9 research outputs found

    不同文章觀點的閱讀順序對閱讀理解歷程的影響— 大學生讀者的表現與認知模擬;The effects of order of reading multiple texts with different perspectives on comprehension: Performance of college readers and the Landscape model

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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討閱讀不同觀點文本的順序對於閱讀理解歷程的影響,同時驗證景觀模式(Landscape Model)模擬人類讀者表現的有效性。本研究選擇「ADHD是否該用藥」為議題,編寫出「支持用藥」與「反對用藥」觀點的文章,並且經由操弄閱讀不同觀點文章的順序,檢驗多種閱讀理解的指標。研究對象為70位大學生讀者,依照閱讀不同文章觀點的順序區分為兩組,每組各35人。受試者在閱讀文章之前先進行先備知識測驗,之後再進行自由回憶、閱讀理解測驗與閱讀廣度測驗,讀者在電腦上依照自己正常的速度逐句閱讀,並且記錄閱讀時間。本研究也利用景觀模式模擬讀者的閱讀歷程,所有文本逐句區分成閱讀循環,並且切斷出重要的概念節點,再依該程式預設狀態設定激發來源與參數值,以程式執行之後產生之激發矩陣與連結矩陣為該模式的輸出,並進一步分析與大學生表現的關係。結果顯示,讀者閱讀不同立場的文章順序不會影響其回憶量;首次閱讀到不同觀點文章當中重複出現的句子所需時間顯著長於第二次的閱讀時間,說明閱讀順序對於相同句子的閱讀時間有影響;不同的閱讀順序的讀者之用藥態度沒有差異;景觀模式的連結矩陣與讀者回憶量有顯著相關,特定版本的模式之文本概念的總激發值也與語句的閱讀時間有關聯,該模式可以有效地模擬讀者閱讀多文本的歷程與表徵。 The purpose of this study was to investigate how the order of reading texts with different perspectives affects comprehension by examining human performance and cognitive modeling. We constructed two expository texts with different perspectives on the same topic, i.e., “Medications for ADHD” versus ” No medications for ADHD”. 70 college readers were recruited and randomly assigned into two groups and they read these two texts in different order sentence by sentence on computer in a self-paced manner. Reading time, recall data and their stances toward medications for ADHD were collected in addition to several cognitive measures. In preparing for cognitive modeling, we parse the texts and into main ideas for each sentence and identify sources and values of activation as defaulted by the Landscape model (Tzeng, 2007). The outputs of the Landscape modeling, activation matrix and sum of activation values for each node, were compared with human performance to determine their relations. The results of human performance indicated that the order of reading texts with different perspectives did not affect the amount of recall. Reading times for those sentences common for these two different texts were significantly longer they appeared in the first-read text than those in the second-read text, indicating the effect of order. Readers’ stances for the issue in focus were the same for the two groups. The results of the Landscape modeling showed that connection matrix values correlated significantly with human recall. Sum of activation values for some versions of the Landscape model also correlated with readers’ sentence reading times. These patterns have demonstrated that the Landscape model were able to capture the processes and memory representation of comprehending multiple texts

    [[alternative]]A research on the associations of photography aesthetics, brand aesthetics and brand identity

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    碩士[[abstract]]隨著時代與科技的進步,相機逐漸成為一個不可或缺的產品,然而,攝影所呈現的美學,每個人的感受有所不同,因此,品牌的美學透過攝影的視覺方式是否會引起消費者心中的品牌辨識以及是否收到品牌所發出的品牌精神,即是本論文主要研究的動機。亦即,本研究主要目的為: (一)探討以攝影美學的視覺詮釋品牌美學與品牌識別的關聯為何? (二)探討品牌透過攝影美學的呈現能得到什麼? (三)探討那些因素或特性是維持攝影美學一致性的重要資源? 本研究以時尚精品品牌為例,舉辦兩場焦點團體訪談質性研究,並以半結構式的訪談大綱為依據。第一場的訪談尋找了六位消費過時尚精品品牌的消費者,第二場的訪談尋找了五位有設計藝術與攝影相關的受訪者,根據兩場所有受訪者的訪談內容,經過分析整理,歸納出幾個結論: (一)以攝影美學的視覺詮釋品牌美學與品牌識別的關聯,是有其效果存在。 (二)藝術相關背景與非藝術相關背景的人,對於攝影美學詮釋品牌識別的觀點有所不同。 (三)「光線、構圖、色彩、時間、氛圍」是維持攝影美學一致性的關鍵元素。[[abstract]]With the new technology, the camera has gradually become an indispensable product. However, photography aesthetics in each person''s feelings are different. Therefore, the brand aesthetic through the visual way of photography will cause the consumer''s mind of the brand identification and whether to receive the brand spirit. That is the main motivation of this paper. The main purposes of this study are: (A) To explore what is the relationship between brand aesthetics and brand identity when I use a visual interpretation of photographic aesthetics? (B) To explore what the brand can get with photographic aesthetics? (C) To explore what the factors or the characteristics are important to maintain photographic aesthetics? In this study, we choose the fashion boutique brand as an example. We held two focus groups interview, and used semi-structured interview as the basis. The first interview, I found six consumers who had consumed the fashion boutique brand. The second interview, I found five interviewees who learned design, art and photography. After analyzing communications, I concluded some points below: (A) There is a certain effect on vision interpret brand identity with perspective of photography aesthetics. (B) Art-related background and non-art-related background of the people are different perspectives from photography aesthetic interpretation of brand identity. (C) "Light, composition, color, time, atmosphere" is the key element to maintain the consistency of photography aesthetics.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 第一章 緒論01 第一節 研究背景01 第二節 研究動機03 第三節 研究目的03 第四節 研究流程06 第二章 文獻探討07 第一節 美學與美學經驗07 一、美學與美感07 二、美學經驗與美學判斷08 第二節 攝影美學10 一、攝影影像10 二、攝影美學11 三、時尚攝影27 第三節 視覺詮釋27 一、視覺的溝通28 二、視覺的感受29 三、圖像呈現31 第四節 品牌識別31 一、品牌元素31 二、品牌元素的選擇準則32 三、品牌元素的選項33 第三章 研究方法與設計36 第一節 分析架構36 第二節 研究方法37 一、專家訪談38 二、焦點團體訪談38 第三節 研究設計42 一、焦點團體訪談前的前置作業42 二、焦點團體訪談主持人54 第四節 資料蒐集54 第四章 研究發現57 第一節 受訪者的攝影美學觀57 一、興趣與個人品味及特定領域的知識57 二、顯性分類59 第二節 以視覺詮釋分析品牌美學與品牌識別60 一、時尚精品品牌的品牌美學觀分析60 二、以品牌美學觀分析品牌識別63 第三節 以攝影美學觀判斷平面攝影美學與品牌識別的關聯性65 一、「時尚愛好組」對於品牌平面攝影美學判斷65 二、「攝影專業組」對於品牌平面攝影美學判斷67 三、攝影美學觀判斷平面攝影美學與品牌識別的關聯性70 第五章 結論與建議72 第一節 研究結果72 一、受訪者的攝影美學觀72 二、以視覺詮釋分析品牌美學與品牌識別73 三、以攝影美學觀判斷平面攝影美學與品牌識別的關聯性73 第二節 管理意涵74 第三節 研究限制與建議75 一、研究限制75 二、研究建議76 參考文獻77 《附錄A》第一場焦點團體訪談大綱86 《附錄B》第二場焦點團體訪談大綱88 圖目錄 圖1-1 HERMÈS 2016秋冬形象廣告平面視覺02 圖1-2 DIOR 2015《DIOR:New Looks》03 圖1-3 研究流程06 圖2-1 美學經驗模型圖09 圖2-2 色溫表14 圖2-3 秒懂光圈、快門、ISO的涵義 中文版16 圖2-4 黃金比例分割線與交叉點17 圖2-5 焦距簡單示意圖18 圖2-6 HERMÈS 2016秋冬形象廣告平面視覺26 圖2-7 視覺感知過程30 圖2-8 品牌元素評估表35 圖3-1 分析架構36 表目錄 表2-1 變焦鏡頭的差異19 表2-2 色彩感知形容詞22 表3-1 研究方法的差異37 表3-2 HERMÈS歷年形象廣告44 表3-3 DIOR歷年秋冬高級訂製服系列廣告47 表3-4 BURBERRY歷年形象廣告50 表3-5 CHANEL歷年形象廣告52 表3-6 第一場受訪者基本資料55 表3-7 第二場受訪者基本資料56 表4-1 受訪者對於品牌美學與品牌識別的元素63 表4-2 以攝影美學判斷與攝影美學構面的關聯68 表4-3 攝影美學判斷平面攝影美學與品牌識別的結果70[[note]]學號: 604550292, 學年度: 10

    Generation of Enterovirus 71 Capsid Proteins VP1 to VP4 Transgenic Mice and the Feasibility of Oral Vaccine Development

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    第71型腸病毒好發於每年夏季期間,其易引起手足口病症,而近年來在台灣爆發過兩次的腸病毒大流行,並且在1998年與2000年造成了78名與34名孩童死亡。在全球的流行病學上有跡象顯示近幾年腸病毒多在亞洲與非洲區域造成流行,而目前在腸病毒之治療上並沒有可用之特效藥,只能採用支持性療法,故疫苗之研發為當務之急。第71型腸病毒為一不具外套膜之小RNA病毒,其外鞘蛋白由VP1、VP2、VP3與VP4所組成,而VP1為具有抗原決定性之外鞘蛋白,VP4為一連結角色將VP1、VP2與VP3組合形成一完整的病毒顆粒。在本篇試驗中,將一已分離之第71型腸病毒經定序比對其外鞘蛋白VP1至VP4胺基酸序列後,結果顯示其相似度與新加坡兩腸病毒株(AF316321與AF352027)最為相近,高達98.96%,且推測這些改變乃為第71型腸病毒之突變熱區(hot spot)所在區域。我們並將第71型腸病毒外鞘蛋白VP1以基因轉殖之技術產製出基因轉殖鼠,並藉由乳腺專一性的表現載體內含α-白蛋白啟動子與αS1酪蛋白訊息引導序列將VP1蛋白成功的表現與釋泌於鼠乳中;我們也建立起第71型腸病毒攻毒之動物模式,對4天大之仔鼠以腹腔注射進行攻毒試驗會與對照組仔鼠其體重產生明顯差異。血清中和試驗法也更進一步證實,基因轉殖鼠其仔鼠可因吸食帶有第71型腸病毒外鞘蛋白VP1之鼠乳而誘發其特異性之免疫反應,進而對第71型腸病毒產生具專一性之抗體。Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is the most common aetiological agent detected in cases of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) resulting in incidences of neurological complications and fatality in recent years. It had been out- break twice in Taiwan which caused 78 and 34 infected patient deaths in 1998 and 2000, respectively. The clinical data have been shown that the significant increase in EV71 epidemic activity throughout the Asia-Pacific region recently. Because of the lack of an effective antiviral agent, the primary prevention, including the development of effective vaccines, is a top priority in terms of control strategies. The out-layer of EV71 viral particle is composed by four capsid proteins, VP1, VP2, VP3 and VP4. The VP1 has a major antigenic coat protein, while the VP4 acts as a linker protein anchoring VP1 to VP3 and forms a complete viral particle. In this study, we first cloned a new indentified EV71 virus and its amino acid sequence of capsid proteins were found highly homology with strains from Singapore (AF316321 and AF352027), then a mammary gland-specific expression transgenic animal system harboring EV71 capsid protein genes has been established to investigate the feasibility of EV71 capsid proteins production in transgenic milks. The results showed that the VP1 and proteins can be expressed and secreted into transgenic milk in lactating period via the control of alpha-lactalbumin promoter and alpha-casein leader sequences. And according to serum-neutralization assay, these littermates suckling the transgenic milk were gernerated the antibody specific to EV71. We were also establishiment the animal model for EV71 challenge assay.圖次………………………………………………………………………………3 表次………………………………………………………………………………5 壹、中文摘要……………………………………………………………………6 貳、緒言…………………………………………………………………………8 參、文獻探討……………………………………………………………………10 一、腸病毒之分類與基因結構……………………………………10 二、感染腸病毒所引起之臨床病症………………………………16 三、第71型腸病毒之重症感染與治療策略………………………23 四、基因轉殖動物模式之開發……………………………………32 五、基因轉殖動物之乳腺表現型載體系統………………………40 六,利用乳腺表現型基因轉殖動物進行第71型腸病毒外鞘蛋 白之表現及其於口服性疫苗開發之評估……………………………………43 肆、材料與方法………………………………………………………………45 伍、結果與討論………………………………………………………………74 陸、結論………………………………………………………………………101 柒、參考文獻…………………………………………………………………103 扒、英文摘要…………………………………………………………………11

    The study of electrochemical behavior of Pt/C catalysts in VOSO4 electrolyte (V4+/V5+) for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery

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    本研究探討自製鉑/碳黑(Pt/C)觸媒應用於全釩氧化還原液流電池(VRB, Vanadium Redox Flow Battery) 的陽極觸媒層藉以提升電池效能。採用熱迴流還原法分別製備鉑/碳黑(Pt/C)觸媒 10 wt%、Pt/C 20 wt%、Pt/C 30 wt%。鉑粒子藉由X光繞射儀(XRD)、場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FESEM)、穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)鑑定其為FCC晶體結構、粒徑約為10±3 nm且均勻分散於碳黑表面結構。 使用掃描循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry)當掃描速率是0.01 V/s時,碳黑的陽極峰電流值為29 mA,而Pt/C 30 wt% 的陽極峰電流值提升至104 mA;在陰極峰電流方面,碳黑為19 mA,而Pt/C 30 wt% 則提升至55 mA。另以旋轉圓盤電極(RDE)運用線性掃描伏安法可得動力學參數,隨著鉑粒子單載量濃度的增加其反應速率常數K0由6.37 ×10-15 cm/s 增加到2.11×10-13 cm/s,其交換電流密度i0則由3.79 μA增加到82.96 μA。從上述電化學分析證實鉑/碳黑(Pt/C)觸媒在硫酸氧釩溶液中具有電催化活性。 在充放電測試中,有陽極端電極活性層之電催化活性比單純石墨氈在操作電流10mA下可使電池之能量效率由37.0%大幅提升至58.4%,由充放電圖可發現鉑粒子添加可有效降低電極活性層的電極電阻值。隨著鉑粒子含量越多,放電電壓值隨之越高,效能測試結果由高到低依次為Pt/C 30 wt% ,Pt/C 20 wt% ,Pt/C 10 wt% ,石墨氈。藉由自製鉑/碳黑(Pt/C)觸媒改善電極的電催化活性,能使反應速率增加,增進電池能量效能。In the study, the homemade platinum/carbon black (Pt/C) electrode material was used as the catalyst layer of the anode in vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) to improve its performance . The Pt/C-10 wt%, 20 wt% and 30 wt% electrode materials were synthesized by thermal reflux method. Characteristics of the homemade Pt/C was investigated by X-ray diffraction , Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The XRD results indicated that the Pt has FCC structure. The average particle size of Pt was 10±3 nm by FESEM and TEM. In addition, Pt partical was well dispersed on the carbon black The anodic peak current of Pt/C 30 wt% was 104 mA, higher than that of carbon black, was 29 mA, at scan rate of 0.01 V/s by the Cyclic Voltammetry. Moreover, the cathode peak current of Pt/C 30 wt% was 55 mA higher than that of carbon black, was 19 mA. The dynamic scanning of Linear Sweep Voltammetry LSV in Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) obtained the heterogeneous rate constant K0 cm/s and exchange current density i0 μA . The heterogeneous rate constant K0 cm/s was increased from 6.37 ×10-15 cm/s to 2.11×10-13 cm/s with increasing concentration of Pt loadings. The exchange current density i0 μA was increased from 3.79 μA to 82.96 μA with increasing concentration of Pt loading. The Pt/C catalyst had electrocatalysis active in VOSO4 electrode by electrochemical analysis. The active layer in the anode electrode can improve the energy efficiency from 37.0% to 58.4% higher, than pristine graphite felt at constant current 10 mA. This study discovered that the Pt/C based on catalyst could effectively reduce the electrode resistance of the active layer from the charge-discharge curve. The VRB efficiency decreases in the order (high to low) of Pt/C 30 wt%>Pt/C 20 wt%>Pt/C 10 wt%>raw graphite felt. The reaction rate and battery energy efficiency were improved by the Pt/C catalyst added in the electrodes.中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 圖目錄 V 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2能量儲存 2 1-3 儲能電池的比較 3 1-4不同電解液之液流電池介紹 4 1-4-1多硫化鈉/溴 液流電池(Bromine/polysulphide flow battery ) 4 1-4-2溴/釩液流電池 5 1-4-3鋅/銫液流電池 6 1-4-4全釩液流電池 7 1-4-5鉛酸液硫電池 8 1-4-6儲能系統的應用範圍 9 1-5研究動機及目的 10 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2-1 電化學能之氧化還原液流電池 11 2-2 全釩氧化還原液流電池結構 13 2-2-1雙極板(Bipolar plate) 13 2-2-2質子交換膜(Proton exchange membrane, PEM) 13 2-2-3電極材料之石墨(Graphite) 16 2-4全釩氧化還原液流電池充放電原理 17 2-5硫酸氧釩的氧化還原動力研究 19 2-5-1循環伏安法(Cyclic voltammetry CV) 19 2-5-2線性掃描伏安法(linear sweep voltammetry) 21 第三章 實驗方法及步驟 24 3-1實驗步驟架構圖 24 3-2實驗藥品 25 3-3實驗耗材 25 3-4實驗儀器 26 3-5材料分析 27 3-5-1 X光繞射分析儀(X-ray diffraction) 27 3-5-2場發射掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(FESEM) 28 3-5-3穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscopy) 29 3-6電化學分析實驗步驟 30 3-6-1奈米白金碳觸媒製備 30 3-6-2 Nafion 117的前處理 31 3-6-3 碳電極與旋轉圓盤電極之漿料製備 31 3-6-4 碳氈漿料製備 31 3-6-5 碳氈前處理 31 3-6-6 電化學分析電解液的製備 32 3-6-7 充放電解液的製備 32 3-7 硫酸氧釩電解液電化學性質測試 33 3-7-1循環伏安法(CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY) 33 3-7-2旋轉圓盤電極(ROTATING DISC ELECTRODE) 34 3-7-3充放電實驗 36 第四章 研究結果與討論 37 4-1材料分析 37 4-1-1 X光繞射分析 37 4-1-2掃描式電子顯微鏡與穿透式電子顯微鏡分析 38 4-2 循環伏安法電化學分析 42 4-2-1 Pt/C 電極材料的硫酸氧釩電解液電化學特性分析 42 4-2-2 Pt/C 電極材料對硫酸氧釩液之V3+/V4+與V4+/V5+氧化還原可逆性反應研究 43 4-3旋轉圓盤電極線性掃描之電化學動力分析 54 4-4單電池充放電之效能分析 61 第五章 結論 66 參考文獻 6

    Integration of Three-Dimensional Positioning System and Ultrasound System and MR Imaging System for Thermal Therapy

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    磁振造影導引高能量聚焦超音波(MRIgHIFU)熱治療的發展潛力可由國內外各大研究機構及公司投入開發的程度可知,其非侵入性的治療以及手術時間短,是該技術在臨床治療上的優點。本研究目標是整合三維定位移動平台系統、超音波換能器系統以及MRI影像系統,以便應用於熱治療。 本研究使用LabVIEW做為系統整合開發平台,主架構為一套三維定位移動平台來載送超音波換能器做腫瘤熱治療,並結合1.5T MR影像來做導引、治療規劃及治療監控,而換能器的選擇可依患部位置及大小做靈活搭配。使用者可以從主控電腦來控制平台的移動、超音波能量輸出的大小及持續輸出時間以及監控MRI溫度影像。 測試結果顯示,超音波系統對輸出時間的控制誤差少於0.1秒,而對燒灼區域的控制誤差在3mm左右,MRI溫度影像部分,雖能夠與國衛院開發的程式有相似的結果,但若採用較多干擾的原始影像會有較高的誤差產生。 本研究完成了三維定位移動平台系統、超音波加熱系統及MRI影像系統的整合,在實驗室環境下及MR環境下能有效運作,但還須克服MRI溫度影像的準確度以及解決造成MR影像雜訊的來源。The potential of Magnetic Resonance Imaging guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRIgHIFU) thermal therapy was well-known through domestic and foreign research institutions and companies. Non-invasive treatment and short treatment period for each lesion are the technical advantages of MRIgHIFU for clinical treatment. The purpose of this study is to integrate a three-dimensional positioning system, focused ultrasound system and MRI imaging system for MRIgHIFU thermal therapy. In this study, LabVIEW development environment was used for system integration. The main structure is a three-dimensional positioning system to load ultrasound transducer to perform thermal therapy. This system was combined with a 1.5-T MRI to guide transducer movement, to plan and to monitor the treatment. A suitable transducer can be chosen for the tumor location and size. User can control the movement of the positioning system, ultrasound output power, ultrasound sonication time and observe the MRI temperature mapping via the host computer. The results show that the time error of ultrasound system output control is less than 0.1 s, and the position error of ablation region is around 3 mm. The MRI temperature mapping for the developed program has similar results as that of National Health Research Institute while conversion of the raw data with more interference may produce a higher error. In this study, the integration of three-dimensional positioning system, ultrasound heating system and MRI imaging system was completed. This system can operate properly under the laboratory conditions and the MR environment. However, the cause of MR image noise must be overcome to obtain a better accuracy of MR temperature mapping.口試委員會審定書 i 誌謝 ii 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 第 1 章 緒論 1 1.1 醫用超音波 1 1.2 磁振造影導引高能量聚焦超音波熱治療 2 1.3 超音波熱治療系統回顧 3 1.4 研究動機與目的 4 第 2 章 MRI影像原理與應用 5 2.1 MRI原理簡介 5 2.1.1 核磁共振現象 5 2.1.2 訊號來源 6 2.1.3 成像原理 7 2.2 原始檔案讀取轉換 8 2.3 溫度變化分布圖 10 第 3 章 超音波熱治療系統介紹 12 3.1 超音波加熱系統 12 3.1.1 超音波換能器 12 3.1.2 單一通道超音波換能器驅動系統 14 3.1.3 多通道超音波換能器驅動系統 16 3.2 三維定位移動平台 17 3.2.1 超音波馬達 18 3.2.2 驅動器 20 3.3 MRI影像導引系統 23 第 4 章 測試材料與方法 28 4.1 測試材料 28 4.2 系統架構與治療規劃 29 4.3 系統測試規劃 32 4.3.1 換能器驅動系統輸入及輸出之誤差測試 32 4.3.2 移動平台及MRI測距誤差測試 34 4.3.3 MRI測溫法與實際溫度誤差測試 35 第 5 章 系統測試結果 37 5.1 換能器驅動系統輸入及輸出之誤差測試 37 5.2 移動平台及MRI測距誤差測試 38 5.3 MRI測溫法與實際溫度誤差測試 44 第 6 章 討論 53 第 7 章 結論與未來展望 56 參考文獻 5

    Study of the interaction mechanisms between white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) immediate early gene #1 (IE1) and P. monodon thioredoxin

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    硫醇氧化還原蛋白為生物內參與許多氧化還原反應之蛋白質,利用硫醇-二硫化物間的轉換提供氫離子及電子以進行氧化還原反應。在本研究中發現到當利用本實驗室所產製的草蝦cDNA微陣列晶片觀測草蝦感染白點症病毒後基因表現量的變化時,發現草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白基因的表現量有升高之趨勢,在佐以即時定量核酸聚合酶鏈鎖反應確認此一結果後,接續利用西方點墨法得知在轉譯層次上草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白在草蝦感染白點症病毒後其蛋白表現量也有上升的現象,顯示草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白在白點症病毒感染草蝦過程中應該有重要的角色。硫醇氧化還原蛋白的目標蛋白通常含有Cys-x-x-Cys motif,故我們對白點症病毒基因進行序列比對,共發現有70個白點症病毒開放轉譯區皆含有此motif,其中一個即是白點症病毒極早期表現基因IE1。硫醇氧化還原蛋白會幫助轉錄因子維持其還原態構型,使轉錄因子保有可以與目標DNA啟動子區域結合的能力,故我們先針對草蝦硫氧化還原蛋白是否會與白點症病毒極早期表現基因IE1有蛋白交互作用進行試驗分析。我們利用體外試驗的His pull down分析法証實當在有硫醇氧化劑Diamide的處理下,草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白會與白點症病毒極早期表現基因、同時也是轉錄因子的IE1有蛋白交互作用的產生,並且鑑定出在草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白藉由Cys62半胱氨酸與IE1結合。接續以昆蟲細胞株SF9進行共免疫沉澱法的體內試驗當中發現到,當細胞株受到氧化壓力如過氧化氫的處理時,草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白會與白點症病毒IE1有蛋白交互作用的現象產生,我們進一步的推測白點症病毒IE1其蛋白活性與功能會受到氧化還原的調控,進而我們利用EMSA証實了當白點症病毒IE1受到硫醇氧化劑Diamide處理過後會喪失與DNA結合的能力,而硫醇還原劑如dithiothreitol與beta-mercaptoethanol 皆可以使其恢復活性、使白點症病毒IE1重獲與DNA結合的能力。進一步我們也證實了IE1蛋白其Cys55、Cys189與Cys192 (CXXC motif) 半胱氨酸對IE1的DNA 結合活性有重要的影響,我們証實了草蝦硫氧化蛋白可以直接幫助白點症病毒的轉錄因子IE1維持或恢復其與DNA結合的能力,而以LC/MS/MS分析法發現氧化壓力指標之一的GSH/GSSG比值在蝦體感染白點症病毒24小時後有上升的趨勢,在感染後48小時會有顯著性的下降;而在Trx基因靜默化的蝦體中,白點症病毒的複製套數以及蝦體感染白點症病毒的死亡率都會有顯著性的下降,本研究結果讓我們對硫氧化蛋白所扮演的功能有更多的了解之外,對於白點症病毒的致病機制與在宿主細胞中生存策略提供不同的視野與新思維。A shrimp cDNA microarray and immunoblotting were used to confirm that white sopt syndrome virus (WSSV) infection up-regulated expression of the important redox regulator thioredoxin (Trx). WSSV immediate early gene #1 (IE1) was identified as a possible target protein of Trx and selected for further study. In a pull down assay, we found that recombinant Trx bound to IE1 under oxidizing conditions, and a co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that Trx bound to WSSV IE1 when the transfected cells were subjected to oxidative stress. A pull down assay with Trx mutants showed that no IE1 binding occurred when cysteine 62 was replaced by serine. EMSA showed that the DNA binding activity of WSSV IE1 was down-regulated under oxidative conditions, and that PmTrx restored the DNA binding activity of the inactivated, oxidized WSSV IE1. Another EMSA experiment showed that IE1’s Cys-X-X-Cys motif and cysteine residue 55 were necessary for Trx binding. Measurement of the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) in WSSV-infected shrimp showed that oxidative stress was significantly increased at 48 hpi. The biological significance of Trx was also demonstrated in a dsRNA Trx knockdown experiment where suppression of shrimp Trx led to significant decreases in mortality and viral copy numbers. Based on all of these results, we hypothesize that Trx uses the same binding sites and redox control mechanism in vitro and in vivo, and that Trx increase WSSV’s pathogenicity by rescuing IE1’s DNA binding ability in vivo


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    [[abstract]]隨著資源日益減少和環境汙染壓力的問題日益突出,企業不斷受到來自各方面的壓力,要求其展開友好的實踐活動。綠色供應鏈管理作為可持續發展下製造企業的環境管理模式,受到理論界和企業界的廣泛認可及重視。綠色採購是綠色供應鏈管理的重要組成部分,是綠色供應鏈管理實施的基礎,通過與供應鏈商的協調與合作做到降低成本、減少有害物質的使用、提高企業對應市場速度的能力,全面提升企業競爭力,樹立企業的環保形象。供應商的選擇是綠色採購的核心內容,也是綠色採購實施的首要環節,通過供應商評價指標的設計可再進一步反映出企業綠色採購實施的情況。 本論文研究部分根據綠色採購相關文獻的收集作理論研究,建立綠色採購概念,提出具有環境評價認證的供應商選擇時須考慮27個評價指標。為建立供應商評價指標體系,本文設計開發了供應商評價測量量表,通過驗證研究建立了5個維度27個提項的供應商評價指標體系。運用模糊綜合評判法作為供應商選擇的方法並進行案例研究,同時根據因子分析法,確定了供應商評價指標的方法,最後統計分析作出結果與討論


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    本發明一種高效能與高分散性之電極觸媒製備方法,係以分散劑將載體顆粒分散,使載體顆粒表面形成一立體阻障層,再將奈米貴金屬觸媒之前趨物結合於該立體阻障層上,經熱處理方式除去該立體阻障層,並以還原劑將前趨物還原成奈米貴金屬觸媒顆粒,並以面心立方晶體結構(Face-Centered CubicCrystal Structure,簡稱F.C.C)均勻的分佈於載體顆粒上,使奈米貴金屬觸媒顆粒於載體上的分散程度及披覆狀況達到最佳合成條件,從而實現提昇貴金屬觸媒顆粒的利用率,增加電化學催化活性面積,提昇電極觸媒效率及燃料電池整體反應效率