19 research outputs found

    Research and Implementation on High CompatibleWebOffice Plug-in

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    基于FireBreath开发框架, 整合各种Office软件提供的二次开发接口, 实现跨浏览器、 兼容各种 Office 的浏览器插件WebOffice, 解决电子政务中或自动化办公系统中浏览器Office插件的兼容性问题.该插件不仅支持主流的浏览器, 如IE、 Chrome、 Safari、 FireFox, 同时支持主流的Office软件, 如Microsoft Office、 WPS Office 和永中Office.Based on the FireBreath framework, using office software API to develop a WebOffice plug-in, which iscompatible with various browser and various office software, it solves the compatibility problems of office plug-in ine-government system and office automation system. The plug-in supports not only the mainstream browsers, such as IE,Chrome, Safari, FireFox, etc, but also supports the mainstream office software, such as Microsoft Office, WPS Office andYongZhong Office

    Research on NIDS Based on Immunological Principle

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    生物免疫系统是一个自适应、自学习、自组织、并行处理和分布协调的复杂系统。人工免疫系统的研究旨在抽取生物免疫系统中独特的信息处理机制,研究和设计相应的模型和算法,进而解决各种复杂问题。基于免疫学的入侵检测是近几年来入侵检测领域研究的热点,它的突出特点是利用生物免疫系统的原理、规则与机制来实现对入侵行为的检测和反应。 生物免疫系统的基本功能是识别自我和非我,并将非我分类清除,具有免疫识别、免疫记忆、免疫调节、免疫宽容和免疫监视等功能特征。通过深入研究生物免疫系统所蕴含的各种信息处理机制,构建和设计有效的入侵检测模型和算法,对于建立基于生物免疫系统的入侵检测新理论、新方法,改变当前网络安全状况具有...Biological immune system is a complex system of self adaptive, self-learning, self-organization, parallel processing and distributed coordination. The research purpose of Artificial Immune System is to extract special information processing mechanisms contained in biological immune system, and then to study and design the corresponding models and algorithms that could be used to solve many kinds o...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机系统结构学号:20042800

    Optimization and supplement on Matlab statistics toolbox

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    中文摘要: 针对Matlab 6. 5统计工具箱没有优化正态总体方差的区间估计,且没有给出正态总体方 差检验的问题,通过编写Matlab程序,优化统计工具箱对正态总体方差的区间估计,开发正态总体 方差的假设检验算法. 实例表明该方法在推断统计方面实用性较强.Abstract: The interval estimation on variance of normal distribution isn’t op timized inMatlab 6. 5 statis2 tics toolbox, and it doesn’t p rovide hypothesis testing on variance of normal distribution. So a Matlab p rogram is developed to op timize interval estimation on variance of normal distribution and p rovide arith2 metic of hypothesis testing on variance of normal distribution. The examp les show that the method has better p racticability on deducing statistics


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    Windows 2003 Server活动目录研究

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    目前,大部分大中型企业都部署了Windows 2003 Server和MS Exchange Server,管理它们就成为IT部门的一项重要工作。本文提出了如何用ADSI来管理企业内部的账号和邮箱,以便于利用ASP技术,通过Web方式来方便其管理


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    The Shortest Confidence Interval Calculated Based on Matlab

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    研究了小样本抽样正态总体参数的最短置信区间,对单峰非对称分布给出了最短区间估计MATLAB实现;并通过实例分析其对小样本区间估计的优越性.The estimation of shortest confidence interval of the parameter with single apex and non-symmetry distribution is studied and carried out based on MATLAB.The advantages of the shortest interval estimate are analyzed by an example

    外来打工青年的社会支持网络与社会工作的介入 以深圳市宝安区外来打工青年为例

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    【中文摘要】 本文以深圳市宝安区外来打工青年为个案,运用社会支持网络的相关理论分析了外来打工青年社会支持网络的构成特点及其局限性。以此为出发点,设想将社会工作的专业介入引入社会支持网络当中,从个人、小组及社区层面展开,以加强现有支持网络的作用,弥补网络缺失或不足引起的种种问题

    外来打工青年的社会支持网络与社会工作的介入 以深圳市宝安区外来打工青年为例

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