26,395 research outputs found

    Analysis of castellated steel beam with oval openings

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    A castellated steel beam is per definition a wide flange (WF) or I shaped steel profile with openings, to reduce self-weight and improve the effectiveness in terms of material use. Recently, extensive study on these castellated steel beams has been conducted, involving different shapes in web openings. The main goal of these research works was to evaluate and analyze its optimum opening sizes and shapes configuration. More in-depth research work to the behavior and the influence of holes to WF beams need to be conducted. In this paper, an oval shaped web opening is chosen as alternate. The study involves a modification in the variation of oval web openings both in the horizontally and vertically direction. An experimental and numerical study based on the finite element method conducted with the Abaqus/CAE 6.12 software is used to analyze the buckling behavior of the web. The obtained results from the experimental test specimens are in good agreement with the obtained results from the finite element analysis. Furthermore, the numerical model can be expanded to be used as analyzing tool in evaluating and studying the effect and influencing factors of a variation in opening’s parameters


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    Dalam perkembangan Handphone yang semakin modern menjadikan handphoene sebagai kebutuhan primer dengan perkembangan modern dengan kriteria-kriteria yang sangat modern dan selalu terupdate setiap hari. Untuk menentukan handphone terbaik dengan selera kita, banyak kriteria yang dijadikan penilaian pemilihan inii. Salah satu metode sistem pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan persoalan yang melibatkan multi kriteria adalah dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Pada tugas akhir ini dibangun sistem aplikasi yang menggunakan metode AHP berbasis web. Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk membantu melakukan penilaian dan dapat dijadikan masukan bagi netter dalam mengambil keputusan pemilihan handphone yang layak menjadi yang terbaik dengan membandingkannya. Kata kunci : Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), kriteria, pilihan Handphone

    Extracurricular Tambourine Management (A Site Study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Demak).

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    The objectives of this research are to describe (1) to describe the characteristic of membership recruitment on extracurricular tambourine at MAN Demak, and (2) to describe the forms of training process on extracurricular activities at MAN Demak. This is a qualitative research that is conducted in MAN Demak. The human resources in this research are principal, students, teacher and manager of extracurricular tambourine activity. Data collecting technique in this research used observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis is done by data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data validity test used credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The research results show that (1) the recruitment process of rebana extracurricular membership did not need special requirement. All student can be extracurricular that existing in school. The recruitment process of rebana extracurricular membership is started by socialization process by manager of rebana extracurricular activity. The students should registry first to the OSIS management or coordinator of rebana extracurricular on the time that is determined before. In registration process, the student is fulfilling the form to submit their personnel data. Then, the data of students will be re-registration and the result will be patched in the pasteboard. After that the students are given some information about the rebana extracurricular activity. (2) In rebana extracurricular, the practices are done once or twice every week and it is done scheduled and it is done after lesson hour. The practice of extracurricular is done in auditorium or mushola and consorted by 2 builder teacher. But there will be an opportunity to gain the builder teacher if there is needed. The activity of rebana extracurricular is started with warming up activity that is called”senam mulut (mouth gymnastic)” and also moving up their hand. The form of practices that is done in rebana extracurricular activity is made half circle pattern to easies the practices activity

    Analisis Penggunaan Kalimat Imperatif pada Kumpulan Khotbah Jumat Karya Achmad Sunarto

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the form of use of imperative sentences in the collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto and describe the meaning of the imperative sentence in the collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object under study is a form of use and meaning of imperative sentences on a collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto. Research data are words in the Friday sermon collection by Achmad Sunarto which has an imperative sentence in it. The data was obtained through primary data sources obtained directly from a collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto. Data collection techniques use library techniques and see, while the advanced techniques of this study are note-taking techniques. Based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded as follows. (1) Descriptions of imperative sentences in the collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto which are divided into 3 forms. (a) Form of imperative demand. (b) The imperative form of the order. (c) imperative form of invitation. (2) Analysis of the meaning of the imperative sentence on a collection of Friday sermons by Achmad Sunarto which are divided into 3 meanings. (a) The imperative meaning of demand. (b) imperative meaning of the order. (c) imperative meaning of invitation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mendeskripsikan bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi persona pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret-Juni 2010, (2) Mendeskripsikan bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi demonstratif pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret-Juni 2010, (3) Mendeskripsikan bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi komparatif pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret-Juni 2010. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah penanda kohesi gramatikal referensi pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret-Juni 2010. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dan catat. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode agih dengan teknik lanjutan pengubahan wujud. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat ditemukan tiga bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi yaitu: (1) Bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi persona pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret- Juni 2010, (2) Bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi demonstratif pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret- Juni 2010, (3) Bentuk kohesi gramatikal referensi komparatif pada rubrik mingguan intermezzo surat kabar harian Solopos Maret- Juni 2010

    Analisis Hubungan Indeks Obesitas dengan Kadar Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alfa Pada Subjek Dewasa Non Diabetes Melitus

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan indeks obesitas dengan kadar Tumor necrosis factor-alfa (TNF-Alfa) pada subjek dewasa non diabetes melitus. Metode: Data pada penelitian ini menggunakan 70 subjek yang terdiri dari 21 pria obesitas, 14 pria non obesitas, 15 wanita obesitas, dan 20 wanita non obesitas. Kadar TNF-Alfa diperiksa dengan metode Elisa. Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi lemah antara IMT dengan TNF-Alfa pada subjek dewasa non diabetes melitus (p=0,044, r=0,242) tetapi TNF-Alfa tidak berkorelasi dengan LP (p=0,060, r=0,226), pesen lemak tubuh (p=0,355, r=0,112), dan lemak viseral (p=0,068, r=0,220). Kesimpulan: menunjukkan bahwa indeks masa tubuh berkorelasi positif lemah dengan kadar TNF-Alfa sedangkan LP, persen lemak tubuh, dan lemak viseral tidak berkorelasi dengan TNF-Alfa

    Pengelolaan Micro Teaching Di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman FBS UNY Tahun Akademik 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik aktivitas mengajar dalam micro teaching; (2) karakteristik aktivitas belajar dalam micro teaching; (3) karakteristik interaksi pembelajaran dalam micro teaching; (4) karakteristik penataan hardware dan software dalam micro teaching. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain etnografi, yang dilaksanakan di jurusan pendidikan bahasa Jerman FBS UNY. Nara sumber dalam penelitian ini adalah ketua jurusan pendidikan bahasa Jerman, dosen pembimbing, dan mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan bahasa Jerman. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data dalam situs untuk deskripsi, yang diawali dengan membangun sajian, memasukkan data, menganalisis data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) aktivitas mengajar dalam micro teaching telah berjalan dengan baik. Pengajar menggunakan RPP sebagai pedoman dalam mengajar, termasuk dalam mengimplementasi metode dan pendekatan yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan karakteristik siswa; (2) aktivitas belajar dalam micro teaching dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Dalam belajar, siswa melaksanakan aktivitas seperti bertanya, mendengarkan, membaca, menulis, berdiskusi, bermain, mencoba dan merefleksi pelajaran; (3) interaksi pembelajaran dalam micro teaching terjadi secara efektif, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari interaksi antara pengajar dengan siswa, siswa dengan siswa, dan pengajar dengan dosen pembimbing; (4) penataan hardware dan software dalam micro teaching sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Penataan hardware seperti sumber belajar, media pembelajaran, dan fasilitas ruang mikro dikelola dengan baik, sedangkan penataan software atau materi berdasarkan pada tingkat kesukaran, alokasi waktu, dan diajarkan melalui empat keterampilan kebahasaan

    Library Management (A Site Study at SD N Batursari 6 Mranggen Demak)

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    The objectives of this research are to describe (1) physical characteristic of school library at SDSN Batursari 6 Mranggen Demak, (2) service characteristic of school library at SDSN Batursari 6 Mranggen Demak. This research is qualitative research with ethnography design. This research is conducted in SDSN Batursari 6 Mranggen Demak. Human resources in this research are principal, library manager, teacher and students. Data collection method used depth interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis with in case displays for describing stared (1) How Data Displays Work, (2) Partially Ordered Displays,(3) Time-Ordered Displays,(4)Role-Ordered Displays,and (5) Conceptually Ordered Displays. Data validity is consisting of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The research’s result shows that (1) the width of library building is ore over 72 m2. The library is strategic and representative. Library consists of lobby room and central room that separated with collection room and reading room in one area (not separated). The facilities besides reading room that existing in library are computer, TV, CD, and AC. To accelerate learning activity student in library, the librarian made a lot of roles that should be obeyed by library visitor. (2) the circulation service consists of lending and returning service of book, registration of library member, pressing a claim of collection that is not returned, pressing of claim of fine and writing the visitor. Library services from Monday until Saturday. From Monday until Thursday are 07.00 until 13.00, in Friday 07.00 until 11.00, and on Saturday 07.00 until 12.00. The lend and return system of book library of teacher and employee is by automatic system (lend, return, and prolongation collection through computer facility) and open system (that is chosen by themselves to choose the book that will be lend) and close system. Book and reference counted 5.190 exemplars with various work and knowledge

    Asas Legalitas dalam Penegakan Hukum Menuju Terwujudnya Keadilan Substantif

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    Penegakan hukum untuk mewujudkan keadilan, memunculkan suatu permasalahan yaitu keadilan yang bagaimana yang hendak diwujudkan. Asas legalitas dalam penegakan hukum ternyata hanya mengarahkan pada terwujudnya keadilan formal yaitu keadilan menurut undang-undang. Penegakan hukum idealnya bukan hanya mewujudkan keadilan formal tetapi juga keadilan substansial, yaitu keadilan yang benar-benar sesuai dengan rasa keadilan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penegakan hukum hendaknya bukan hanya mendasarkan pada asas legalitas, melainkan juga memperhatikan kebiasaan atau tradisi dan sistem nilai yang terdapat dalam kehidupan masyarakat