62 research outputs found

    On Disaster Photography

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    5•12汶川地震之后,“灾难”再次被残酷推近国人的视野。近年来,各种类型的大规模灾难更是在世界各地层出不穷。事实上,灾难正是人类永恒的话题,它使生死处于异常尖锐的状态,使存在问题凸显。那么,在灾难面前,艺术何为? 灾难摄影是摄影艺术的一个重要种类。从某种意义上说,摄影由于其自身的特殊性,从诞生之初就成为与灾难站得最近的艺术门类。本文将立足于从艺术及审美的角度全面考察灾难题材摄影。主要分为四个部分: 第一章厘清相关概念。首先对研究主题“灾难摄影”进行“拆解”。一、明确“灾难”的范围和特点。二、简要论述摄影作为艺术的可能与意义。然后,在此二者基础上对何谓“灾难摄影”及本文对此所采取...After 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, “disaster” was brutally pushed to people's visions again. In recent years, many types of serious disasters broke out in several regions of the world. In fact, Disaster is an eternal topic for human being, it sharpens the position of life and death, and highlights the “problem of being”. Then, in the face of disasters, what can Art do? Disaster photography is an im...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_艺术学学号:1022007115280


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    Estimating Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Jiaozhou Bay Using ~(226)Ra

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    海底地下水排泄(SGD)是全球水循环的一个组成部分,其输送的溶解物质不仅参与海洋的生物地球化学循环,而且影响近岸海域的生态环境。为了评估胶州湾海底地下水排泄状况,通过建立胶州湾内海水中226Ra的质量平衡模型来计算海底地下水排泄通量。胶州湾海水中226Ra的源主要有河流的输入、沉积物扩散输入和地下水的输入,海水系统在稳定状态下,这几种源应该与湾内海水和湾外海水的混合损失达到平衡。除了将地下水输入作为未知项外,对其他源和汇逐个进行量化,计算得知:2011年9—10月胶州湾的海底地下水排泄通量为7.85×10~6m~3·d~(-1);2012年4—5月胶州湾的海底地下水排泄通量为4.72×106m~3·d~(-1)。在此基础上,对地下水输入胶州湾的营养盐进行了评价。Submarine groundwater discharge( SGD) is a part of global water cycle,which delivers a large amount of solutes to the biogeochemical cycle and affects the coastal ecological environment. The ~(226)Ra mass balance model was established to estimate the submarine groundwater discharge to the Jiaozhou Bay. The ~(226)Ra sources include river transport,sediment diffusion and SGD,these sources should be in balance with the mixing loss of the bay water and open seawater when the seawater system is in the stable state. Except for the SGD was unknown item,other sources and sinks were quantified one by one. Calculated results showed that the SGD fluxes during September to October in 2011 was 7. 85 × 106m~3·d~(-1),April to May in 2012 was 4. 72 × 106m~3·d~(- 1). Based on the SGD fluxes,the SGD derived nutrient fluxes were estimated.国家自然科学基金项目(41072174)~

    The Evaluation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Jiaozhou Bay Based on ~(222)Rn Mass Balance

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    海底地下水排泄(Sgd)作为全球水循环的一个组成部分,近年来成为陆海相互作用的研究热点。地球化学示踪法是研究海底地下水排泄的主要手段。本文以环境同位素222rn作为示踪剂,通过构建222rn质量平衡模型来评价胶州湾的海底地下水排泄,并进一步估算地下水输入的营养盐。222rn质量平衡模型的源项考虑了河流的输入、沉积物的扩散、母体226rA的支持,汇项考虑了222rn的自身衰变、222rn散逸到大气的损失以及与湾外海水的混合损失,源汇项的差值则作为地下水输入的222rn通量。结果表明,2011年9—10月胶州湾海底地下水排泄通量为24.2 l?M–2?d–1,2012年4—5月胶州湾海底地下水排泄通量为7.8 l?M–2?d–1。丰水季节地下水输入胶州湾的营养盐低于河流输入的,但是枯水季节地下水输入的营养盐接近河流输入的,特别是输入的活性磷酸盐和硅酸盐很接近。Submarine groundwater discharge(SGD), an important part of global water cycle, has recently been a research focus in the field of land-ocean interaction along the coastal zone.Geochemical tracing is a major tool to study submarine groundwater discharge.Taking natural occurring isotope 222 Rn as a tracer, the authors built 222 Rn mass balance model to estimate groundwater discharge to Jiaozhou Bay, and also evaluated the nutrient fluxes transported via groundwater.River input, dispersion of sediments, and support from parent 226 Ra are considered to be the sources of 222 Rn mass balance model, whereas radioactive decay, escape from sea-water interface to air and loss in mixing with the low activity water from open ocean are considered to be the sink of the model.Thus, the imbalance of budget from the model is attributed to submarine groundwater discharge.Calculations show that submarine groundwater discharge flux to Jiaozhou Bay was 24.2 L·m–2·d–1 from September to October in 2011, and 7.8 L·m–2·d–1 from April to May in 2014, respectively.The results of the study also indicate that the nutrient fluxes derived from groundwater during the wet season are lower than those transported by the local rivers, whereas the nutrient fluxes derived from groundwater during the dry season are close to those transported by the local rivers and, what is more, soluble reactive phosphate and silicate fluxes from both groundwater and river are very close to each other.国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41072174)资

    Temporal and spatial variation of nutrients in the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay and its fluxes into the sea

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    本文选取胶州湾周边5条主要入海河流作为研究对象,于2011秋季和2012年春季,测定了河流中无机营养盐的浓度水平,调查了各河流营养盐的主要来源,分析了营养盐的时空变化及成因,并计算了营养盐的入海通量.结果表明,各流域nO-3-n、SIO2-3-SI、nH+4-n、nO-2-n浓度主要表现为秋季较高,PO3-4-P浓度春季较高.白沙河、洋河流域营养盐主要来源为面源污染;墨水河、李村河流域营养盐主要来源于工业废水和生活污水;大沽河流域营养盐主要来源于农田径流和生活污水.除nH+4-n入海通量为墨水河最高外,其余各项营养盐入海通量均为大沽河最高.dIn、PO3-4-P、SIO2-3-SI入海通量分别为373.74x103MOl·d-1、7.08x103MOl·d-1、73.16x103MOl·d-1,n∶P∶SI数量比约为53∶1∶10.River runoff is the most important discharge pathway from mainland to sea,which is one of the reasons that the eutrophication and red tide occur frequently in parts of Jiaozhou Bay.The nutrient investigations about five relatively big rivers around Jiaozhou Bay were conducted in autumn of 2011 and spring of 2012,respectively.We measured the nutrient concentrations in river water, investigated the main resources of nutrients,analyzed the temporal and spatial variations of nutrients and its causes, and calculated the nutrient fluxes to Jiaozhou Bay.Results show that the concentrations of NO-3-N, SiO2-3-Si, NH+ 4-N and NO-2-N are higher in autumn while the concentration of PO3-4-P is higher in spring.Non-point source pollution is the main source of nutrients in Baisha River and Yang River.Industrial wastewater,urban sewage and household wastes are the main sources of nutrient in Moshui River,and the nutrients originate mainly from farmland runoff and sewage in Dagu river.Except for NH+ 4-N flux which is much higher in Moshui River,all other nutrient fluxes to the sea are comparatively higher in Dagu River.The calculated fluxes for DIN,PO3-4-P and SiO2-3-Si are 373.74 × 103mol·d- 1,7.08 ×103mol·d- 1and 73.16 × 103mol·d- 1, respectively,and the ratio of N,P and Si within the fluxes is 53 ∶ 1 ∶ 10.国家自然科学基金项目资助(41072174)资

    Characteristics of Radium Desorption from Sediments in the Salt Water Environment

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    海底沉积物向上覆水体扩散的镭是海洋水体中镭同位素的重要来源之一。为了研究沉积物中镭同位素的解吸和扩散特点,进行了不同盐度和不同粒度条件下224rA和226rA解吸的模拟实验,并通过多个时间段的沉积物培养实验获取224rA和226rA的扩散通量。实验结果表明:随着水体盐度增大,沉积物中224rA、226rA的解吸量随之增加,在盐度为25时,解吸量基本达到最大值;在同一咸水环境条件下,4个粒级(2000~1000μM、1000~500μM、500~250μM、250~125μM)的沉积物的224rA、226rA解吸量比较接近,粒级>2000μM的224rA、226rA解吸量略高于上述4个粒级,而粒级<125μM的224rA、226rA解吸量远大于上述5个粒级;胶州湾沉积物中224rA和226rA的平均扩散通量分别为0.85 bQ·M–2·d–1和0.022 bQ·M–2·d–1。Radium diffusion from sediments to overlying water is one of the important sources of radium isotopes in ocean water.A series of laboratory desorption/diffusion experiments were conducted to help elucidate the characteristics of sediments on 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption and diffusion,which included 1) 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption from sediments in water of different salinities,2) 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption from sediments of different grain sizes in water of the same salinity,3) 224 Ra and 226 Ra diffusive fluxes by observing Ra enrichment with time in the overlying water of incubated sediments.The experimental results show that there is an increase in the amount of 224 Ra and 226 Ra with the increase of salinity from 5 to 30,and Ra desorption is strongest at the salinity of 25.Under the same salt water condition,224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities of the four grain sizes(2000~1000 μm,1000~500 μm,500~250 μm and 250~125 μm) of sediments are very close to each other.When the grain sizes of sediments are larger than 2000μm,the 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities are slightly higher than those of the sediments of the above-mentioned four grain sizes.When the grain sizes of sediments are less than 125 μm,the 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities are much larger than those of the above-mentioned five grain sizes.The average diffusive fluxes of 224 Ra and 226 Ra of sediments from Jiaozhou Bay are 0.85 Bq·m-2·d-1 and 0.022 Bq·m-2·d-1,respectively.国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41072174)资

    Study of hydrodynamics and its impact on mariculture carrying capacity of Sanggou Bay:observation and modeling

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    主要介绍了从动力学研究桑沟湾养殖容量的主要思路、方法及结果。研究以精细过程观测为基础,以数值模型为手段,从物理海洋学角度考察养殖海区水动力特征,研究水动力对物质循环的影响、对颗粒态/溶解态营养物质的补充和对养殖生物量的影响,探寻不同养殖模式效果的技术路线;介绍了两个航次设计方案与目的。通过观测发现养殖对水动力垂直结构有很大影响,底层流速最大并滞后表层,发现弱动力条件下海底颗粒物和营养盐无法进入水体上层的事实。据此提出双边界层动力模型,建立一维数值模型进行机制探讨,将养殖阻力三维化建立水动力数值模型,定量给出养殖对水动力和水交换的阻碍;以此驱动三维养殖生态模型,充分考虑养殖对水动力的影响、水动力对生源要素的输运。建立了一个真正的物理-生物过程耦合模型。利用该模型进行的数值模拟和实验表明,贝藻兼养多元养殖是健康、高效养殖的有利措施;桑沟湾在现有养殖模式下,目前已基本达到了它的养殖容量,养殖品种分布不变,减少养殖密度至目前的0.9倍会略微提高产量,降低成本;减少湾口海带养殖密度,会大幅度提高贝藻兼养区的营养盐总量和养殖生物产量,从海带与贝类经济价值对比会有更高的效益。人为提高水动力混合或许是解决湾内营养盐缺乏的途径。The background and themes of dynamic study on mariculture carrying capacity of Sanggou Bay were described.The method used for this study was based on the fine processes observation,using physical oceanography theory and numerical model to examine the interaction between mariculture and hydrodynamics in Sanggou Bay.Design proposal and purposes for two cruises were introduced.Based on the observation we found that the kelp and the raft influenced the current vertical structure greatly,and the maximum velocity was at the lower layer with strong phase delay.It was also found that the damped current was too weak to mix the sediment detritus and nutrients into the upper layer.Based on these discoveries a double drag-boundary hydrodynamic model was proposed by adding the aquaculture drag at surface.The mechanism of kelp influence on the current profile was studied numerically by a one-dimension model.Considering the kelp drag in the water column besides the boundary drag,a three-dimension hydrodynamic model was adopted to quantify the influence of the aquaculture on hydrodynamics and water exchange of Sanggou Bay.A physical-biological coupled aquaculture ecosystem model was established using DIN,POM concentration and phytoplankton with kelp biomass as variable.The simulation and numerical experiments showed that polyculture was a useful method for healthy and high-efficiency aquaculture.Sanggou Bay has nearly reached its capacity under present aquaculture mode.By cutting down aquaculture density to 0.9 fold of the present density,the total production of kelp will slightly increase and the cost will be reduced.Cutting down the kelp density at the mouth of the bay could greatly enhance the amount of nutrients and biomass in the kelp-bivalve-culture area in the inner side.Artificial mixing might bring more nutrients from seabed in the bay.国家基础研究规划重点项目(2006CB400602);国家重点基金项目(40830854)共同资


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    中国海总面积约470万平方公里,纵跨热带、亚热带、温带、北温带等多个气候带.其中,南海北依\"世界第三极\"青藏高原、南邻\"全球气候引擎\"西太平洋暖池,东海拥有全球最宽的陆架之一,跨陆架物质运输显著,黄海是冷暖流交汇区域,渤海则是受人类活动高度影响的内湾浅海.中国海内有长江、黄河、珠江等大河输入,外邻全球两大西边界流之一的黑潮.这些鲜明的特色赋予了中国海碳储库和通量研究的典型代表意义.文章从不同海区(渤海、黄海、东海、南海)、不同界面(陆-海、海-气、水柱-沉积物、边缘海-大洋等),以及不同生态系统(红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床、海藻养殖、珊瑚礁、水柱生态系统等)多层面对海洋碳库与通量进行了较系统地综合分析,初步估算了各个碳库的储量与不同碳库间的通量.就海气通量而言,渤海向大气中释放CO2约0.22Tg Ca-1,黄海吸收CO2约1.15Tg Ca-1,东海吸收CO2约6.92~23.30Tg Ca-1,南海释放CO2约13.86~33.60Tg Ca-1.如果仅考虑海-气界面的CO2交换,中国海总体上是大气CO2的\"源\",净释放量约6.01~9.33Tg Ca-1.这主要是由于河流输入以及邻近大洋输入所致.河流输入渤黄海、东海、南海的溶解无机碳(DIC)分别为5.04、14.60和40.14Tg Ca-1,而邻近大洋输入DIC更是高达144.81Tg Ca-1,远超中国海向大气释放的碳量.渤海、黄海、东海、南海的沉积有机碳通量分别为2.00、3.60、7.40、7.49Tg Ca-1.东海和南海向邻近大洋输送有机碳通量分别为15.25~36.70和43.39Tg Ca-1.就生态系统而言,中国沿海红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床有机碳埋藏通量为0.36Tg Ca-1,海草床溶解有机碳(DOC)输出通量为0.59Tg Ca-1;中国近海海藻养殖移出碳通量0.68Tg Ca-1,沉积和DOC释放通量分别为0.14和0.82Tg Ca-1.总计,中国海有机碳年输出通量为81.72~103.17Tg Ca-1.中国海的有机碳输出以DOC形式为主,东海向邻近大洋输出的DOC通量约15.00~35.00Tg Ca-1,南海输出约31.39Tg Ca-1.综上,尽管从海-气通量看中国海是大气CO2的\"源\",但考虑了河流、大洋输入、沉积输出以及微型生物碳泵(DOC转化输出)作用后,中国海是重要的储碳区.需要指出的是,文章数据是基于中国海各海区碳循环研究报道,鉴于不同研究方法上的差异,所得数据难免有一定的误差范围,亟待将来统一方法标准下的更多深入研究和分析.国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2016YFA0601400);;国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:91751207、91428308、41722603、41606153、41422603);;中央高校基础研究项目(编号:20720170107);;中海油项目(编号:CNOOC-KJ125FZDXM00TJ001-2014、CNOOCKJ125FZDXM00ZJ001-2014)资