170 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perceived Quality terhadap Kesetian Merek dan Citra Merek

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    The aims of this research is to explore interrelation of perceived quality toward brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The research is based on recommendation of previous studies, the scale constructed to measure perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image. The present study used sample of selected 100 actual guest of GrandTropic Suites Hotel Jakarta. Multiple Regression is used to test the model.The Findings in this research support the brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The present study contributes to the understanding of customer-based brand loyalty and brand imageby examining the dimensionality of this construct. Further research should attempt to examine and compare brand loyalty and brand image among different hotel categories. The research shows that hotel managers should try to influence perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image in their organization and design their service delivery process by considering relations between customer based brand loyaltyand brand image

    Pengaruh Pembangunan Jalan Tol terhadap Perubahan Pola dan Struktur Ruang Kawasan Sidomulyo, Ungaran Timur

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    Perkembangan kota - kota di dunia selalu menunjukkan pergerakan yang sangat cepat. Luas lahan dan potensi lahan bersifat statis yang tentunya dibatasi oleh batas administrasi maupun fungsional, sehingga kerap dilakukan intervensi penggunaan lahan wilayah pinggir kota yang masih memiliki sedikit lahan terbangun. Perluasan fungsi kota mulai terlihat dengan jelas di pinggir Kota Semarang, salah satunya Kelurahan Sidomulyo yang terletak di Kecamatan Ungaran timur. Pembangunan yang terjadi di Kelurahan Sidomulyo berupa permukiman dan perdagangan dan jasa dan mulai bergerak dengan pesat sejak adanya akses pintu tol Semarang-Ungaran di Kelurahan Sidomulyo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi seberapa jauh dampak yang ditimbulkan dengan adanya pintu tol di Kelurahan Sidomulyo terhadap pola dan struktur ruang. Dalam menjawab tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Perubahan guna lahan dengan melakukan perbandingan citra kawasan pada tahun 2008 dan 2013 sehingga akan didapatkan gambaran Perubahan guna lahan yang terjadi baik dari aktivitas maupun kepadatan bangunannya. Dalam penelitian ini selain melakukan analisis terhadap Perubahan guna lahan secara spasial juga akan melakukan kajian faktor Perubahan guna lahan dengan menggunakan metoda crosstab. Dari hasil analisis korelasi variabel yang mempengaruhi Perubahan guna lahan adalah aksesibilitas, sarana dan prasarana, dan jumlah penduduk, dan dari tinjauan langsung ke lapangan ternyata terdapat dua faktor lain yang turut mempengaruhi aktivitas Perubahan guna lahan di kawasan Sidomulyo yaitu RTRW Kabupaten Semarang dan topografi wilayah. Pada kajian Perubahan guna lahan kawasan Sidomulyo, wilayah amatan dibagi menjadi 3 kawasan dengan justifikasi perbedaan percepatan pembangunan serta aktivitas yang paling cepat berkembang. Kawasan 1 adalah kawasan yang paling cepat berkembang, kawasan 2 adalah kawasan yang percepatan pembangunannya menengah, dan kawasan 3 adalah kawasan dengan percepatan pembangunannya lambat

    Faktor-faktor Pembentuk Loyalitas Merek Pada Pengguna Ponsel Smartfren

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    : Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty among Smartfren Customers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the dimensions of customer value and brand identification on brand loyalty and customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. A purposive sampling technique was adopted to collect 175 Smartfren customers. The results showed that: (1) the functional value has positive effect on customer satisfaction, (2) the emotional value has no effect on customer satisfaction, (3) social values has no effect on customer satisfaction, (4) brand identification has positive impact on customer satisfaction, (5) functional value has no effect on brand loyalty, (6) the emotional value has no effect on brand loyalty, (7) social value has positive effect on brand loyalty, (8) brand identification has no effect on brand loyalty, (9) customer satisfaction has positive effect on loyalty brand, (10) the functional value, emotional value, social value and brand identification simultaneous have no effect on brand loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable

    Gejala Pergeseran Minat Berwirausaha Anak Muda Di YOGYAKARTA Ditinjau Dari Aspek Kreativitas Dan Motivasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the symptoms of the entrepreneurial aspects of the shift of interest in terms of the aspect of creativity of young people, the interest in entrepreneurship in young people aspects of motivation and interest berwirauaha together with aspects of creativity and motivation of young people in the region involves Yogyakarta. Research 100 young people as respondents who have business in the area of Yogyakarta. Sampling was done by proportional random sampling technique with 75 young people. This study uses a design ex-post facto. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis. Base on these results it can be concluded that: first there is the contribution of interest in entrepreneurship with creativity aspects of youth entrepreneurship in the region of Yogyakarta, the second is the contribution of interest in entrepreneurship with motivational aspects of entrepreneurship, the third is the collective contribution of common interest in entrepreneurship with aspects of creativity and motivation of youth entrepreneurship in the region of Yogyakarta. Keywords: interest, creativity, entrepreneurial motivatio

    Analisa Pengaruh Modifikasi Mesin Press Body Area 5a Line terhadap Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi di PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor

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    Analysis or the analysis is defined as a study conducted on a discussion of the problems studied in depth to find out the real situation. In this study, analysis of the modifications carried out to assess the influence of such modifications in an increase in production capacity of PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor. Taking into account the physical and technical aspects of data in the field, didapatlah data supporting this research, for subsequent use as a reference from the financial aspect to determine the magnitude of the cost involved in this modification. The purpose of this study was to find the value of the initial investment required in the modification, finding the investment payback period, benefit gained as well as determining whether modification is appropriate or not to apply. Data collection conducted broadly divided into two data technical and financial aspects, and then after that the data is processed through the method of calculation of production, Stoke per Hour (SPH), Gross Stroke per Hour (GSPH). This study also provides recommendations to companies to assess whether the modification is feasible or not to do, from the point of view of project feasibility studies

    The Analysis of Phase and Microstructure on the Tapioca Through Natrium Metabisulfite Addition

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    The addition of Natrium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) in the tapioca with purpose to increase whiteness degree suitable to SNI 01-3729-1995 for small industries has been performed. The result of whiteness degree determination are 90.3 %; 91.8 %; 94.9 %; 95.7 % and 96.2 % with 0 %; 0.1 %; 0.2 %; 0.5 % and 1.0 % Na2S2O5 addition, respectively. The refinement result of X-ray diffraction profile showed that the tapioca consist of two phases, namely α-Amylose and β-D-Glucose. The observation result of scanning electron microscope showed that the tapioca with 0.2 % Na2S2O5 addition has dominated white color and the particle distribution was very uniform. We concluded that the Na2S2O5 can increase phase of β-D-Glucose so that able to prevent browning reaction in the tapioca
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