
Temporal and spatial variation of nutrients in the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay and its fluxes into the sea


本文选取胶州湾周边5条主要入海河流作为研究对象,于2011秋季和2012年春季,测定了河流中无机营养盐的浓度水平,调查了各河流营养盐的主要来源,分析了营养盐的时空变化及成因,并计算了营养盐的入海通量.结果表明,各流域nO-3-n、SIO2-3-SI、nH+4-n、nO-2-n浓度主要表现为秋季较高,PO3-4-P浓度春季较高.白沙河、洋河流域营养盐主要来源为面源污染;墨水河、李村河流域营养盐主要来源于工业废水和生活污水;大沽河流域营养盐主要来源于农田径流和生活污水.除nH+4-n入海通量为墨水河最高外,其余各项营养盐入海通量均为大沽河最高.dIn、PO3-4-P、SIO2-3-SI入海通量分别为373.74x103MOl·d-1、7.08x103MOl·d-1、73.16x103MOl·d-1,n∶P∶SI数量比约为53∶1∶10.River runoff is the most important discharge pathway from mainland to sea,which is one of the reasons that the eutrophication and red tide occur frequently in parts of Jiaozhou Bay.The nutrient investigations about five relatively big rivers around Jiaozhou Bay were conducted in autumn of 2011 and spring of 2012,respectively.We measured the nutrient concentrations in river water, investigated the main resources of nutrients,analyzed the temporal and spatial variations of nutrients and its causes, and calculated the nutrient fluxes to Jiaozhou Bay.Results show that the concentrations of NO-3-N, SiO2-3-Si, NH+ 4-N and NO-2-N are higher in autumn while the concentration of PO3-4-P is higher in spring.Non-point source pollution is the main source of nutrients in Baisha River and Yang River.Industrial wastewater,urban sewage and household wastes are the main sources of nutrient in Moshui River,and the nutrients originate mainly from farmland runoff and sewage in Dagu river.Except for NH+ 4-N flux which is much higher in Moshui River,all other nutrient fluxes to the sea are comparatively higher in Dagu River.The calculated fluxes for DIN,PO3-4-P and SiO2-3-Si are 373.74 × 103mol·d- 1,7.08 ×103mol·d- 1and 73.16 × 103mol·d- 1, respectively,and the ratio of N,P and Si within the fluxes is 53 ∶ 1 ∶ 10.国家自然科学基金项目资助(41072174)资

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