281 research outputs found

    Studies on the Preparation and Biological Activities of Chondroitin Sulfate from Crocodile

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    动物软骨组织中含有一种以蛋白聚糖形式存在的酸性粘多糖——硫酸软骨素,应用现代生物技术方法适当处理后,能获得优质的硫酸软骨素,同时获得良好的社会价值和经济效益。 本论文主要利用碱提取技术,以加工废弃的鳄鱼软骨为原料,通过选择合适的提取工艺流程,研究开发鳄鱼硫酸软骨素产品。通过研究碱提取过程中影响得率的单因素,并结合响应面分析得到最优提取条件为:NaOH浓度5%,固液比1:14g/mL,温度40℃、时间209.82min。采用离子交换色谱法对粗提物进一步纯化,根据峰形确定得到单一物质;通过化学组成测定,可知鳄鱼硫酸软骨素中D-葡萄糖醛酸含量、氨基己糖含量和硫酸基含量分别为26.05%±0.01、...Chondroitin sulfate, a kind of acid muco-polysaccharide, distribute in animal cartilage. We can get chondroitin sulfate through it by modern biotechnology, in the meantime we can get a good social value and economic benefits. The whole research study was aimed at investigating the preparation and bioactivities of chondroitin sulfate from the castoff of Crocodile processing. The appropriate extrac...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162014115258

    The women images on Thai advertising -- using insurance advertising as examples

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    摘要 广告是表达社会文化,反映思想制度和社会信念的重要工具。大众传媒对 女性形象的塑造和传播,一直存在刻板印象的弊端。作为女性地位较低的泰国 社会,当今的女性形象是否有所改善?这是本研究的主要问题。通过泰国最主 要的广告主——保险公司——的历年广告进行分析,本文使用内容分析、访谈 法、和个案分析的研究方法,分析了广告中的女性形象,女性角色和气质。 结果发现,广告中的女性形象以非职业形象居多,但职业形象的比例也较 高。非职业的形象,主要是母亲和妻子,以家庭为中心,展示了欢乐、温柔、 关爱子女的气质,符合传统泰国社会对女性的教育理念。职业形象中,女性展 示了工作的社会职能,这时她...Abstract Advertising is essential facility that can truly express the social culture and reflect the ideological system and social belief. Mass media portrayed of women images in malpractice stereotype. The main problem of this study is as the lower status of women in Thai society, whether the women’s images has improved. Through the analysis of the advertising of Thailand's most important ad...学位:新闻与传播硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_广告学学号:3062014115463

    Research and Implementation of Warehouse Management System Based on RFID

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    随着经济全球化和一体化趋势的加快,国际物流行业得到了迅猛发展,对物流管理系统支撑平台信息化、自动化提出了更高的要求。传统的物流仓储管理系统大多采用条码扫描技术作为货物流和信息流同步的载体,条码技术由于存在信息无法更改、存储容量小、读取信息不方便等缺点已无法满足现代物流系统的要求。 RFID作为一项新型识别技术,由于其识别速度快、环境适应性强、无需人工干预和信息存储等特点,在仓储管理系统中作为信息传递的载体,具有得天独厚的优势。RFID引入仓储管理系统可以大大提高入库、出库、盘点、补货等工作的效率,既是提高企业自身效率的需要,也是国际化物流企业技术应用的趋势。 本文探讨基于RFID技术的仓储...With the acceleration of economic globalization and integration trends, the international logistics industry develops rapidly. So the higher requirement has been put forward for the automation of the logistics management system. Most traditional logistics warehouse management system use bar code scanning technology as the carrier of goods and information flow. Barcode technology has been unable to...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823006

    Translation of English idioms in dictionaries

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    What is an English idiom? An English idiom has a fixed structure and the meaning is not the combination of the meanings of its component parts. English idioms occupy a great part and play an important role in the English language. English idioms are the essence of the English language, which mirrors the culture of all aspects in the English-speaking nations. It is always of great help for English ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外文系_英语语言文学学号:19970400

    A Study on policies of governing Taiwan during the reigns of Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty

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    清代康雍乾三朝是台湾发展史上极为重要的一个阶段,不仅因为这三朝治台共计113年(1683——1796),超过清代台湾史一半的时间,更重要的是,清政府在这一时期实施的治台措施成为清代前期治台政策的缩影,并为以后嘉庆各朝所继承和发展,奠定了清朝治理台湾的基本方向。对于康熙统一台湾的历史功绩,史学界基本上持肯定态度;而此后清政府的治台政策却多遭诟病,有“消极治台”之说,但这种说法有待商榷。本文在探讨康雍乾时期清政府的治台政策时,除了将其置于台湾特殊的历史环境中来考察,更尝试从一个新的角度,即将台湾置于清帝国架构中,来观察康雍乾三朝治台的基本想法以及政策的形成过程;并探究影响清政府制定、调整治台政策的...The period of Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty is very important in the developmental history of Taiwan. It is not only because of the long period of time----113 years which is over half of the period when Taiwan was under the rule of Qing Dynasty, but also because that the policies of governing Taiwan during this period became its epitome in the early Qing Dynasty. These policies...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:台湾研究所_专门史学号:20041801


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    A Study on Gender Difference in Conversational Joking of Chinese Hosts

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    本文探讨的是性别和会话幽默之间的关系。文中回顾了幽默和性别相关研究,以幽默的一种类型——会话幽默为主要研究对象,从形式特点和功能特征对主持人语言中幽默行为进行分析,并对其显著特征进行着重讨论,肯定了嘲讽在会话中的积极意义,剖析了会话幽默中的个性展示和人际关系构建功能,进而讨论幽默过程中的性别构建问题。 会话幽默(又称情景幽默)是一柄双刃剑,它既能够引起冲突,同时又可以控制甚至避免对话中的摩擦和不愉快,这在很大程度上取决于会话话题、环境和对象。因此,对他人的嘲笑和自嘲很可能导致人际风险。假若对话双方相互并不熟悉,即使意在开玩笑的嘲讽也有可能被当作侮辱,而自我嘲讽也可能被理解为对自身不足的“供认...This thesis is concerned with the relationship between gender and conversational joking styles. It delves into the research on humor and gender, focuses on a subcategory of humor – conversational joking, analyzes all humor moves for formal characteristics and functional features in hosting language, highlights distinct features of hosts’ and hostesses’ humorous interactions and positive effects of...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_外国语言学及应用语言学学号:X200511001

    Real Estate Market and the Whole Process of Real Estate Development Management

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    我国房地产业经过近十几年来的高速发展,已成为国民经济的一个重要支柱产业,对改善人民生活条件、促进城市化进程、拉动经济增长发挥了重要作用。然而,针对房价上涨过快带来的社会矛盾和经济风险,政府不断出台房地产宏观调控政策。面对国家宏观调控和行业市场的激烈竞争,房地产企业必须在策划定位、规划设计、建设施工、营销推广、物业服务等价值链各个环节精心运作,不断提高自身的竞争优势,才能不被市场所淘汰。本文采用理论分析和实证论证相结合,根据房地产价值链模型,阐述房地产开发全过程的管理与控制,并以福建三木集团股份有限公司为实证案例加以分析、论证。 本文首先介绍、分析我国房地产业的发展历程和发展现状。其次,根据迈...After nearly ten years rapid development, the real estate industry has become an important pillar industry of the national economy. It has played an important role in improving people's living conditions, promoting the process of urbanization and driving the economic growth. However, in terms of the social contradictions and economic risks brought by the soaring prices of house, the Government has...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_管理经济学学号:X201115629


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    随着中国服务业自由化进程加快,服务贸易已成为fdI增长的新亮点。文章采用1997-2010年中国服务业实际利用fdI的相关数据,对中国服务贸易出口额与服务业fdI的引资规模和引资结构进行分析,发现中国服务业的出口结构与服务业fdI流入结构相一致,并存在着引资来源单一,外资质量偏低,服务业结构发展不合理等问题,最后运用单位根检验、协整分析、grAngEr检验等计量分析方法对中国各主要服务部门fdI对服务贸易出口的“溢出效益“进行实证分析。国家社科基金项目《高技术服务业培育发展与制造业转型升级研究》(项目批准号:12CJY043); 首届福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划、教育部人文社会科学研究项目《对外开放门槛与服务业的外溢效应——基于服务贸易国内管制的视角》(项目批准号:12YJC790300); 中国博士后科学基金(资助编号:2013M531543)资助;主持人:庄惠

    Valence-band offsets of strained heterojunction ZnS/ZnSe

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    采用基于lMTO-ASA的平均结合能计算方法,研究了在znSXSE1-X衬底上沿(001)方向外延生长的应变层异质结znS/znSE的价带带阶值。研究表明,应变的结果使价带带阶随衬底组分(X)的变化呈非线性且单调的关系;与其他理论计算和实验结果比较,本文的计算结果比较理想The valence-band offsets (VBO) of strained heterojunction ZnS/ZnSe as a function of the alloy composition x of ZnS x Se 1- x substrates are studied using the average-bond-energy theory based on LMTO-ASA method.It is shown that the strain leads to the nonlinear and monotonous variation of VBO's with x .The calculation results are more desirable compared with the theoretical and experimental data previously reported.国家和福建省自然科学基