19 research outputs found


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    Platform Strategy Analysis of Singing Contest Program-The Case of One Million Star

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    歌唱選秀節目從2000年起英國爆紅的,全球開始掀起歌唱選秀節目的熱潮,美國、大陸乃至於台灣,都曾締造收視巔峰,並掀起輿論的廣大迴響以及學術界的持續關注。 流行音樂產業近年來面臨數位化的浪潮以及消費者收聽載具的使用轉變,唱片公司對於藝人的培訓與推廣方式也漸趨多元。藉由和歌唱選秀節目合作,提供業餘者一個歌唱舞台,成功地將素人轉變為職業歌手。 本研究的主要目的在於分析超級星光大道的商業模式,以及如何成功打造素人轉變成職業歌手並擁有廣大粉絲群支持的歷程。以多邊平台和觸媒企業作為理論依據,分析超級星光大道的平台發展六步驟,最後歸納出超級星光大道的四項關鍵成功因素,並針對節目的未來發展提出分析與建議。 本研究發現超級星光大道的平台發展策略,先找出各方合作廠商,並打造高規格節目,免費提供舞台讓年輕人展現才藝,成功吸引進關鍵參賽者的加入,並透過節目設計與緊湊的比賽時程,激發他們的情感羈絆,同時使用網路平台以及媒體整合傳播以觸及廣大的觀眾群,建立起緊密連結催化出眾多粉絲群,最後成功達成各方獲利。It began to set off a trend of Singing Contest Program all over the world. From the begin of British <Pop Idol>, America <American Idol>, China <Super Girl> and the later Taiwan <One Million Star>, they all have created ratings peak, arising the grand echo of the public as well as the sustained attention from the academia. The goal of this research paper is to analyze the business model and the platform development strategies of One Million Star. Using multi-sided platform and Catalyst Code’s 6-step framework, this paper analyze how the TV program successfully transform an ordinary person into a professional singer with great fan clubs. Finally, this paper summarizes four KSFs of One Million Star, analyzing the future development of the show and gives advices. This paper finds the platform development of One Million Star. First of all, it finds out firms to cooperate and builds up a high class TV program, providing for free the young people a stage to perform themselves. Secondly, it connects a network platform and the media integration to touch as many audiences as possible with the goal of letting the catalytic run riot. Finally, it generates many fans as loyal audiences, making profits successfully

    Histone Methyltransferase G9a Regulated Metastasis in Lung Cancer through Epigenetic Inactivation of Ep-CAM

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    表觀遺傳修飾(epigenetic modification)參與在染色質重組和基因轉錄的過程中,而發生在特定組蛋白 (histone) 殘基上的甲基化可調控基因轉錄。胚胎發育和癌症發生的過程中,組蛋白H3上離胺酸 (K9) 的甲基化對基因轉錄的抑制扮演關鍵性的角色。G9a為一組蛋白甲基轉移酶,負責催化組蛋白H3K9的甲基化。已知在缺氧的情形下,會誘發G9a表現及增加其甲基轉移酶活性進而調控基因表現。在乳癌細胞中,G9a也被發現可降低腫瘤抑制基因的表現,除此之外目前對於G9a在癌症上扮演的角色仍不甚清楚。因此,我們企圖探討G9a在癌症發展過程中的重要性及其調控機轉。本篇研究中,我們發現G9a高度表現在不同類型癌症病人的腫瘤組織中,且與腫瘤分化的情形呈現高度相關性,顯示G9a可能參與、調控癌症轉移的過程。此外G9a的表現與肺癌細胞株的轉移浸襲能力呈正相關。短暫轉殖DN-G9a質體阻斷G9a的組蛋白甲基轉移活性,可以抑制肺癌細胞之轉移浸襲能力,顯示G9a的酵素活性參與在G9a調控肺癌轉移的機轉中。接下來我們在惡性度高的肺癌細胞株中剔除G9a的表現,發現可以顯著抑制肺癌細胞之轉移浸襲能力,同時增加Ep-CAM的表現量。我們進一步研究Ep-CAM是否參與在G9a所調控之肺癌細胞浸襲能力中,實驗結果顯示,當剔除Ep-CAM表現,可以回復剔除G9a所抑制之肺癌細胞浸襲能力。此外動物實驗結果顯示,剔除G9a可以抑制癌細胞轉移及腫瘤生長,顯示G9a在癌症發生過中扮演重要的調控角色。綜合以上實驗結果,G9a極可能為肺癌之生物指標分子,未來有機會運用在腫瘤轉移之臨床檢測與治療上。Epigenetic modifications are important for chromatin organization and gene transcription. Methylation of specific histone residues has important regulatory functions in gene transcription. Notably, methylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me) is a critical epigenetic marker for gene repression and plays critical role in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. G9a, a mammalian histone methyltransferase, is a candidate for histone 3 lysine 9 dimethylation (H3K9me2). Here, we attempt to study the role of G9a in lung cancer progression. esults of our present study indicated that G9a was expressed in tumors of different cancer types and correlated with tumor differentiation status. In addition, G9a expression was also inversely correlated with in vitro migration and invasion abilities in lung cancer cells. Blockage of G9a methyltransferase activity by transfecting with a dominant negative (DN)-G9a inhibited cell migration/invasion abilities, suggesting that the histone methyltransferase activity of G9a was essential for the regulation of lung cancer metastasis. In CL1-5 and H1299 cells, G9a knockdown inhibited migration/invasion abilities through up-regulation of Ep-CAM. Treatment with Ep-CAM shRNA restored the invasion ability of stable G9a knockdown cells. Moreover, in vivo animal model showed that G9a knockdown suppressed metastatic colonization in lung and primary tumorigenesis. In conclusion, our data suggested that G9a promoted aggressive phenotypes in lung cancer may be a potential target for cancer treatment.中文摘要 4bstract 5ntroduction 6aterials and Methods 15esults 22 G9a expressed in tumors and correlated with differentiation status 22 G9a expression induced an invasive phenotype in lung cancer cells 23 G9a promoted metastatic colonization in animal model 25 Gene expression profiling of G9a knockdown cells 26 Ep-CAM acted as an effector in G9a-induced invasive phenotype 27iscussion 29eferences 35igures and figure legends 40able 5

    The physical characteristic study on luminance uniformity and temperature for power GaN LEDs chip

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    基于电流连续方程、欧姆定律及定性三维热流传导模型研究发光二极管(lEd)芯片的电流密度分布、热量、温度之间的相互交叉关系,进而测试分析gAn基蓝光lEd电流扩展效应和亮度分布的关系,认为芯片亮度变化趋势可作为判别电流扩展性能的有效手段.由于芯片表面温度、亮度分布和电流密度之间存在紧密的联结关系,通过测试芯片表面温度或亮度分布就可定性了解器件电流扩展性能,从而为优化电极结构提供一种判定依据.在不同电流和热沉温度下,进一步讨论了电流密度非均匀性和亮度分布的关系,电流密度拥挤将导致芯片局部区域热量堆积,非辐射复合作用增强,限制出射光子数目,因此热量是影响亮度分布的重要因素之一.通过载流子传输机理进一步说明温度影响亮度均匀性的原因,并通过实验说明理论分析的可行性.通过优化电极结构能改善器件的电流扩展效应以及亮度均匀性,对提高大功率lEd的可靠性具有重要作用.In this paper,we study the relationship among current density distribution,heat and temperature based on current continuity equation,ohm law and three-dimensional heat transfer model.The relationship between luminance distribution and current spreading of GaN blue light emitting diode(LED) is studied.Luminance distribution is proved to be an effective method of distinguishing the performance of current spreading.Because of the close relationship among temperature,luminance distribution and current density, a qualitative method of optimizing electrode structure and current spreading is proposed.With different currents and heat sink temperatures, the current non-uniformity and the luminance distribution of LED are analyzed.Temperature or current density crowding results in heat accumulation,increase of non-radiative recombination and the restriction of the emitting photons,hence thermal flux is an important factor influencing the luminance distribution.Through carrier transport mechanism,the reason for the temperature influence on luminance distribution is explained.Optimized contact electrode structure can improve current spreading and luminance uniformity,also considerably increase the reliability of high power LED.福建省科技计划重点项目(批准号:2011H0021;2012H0039);福建省科技项目(批准号:2011H6025);福建省自然科学基金(批准号:2011J05162);福建省教育厅A类科技项目(批准号:JA11175);漳州师范学院科学研究资助项目(批准号:SJ1017)资助的课题---

    An experimental study on the correlation between the behavioral evidences of sequence learning and ERP effects

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    Tachyplesin-Induced Differentiat ion of Human Hepatocarcinoma Cell Line SMMC-7721

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    背景与目的:海洋生物活性物质抗肿瘤活性研究是海洋生物活性物质开发与抗癌药物研究的一个重要领域。诱导肿瘤细胞分化则是肿瘤药物治疗的新策略。本文拟研究海洋生物活性物质鲎素对人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞分化的影响,以为鲎素抗肿瘤作用及其机理的深入研究提供实验依据。方法:从中国鲎血细胞酸抽提液提取鲎素,应用光镜和透射电镜观察3.0μg/ml鲎素处理前后人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞形态和超微结构的变化,应用细胞化学或免疫细胞化学方法观察鲎素处理前后细胞碱性磷酸酶活性与甲胎蛋白和增殖细胞核抗原表达的变化。结果:经3.0μg/ml鲎素处理的SMMC-7721细胞形态和超微结构发生恢复性变化,碱性磷酸酶活性减弱,甲胎蛋白和增殖细胞核抗原表达降低。结论:鲎素能有效改变肝癌细胞恶性形态和超微结构特征,改变肝癌细胞相关酶活性和抗原表达,对肝癌细胞具有一定的诱导分化作用。Background &Objective:The study on antitumor activities of marine bioactive substances is an important field in exploiting marin e bioactive substances and antitumo r drugs.And the induction of tumor cell differentiation is a new strategy for drug therapy of t umors.So the authors used tachyplesin,a marine bioactive substance,to investigate its effects on the differentiation of human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721cell s for further studying its antitumor activities and mechanisms.Methods:Tachyplesin,which was isolated fro m hemocytes of horseshoe crab(Tachypleus tridentatus),was used to treat human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721cells.Light microscopy a nd transmission electron microscop y were applied to examine the changes in morphology and ultrastructure of SMMC-7721cells,respectively.The activ ities of alkaline phosphatase or the expression of AFP and PCNA were assessed by cytochemis try or immunocytochemistry.Results:In the cells treated with 3.0μg /ml tachyplesin,the morphology an d ultrastructure returned to be norm al,the activity of alkaline phosphatase was decreased and the le vels of AFP and PCNA were downregulated.Conclusion:Tachyplesin might effectively reverse the malignant morphology an d ultrastructure,change the activity of enzyme and the levels of a ntigens associated with hepatocarcinoma cell,and induce th e differentiation of the human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721cells.教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目;; 教育部重点实验室访问学者基金项

    A new technique of rehabilitation training based on motor imagine using brain computer interface-func-tional electric stimulation system and it's effect on plasticity of brain of a stroke patient

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    目的:验证脑机接口结合功能性电刺激(BCI-FES)在中枢神经康复中的可行性及其机制。方法:对1例40岁男性脑卒中后左侧上肢重度瘫痪患者进行4周的基于运动想象的BCI-FES训练,训练前后各进行一次系统上肢功能评价及包含"运动"及"想象"组块的fMRI检测,进行功能激活图的绘制。结果:经过为期1个月的训练后左手最快抓握速度提高24.7%,左手抓握运动时功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)激活表现为出现病灶同侧主要运动区(M1)及辅助运动区(SMA)的激活,病灶对侧M1区及运动前区(PMC)激活较训练前减弱。左手运动想象任务时出现了双侧SMA及病灶同侧右后顶叶的激活。结论:脑机交互技术可促进脑卒中患者的中枢神经重塑。BCI-FES应用于存在脑损伤的脑卒中患者的康复训练是可行的。Objective: To study the feasibility of brain computer interface combined with functional electric stimulation (BC1-FES) applied to a patient with stroke as a new rehabilitation training system and to explore its mechanism. Method: The participant was a 40 years old man with severe left-hand paralysis after stroke. He received 4 weeks training with BCI-FES system based on motor imagine. The motor function of upper limb was assessed and fMRI examination was conducted pre- and after training. Result: Maximum grasp-relax speed of affected hand increased by 24.7% after training. When motion task was executed the activations in primary motor area(M1) and supplement motor area($MA) of ipsilateral hemisphere were observed with fMRI after training, and eontralateral activations in M1 and premotor eortex(PMC) decreased in addition. When motor imagine task was executed, the activations transferred to bilateral SMA and ipsilateral posterior parietal after BCI training. Conclusion: BCI-FES was a kind of feasible rehabilitation therapy for stroke survivor. The mechanism of func- tional recovery by using BCI-FES was to promote the plasticity of central nervous system