42 research outputs found

    Elucidation of the compatible interaction between banana and Meloidogyne incognita via high-throughput proteome profiling

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    With a diverse host range, Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode) is listed as one of the most economically important obligate parasites of agriculture. This nematode species establishes permanent feeding sites in plant root systems soon after infestation. A compatible host-nematode interaction triggers a cascade of morphological and physiological process disruptions of the host, leading to pathogenesis. Such disruption is reflected by altered gene expression in affected cells, detectable using molecular approaches. We employed a high-throughput proteomics approach to elucidate the events involved in a compatible banana- M. incognita interaction. This study serves as the first crucial step in developing natural banana resistance for the purpose of biological-based nematode management programme. We successfully profiled 114 Grand naine root proteins involved in the interaction with M. incognita at the 30th- and 60th- day after inoculation (dai). The abundance of proteins involved in fundamental biological processes, cellular component organisation and stress responses were significantly altered in inoculated root samples. In addition, the abundance of proteins in pathways associated with defence and giant cell maintenance in plants such as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, glycolysis and citrate cycle were also implicated by the infestation

    Comparison of Different Wavelength Propagations over Few-Mode Fiber based on Space Division Multiplexing in Conjunction with Electrical Equalization

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    Abstract—Nonlinearities in optical fibers deteriorate system performances and become a major performance-limiting issue. This article aims to investigate the compensation of nonlinear distortions in optical communication systems based on different wavelength propagations over few-mode fiber (FMF). The study adopted Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) based on decision feedback equalizer (DFE). Various transmission wavelength of the FMF system is applied to mitigate the attenuation effect on the system. In this paper, different wavelengths (780, 850 and 1550 nm) are used in SDM. Extensive simulation is performed to assess the attenuation and Bit Error Rate (BER) in each case. The results show that the wavelength of 1550 nm produces higher power and less attenuation in the transmission. Furthermore, this wavelength produces the best distance with less BER compared to 780 nm and 850 nm wavelengths. Moreover, the validations show improvement in BER and eye diagram

    Design & investigation of 10x10 gbit/s MDM over hybrid FSO link under different weather conditions and fiber to the home

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    In this paper, we design and investigate 10-channels of mode division multiplexer (MDM) over hybrid free-space optics (FSO) link in several weather conditions to achieve the maximum possible medium range and fiber to the home (FTTH) for high bandwidth access networks. System capacity can be effectively increased with the use of MDM over hybrid FSO-FTTH. In this study, a 10-channel MDM over FSO-FTTH system has been analyzed in different weather conditions that operate at 1550 nm wavelength. The simulated system has transmitted 100 Gbit/s up for a distance of 3200 meters FSO in superbly clear weather condition. It also transmitted 100 Gbit/s up for a distance of 650 meters FSO during heavy rain. The validation of this study is measures based on eye diagrams bit-error rates (BER) that have been analyzed

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sampah Di Lingkungan Kampus Fkip Unram Menggunakan Bioteknologi Em4 (Effective Microorganism 4) Menjadi Pupuk Bokashi

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    Selama ini pengelolaan sampah di lingkungan belum banyak dilakukan. Sampah yang ada hanya dibuang  ke tempat sampah, Namun jika dikelola dengan baik maka lingkungan akan menjadi sehat dan mendatangkan  keuntungan  karena dapat dijadikan pupuk organik yang  dapat  digunakan untuk menyuburkan lahan pertanian dan mendukung pertanian ramah lingkungan yang diharapkan semua pihak. Di Kampus FKIP Unram belum mengelola sampah dengan mengubah sampah menjadi pupuk. Oleh karena itu perlu upaya untuk  mengelola sampah yang ada menjadi pupuk bokashi dengan bioteknologi EM4. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini ialah mengimplementasikan bioteknologi  EM4  untuk mengelola sampah menjadi pupuk  bokashi. Metode yang digunakan  meliputi  ceramah, pelatihan, diskusi tanya jawab dan pendampingan pengelolaan sampah dengan bioteknologi EM4 di kampus FKIP Universitas Mataram. Hasil pengabdian  sebagai berikut : 1). seluruh peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian pelatihan pengelolaan sampah di lingkungan Kampus FKIP Unram  menggunakan  Bioteknologi EM4 (Effective Microorganism) menjadi  pupuk bokashi. 2). Materi pelatihan 100% peserta  mengikuti dan memahami isi kegiatan pengabdian. 3). Hasil pelatihan dapat diterapkan dengan menghasilkan pupuk bokashi yang siap diaplikasikan untuk tanaman. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini adalah pengelolaan sampah dengan bioteknologi EM4 di Kampus FKIP Unram telah dilakukan dengan menghasilkan produk pupuk bokashi yang baik oleh peserta pengabdian

    Hybrid Dy-NFIS & RLS equalization for ZCC code in optical-CDMA over multi-mode optical fiber

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    For long haul coherent optical fiber communication systems, it is significant to precisely monitor the quality of transmission links and optical signals. The channel capacity beyond Shannon limit of Single-mode optical fiber (SMOF) is achieved with the help of Multi-mode optical fiber (MMOF), where the signal is multiplexed in different spatial modes. To increase single-mode transmission capacity and to avoid a foreseen “capacity crunch”, researchers have been motivated to employ MMOF as an alternative. Furthermore, different multiplexing techniques could be applied in MMOF to improve the communication system. One of these techniques is the Optical Code Division Multiple Access (Optical-CDMA), which simplifies and decentralizes network controls to improve spectral efficiency and information security increasing flexibility in bandwidth granularity. This technique also allows synchronous and simultaneous transmission medium to be shared by many users. However, during the propagation of the data over the MMOF based on Optical-CDMA, an inevitable encountered issue is pulse dispersion, nonlinearity and MAI due to mode coupling. Moreover, pulse dispersion, nonlinearity and MAI are significant aspects for the evaluation of the performance of high-speed MMOF communication systems based on Optical-CDMA. This work suggests a hybrid algorithm based on nonlinear algorithm (Dynamic evolving neural fuzzy inference (Dy-NFIS)) and linear algorithm (Recursive least squares (RLS)) equalization for ZCC code in Optical-CDMA over MMOF. Root mean squared error (RMSE), mean squared error (MSE) and Structural Similarity index (SSIM) are used to measure performance results

    Urgensi Perjanjian Perkawinan dalam Membentuk Keluarga Sakinah Perspektif Hukum Keluarga Islam

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    This research was made to analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in marriage. To analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic Family Law. This type of research is library research. This research is descriptive in nature, namely by using qualitative methods. The results of this study show that the urgency of the marriage agreement is that the marriage agreement has good benefits as a preventive measure in the event of a divorce because the marriage agreement will facilitate the distribution of assets. The urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic family law, namely. First, to form a sakinah family, it is best if the prospective husband and wife make a marriage agreement which includes communication problems, personal and shared assets, biological needs (sex), economic problems, and appearance. Second, the marriage agreement includes a form of maslahah for married couples to achieve maqashid asy-syari'ah. Through a marriage agreement, what is the goal of the Shari'a, namely to achieve benefit can be realized or achieved. &nbsp

    Fear-related behaviour, muscle glycogen stores and serum creatine kinase activity in transported broiler chickens as affected by housing and early-age feed restriction.

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of two types of housing systems and early age feed restriction on tonic immobility reaction, muscle glycogen content and serum creatine kinase activity in broiler chickens subjected to road transportation. On day 1, chicks were housed either in windowless environmentally controlled chambers (temperature was set at 32°C on day 1 and gradually reduced to 23°C by day 21) (CH) or in conventional Open-sided Houses (OH) with cyclic temperatures (minimum, 24°C; maximum, 34°C). Equal number of chicks from each housing system were subjected to either Ad libitum feeding (AL) or 60% Feed Restriction on day 4-6 (FR). On day 42, all the birds were crated and transported for 6 h. Birds raised in OH had shorter TI duration and higher muscle glycogen content than those of CH. Subjecting birds to FR shortened TI duration following transportation. Tonic immobility duration increased with duration of transportation while the converse was noted for muscle glycogen content. Serum creatine kinase was not affected throughout the period of study. Collectively, the results suggested that raising birds in OH dampened fear-related behavior and improved muscle glycogen content in response to road transportation under the hot and humid tropical climate

    Low loss 1x2 optical coupler based on cosine s-bend with segmented waveguides

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    This paper presents an optimization of 1x2 polymer Y-junction optical coupler. The optimized optical coupler comprises straight polymer waveguide as the input waveguide, tapered waveguide, modified cosine S-bend and linear waveguide. At the branching point, N short waveguides with small width are introduced to reduce evanescent field. At operating wavelength of 1550 nm the excess loss of the coupler is ~0.18 dB. In term of polarization dependence loss (PDL), the proposed coupler also shows a good performance with PDL value of less than 0.015 dB for wavelength range of 1470 nm-1550 nm. The proposed coupler could reduce excess loss more than 25% compared to conventional Y junction optical coupler