216 research outputs found

    The Design and the Implementation of the Open Embedded System on Programmable Chip Platform

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    SOPC(SystemOnaProgrammableChip,片上可编程系统)技术已经成为嵌入式系统发展的主要方向,它采用FPGA作为SOC的实现载体,具有设计灵活、可编程、开发周期短、软硬件系统可裁减等优点,可以克服传统ASIC设计中普遍存在的问题。然而目前大多数SOPC开发平台是商业的、不开源,技术上受制于人,目前国内对此方面的研究相对匮乏,因此开放的嵌入式SOPC开发平台的设计与实现对于推动我国嵌入式系统的发展具有重要的意义。 本论文设计并实现了开源、开放、可扩展的嵌入式SOPC开发平台。嵌入式硬件平台的设计与实现包括嵌入式处理器OpenRISC1200、UART、调试模块、存储器控制...SOPC(System On a Programmable Chip)has become a main trend of embedded system, which has many advantages such as flexibility, programmable, shortend development time and software hardware scalable and so on. SOPC implemented on FPGA can solve the problem in the traditional approaches of ASIC design. As the majority of SOPC platform is not free and technology secret, and there is the lack of study ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_电路与系统学号:2312006115250


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    CHECk-IT(CHInA-HOllAnd EduCATIOnAl COMPETEnCE And knOWlEdgE CEnTEr On IT)是厦门大学国家示范性软件学院与荷兰莱顿大学等5所高校共同组建的国际化学生实习基地。中荷双方通过选派高年级本科生到CHECk-IT进行项目实习与软件开发,并由中荷双方组成的联合教师组共同指导,以培养双方学生的国际合作开发软件能力、跨文化交流能力。CHECk-IT探索了一条国际化合作培养软件工程人才的新途径

    基于Intel XScale IXP425 处理器的嵌入式IPv6 防火墙

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    为解决防火墙对IPv6 协议的兼容及对内部网络之间安全的保障问题, 本文设计实现了基于Intel XScale IXP425 处理器的嵌入式IPv6 防火墙。该防火墙能通过WEB 实现远程管理, 对IPv6 网络包和IPv4 网络包均可进行良好的过 滤。防火墙能够判断出网络包的协议类型, 分别加以处理, 实行动态包过滤, 并可以解决IPv6 分片攻击问题。通过实际设定过 滤规则, 对防火墙在IPv6 和IPv4 下的工作情况进行测试, 验证了防火墙的准确性和高效性。"985 工程"智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项目( 0000- X07204

    基于Intel XScale IXP425处理器的嵌入式IPv6防火墙设计与实现

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    为解决防火墙对IPv6协议的兼容及对内部网络之间安全的保障问题,本文设计实现了基于Intel XScaleIXP425处理器的嵌入式IPv6防火墙。该防火墙能通过WEB实现远程管理,对IPv6网络包和IPv4网络包均可进行良好的过滤。防火墙能够判断出网络包的协议类型,分别加以处理,实行动态包过滤,并可以解决IPv6分片攻击问题。通过实际设定过滤规则,对防火墙在IPv6和IPv4下的工作情况进行测试,验证了防火墙的准确性和高效性。"985工程"智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项目(0000-X07204

    基于Intel XScale IXP425 处理器的嵌入式IPv6 防火墙设计与实现

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    为解决防火墙对IPv6 协议的兼容及对内部网络之间安全的保障问题, 本文设计实现了基于Intel XScale IXP425 处理器的嵌入式IPv6 防火墙。该防火墙能通过WEB 实现远程管理, 对IPv6 网络包和IPv4 网络包均可进行良好的过 滤。防火墙能够判断出网络包的协议类型, 分别加以处理, 实行动态包过滤, 并可以解决IPv6 分片攻击问题。通过实际设定过 滤规则, 对防火墙在IPv6 和IPv4 下的工作情况进行测试, 验证了防火墙的准确性和高效性。"985 工程"智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项目( 0000- X07204

    厌氧条件在不同Fe( II) 浓度测定方法中必要性的比较研究

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    厌氧是目前Fe(II)测定方法中常选择的处理方式,但是不可避免会给实验操作带来不便。为了方便、准确地测定铁还原体系中的Fe(II)浓度,对比研究了厌氧条件对草酸—草酸铵和盐酸两种典型浸提方法测定Fe(II)浓度的影响。结果表明:对于草酸—草酸铵浸提法,厌氧条件是必须的,以防止提取液中的Fe(II)被氧化,而且样品浸提1 h 便可用于Fe(II)的测定;然而对于盐酸浸提法,厌氧条件却并不是必须的,对Fe(II)浓度测定基本不产生影响。因此,为简化实验操作或在没有厌氧条件的情况,可利用盐酸浸提法测定铁还原体系中Fe(II)浓度

    Realization of the Interoperation between CAN and LIN Bus

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    介绍了CAN总线、LIN总线的特点,研究了两种总线之间的互操作性,提出了一种基于CAN总线、LIN总线的混和网络体系,设计了CAN/LIN网关。重点阐述了CAN/LIN混和网络的构建和网关的硬件设计以及软件实现,并简要介绍其在电梯通信系统中的应用。该混和网络适用于多领域成本低、可靠性高。The characteristics of CAN and LIN were introduced and the interoperation of both was studied,based on which,a mixed network and CAN/LIN gateway were proposed.The construction of CAN/LIN mixed network and the hardware & software of the gateway were detailed expounded.Also the application of this mixed network in elevator communication system was introduced briefly.The mixed network could be widely used with low cost and high reliability

    Wide-Range Tunable Dynamic Property of Carbon Nanotube-Based Fibers

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) fiber is formed by assembling millions of individual tubes. The assembly feature provides the fiber with rich interface structures and thus various ways of energy dissipation, as reflected by the non-zero loss tangent (>0.028--0.045) at low vibration frequencies. A fiber containing entangled CNTs possesses higher loss tangents than a fiber spun from aligned CNTs. Liquid densification and polymer infiltration, the two common ways to increase the interfacial friction and thus the fiber's tensile strength and modulus, are found to efficiently reduce the damping coefficient. This is because the sliding tendency between CNT bundles can also be well suppressed by the high packing density and the formation of covalent polymer cross-links within the fiber. The CNT/bismaleimide composite fiber exhibited the smallest loss tangent, nearly as the same as that of carbon fibers. At a higher level of the assembly structure, namely a multi-ply CNT yarn, the inter-fiber friction and sliding tendency obviously influence the yarn's damping performance, and the loss tangent can be tuned within a wide range, as similar to carbon fibers, nylon yarns, or cotton yarns. The wide-range tunable dynamic properties allow new applications ranging from high quality factor materials to dissipative systems

    Universal primer PCR with SSCP and RFLP for identification of fish disease pathogens

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    采用通用引物PCR(UPPCR)、PCR RFLP、PCR SSCP技术 ,研究快速鉴别鱼病病原菌的分子生物学诊断技术。结果发现 ,采用细菌 16SrRNA基因保守区特异性引物 ,以嗜水气单胞菌、鲁克氏耶尔森菌、鳗弧菌、柱状曲挠杆菌、乙型链球菌、荧光假单胞菌等部分常见鱼病病原菌为对象 ,可以建立一种UPPCR技术。该技术能在保证实验条件不变的基础上 ,检出上述所有细菌 ,并还可检出大肠杆菌和双歧杆菌等非鱼病病原菌。并且认为 ,该法与SSCP配合即采用UPPCR SSCP技术能较好地鉴别被检菌而用于鱼病病原菌的快速诊断。A universal primer PCR(UPPCR), PCR RFLP and PCR SSCP had been screened for a molecular biological method that permitted the rapid identification of fish pathogens among them. The results showed that a universal primer PCR technology was available with specific primers from conserved regions of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes. The bacteria tested included some common causative agents of fish diseases such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Yersinia ruckeri, Vibrio anguillarum, Flexibacter columnaris, beta Streptococcus, Pseudomonas fluorescens. The approach allowed the bacteria above and Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium catenulatum detectable without any alterations of the experiment conditions. However, this study also found that the identification of species of bacteria tested depended on the combination of UPPCR and SSCP(PPCR SSCP), which was better than that of UPPCR and RFLP(UPPCR RFLP) and made rapid diagnosis of fish disease pathogens possible.国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (39770 5 85 );; IFS基金!(ImmunecomplexesinfreshfishinfectedFlexibactercolumnaris)资助项


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