284 research outputs found

    Strategies For Developing Speaking Skill Used By Students Of English Education Department: A Case Study

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    This study investigates strategies for developing speaking skill used by students of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies in developing speaking skill. Type of the research conducted by the writer is case study. In this research, the object of the research is strategies for developing speaking skills which are used by 3 students of third semester of English Education Department of UMS. The data of this research are elicited by field note and interview. The data include the students’ attitude in learning English speaking skill, their behaviors toward English speaking skill, and their habits of using the strategies in learning English especially to master speaking skill. The result of this research shows that the students applied almost all of the strategies proposed by O’Malley et al including meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and socio-affective strategies in mastering their speaking skill. In meta-cognitive strategies, the students use seven to eight strategies, namely: advance organizer, selective attention, self management, functional planning, self monitoring, and self evaluation. In cognitive strategies, the students used twelve to fourteen strategies, namely: repetition, resourcing, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination, imagery, auditory representation, key word, contextualization, elaboration, and inferencing. And in socio-affective strategies, the students used two strategies, namely: cooperation and question for clarificatio

    The Necessity Of Vengeance Reflected In Alexandre Dumas’ The Count Of Monte Cristo (1844): A Psychoanalytic Criticism

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    This research aims at analyzing necessity of vengeance in the Count of Monte Cristo novel by using Psychoanalytic Criticism. The major problem in this research is to describe how necessity of vengeance is reflected in Alexandre Dumas’ the Count of Monte Cristo. The research consists of two objectives: analyzing the novel based on structural elements and analyzing the novel based on psychoanalytic criticism. This study uses qualitative research. The object of the study is the Count of Monte Cristo novel written by Alexandre Dumas. There are two kinds of data source: primary and secondary. The primary data source is the text of the novel Alexandre Dumas’s Count of Monte Cristo and the secondary data sources are some books and article related to the subject. The method of collecting data in the research is library research by summarizing, paraphrasing, and documenting the data. In analyzing the data, the writer applies descriptive analysis. The result of the research bears some conclusions: first, based on psychoanalytic analysis, the main character, Count of Monte Cristo, is a man who has a pleasure seeking personality. Second, vengeance is necessary for Count to restore his selfesteem and to punish their enemies in order to make them aware of their mistakes. Last, Dumas writes the Count of Monte Cristo novel as a mirror of society which describes that there are many individuals exacting vengeance in society and also as an advice to society to prevent vengeance as a means of curing the pain

    Scaffolding Strategy Used in Teaching Speaking at SMK Harapan Kartasura in Academic Year 2019/2020

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    The goal of this research is to investigate the scaffolding strategy used by the English teacher in teaching speaking at SMK Harapan Kartasura and students’ response toward the scaffolding strategy used by the teacher in teaching speaking. This research was qualitative research. The participants of this research were the eleventh grades students of TKJ at SMK Harapan Kartasura and the English teacher of the eleventh grades students. The researcher collected the data by observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed through several techniques, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The finding of this research indicated that the teacher used some types of scaffolding strategy in teaching speaking to the eleventh grades students of TKJ at SMK Harapan Kartasura, they were explaining, inviting student’s participation, questioning, reinforcing, instructing, and modeling. The students thought that the strategy applied by the teacher in teaching speaking was fun and interesting

    Communication Strategies Used By The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP N 1 Surakarta In Developing Speaking Skill

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    This research aims at identifying the type, the dominant type of communication strategies used by the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Surakarta, and their function in developing speaking skill in the conversation. The data are the transcript of conversations which are made by the respondent in a speaking class. The data are taken by the researcher through observation, and recorded using tape recorder. They are analyzed by Tarone’s theory of communication strategies. Triangulation is used to make credibility of the data. The researcher uses inter-rater reliability to establish the credibility of findings from an analysis. The findings of the research are: (1) the respondents use all the type of communication strategies, namely: a) topic avoidance, b) message abandonment, c) paraphrase, d) coinage, e) native language switching, f) miming and g) appeal for assistance, (2) the dominant type of communication strategies used by the respondents is native language switching with the percentage 35. 29%, and (3) the function of communication strategies type is to develop speaking skill through reaching communicative competence by using five types of communication strategies, namely: a) paraphrase, b) coinage, c) native language switching, d) miming and e) appeal for assistance

    Protest Against Social Injustice In Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables (1862): A Marxist Criticism

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    The aim of this research is to analyze how a protest against social injustice and its causes are expressed in the novelusing marxist criticism. This research is qualitative research. Technique of analyzing data is descriptive analysis. The techniques of collecting data are (1) Reading the novel of Les Miserables, (2)Identifying the topic of the novel, (3) Determining the character that will be analyzed, (4) Taking notes of important thing both of primary and secondary data source, (5) Reading some related books to find out the theory, and (6) Determining the issues of the novel. Based on the marxist criticism, it can be concluded that the writer of the novelprotests the social justice that happened in France in the mid of nineteenth century. Here the writer of the novel wants a revolution to get social justice in the society

    Techniques For Teaching English To The Fifth Grade Student at MI Muhammadiyah Ngaliyan Simo Boyolali in 2019/2020 Academic Year

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    The purpose of this research is describe classroom teaching techniques was used by an English teacher to deliver the materials to make student interested in teaching learning process at MI Muhammadiyah Ngaliyan Simo Boyolali. The researcher used qualitative research because the researcher intends to describe about finding, describing, investigating, and explaining the techniques used by the teacher in teaching learning process. The subject of this research is English teacher and fifth grade student at MI Muhammadiyah ngaliyan Simo Boyolali. The researcher used observation method, interview method, and documentation method to collecting the data. The result showed English teacher at Mi Muhammadiyahh Ngaliyan Simo Boyolali always used various techniques for teaching and learning process to make feel students ability becomes creative and active in classroom. Based on the results, techniques for teaching English who used by the teachers in Mi Muhammadiyah Ngaliyan have important role for teaching learning process

    Hedonistic Life Reflected In Anne Stuart’s Ruthless Novel (2010): A Sociological Approach

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    This study is about hedonistic life in Ruthless novel. The problem of the study is how hedonistic life is reflected in Ruthless novel. The object of the study is “Ruthless” novel by Anne Stuart. It uses sociological approach. This study belongs to qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel and the secondary data is other materials related to the study. The result of the study shows the following conclusion. Based on the analysis it shows that there is a close relation between the novel and the social reality of American society at the late twentieth century and the early of twenty first century. Anne Stuart wants to tell a hedonistic life in Ruthless novel

    Criticism Against Violence For Solving Problem Reflected In William Somerset Maugham’s Liza Of Lambeth Novel (1897): A Sociological Perspective

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    This study is about Criticism Against Violence for Solving Problem in Liza of Lambeth novel. The problem of the study is criticism against violence for solving problem reflected in Liza of Lambeth novel. The object of the study is Liza of Lambeth novel by William Somerset Maugham. It uses sociological perspective. This study belongs to qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel an the secondary data is other materials related to the study. The result of the study shows that based on the analysis there is a close relation between the novel and the social reality in English in the end nineteenth century. William Somerset Maugham wants to criticize the violence for solving problem in Liza of Lambeth novel

    Conflicts Of Cultural Values Reflected In Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake: A Sociological Study Of Literature

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    The research is proposed to analyse conflicts of cultural values in “The Namesake” novel by using Sociological Perspective. The major problem in this article is to explain how the conflicts of cultural values happen in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “The Namesake”. The object of study is “The Namesake” novel written by Jhumpa Lahiri. Qualitative study is a method which is used to analyze conflicts of cultural values reflected in the novel. The primary data is taken from the novel itself and the secondary data sources are other resources related the study such as dictionary, website, some books that support the analysis. The techniques of collecting data are reading the original novel several time, determining the character that will be analyzed, taking note of the important thing both the primary data and secondary data, and classifying and determining the relevant data. The techniques of data analysis are as follows: the first is analyzing of the novel, the second is analyzing the data based on sociological perspective. The results of this study are, first, based on the structural analysis of each element, it shows that the character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style, and theme are related to each other and form the unity into a good quality novel. Second, based on Sociological Perspective, the conclusion is that the second generation of Indian immigrant in America prefer to use Indian culture but the second generation of Indian prefer to use American culture

    Choices In Life Reflected In Angela Morrison’s Sing Me To Sleep Novel (2010): An Existentialist Criticism

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    The major issue in this study is how people make the choices in life is reflected in Angela Morrison’s Sing Me to Sleep novel (2010): An existentialist criticism. The objective of this study is to analyze Sing Me to Sleep novel based on existentialist criticism. There are two types of data source in this method; they are primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel and the secondary data is documentation and other material related to the study. Both data are collected through library research. The technique used in analyzing the data is descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows that in the novel Morrison illustrates an existential situation in which an individual is trying hard to make her life meaningful by making existential choices. Angela Morrison also suggests that what is good to an individual should also be good to others