207 research outputs found


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    In this study, we evaluated fragility due to repetitive shock at the calyx end, equatorial surface, and apex end of peach fruit. Our results suggested that fragility due to repetitive shock was larger at the calyx end than at the other two parts. This difference might be caused by reduced firmness of flesh at the calyx end. Currently, peach fruit are packaged with the calyx end at the bottom and the apex end at the top. However, our results suggested that this packaging style does not prevent the fruit from being damaged by repetitive shock during distribution.モモ果実の繰り返し衝撃に対する易損性を, ていあ部, 赤道部および果頂部に区分して検討した. その結果, ていあ部の繰り返し衝撃に対する易損性は果頂部および赤道部と比較し大きく, その理由として, この部位における果肉硬度が他2部位に比べて低いことが考えられた. モモ果実は通常, ていあ部が下, 果頂部が上となるように立てた状態で包装されて流通している. しかしながら, 本研究の結果より, 輸送中の繰り返し衝撃による損傷回避の観点からは, このような包装方法が必ずしも最善とは限らない可能性が示唆された

    A renal adenoma: a case report and review of diagnostic imaging

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    Renal adenoma indistinguishable from renal cell carcinoma preoperatively in a 34-year-old male is reported. The tumor found by CT-scan was located in the middle portion of the left kidney. Renal cell carcinoma was diagnosed preoperatively by total diagnostic imaging. Simple nephrectomy was conducted, and the pathological specimen was a renal adenoma

    座談会 記録の力 : 年表とアーカイブズ

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    Article長野県透析研究会誌 25(1): 31-34(2002)journal articl


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    Article信州大学医学部附属病院看護研究集録 1989: 81-88(1989)departmental bulletin pape


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    Purpose:The goal of this study was to clarify exactly what the nursing students became aware about themselves after reflecting upon their Basic Nursing Seminar II classes as well as their learning of nursing acquired through experience ( knowledge from experience, per say). Also, this study aimed at collecting underlying data for reflective education in the realm of basic nursing education.Methods:The method of this study was analyzed by a qualitative, descriptive and analytical method. We used reflection papers submitted by the students who completed Basic Nursing Seminar II at B University, extracting data on how they became aware of themselves and on how they learned nursing.Results:From the reflections of 23 students, we extracted 14 categories of self-awareness with such comments as “I was self-centered in my thinking and in my behavior,” “I learned to interact with each patient in the style most appropriate for him or her.” The kinds of knowledge accumulated by such reflections amounted to 8 categories, including “the importance of communication in order to establish patient assistance and mutual trust,” “the need to ponder upon assistance from the patient’s perspective, and to put the assistance into practice.”Conclusion:Among the self-awareness that arose from the reflections of students, a positive kind of self-awareness led to confidence and improved motivation to nursing. On the other hand, when students experienced a negative self-awareness, it may have arisen from a difficult circumstance that the students did not know how to handle. It is desired that the faculty should make educationalinterventions so that the students can describe, analyze and consolidate their own feelings, knowledge and attitudes in detail. The effects of such interventions should also be clarified