69 research outputs found

    Nuuttauksen optimointi

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää eri nuuttausolosuhteiden vaikutusta tuloksena olevaan saumaan ja tämän pohjalta joko vahvistaa tai muuttaa olemassa olevia suositusarvoja. Nuuttaaminen on erityisesti pakkausteollisuudessa käytetty tapa muodostaa laatikkoon taiveurat. Tarkat ja tasalaatuiset nuuttaukset ovat tärkeitä etenkin nopeilla pakkauslinjoilla onnistuneen taitoksen ja katkeamattoman täytön varmistamiseksi. Onnistunut nuuttaus tekee pakkauksesta paremman näköisen, mutta myös parantaa laatikon vahvuutta. Nuutattavuudella kuvataan kartongin kykyä mukautua nuuttausviivaimen muotoon ja säilyttää nuuttaukselle tavoiteltu muoto. Hyvään nuutattavuuteen vaaditaan kartongilta pintalujuutta sekä elastisuutta pinnan murtumisen välttämiseksi. Korkea taitettavuuskerroin alhaisella viivaimensyvyydellä on yleensä merkki hyvästä nuutattavuudesta. Kartonki, jonka nuuttaukset muuttuvat vain vähän nuuttaussyvyyden vaihdellessa, on ideaali nuuttaukseen. Nuuttauksen ansiosta kartonki taipuu ilman murtumista halutusta kohdasta ja haluttuun suuntaan. Nuuttaukset toimivat saranoina, joiden avulla kotelo voidaan kasata. Nuuttaukseen vaikuttavat nuuttaustyökalut ja työkalujen asetukset. Myös nuutattava kartonkilaji ja sen ominaisuudet vaikuttavat merkittävästi nuuttauksen lopputulokseen. Tärkeimpiä muuttujia kartongissa ovat paksuus, bulkkisuus, rakenne ja raaka-aine. Kokeellisessa osuudessa näytteinä oli kolme eri nuutattua kartonkilajia: Classic FBB, Pro FSB ja Pro FSB Cup. Näytteitä analysoitiin nuuttaustuloksen arviointiin käytetyillä mittalaitteilla (BOBST crease checker ja Lorentz & Wettren taivutusjäykkyysmittari). Osa aineistoista on salassapitovelvollisuuden alaista ja tämän vuoksi jätetty pois julkisesta raportista.The aim of the thesis work was to define how the creasing conditions affect the final crease and use this as a basis to either confirm or change the existing recommended values. Creasing is a way of creating folds to a box that is used especially in the packaging industry. Precise and consistent creases are vital at high-speed packaging lines to ensure successful folding and uninterrupted filling. A successful crease does not only make the package look better but it also enhances its strength Creasebility describes the ability of paperboard to adapt to the shape of the ruler and retain the desired form. Good creasebility requires surface strength elasticity from the paperboard to avoid surface cracking. High folding factor combined with low ruler depth is usually a sign of good creasebility. Paperboard of which creases change only a little when the ruling depth is changed is ideal for creasing. Due to creases paperboard can bend without cracking at a desired spot to desired direction. Creases work as hinges that are needed to build the box. The tools and settings that are used affect the result of the crease. The paperboard and its properties have a big impact on the final result. Some of the most important variables in paperboard are: thickness, bulk, structure and raw-materials used. Three different type of creased paperboard grades were used as samples: Classic FBB Pro FSB and Pro FSB Cup. The samples were tested on BOBST crease checker and Lorentz & Wettre bending tester. Some of the material is confidential and therefore left out of the public report


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    Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against 3D protein of EV71 based on HBc particles as expression vector

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    目的:预测肠道病毒71型(EV71)非结构蛋白3D的表位,以HBc蛋白为载体展示多肽,制备并鉴定抗EV71-3D的特异性单克隆抗体(mAb); 。方法:应用生物信息学方法分析预测出EV71; 3D蛋白亲水性和免疫原性指数较高的多肽片段,并运用HBc颗粒型蛋白载体展示肽段,构建多肽融合蛋白,免疫BALB/c雌鼠,通过杂交瘤技术和亲和层析; 技术制备和纯化抗EV71-3D蛋白的特异性mAb,用间接ELISA、ELISPOT、IFA和IHC对mAb的性质进行初步鉴定。结果:构建表达分别; 嵌合3D蛋白34~ 43位氨基酸残基、61~ 76位氨基酸残基、151~; 164位氨基酸残基的HBc重组蛋白,免疫并经过多轮克隆化筛选,获得抗EV71-3D单克隆抗体3E1,其亚类为IgG2a;免疫荧光试验、ELISP; OT法和免疫组织化学染色结果显示其可与EV71特异性结合。结论:成功制备可特异性识别EV71的单克隆抗体3E1,为病毒的检测及进一步研究3D蛋白; 的功能奠定了基础,同时还验证了生物信息学技术与HBc颗粒型载体展示多肽技术相结合可快速高效地制备单克隆抗体。Objective: To prepare and preliminarily identify the monoclonal; antibodies(mAbs) specifically against 3D protein of Enterovirus; 71(EV71),using bioinformatics to predict the epitopes of 3D,with HBc; protein as a carrier.Methods: Artificial screening of 3D protein epitope; sequences by bioinformatic method,inserted into the major immunodominant; region(MIR) area of Hepatitis B virus core protein(HBc),to construct the; recombinant protein.BALB/c mice were immunized with the recombinant; virus like particles(VLPs),to prepare the mAbs against 3D protein of; EV71.Affinity chromatography technology was used to purify the mAb.The; indirect ELISA,ELISPOT,immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry; staining methods were used to identify the characteristic of the; mAb.Results: We displayed 3D(aa34-43),3D(aa61-76) and 3D(aa151-164); epitopes by constructing fusion protein using HBc VLPs as a vector,after; hybridization,one positive hybridoma cell line(3E1) was selected by; ELISA.The isotype of 3E1 was IgG2a.The results of immunofluorescence and; immunohistochemistry staining assay showed that the mAb 3E1 could; specifically recognize EV71.Conclusion: The prepared mAb 3E1 can; specifically recognizes the EV71,which laid the foundation for the; detection of virus and further study on 3D protein,and verified the; bioinformatics technology combined with HBc carrier displaying peptides; could prepare mAb quickly and efficiently.国家自然科学基金项


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    目的以标准剂量的聚乙二醇干扰素(Peg IFN)α-2a联合利巴韦林作为阳性对照,评价新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b注射液联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者的疗效和安全性。方法采用多中心、随机开放、阳性药对照的Ⅲ期临床试验,筛选符合要求的2型/3型CHC患者,按照2:1的比例随机分配到Y型Peg IFNα-2b组和Peg IFNα-2a组,同时口服利巴韦林,疗程24 w,停药随访24 w。采用Abbott Real Time HCV Genotype II检测HCV基因型,采用Cobas Taq Man实时定量PCR法检测血清HCV RNA水平。详细记录不良事件。主要疗效指标为持续病毒学应答(SVR),并进行非劣效检验。结果本试验实际入组2型/3型CHC患者255例,实际治疗241例。全分析集(FAS)数据显示,158例试验组和83例对照组患者SVR分别为85.4%(95%CI 79.94%~90.94%)和79.5%(95%CI 70.84%~88.20%,P=0.2402);对符合方案分析集(PPS)人群分析显示,试验组和对照组患者SVR分别为87.9%(95%CI 82.45%~93.27%)和85.9%(95%CI 77.82%~94.01%,P=0.7060),率差的95%可置信区间均符合非劣效标准;对PPS人群分析显示,85.8%受试者获得了早期病毒学应答(RVR),RVR的阳性预测值为90.1%;试验组和对照组不良事件发生率相似,分别为95.6%和95.2%,严重不良事件发生率分别为3.8%和3.6%。结论应用Peg IFNα联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型CHC患者,新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b具有与对照药物Peg IFNα-2a相似的疗效和安全性。国家科技部“十二五”重大专项(编号:2012ZX10002-003);“重大新药创制”十二五科技重大专项(编号:2012ZX09303019)


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    Interaction of Highly Charged Ions with Solid Surfaces

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    An outlook of heavy ion driven plasma research at IMP-Lanzhou

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    Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 1091 GeV/u C6+particles or 108235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running,the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here.Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 1091 GeV/u C6+particles or 108235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running,the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here

    an efficient parallel blocking algorithm design for reducing a symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form

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