15 research outputs found

    A Biocompatible Gadolinium(Ⅲ)-Poly(Aspartic Acid-Co-Phenylalanine) for Liver Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent

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    一种新型的以天门冬氨酸-苯丙氨酸共聚物为载体的大分子生物相容性材料(AP-EdA-dOTA-gd)被制备出来作为磁共振成像造影剂.首先合成了天门冬氨酸-苯丙氨酸共聚物,之后利用乙二胺将1,4,7,10-四氮杂环十二烷-1,4,7,10-四乙酸(dOTA)连接到共聚物上,最后将钆离子通过配位的作用方式连接到dOTA上,最终得到大分子AP-EdA-dOTA-gd.体外溶血性试验表明AP-EdA-dOTA-gd具有较好的血液相容性.在P H=5.5的组织蛋白酶b的磷酸缓冲液中,AP-EdA-dOTA-gd能够降解.APEdA-dOTA-gd的体外弛豫效率(15.95 MMOl–1·l·S–1)为目前临床应用的gd-dOTA(5.59MMOl–1·l·S–1)的2.9倍.大鼠肝脏成像实验结果表明,AP-EdA-dOTA-gd对于肝组织的成像增强对比度为63.5±6.1%远高于gd-dOTA(24.2±2.9%).A new biocompatible gadolinium(III)-macromolecule(AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd) was developed as a magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) contrast agent.Poly(aspartic acid-cophenylalanine) was synthesized, modified via ethylenediamine, conjugated with 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid(DOTA) and finally chelated gadolinium(III), yielding gadolinium(III)-based macromolecule(AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd).The hemolytic tests showed the hemocompatibility of this gadolinium(III)-based macromolecular conjugate.In vitro, AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd could be degraded, when it was incubated with cathepsin B in phosphate buffered solution(p H = 5.5).The T1-relaxivity(15.95 mmol–1·L·s–1) of AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd was 2.9 times of that(5.59 mmol–1·L·s–1) of the clinical MRI contrast agent(Gd-DOTA) at 1.5 T and 25 ℃.The liver enhancement of AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd was 63.5±6.1% during the maximum enhancement time(50-80 min), which was much better than that of Gd-DOTA(24.2±2.9%, 10-30 min).AP-EDA-DOTA-Gd was expected to be a potential liver MRI contrast agent.TheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(20975097and21305134


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    [[abstract]]藉由修平行流系的三明治實習計畫,才能有機會接觸到服務業,初次,我踏進了服務業並且選擇得是類型特殊的百貨業態,在這裡我接觸了大量且不同類型的客人,在顧客服務及應對進退著實學習到相當多,本次我選擇得實習部門為企畫部,主要工作內容是在前台兩個娛樂場館---空中飛梯、We Sport籃球場做售票、協助顧客體驗、提案場館每月促銷活動,不同於其它門市大多擁有特定客群定位明確,現今的百貨已是一個包容各式各樣族群不分年紀、職業、種族等等……所有人都會來的地方,身處在一個顧客至上高度要求服務品質得地方,每天總面對不同類型的客人不同的要求,更考驗著我對這份工作的駕馭能力


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    本研究以「網路購物」為主題,探討進行網路購物行為時,影響使用 者之滿意度與忠誠度之重要因素。回顧網路購物相關領域文獻,以提昇購 物網站知覺互動性為課題,探討知覺互動性、社會臨場感、知覺品質、知 覺價值、信心/信賴利益、滿意度及忠誠度之間的關係,以網路問卷調查, 蒐集曾在網路購物之消費者的意見進行分析,提出結果及建議,作為線上 購物網站設計及經營管理之參考。研究結果如下: 一、消費者對購物網站之知覺互動性程度包含三個構面:雙向溝通、主動 控制及回應性;而對網路之知覺品質程度包含有資訊品質、服務品質及系 統品質三個構面。 二、消費者對購物網站的知覺互動性程度越高,則對網站的知覺品質也會 越高。 三、消費者對購物網站之知覺互動性、知覺品質及上網次數,對購物網站 的社會臨場感有正向影響,而知覺品質的三個因素當中,以服務品質對社 會臨場感影響最大,而系統品質對社會臨場感則有負向影響。 四、消費者對購物網站的社會臨場感、知覺品質、知覺價值及上網時數, 對網站的信心/信賴利益有正向影響。 五、消費者對購物網站的知覺品質或上網次數越高,或年齡越輕,則對購 物網站的知覺價值也會越高。 六、知覺價值包含有實用價值與體驗價值兩個構面,知覺品質對實用價值 的影響比體驗價值顯著;資訊品質、系統品質及服務品質三個因素比較, 以服務品質對實用價值及體驗價值之影響,較其他二者因素為大。 七、實用價值與體驗價值兩個因素比較,以實用價值對信心/信賴利益影響較大,但體驗價值也是會正向影響信心/信賴利益;資訊品質、系統品質及 服務品質三個因素比較,以服務品質對信心/信賴利益影響為最大。 八、消費者對購物網站的知覺品質、信心/信賴利益及上網次數,對購物網 站的滿意度有正向影響。 九、消費者對購物網站的知覺價值、信心/ 信賴利益、消費者滿意度及上 網次數,對購物網站的忠誠度有正向影響

    Social-based Adjustment Recommender System- Increasing Recommendation Accuracy by Combining Friends’ Opinions with User-based Collaborative Filtering

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    推薦系統的研究已行之有年,主要以內容導向過濾法、協同式過濾法與混合式過濾法等為基本分類。近來由於社群網路的興盛,許多研究紛紛開始注意到,加入社會影響的考量,如最具代表性的信任機制,在面對冷起始的情況下,更能顯著提升推薦效能。   對協同式推薦系統來說,建造使用者輪廓的資訊,其來源從使用者本身提供的喜好評分資訊,透過這些喜好與他人的喜好相似度,預測使用者可能會喜歡的商品;信任機制方面,則是利用非直接的管道,設想使用者與高度信任的對象在喜好興趣方面相似的可能性較高,歸納而言,主要的研究精神皆在於「如何找尋更多與使用者喜好正相關的推薦依據」,故本研究希望能從「如何拓展直接掌握使用者興趣喜好之來源」的另一種角度切入,找出可以再提升推薦效能的方法。   為此本研究期望透過近來社群網路興盛之便,利用社群網路的交友機制,蒐集使用者朋友對使用者的主動推薦商品資訊,讓系統除了能從使用者本身商品評分外,亦可由朋友的主動推薦掌握使用者可能會有的興趣,是故本研究提出Social-based Adjustment Recommender System(SARS)演算法,將朋友對某商品的主動推薦次數,融入傳統協同式User-based演算法計算出的預測分數中,將其作為最終推薦預測結果。實驗結果證實,利用使用者朋友的主動推薦作為推薦系統預測依據之一,確實能達到推薦預測準確率提升效果。Recommender system has been studied for many years. The basic types of recommender system are: content-based, collaborative filtering, and hybrid approach. Recently, with the prosperity of social network, many studies begin to notice that the recommendation accuracy can be enhanced by taking social influence such as trust mechanism into consideration, especially when there is a cold start problem. For collaborative filtering recommender system, the source to construct user profile comes from rating information based on user''s personal preference. The items we recommend to a person are based on the similarity between preferences of users. As for trust mechanism, it is assumed that the similarity between users'' preferences positively correlate with their trust relationship. In sum, the main idea is focus on finding a recommender support which has positive relative with users’ preferences. Therefore, our work aims to enhanced recommendation accuracy by increasing the source of users’ preferences that system can directly get. Our study tries to use social network’s friends-making mechanism to collect user’s interest through user’s friends’ active opinions. Recommender system can analyze user’s preference not only from user’s ratings, but also from friends’ active recommendations. So we propose social-based adjustment recommender system (SARS) algorithm, which merged the counts of friends’ active recommendations into the score predicted by user-based collaborative filtering as final predict score. According to experiment result, we prove that recommendation accuracy can be improved by considering friends’ active opinions

    [[alternative]]The Development and the Educational Meaning of Feminine Consciousness: Giving Simone de Beauvoir as an Example

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    [[abstract]]Simone de Beauvoir was the most outstanding French Existentialist Feminist writer of the contemporary era, also a knowledgeable scholar. When she studied philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She met the master of Existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre. Not only did she come under Sartre's influence deeply, but also become his closed partner. Beauvoir had plenty of various writings, such as novels, plays, travel notes and academic thesis, which usually received favorable comment in general. Among the total, the publisher especially admitted her important book: The Coming of Old Age. Since this year(1999) is the 50th anniversary of publication Feminism masterpiece: Le Deuxieme Sexe, Beauvoir's name becomes the hot-topic again. For its overall discussion about feminine problems and situations, this book has arose an upsurge of review in Europe. Almost all the academic circle agrees its importance and admits that there is no one else could surpass. It is meaningful to track back and know more about Beauvoir's feminist view and her influence, by means that, we could analyze feminine problems and seek feminist consciousness. There are four main purpose of this thesis: 1. Discuss the breeding and the development of Beauvoir's thought, and grasp the essential concern and the direction of her philosophy. 2. Distinguish Beauvoir's viewpoint from the different sides of Biology, Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism, and analysis the historical thread and text which effects female situation. 3. At the base of Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" to criticize the development and the internal of feminine self-consciousness, feelings and sexual moral to get the enlightenment provided by the women's revolution during this era. 4. Synthesizing the research result, interpret the educational meaning of feminine consciousness to criticize the essence and context of bisexual education, also provide a reference to developing educational theory and improving educational practice. This thesis has six chapters. The first chapter is to introduce the purpose, aims, methods, steps, scope and limit of this study. The second chapter is to discuss the breading and development of Beauvoir's philosophy, quote her biographical sketch, the cultural background, and the mutual influence with Sartre. In the third chapter, at first , the researcher examines the definitions of sex in Biology, Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism, and consequently discusses the women's position in the historical thread, then analyzes through Momtherlant's, D.H.Lawrence's, Paul Cloudel's, Breton's and Stendhal's articles to make a comprehensive survey of the women's predestination in the historical cage. In the forth chapter, the author will go deep into such kinds of topics as self-esteem, sexual desire and sexual moral, etc. to try to expound the plentiful meaning of "What women are on earth?". The fifth chapter is going to deal with Beauvoir's New-Feminism, show the full view of her thoughts, survey the development of women's movement, and various theories of different schools, to reveal the feminist's deep concern toward world and human being. In the last chapter, the researcher will conclude the research result, discuss the educational meaning of feminine consciousness to seek out the potential was of the education in the future, present analytic opinions aiming at Beauvoir's thought and the development of contemporary feminism. Through this study, the researcher get such an educational meaning: Beauvoir not only pointed out the fact that the feminine is characterized as "the other", but also advocated to substitute "humanize" for the male and female separated education. She was even against the saying of "Women have their nature" in order to denounce all myths about feminine. In her eyes, men and women are all complete, and we should attach importance to the difference of individual more than sex distinction. Besides, the liberation of women should begin from the individual. Way to complying the difference of occupations and cultures, the inner worth of the women is not all the same. But by the force of education, women could not only recognize themselves but also realize their value in work. Furthermore, the capacity dose come from efforts rather than from nature, and the inspiration of creativity also stands for a kind of responsibility for world. Therefore, guiding the learners properly could make learners transfer their interest into inherent motive and could give them the high expectation to encourage people to show their rich vitality and distinguished mission towards the world. By probing into Beauvoir's feminism view-point, the researcher's main findings are as follow: If women in this age want to seek the liberation and equality between male and female, they should not only request men to give up chauvinism, but also remove up their dependence. Beauvoir's thought indeed lead women a appropriate way, but at the same time there are some inadequate aspects. Here the researcher will raise 7-point criticism: 1. The explanation of feminine experience is too abstract. 2. The self-experience is too restricted. 3. The attitude towards the female body is too opposite. 4. She belittle the value of the motherhood. 5. The position on Psychoanalysis is ambiguous. 6. She took the male ambiguous value as the standard. 7. There is conflict with the fundamental concept of feminist in the philosophy. In additions, the researcher surveys the weaknesses feminism though and comes to the conclusions as follows: 1. Use the difference of physiology to define gender. 2. Restrict itself to differentiate field between public and private. 3. Over-publicize the identity of sex. 4. Erase the difference of sisterhood. 5. Stimulate the deluge of the key-link of feminine. 6. Strengthen the role of wounded women.


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    大气氮沉降对土壤水溶性碳氮含量变化的影响目前还没有一致的结论,为研究氮沉降对黄土高原林地土壤水溶性碳氮的影响,以人工油松林为研究对象,采用氮添加的方式模拟氮沉降,设置3个氮添加梯度,分别为N3[3 g/(m2&middot;a),N6[6 g(/m2&middot;a)],N9[9 g/(m2&middot;a)],并选不施氮[CK, 0 g/(m2&middot;a)]作为对照处理,对土壤水溶性碳、氮组分及其光谱学特征进行了研究。结果表明:氮添加增加了水溶性总氮(WSN)和水溶性硝态氮(WNO-3-N)含量,随着氮添加水平增加均呈增长趋势,水溶性有机氮(WSON)、水溶性铵态氮(WNH+4-N)和WSON/WSN含量先降低后升高;对土壤水溶性有机碳(WSOC)没有显著影响。氮添加对土壤水溶性有机物质光谱特性影响不显著,三维荧光光谱分析表明土壤水溶性有机质主要由类富里酸物质、芳香族蛋白质物质组成,类富里酸物质随氮添加水平先降低后升高,类芳香族蛋白质物质在土壤表层呈升高趋势。氮沉降通过微生物的转化固定作用使C和N在土壤中积累,对土壤水溶性有机质产生了一定的影响,但微生物及组分分配、元素转化各过程的耦合及对氮沉降的响应机制还不清楚.</p

    黄土丘陵区不同坡向土壤球囊霉素类相关 土壤蛋白的分布特征

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    为研究坡向对土壤球囊霉素相关蛋白(GRSP)的影响,选取了3个弃耕年限相同、立地条件相似,仅坡向不同 的天然草地为试验地,坡向分别为阳坡(S15&deg;W)、半阳坡(N75&deg;W)、阴坡(N57&deg;E)。首先对3个坡向的典型植物群落进 行了植被调查,然后采集了优势物种的根际土与非根际土并进行测定。结果表明:不同坡向土壤 GRSP含量整体表 现为阳坡>半阳坡>阴坡,其中阴坡土壤 T-GRSP含量较阳坡、半阳坡显著减少;不同物种对土壤 GRSP含量无显著 差异;T-GRSP呈现较强的根际效应,EE-GRSP则较弱。研究表明 GRSP与坡向呈负相关,与物种和根际作用正相 关,根际作用强于物种。</div