295 research outputs found

    Some Issues and Solutions on Overall Capital Budegeting Management of A Province's Mobile

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    随着我国电信体制改革的深化,中国电信业的改革力度进一步加大,电信市场竞争也愈演愈烈。而3G牌照的发放、3G技术的选择等一系列将要出台的政策给未来的市场竞争又增加了许多变数,在复杂的市场环境中,各运营商都在思考如何提升企业核心竞争力,争取在市场竞争中占据优势和领先地位,确保企业基业常青。中国移动通信集团公司站在企业发展战略高度在2003年底启动了全面预算管理项目并于2004年在整个集团内推广运用,A省移动通信有限责任公司(以后简称A省移动)有幸成为集团首批试点省份。A省移动是中国移动(香港)有限公司的全资子公司。1999年,根据国务院关于电信重组方案分立。本文将结合国内外先进经验的理论为依据,并...Along with the continuous and deepening reform of China’s telecommunication industry, the competition of industry is also intensified recently. Furthermore, the grant of 3G licenses and the choices of 3G technologies will extend the uncertainty. In the complex market, how to improve the core competence of the enterprise becomes the first question for all the Operators. Only in this way, Operators ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X20031501

    Reconstruction of China’s Discretional Mechanism

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    公诉裁量是检察官自由裁量权的核心内容,现行的诉讼体制下公诉裁量权受到严格限制,实践中存在行使的无序和失范现象,必须重新认识和构建公诉裁量运行机制。本文分四章进行研究。第一章概括我国公诉裁量机制六个方面的特征,包括适用范围狭窄、手段单一;按照行政模式进行审查起诉,办案人员的主观能动性被抑制;“少用、慎用”思想和“从重从严”的潜规则极大阻碍裁量的运用;事实上的滥用公诉裁量权现象导致司法权威的贬损;撤回起诉制度缺乏立法依据和有效规制;“公诉转自诉”的程序设定缺乏理论基础和操作条件。提出扩大公诉裁量权,重构裁量机制的必要性和紧迫性。第二章对英美法系和大陆法系的五个国家公诉裁量机制比较分析,指出大陆法系...As the core of discretion power of procurators, discretion in public prosecution is restricted severely in present litigation system. Considering disorder and abnormality existing in its operation, we need to re-analyze and rebuild the operating mechanism of discretion in public prosecution, which is studied in four chapters of this essay. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to charact...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20020814


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    Impact of the family planning policy to sex ratio at birth and urban-rural income gap——restudy about the economic and social consequences of the family planning policy

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    计划生育政策作为一项基本国策已经在我国贯彻执行了30余年,这30余年同时是中国经济高速增长的30余年。经济的高速增长,使得人们只关注与计划生育政策所带来的诸如人口红利等促进经济增长的因素,而忽视和掩盖了计划生育政策所带来的种种弊端。随着近几年生育率下降、人口老龄化、出生性别比偏高以及人口红利的消失等一系列跟计划生育政策有着密切关系问题的加剧以及舆论环境的放松,这项自制定之初就饱受争议的政策又重新引起了学术界广泛的争论和普遍的关注。本文正是在这样的时代背景下,在现代计量经济学的研究框架下,结合理论和实证研究,运用现代统计分析工具和方法,对计划生育政策与偏高的出生性别比之间的关系以及计划生育政策与...As a state policy,China’s family planning rules have implemented more than three decades,over the past three decades,China’s also experienced rocketing economic growth.China’s three-decade-long economic boom draw people’s attention only on the benefits of China’s family planning rules,like demographic dividend,but neglect and cover up the problems that the rules bring.As the relaxation of the publ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532011115205

    Simulation Analysis for Shading of Xiamen University's Entries in Solar Decathlon China 2013

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    建筑外门窗是建筑围护结构的重要组成部分,也是建筑热量损失与接收的薄弱环节。外窗不仅是建筑在采光通风功能上的需要,也是人与外环境沟通必不可少的通道。建筑遮阳是提高门窗在建筑围护中的热工性能的重要途径。结合ECOTECT软件与厦门大学参加2013年国际太阳能竞赛(SOlAr dECATHlOn)的参赛方案,探讨了建筑遮阳对室内热环境的影响,以及不同形式遮阳对太阳辐射热的遮挡效果的差异。Doors and windows are important components of building envelopes, which are also the weak parts of the heat loss and receiving.The window is not only the needs of the lighting and ventilation, but also the essential channel for communicating with external environment.Architectural shading is a crucial way to improve the thermal performance of windows and doors in the building envelope.Combining software Ecotect with the scheme of Xiamen University's entries in Solar Decathlon China 2013, the shading effects on indoor thermal environment are expounded, as well as the shielding effect of various forms of shading on solar radiation.福建省经贸委课题:绿色建筑一体化研

    Wind Environment Simulation of Xiamen University's Entries in Solar Decathlon China 2013

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    PHOnICS是英国CHAM公司开发的模拟传热、流动、反应、燃烧过程的通用Cfd软件。基于对厦门大学2013国际太阳能十项全能竞赛方案的模拟,旨在探索一种PHOEnICS软件与建筑设计结合的方法。通过对建筑设计方案的通风模拟,分析评估室内风环境对建筑热舒适的影响,并对方案进行优化。PHONICS,which is created by the CHAM company,is a general CFD software developed to simulate heat transfer flowing, reaction and the combustion process.A method of PHOENICS software combined with architectural design is explored by simulating design plan of Xiamen University in 2013 international Solar Decathlon(SD).Through the ventilation simulation of architectural design, the effect of indoor air environment to the building thermal comfort is analyzed and assessed, furthermore, the design scheme is optimized.福建省经贸委课题:绿色建筑一体化研


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