184 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser, Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian : Bagaimana Peranan Minat Beli Produk UKM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh celebrity endorser, electronic word of mouth dan brand image terhadap purchase decision dengan minat beli sebagai variabel intervening studi pada konsumen SMEs di Jabotabek. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 330 responden konsumen produk SMEs  dengan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan jenis teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner online yang didistribusikan melalui media sosial. Sikap responden diukur dengan skala likert 7 dan data diolah dengan structural equation modeling dengan alat bantu SmartPLS 3.0 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel celebrity endorser berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli Produk, EWOM berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap minat beli, brand image berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap minat beli, celebrity endorser berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision, EWOM tidak berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision, brand image berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap purchase decision, minat beli berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap purchase decision

    Halaman Depan JRJ Vol 13 No 2 2020

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    Halaman Depan JRJ Vol 13 No 2 202


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    INTISARI Subandriyo, 2020, NIT : 52155787.T, “Analisis Terjadinya Keretakan Torak Pada Diesel Generator Di MT. Fery XVI”, skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Progran Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Dwi Prasetyo, M.M, M.Mar.E. dan Pembimbing II: Janny Adriani Djari, S.ST, M.M Torak adalah bagian dari mesin diesel yaitu penekan udara masuk dan penerima tekanan yang menghasilkan pembakaran pada ruang bakar yang menghasilkan tenaga atau usaha dengan memanfaatkan udara dan suhu yang tinggi. Pada penulisan penelitian ini terjadi masalah pada diesel generator yang ditemukan yaitu terjadi keretakan pada keretakan torak pada diesel generator. Kemudian dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari faktor penyebab terjadi keretakan pada torak tersebut, mengetahui dampak yang disebabkan terjadi keretakan torak pada diesel generator, dan mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan terjadi keretakan torak pada diesel generator tersebut, supaya dapat mencegah terjadi kerusakan yang sama pada diesel generator khususnya torak yang retak.. Jenis metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam penyusunan skripsi ini adalah deskriptif kualitaf dengan menggunakan pendekatan fishbone analysis dan SHELL untuk mempermudah dalam teknik analisis data. Peneliti juga menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yang peneliti lakukan adalah dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara untuk memperkuat dalam analisis data dan pembahasan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab terjadinya keretakan torak pada diesel generator, dampak dari faktor penyebab terjadinya keretakan torak pada diesel generator dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah faktor penyebab terjadinya keretakan torak pada diesel generator di MT. Fery XVI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian peneliti, dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya keretakan torak pada diesel generator di MT. Fery XVI adalah, 1)Tidak terlaksananya perawatan sesuai PMS 2) Kurang optimalnya pendingin dan pelumasan pada torak. 3) Masuknya air pada ruang bakar.4) kurangnya pengetahun terhadap torak. Dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah 1). Kinerja diesel generator menurun 2) Terjadinya overheat 3). Terjadi water hummer Upaya mencegah terjadinya keretakan torak pada diesel generator yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan, 1) Melaksanakan perawatan diesel genrator sesuai dengan PMS. 2) Melakukan perawatan sitem pelumasan. 3) Penggantian busing injector. 4) Memastikan spare part sesuai manual book. ABSTRACT Subandriyo, 2020, NIT: 52155787.T, "Analysis of the occurrence of piston cracks in diesel generators in MT. Fery XVI ", thesis of Engineering Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Shipping Polytechnic, Advisor I: Dwi Prasetyo, M.M, M.Mar.E. and Advisor II: Janny Adriani Djari, S.ST, M.M The piston is part of a diesel engine that is the inlet air pressure and pressure receiver that produces combustion in the combustion chamber that produces power or effort by utilizing high air and temperature. At the writing of this research, there was a problem in the diesel generator which was found that there was a crack in the piston crack in the diesel generator. Then a study was conducted to find the causes of cracks in the piston, to find out the impact caused by cracks in the diesel generator, and to find out the efforts made for cracks to occur in the diesel generator, so as to prevent the same damage to the diesel generator especially the piston cracked. The type of research method used by researchers in the preparation of this thesis is descriptive quality using fishbone analysis and SHELL approaches to facilitate data analysis techniques. Researchers also use data collection methods that researchers do is by observation, documentation and interviews to strengthen the data analysis and discussion. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing piston cracks in diesel generators, the impact of the factors causing piston cracks in diesel generators and efforts made to prevent factors causing piston cracks in diesel generators in MT. Fery XVI. Based on the research results of researchers, it can be concluded that the factors causing the black out of diesel generators in MT. Fery XVI is, 1) The maintenance is not in accordance with PMS 2) Less optimal cooling and piston lubrication. 3) Entry of water in the combustion chamber.4) lack of knowledge of the piston. The resulting impact is 1). Diesel generator performance decreases 2) Overheating occurs 3). Water hummer occurs Efforts to prevent cracks in the piston generator that must be done is by, 1) Carrying out diesel genrator maintenance in accordance with PMS. 2) Perform lubrication system maintenance. 3) Replacement of injector bushings. 4) Make sure the spare parts match the manual book

    Productivity of Sumateran Composite dan Barbados Cross sheep breed in the field condition

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    Two years field study has been carried out in the Purwakarta district , West Java, to evaluate sheep productivity of Sumateran Composite (K) and Barbados cross (BC) breeds introduced to the farmers, compared with locally thin tail sheep breed (L) that were maintained by the farmers. Genotype compositions of K sheep were Barbados Blackbelly 25%, St. Croix 25%, and Sumateran sheep 50%; and for BC were Barbados Blackbelly 50% and Sumateran sheep 50%. Sheep those were introduced was new breed from breeding improvement of Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production. Litter size of K, BC, and L ewes was 1.3; 1.4; and 1.5 respectively. Pre-weaning mortality rate were 5.0; 5.0 and 8.0% respectively for K, BC, and L lambs. Ewe Reproduction Rate (LRI = number of lamb at weaning/ewe/year) of L (2.14) was higher than BC (2.0) and K (1.85). The ewe productivity (PI = kg lambs/ewe/year) is the average of weaning weight timed LRI. Because the weaning weight of L (7.0 kg) were significantly lowest than BC (10.5 kg) and K (9.25 kg) will affect on PI. PI of L (14.98) ewe were significantly (P<00.5) lowest than BC (21) and K (17.11). Body weight of crossbred (K X L and BCxL) under the same physiologic status were similarly with BC and K. According to the result of productivity evaluation of introduced sheep breed in the field condition, can be sumarize that productivity of K and BC sheep were significantly better than locally thin tail sheep. Key Words: Sumatera Composite, Barbados Blackbelly, Thin Tail Sheep, Productivity, Traditional Rearin

    Indonesian Efforts to Conserve Gembrong Goats

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    Gembrong goat are mainly found in eastern part of Bali Island, especially in the village of Tumbu, Karangasem. Throughout Indonesia these goats are found no more than 50 heads. This condition puts Gembrong goat in a critical status that indicates the need of emergency and quick action. The present study was carried out to assess the characteristic of this breed and to preserve it through some proposed action plan. Information was obtained by personal observation and discussion with the leader of farmer group. Body weight (BW) and various body measurement were taken from 15 head of Gembrong goat. In general, the color of Gembrong goat body is white, or partly brown or solid brown. The average body weight is of 23.2 kg for females and 30.7 kg for males. The averages Body length of males is 60 cm, height 58.2 cm, and 14.4 cm ear length in males, and in females body length is 56.2 cm, height 55.1 cm and ear length 14.2 cm. To preserve Gembrong goat population from extinction collaborative activities is needed, namely: (1) multiplication of existing Gembrong goat population, (2) Rescuing animal genetic material and (3) up-grading female Kacang goat with Gembrong male goat as to achieve 99% Gembrong goat genetic composition

    Pengelolaan Data Plasma Nutfah Ternak

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    There are several sources of publication could be used as database. The sources could be articles that have been published in the periodicals as well as unpublished data (idle data). Database manager should be the person who know the background, objectives, and the principles to manage the data. In addition, the coordinators should be the persons who have background of animal geneticist by training. Data on the characteristics of breeds or strain within species are extracted and presented on specific format. The format are either in the free or fixed format, for computerization. The presentation could be separated into two form of Master Records containing physical characteristics, and Slave Records containing performance characteristics and environment. Each breed or strain has only one Master Record, but it could have several Slave Records. The number of slave records are dependent upon the number of publication available

    Genotype and Environmental Factors Affecting Birth and Postnatal Weights of Prolific Javanese Sheep

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    ABSTRACT: A study to evaluate the effect of genotype of dam (Feell+Fcc1+, Fee.l+Feck: EixilTecJI"Fedi\u27 Fcc.1-anti FeciFFecJF) and coviroiunental factors on birth weight (8W) and postnatal weights at 30 days (W30), at 60 days (W60), at 90 days (W90) and at 120 days (W120) were conducted on Javanese prolific sheep flock from 1991 to 1993. Factors affecting birth weight and all postnatal weights were year, sex of Iamb and birth type (

    Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Analysis for Production Traits of Birth Weight and Weight 360 days in Backcross Sheep

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    Four half-sib families (n = 382) consisting predominantly of ITT x Merino x Merino backcross progeny, including some F2 progeny were used to analyze QTL for two production traits (Birth weight = BW1 and Body weight at 360 days = BW360). The study exploited differences in weight performance between the Merino and ITT sheep. A total of 141 informative microsatellite markers were used in a genome-wide scan covering the 26 autosomal sheep chromosomes. QTL analysis was conducted online using QTL Express. This study reports the effect of QTL for birth weight on Chromosomes 5 (p < 0.05) at 112cM (0cM-128cM). Location of candidate genes for birth weight was predicted at the region of flanking markers MCM527-BMS1247. A QTL for BW360 days existed on Chromosome 18 (p < 0.01) at 104cM (25.0-125cM). Location of candidate genes related to production traits for body weight 360 days was predicted at the segment of flanking markers of CSSM018-TMR1. Only the QTL on Chromosome 18 retained significance (p < 0.01) under experiment-wide significance testing. This QTL region is being examined for candidate genes by investigating to the homologous human chromosomal segments. Key words: Quantitative trait loci, production traits, birth weight, weigh 360, backcross shee

    Menyelamatkan Candi Borobudur dari Erupsi Merapi

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    Candi Borobudur adalah sebuah kuil nenek moyang, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam prasasti Sri Kahulunan 842 M yang menyebut Borobudur sebagai " ... Kamulan I bhumi sambhara .. . ". Kamulan dapat diartikan sebagai kuil a tau tempat suci nenek moyang (J. G. de Casparis, 1950). Bernet Kempers (1970:152), dalam salah satu tulisannya mengatakan bahwa "Borobudur is a complicated building with a very special caracter of its own. There is no possibility of adopting any of the system known from literature and of using this as a simple blue print for its interpretation. Borobudur's bu/iders impresius with the originality of their ideas which make this great monument as a religious document in its own right". Dari pernyataan tersebut, Kempers beranggapan bahwa Candi Borobudur lahir dari kreativitas pembuatnya, sebab tidak ada satu monumen pun di dunia yang mempunyai kemiripan dengan candi ini

    Effect of different levels of social isolation on the acoustical characteristics of sheep vocalization

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    In farm animals, vocal analysis is accepted as a non-invasive method for assessing animal welfare in comparison to most physiological measurements. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different degrees of social isolation on the acoustic characteristics of stress-induced bleats from three different breeds of sheep. The experiment consisted of subjecting the animals to three different levels of social isolation during which both locomotive and vocal data were recorded. The data on locomotive behaviour was subjected to descriptive analysis while specialized acoustic software was used to measure a total of thirty-six parameters of recorded bleats. Descriptive analysis showed that the animals displayed more locomotive activity during partial isolation compared to complete isolation. Number of bleats during partial isolation was also found to be higher. The application of two-way analysis of variance showed a significant effect of isolation level and breed on both temporal and structural acoustic properties. Amplitude, power and time acoustic properties were found to affect acoustic quality of vocal responses to isolation, whereas frequency related properties were also found to be different significantly (P &lt; 0.05) between breeds. From spectrogram analysis, the patterns of energy distribution within the calls proved to offer the most evident that differ between isolation levels and breeds. It was concluded that acoustic analysis can be helpful in revealing the affective state of socially isolated rams. Key Words: Sheep, Social Isolation, Vocalization, Behaviour, Animal Welfar
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