37 research outputs found


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    中文摘要: 小波变换可以很好解决时间分辨率同频率分辨率之间的矛盾, 具有很好的时频特性。在环境变化相对平稳和主要噪声源预知的情况下, 用仪器同时测量需测信号和已知信号。用本文提供的方法, 算出此环境下已知信号中的噪声方差。再用它去滤除另一路信号中的噪声。实验表明, 该方法可以进一步提高信噪比

    Wavelet Analysis of ECG Signal

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    利用小波变换能处理多尺度多分辨的特点,将心电信号进行多尺度分解,把不同频带的信号显现在小波分解各个尺度上。特征尺度上准确定位QRS波及T波的起始点,从而获得人体心电信号(ECG)中的QT间值。人体心电信号具有非平稳性和干扰多的特点,利用小波分析对心电信号进行处理能够获得精确的QT间值,为临床诊断提供了更加准确的依据。This paper shows how to acquire exact value of QT interval of ECG using wavelet analysis.ECG signals of different frequencies were extracted by multi-scales decomposition.Since QRS wave and T wave can be identified accurately by characteristic scales,QT interval can be captured exactly.The proposed method is especially suitable for ECG signals because these signals are unbalanced and noisy.When applied to real data,the method provides more accurate diagnostic information

    Visual Simulation of Irregular Ocean Waves

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    摘要: 讨论了二维不规则长峰波和三维不规则短峰波的模型建立和仿真, 在MATLAB 基础上得到了较为理想的海浪模拟结果, 并 利用Visual C++开发了一个界面, 用以控制风速变化来查看波形的变化, 最后利用OpenGL 完成了三维波浪的显示。大量仿真结果证明, 本文所提的方法是可行且有效的, 对实际海浪具有良好的模拟效果。Abstract: The mathematical models of 2- D irregular long crested waves and 3- D irregular short crested waves are establish,and obtain perfect real wave effect base on Matlab.Exploit a interface base on Visaul C++,so we can observe the change of the ocean waves by wind velocity. In the end, finish the vision of 3- D ocean waves.Large amount of simulation experiments indicated that the methods presented in this paper are feasible and effective,which can successfully simulate the real ocean wave.基金项目: 厦门大学985 工程资助项

    Dual Control With Probing for the Minimum Variance Problems

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    本文针对未知参数的最小方差控制问题,提出了一种在谨慎控制器基础上加入探测信号的控制策略。利用系统方差在参数辨识好坏时的变化调节探测信号的大小,避免了单纯使用谨慎控制所产生“关断“现象。与其它次优对偶控制相比,引入探测信号的最小方差对偶控制不仅计算量小易于实现,而且能够根据需要设计控制系统的动态性能、参数跟踪能力。This paper presents a dual control strategy with a probing signal for the minimum variance control problems with unknown parameters.The probing signal can be adjusted according to the variance change of the system to avoid the ‘turn off’ phenomenon which occurred with only caution control.Comparing with other sub-optimal dual controls,the dual control which introduces a probing signal can improve the dynamic properties and the parameters’ tracking ability to meet the requirements of the control system

    PID Control Based on a New Genetic Algorithm

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    在遗传算法中引入一个学习过程,实现进化过程中同代个体之间相互竞争与学习的结合,并将其应用于PID控制中参数的整定.仿真结果表明此算法具有较好的寻优能力,初步验证了其引入学习过程的意义.In order to overcome the drawbacks of“early maturing”of the classical GA and improve its global convergency,this paper proposes a new process of learning which achieves the combination of competition with and learning from each other in the same generation.The simulation result of PID optimization shows that this proposed algorithm can effectively overcome the mentioned drawbacks and yield much better result compared with the classical GA


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    The Analysis And Design Of Ocean Wave A lgorithm

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    摘要: 近年来, 对三维水的模拟尤其是海浪模拟日益成为人们关注的焦点问题, 逼真地再现三维海浪常常是电影、游戏等行业中要解决的的重点问题之一。本文采用了正余弦波形叠加和 iWave 两种方法进行海浪的模拟, 为了达到更佳的效果, 均对以上两种方法 均进行了优化改进, 最后对两种算法进行比较分析。 Abstract: In recent years,the simulation of 3D water especially ocean wave has been given more and more attention, realistically reappear 3D wave usually is one of the key problems, such as movie and game.etc. This paper use two kinds of method:positive cosine wave fold and Wave to simulate the ocean wave.for better effect,we optimize two arithmetics which discussed above,finally,we offer a comparative analysis of these algorithms厦门大学国家 985 工程信息科学学院科研基金(0000- x07204