
Optimization and supplement on Matlab statistics toolbox


中文摘要: 针对Matlab 6. 5统计工具箱没有优化正态总体方差的区间估计,且没有给出正态总体方 差检验的问题,通过编写Matlab程序,优化统计工具箱对正态总体方差的区间估计,开发正态总体 方差的假设检验算法. 实例表明该方法在推断统计方面实用性较强.Abstract: The interval estimation on variance of normal distribution isn’t op timized inMatlab 6. 5 statis2 tics toolbox, and it doesn’t p rovide hypothesis testing on variance of normal distribution. So a Matlab p rogram is developed to op timize interval estimation on variance of normal distribution and p rovide arith2 metic of hypothesis testing on variance of normal distribution. The examp les show that the method has better p racticability on deducing statistics

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