11,156 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of E-WoMand brand image on purchasing decisions. This research uses quantitative methods. The data collection technique in this research uses a questionnaire. In this study, the sample used was 120, using purposive sampling. The technique used in this research is the multiple linear regression analysis technique. The research results found that E- WoMhas a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and E-WoMand brand image have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decision

    Effect of a 14-Day Mindfulness Intervention on Daily Desire Experiences and Desire Regulation

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    A growing body of research suggests that mindfulness, a receptive attentiveness to one’s present moment experiences, has the potential to adaptively regulate habitual behaviors. No prior study has tested the effect of mindfulness interventions on people’s daily desire experiences to inform the potential for adaptive desire regulation. The present exploratory randomized controlled trial examined the effect of a 14-day smartphone-based mindfulness intervention (versus a coping control intervention) on the frequency, intensity, duration, and enactment of everyday desires in 19 participants. The desire domains included basic need-based desires (i.e., for food, drink, sleep) and secondary desires (e.g., for sex, media, social interactions, work), assessed for 7 days pre- and post-intervention through ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Emotion data collected alongside, also through EMA, permitted examining the role of the mindfulness intervention in altering a potential link between experienced emotion (positive and negative) and desire. Results showed that intervention condition significantly predicted post-intervention desire frequency; those in the mindfulness condition experienced a higher frequency of desires post-training, and specifically, increased secondary desire frequency, but not basic desire frequency. Intervention condition did not predict the other desire outcomes (enactment, strength, or duration). Results also revealed that intervention significant moderated the association between positive emotion and overall desire frequency; those in the mindfulness condition experienced fewer desires when experiencing increased positive emotion, whereas there was no association between positive emotion and desire after coping training. Intervention condition did not moderate associations between positive emotions and other desire variables, or negative emotions and any desire variables


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    Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini penting bagi sebuah industri untuk terus berkembang dengan meningkatkan manajemen perusahaan terutama dalam mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Mengetahui dengan tepat aspek pembentuk kualitas kehidupan kerja (quality of work life) karyawan merupakan hal yang penting karena dapat membentuk persepsi yang baik terhadap perusahaan seperti rasa aman, kesempatan berkembang, hingga kepuasan yang diberikan pada pada pekerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan quality of work life karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatakan kuantitatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 205 orang karyawan PT. X yang diambil dengan teknik incidental sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala quality of work life. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan aspek/dimensi yang paling berpengaruh quality of work life adalah aspek/dimensi job and career satisfaction berpengaruh sebesar 7,9 % terhadap quality of work life. General well-being berpengaruh sebesar 7% terhadap quality of work life. Home-work interface berpengaruh sebesar 6,4% quality of work life

    Kompetensi guru dalam pengajaran amali reka bentuk dan teknologi di Sekolah Rendah Daerah Batu Pahat

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    Kompetensi bermaksud kemampuan atau kecekapan seseorang individu dalam melakukan sesuatu tugasan. Kompetensi juga merujuk kepada kemampuan seseorang dalam melaksanakan sesuatu yang diperolehi melalui pendidikan dan juga merujuk kepada prestasi dan perbuatan yang rasional untuk memenuhi spesifikasi tertentu di dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugas pendidikan. Objektif kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti tahap kompetensi guru terhadap pengajaran amali Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi di Sekolah Rendah Daerah Batu Pahat. Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan deskriptif yang menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Borang soal selidik yang dibina adalah berdasarkan kepada tiga elemen iaitu elemen pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap. Seramai 118 orang guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran ini telah terlibat sebagai responden. Data yang dikumpulkan telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 19 yang melibatkan statistik skor min dan ujian-T tidak bersandar. Hasil dapatan kajian yang diperolehi menunjukkan guru-guru Reka Bentuk dan Teknoogi mempunyai tahap kompetensi yang tinggi terhadap proses pengajaran amali iaitu skor min yang diperolehi pada elemen pengetahuan adalah 4.23, elemen kemahiran adalah 4.30, dan elemen sikap adalah 4.47. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap tahap kompetensi berdasarkan jantina guru lelaki dan guru perempuan dengan nilai sigifikan melebihi 0.05 iaitu sebanyak 0.059. Beberapa cadangan untuk penambahbaikan juga dikemukan dalam kajian ini. Hasil dari dapatan kajian ini dapat digunakan sebagai cadangan garis panduan kepada guru-guru Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi untuk mencapai Standard Kompetensi Guru

    Finite element simulation of machining AISI 1045 steel using uncoated carbide tool

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    In recent years, finite element methods (FEM) have become widely used in research and industrial applications because of the advancements in computational efficiency and speed. FEM is a useful tool for the analysis of metal cutting process where this method provide better prediction of process variables whereas interaction of the tool and the chip can also be examined. Much cutting force models have been developed to predict the machining parameter. Most focus mainly on dry conditions even though coolants are widely used in practical machining. Research for modeling of minimal quantity lubricant (MQL) conditions is scarce and not really established. The use of coolants in machining makes it very difficult to determine the friction coefficient at the tool-chip interface. Hence, a better understanding of friction modeling is required in order to produce more realistic finite element models of machining process. In this study, a rigorous investigation on the role played by the implemented friction model within a 2D simulation was carried out. The simulation tool used for the purpose of this study is DEFORM2D. DEFORM 2D can simulate large deformation accompanied by elastic, plastic, thermal and friction effects. The simulation results on cutting forces and temperature were compared with experimental measurement in order to verify wether it is possible to identify the best friction model and indicate the consistency and accuracy of the results when conducting the comparison. From the result, it shows that friction models affect predicted result for both cutting force and temperature in dry and MQL conditions

    QDYBE: some explicit formulas for exchange matrix and related objects in case of sl(2), q=1

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    This mainly tutorial paper is intended as a somewhat larger example for parts of the theory exposed in the Lectures on the dynamical Yang-Baxter equations by P. Etingof and O. Schiffmann, math.QA/9908064. We explicitly compute the matrix entries of the intertwining operator, fusion matrix and exchange matrix associated to sl(2,R) for q=1. We also consider the weighted trace function and the dual Macdonald-Ruijsenaars equation for this particular case. As expected, the matrix entries of the exchange matrix turn out to be Racah polynomials. However, the road to their explicit formula via the fusion matrix is quick, and it also yields an interesting way to derive their orthogonality relations.Comment: 19 page

    A Pragmatic Analysis of Expressive Speech Acts in the Movie "Pearl Harbor"

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    Nabila. K2210054. A Pragmatic Analysis of Expressive Speech Acts in the Movie “Pearl Harbor”. Thesis. English Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. The aim of this research are to identify expressive speech act found in the dialog of the “Pearl Harbor” and to analyze the pragmatic in expressive utterance used by the characters in the film by considering the context. In conducting the research, the researcher refers to the theory of speech acts by Searle. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data are expressive utterances found in the film “Pearl Harbor”. From the data sources, the researcher found 111 expressive utterances used by the characters. Then, the researcher analyze all of the utterances and divide it based on similar utterances. The result of this research are all of the kind of expressive speech act could be found in the film, for example : praise (25%), apology (24%), greet (21%), deplore (18 %), thank (12%). In the film “Pearl Harbor”, expressive utterance can be found in four kind of linguistic form, they are : ellipsis (40,5%), declarative (31,5%), interogative (14,4%), exclamatory (13,5%). Every single data has different function, such as : reject someone, asking for attention, expressing dislike, and giving appreciation. The contribution of this research to English education are the use of pragmatic of expressive utterances can be implemented inside and outside if classroom, and the pragmatic of expressive utterances can be used as teaching materials. Keywords : pragmatic, speech acts, expressive, descriptive, qualitative
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