149 research outputs found

    Planar Shape Interpolation Based on Local Injective Mapping

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    在只给出用简单多边形表示的两输入形状的情况下,实现一种简单易用、自然高效的形状插值方法.首先利用基于形状感知的特征匹配算法生成源形状和目标形状之间的匹配;之后在源形状上构造三角剖分,并通过求解映射到目标形状上的尽量刚体的局部单射得到同构三角剖分;最后利用扭曲有界的插值方法得到中间序列.实验结果表明,该方法构造的形变结果能较好地体现源形状和目标形状的特征对应信息,形变过程自然,扭曲较小.This paper presents an efficient and easy-to-use planar shape interpolation method, given two input shapes represented by simple polygons. We firstly used a perception-based feature matching algorithm to match the feature points in the source shape with the target shape, then built compatible triangulations by constructing a locally injective mapping between the source and target shapes. Finally, an interpolation method with bounded distortion was adopted to get intermediate frames. Experimental results show that the interpolation results by our method can well reflect the feature correspondences between the source and the target shapes, and the resultant deformation is visually pleasing with less distortion.国家自然科学基金(61472332);; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(20720140520


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    Exploring factors affecting the adoption of 3G business

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    2009年中国电信、中国移动和中国联通等三大运营商相继开始了3G业务的营销推广和广告投放。尽管3G业务的功能性和娱乐性相比前一代有了很大提高,但其推广和使用效果并不明显,用户对3G业务的态度和行为意愿并没有达到应有的预期。因此,研究有哪些因素会影响用户对3G业务的使用意愿具有一定的实践和理论意义。 本研究对204名大学生进行调查后发现: 1、用户对3G业务的感知易用性,感知有用性和感知有趣性对他们使用3G业务的意愿有显著的正向影响。而感知兼容性和感知成本对使用意愿的影响则不明显。 2、用户的个人创新性对易用、有用、有趣和兼容、成本等信念会产生显著的正向影响。用户的相关使用经验对其对3G业...The three telecom operators——The China Mobile, The China Unicom, The China Telecom successively started 3G business marketing promotion and advertising in 2009. Although 3G business in function and entertainment compared to previous generation have greatly improved, its promotion and using effect is not obvious. The user's attitude and behavior intention to 3G service barely reached expectations. ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3192008115307

    Planar Shape Interpolation Based on Local Injective Mapping

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    在计算机图形学和视觉研究领域中,如何求解从一个形状过渡到另一形状的中间插值序列是一个重要问题,它能广泛应用于计算机几何辅助设计中,因此如何设计一个简单易用,自然高效的形状插值算法一直是计算机图形学里研究的热点。 本文对形状插值形变的研究是基于三角网格模型的,首先是要用相同拓扑结构的三角网格来表示出源形状和目标形状,也就是求得它们的同构剖分,之后再对同构剖分的三角网格进行插值求得中间序列,因此同构剖分生成质量的好坏以及采取的插值方法,对中间序列生成质量有着直接的影响。 本文在处理插值形变的过程中,首先提取出源形状与目标形状的轮廓,之后在轮廓上进行点采样,并得出特征点。最后利用一种基于形状感知...In the research field of computer graphics and vision, how to find out the middle interpolation sequence in the transition from one shape to another shape is an important problem, which can be widely used in computer aided geometric design. Therefore designing a simple, natural and efficient Shape interpolation has been a research focus in computer graphics for a long time. My research on interpo...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:2302013115319


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    Research on the Construction of cross-strait sea sportsexchange platform—Sailing

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    在两岸关系从对抗到趋于稳定的过程中,体育运动在海峡两岸和平发展中扮演着重要的角色。随着全球性的“海洋时代”的到来,厦门经济特区作为两岸交流的前沿阵地,以海上体育运动为载体的两岸交流活动正在引起人们的关注。 本研究以两岸海上体育交流平台为研究对象,以帆船运动为案例。在梳理了有关两岸交流文献的基础上,通过文献资料法、实地调查法,访谈法和问卷调查法等多种研究方法,从构建两岸海上体育交流平台的机会、优势以及劣势和挑战几个方面,分析了两岸海上体育交流的现状,从博弈学的角度提出了两岸海上体育交流平台的战略选择、进而提炼了其构建原则和总体思路,探讨了政府部门,私有部门和第三部门在构建两岸海上体育交流平台中...Since ancient times, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are the main body of China National Offshore civilization, the marine cultural characteristics of the Taiwan region is an extension of the Fujian maritime civilization. In the process of cross-strait relations from confrontation to stabilize, sports play an important role in the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. With the arrival...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:体育教学部_体育教育训练学学号:2692010115254


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    Musical Expertise and Melodic Structure in Memory for Musical Notation

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    Two experiments plus a pilot investigated the role of melodic structure on short-term memory for musical notation by musicians and nonmusicians. In the pilot experiment, visually similar melodies that had been rated as either good or bad were presented briefly, followed by a 15-sec retention interval and then recall. Musicians remembered good melodies better than they remembered bad ones: nonmusicians did not distinguish between them. In the second experiment, good, bad, and random melodies were briefly presented, followed by immediate recall. The advantage of musicians over nonmusicians decreased as the melody type progressed from good to bad to random. In the third experiment, musicians and nonmusicians divided the stimulus melodies into groups. For each melody, the consistency of grouping was correlated with memory performance in the first two experiments. Evidence was found for use of musical groupings by musicians and for use of a simple visual strategy by nonmusicians. The nature of these musical groupings and how they may be learned are considered. The relation of this work to other studies of comprehension of symbolic diagrams is also discussed