinated for the second time. The control group was neither stressed nor vaccinated a second time. The results indicates that fish in the ‘‘stress and vaccine’’ group may have entered an allostatic overload type 2 due to oversensitivity to ACTH, a reduced efficient negative feedback system with elevated baseline levels of plasma cortisol and reduced immune response with pronounced effects on the well-being of the animal. The ‘‘vaccine and stress’’ group may likewise have entered an allostatic overload type 1 response, with oversensitivity to ACTH and transient reduced efficient negative feedback system. This study shows that if plasma cortisol becomes elevated prior to vaccination, it could perhaps instigate an allostatic overload type 2 with dire consequences on animal welfare. To reduce the risk of compromising the animal welfare during commercial vaccination of salmon, one propose to grade the fish minimum a week prior to vaccination or grade simultaneously with vaccination. This could reduce the overall allostatic load during handling and vaccination and secure a healthy fish with intact immune response and improved animal welfare

    Human apoB contributes to increased serum total apo(a) level in LPA transgenic mice

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    Background The Lp(a) lipoprotein (Lp(a)) consists of the polymorphic glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), which is attached by a disulfide bond to apolipoprotein B (apoB). Apo(a), which has high homology with plasminogen, is present only in primates and hedgehogs. However, transgenic mice and rabbits with high serum apo(a) levels exist. Liver is the main site for apo(a) synthesis, but the site of removal is uncertain. To examine differences between transgenic mice expressing the LPA gene and mice capable of forming Lp(a) particles, LPA -YAC transgenic mice and hAPOB transgenic mice were crossed and their offspring examined. Results Comparison of LPA -YAC with LPA -YAC/hAPOB transgenic mice showed that LPA -YAC/hAPOB transgenic mice have higher serum total apo(a) and total cholesterol level than mice lacking the hAPOB gene. However, hepatic apo(a) mRNA level was higher in LPA -YAC transgenic mice than in LPA -YAC/hAPOB transgenic mice. Feeding of a high-cholesterol/high-fat diet to male LPA -YAC transgenic mice with or without the hAPOB gene resulted in reduced serum total apo(a) and hepatic apo(a) mRNA level. Conclusion In conclusion, the higher serum total apo(a) level in LPA -YAC/hAPOB transgenic mice than in LPA -YAC transgenic mice is not caused by increased apo(a) synthesis. Lower hepatic apo(a) mRNA level in LPA -YAC/hAPOB than in LPA -YAC transgenic mice may suggest that the increase in total apo(a) level is a result of apo(a) accumulation in serum. Furthermore, observed higher serum total cholesterol level in LPA -YAC/hAPOB transgenic mice than either in wild type or LPA -YAC transgenic mice may further suggest that human APOB transgenicity is a factor that contributes to increased serum total apo(a) and cholesterol levels. Our results on reduced serum total apo(a) and hepatic apo(a) mRNA levels in HCHF fed male LPA -YAC transgenic mice confirm earlier findings in females, and show that there are no sex difference in mechanisms for lowering apo(a) level in response to HCHF feeding

    Food Predictors of Plasma Carotenoids

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    Empirical prediction models that weight food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) food items by their relation to nutrient biomarker concentrations may estimate nutrient exposure better than nutrient intakes derived from food composition databases. Carotenoids may especially benefit because contributing foods vary in bioavailability and assessment validity. Our objective was to develop empirical prediction models for the major plasma carotenoids and total carotenoids and evaluate their validity compared with dietary intakes calculated from standard food composition tables. 4180 nonsmoking women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) blood subcohort with previously measured plasma carotenoids were randomly divided into training (n = 2787) and testing (n = 1393) subsets. Empirical prediction models were developed in the training subset by stepwise selection from foods contributing ≥0.5% to intake of the relevant carotenoid. Spearman correlations between predicted and measured plasma concentrations were compared to Spearman correlations between dietary intake and measured plasma concentrations for each carotenoid. Three to 12 foods were selected for the α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin, lycopene, and total carotenoids prediction models. In the testing subset, Spearman correlations with measured plasma concentrations for the calculated dietary intakes and predicted plasma concentrations, respectively, were 0.31 and 0.37 for α-carotene, 0.29 and 0.31 for β-carotene, 0.36 and 0.41 for β-cryptoxanthin, 0.28 and 0.31 for lutein/zeaxanthin, 0.22 and 0.23 for lycopene, and 0.22 and 0.27 for total carotenoids. Empirical prediction models may modestly improve assessment of some carotenoids, particularly α-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin

    In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca)

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    In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak through center. They were recorded from the surface to ~ 60–70 m depth, mainly neutrally buoyant, in temperatures between 8 and 24°C. Lack of tissue samples has until now, prohibited confirmation of species. However, in 2019 scuba divers secured four tissue samples from the Norwegian coast. In the present study, DNA analysis using COI confirms species identity as the ommastrephid broadtail shortfin squid Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839); these are the first confirmed records from the wild. Squid embryos at different stages were found in different egg masses: (1) recently fertilized eggs (stage ~ 3), (2) organogenesis (stages ~ 17–19 and ~ 23), and (3) developed embryo (stage ~ 30). Without tissue samples from each and every record for DNA corroboration we cannot be certain that all spherical egg masses are conspecific, or that the remaining 86 observed spheres belong to Illex coindetii. However, due to similar morphology and size of these spheres, relative to the four spheres with DNA analysis, we suspect that many of them were made by I. coindetii

    Design Aspects on Winding of an MgB<sub>2</sub> Superconducting Generator Coil

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    AbstractGenerators based on superconducting rotor coils are considered for future large off-shore wind turbines for their low weight and compact design, and for their possibility to reduce costs. In the 10-20 K temperature range, MgB2 superconductors carry current densities 100 times higher than standard copper conductors at room temperature at one tenth of the wire cost per unit carried current. In the framework of the European project INNWIND.EU, an MgB2 superconducting generator pole will be designed, built and tested. Some of the design aspects of this work with emphasis on the winding process and associated coil insulation are discussed. An overall high current density in the coil is of crucial importance to obtain clear benefits compared to conventional solutions. The wire itself may be the most important parameter in that respect. However, the overall current density of the coil is also influenced by the thickness of the turn-to-turn electrical insulation. Here we discuss the impact of the insulation and suggest the use of a one-step winding process, employing wet-winding, where the applied epoxy also constitutes the insulation layer between turns. In this way the coil is densified by approximately 10% compared to the use of an additional, dedicated, electrical insulation like Kapton for wet-winding or glass-fibre for dry-winding followed by vacuum impregnation. We show the results of a trial winding of 500 m of MgB2 superconducting wire into a double pancake coil using the wet-winding technique. The coil is tested for contacts between the turns to evaluate the suggested one-step wet-winding process
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